I'm not vegetarian but I like vegetables the most, and while I dislike most of the meat I love the good meat. Also I hate most of the fruits.
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If you didn't need to eat food to survive, I definitely wouldn't eat food.
That's all I'm saying.
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i eat meat and other things..
i got no problem with vegetarians (even have some vegetarian friends), but one of the things i don't really understand is, they think killing any kind of creature for food is wrong, but i watch them stomp on cockroaches and other bugs and applaud me when i kill a big spider or wasp. i think those are innocent too, but whatever..
i still love all my friends, meat-eating or not :)
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Get in touch with them and ask. Once they're done euthanising their 'rescued' animals, making ridiculous online flash games and smelling their own shit and remarking upon how its fragrance is surely of a finer grade than that of anyone else they'll probably drop you a line back.
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I eat meat. My girlfriend is vegetarian but sometimes crosses the line and eats tuna or chicken. Everytime I eat meat it try to make her eat her some.
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So what you are trying to say is your girlfriend isn't a vegatarian.... That would be like me saying, "I don't smoke, but I do when I drink."
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I'm surprised no one has said "Your mother". Internet, I am dissapoint.
I eat meat. I don't really care if people are vegetarian, etc, or not. But I do hate it when they (vegetarians, etc) act like you're a disgrace to humanity just because you eat meat. Humans are omnivores. We're apex predators. We can eat meat if we choose to; there isn't nothing wrong or immoral with it.
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First of all, it's a personal choice. The moment it gets violently pushed into someone else's face, it becomes a radical, extremist, militant, polito-religious sect (goes for both vegans and meaters).
I have no problems with meat, or killing for food. Ended the lives of plenty of fish, poultry and even a pig - though, to be honest, I'd rather not kill a pig ever again (but I'll eat it nonetheless). I respect that some people do have problems with meat and won't judge them because of it - but I'll secretly hold the opinion that vegetarians would never exist if lettuce had eyes.
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I'm not a vegetarian (or a pescetarian), but I think they are worthy things, usually done for good reason. Diets, at least American ones, are ridiculously tilted toward meat, and its unhealthy, environmentally disastrous, and unsustainable. It gets delicate though when someone decides to do it for humane reasons, or incorporates it into their sense of self and/or worldview and then defines others by their new-found metric. Education in this case is a very thin line away from scolding and guilt-tripping, which sets people off.
Most importantly though, if you go vegetarian/vegan, make sure to take a few supplements that your body needs that you might not be able to get easily from a vegetarian diet. Iron, calcium, and protein are important to make sure you get enough intake of them, but most importantly take B12 and some omega-3 fatty acid vitamins, as those two are more often found in meat products.
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I'm vegetarian, and have been for the majority of my life :)
However, I don't mind if others eat meat, my entire family does, and almost all my friends, and it doesn't bother me. They all know what happened to that food in the factories, everyone sees the documentaries. If they don't mind that, then they're welcome to eat meat xD As for me, I just don't like it :)
Also thought I should add, I never try to make others not eat meat, and I hate it when others try to convince me to eat it. I respect their choices, and in return I want them to respect mine. I've met some real assholes, who tried to secretly give me meat, or would put meat on my plate, covering all my food, so that I would have to throw it all out and get another plate and helping.
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Mostly meat, but I've been learning to cook some vegetarian meals, with tons of seasoning, it's actually pretty good.
And about McDonalds and shit (fast food), I love them, for once in a while. I just pity the fools who eat there every day, or almost. 1 time in a month is good for me.
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I think that anyone who feels superior over anyone else because they "know something the other doesn't, and that makes the other guy dumb" are just scum. And scumbags are not worthy of anyone's time.
There's always going to be someone who knows something you do not, and to dismiss someone else's validity as a person simply because you just so happen to consider yourself more informed on a subject, just means you a are the dumbest of them all.
If we all stop being friends with someone the moment we spot an inferiority in them, no one in the whole wide earth is going to friends with anyone.
Also, those people tend to hold in higher value the lives of animals, than the lives of other humans. In short, they hold no sympathy to humans they see no value in, and are as close to the definition of a psychopath as you can be.
In short, if anyone is an animal, those extremists are.
But then again, all animals show own-race preference. And those guys you talked about appear to be freaks of nature.
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The thing vegetarians don't even get is that they're just as responsible for animal deaths as anyone else. Never mind the fact that there's no good reason to view the killing of plants as inherently more moral than killing animals. Being autotrophic, we rely on killing and consuming other living things to survive, and there's no getting around that. The only way to be able to claim genuine moral superiority is to voluntarily starve to death instead. Frankly, anyone who goes around with their nose in the air feeling superior because of something as frivolous and superficial as their diet probably has some kind of pathological need to boost their self-esteem by any means necessary anyway. Also, any supposed health benefits of such a diet vanish when compared to equally diet-conscious non-vegetarians instead of the general population, and the typical nutritional issues historically attributed to it, such as the difficulty in ensuring an adequate intake of protein, re-emerge.
tl;dr: Vegetarians are fucking idiots.
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That's pretty much what I was going to say. The only difference between eating plants and eating animals is that animals have the ability to feel pain, which is not particularly relevant if they are killed in an effective manner. You are still exploiting a living organism for food either way. Other than that there is really no moral argument to be had as far as I can see.
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Actually, there's no good reason to think plants don't experience something like pain. Their systems, such as their immune system are almost entirely chemical and poorly understood. They may experience a depth of suffering equivalent to our own, but we don't know and may never be able to even say due to our inability to recognize the biological mechanisms behind whatever qualia they may experience simply as a consequence of the vast differences between our respective biologies. Few people are actually interested enough to even consider, let alone research, such possibilities, though. They just assume that because they're unable to communicate what they may be experiencing to us that their experience is necessarily constricted accordingly, because it's easy and comfortable not to consider the possible implications.
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Yeah. You're right. And recent studies show communication between same-species plants, as well as competition/assistance based even on family seed stock (e.g. plants from the same mother seed will assist one another and compete against non-familial plants).
Recently proven they can even communicate beyond root systems (in disparate containers) if they are nearby to one another.
I tend to agree with you. Although I also agree with Tony Bourdain that everyone should at least once gather the food for their own meal, including plant and animal life. It is a quick lesson in the sacred nature of life itself, regardless of where the food came from.
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It does. I believe separating ourselves and getting back to what I consider sacred (not necessarily in the religious sense) at least somewhat frequently. It reduces stress, build reverence for the things we should appreciate more, and reconnects us to our humanity/basic nature.
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I suppose, then, that it is the more immediately relatable nature of animals compared to plants that makes it easier to project something of ourselves onto them, rendering the thought of eating them abhorrent. I've often made the satirical argument that plants have feelings too. Interesting to know that they may have more parallels to animals than I was really aware of.
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I've been a vegetarian for maybe 12 years or so, and my girlfriend is too. My friend is vegan and I was a vegan once for a year. But with extreme depression I can't limit my eating any more than this or I'd be a total wreck:( Either way, I don't eat my beautiful friends<3
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I don't eat anything that hasn't got a soul. you can tell by looking in their eyes.
(kidding. but yeah, burgers mostly
(ideally I'd prefer to only eat something that'd eat me if it got the chance...but it isn't economically feasible to eat bears wolves catamounts alligators and shark. so I eat the weak and harmless like poor baby cows and chickens))___
(this balances out my brother's attempts to only eat fruits and such(bramble berries, apple, orange, unfertilized eggs freerange hens produce for no apparent reason, tomato, ect) so he doesn't even kill or dismember plants to survive, its stuff they naturally put out and drop off.....so I guess actually thats not vegan, he also uses wool and would probably collect shed antlers for tool grips or buttons or something if there were more deer in portland and somebody else from that city didn't get there first and make a bird lamp...
..only hole in it is sometimes just doesn't question where some of the more "artificial" seeming things come from, like shoes. but at least hes not a dick about it
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I was vegetarian for a year. There wasn't any particular reason for it, I mean, I cared about animals (and still do), and I suppose it was healthier in my case (I have NASH syndrome), but in the end I gave it up. Even so, it was an eye-opening experience.
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.... eat? :)
Are you a meathead? Are you vegetarian or vegan? Or even a Fruitarian?
In the last couple of months many friends of me started to life the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Many of them act really drastic when it comes to meat, even a few broke up contact to people eating meat because ,,they are dumb" and ,,if they think killing any kind of beings is okay, i dont want to deal in any certain way with them".
In advance, here in Germany is some kind of vegan revolution going on since the last two years ( as i witnessed it ), showing in demonstrations against big companies f.e. McDonalds, Openings of small shops and even a few Supermarkets that only sell healty/non-animal-products, and many other ways.
So just out of curiosity i want to know, how do you think about not eating animals? Do you know or are you someone who lives like that? Or do you think that one of the reasons why animals live is because they should be eaten?
( yea i know, its not game related, but since most of gamers are described as fat-colaslurping-pizzaeating idiots i think this might get interesting ;P )
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