Thank you for all your contributions to steamgifts. I'm pretty new here, but I have really appreciated your work.
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You've been a great member of steamgifts, Your threads have been very helpful to me. But the world is big with lots of opportunities to do other things. I completely understand moving on. You only have so much energy, and often something new is refreshing. All the best ;-)
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Woah! Sorry to hear that Rachel. You've give so much to the community, I hope most people appreciate how much work you put in and how much you've contributed (not to mention all the giveaways to reach level 10!).
Sad news, but I understand your decision. I wish you all the best, cheers!
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Sad to read about the negativity etc.
If the negative remarks or people make it a burden then it is truly time to move on.
Farewell and good fortune Rachel.
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Your bundle threads have been around since I joined this site. I'm really going to miss them and especially you when you leave. You are a great contribution to this site and I hope you don't think otherwise. I respect your decision, but just know you can come back anytime if you change your mind and most of us will welcome you. There will always be negative people, but I know for a fact more people appreciate you and your efforts then not.
And don't forget, if you ever want to come back you don't have to do bundle threads. We just like having you around for you and you shouldn't feel any pressure.
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thanks for all the amazing charts, you were helping a lot of people. I'm sad that you made this decision, but if it really affects you in a bad way, this is maybe for the best then. I still hope that we can see you around.
and again for everything you done for this community
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One of Archi's bundle bots has become sentient. The world will soon end.
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I feel sad.
Thanks a lot.
Your threads were very good to help me to make decision of buying bundles.
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There's so much petty drama on sg now, I don't like it.
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Some is, there's a lot of unsavory people on the forums. There's also been a lot of inter group dramas recently too.
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Sorry, my "nice guy" mentality runs kind of thin when people make racial slurrs like bringing up the Nazi's to a Jewish person.
Also, doing it "privately" in a public GA is pretty thick, so yeah, I'd call that retarded. Maybe its a "popular" thing though? I'd probably have ignored it had I not been popular.
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I respect you both, have you both whitelisted actually, but please take this somewhere else. Out of all the places to fight in, you pick Rachel's going away thread?
Go to an old giveaway that's ended. :)
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I respect you both, have you both whitelisted actually, but please take this somewhere else. Out of all the places to fight in, you pick Rachel's going away thread?
Go to an old giveaway that's ended. :)
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+1 You are completely right as always Fyantastic. This is exactly what Rache is talking about, no need ti start that here as well.
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I once thought Mullins was a nice person until I ran into him/her in Towns of Salem and was a total ahole in game.
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Was there ever a time when there wasn't drama on SG?
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Blacklists, restrictions, elite groups, etc. How can a site promote the meaning of giving if it actually promotes differences between people?
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Nope. People just love to swing shit around. I think it is an evolutionary trait descending from our tree swinging ancestors.
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I wouldn't know, i feel like ive been excluded from the SG group long time i only hear drama by word of mouth
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It's not like it appears from nowhere. Logic would suggest that the rise in petty drama must correlate with the increase in numbers of overly sensitive members who too easily become butt-hurt over little things.
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Your post was kinda long and I had trouble finding what the cause of you leaving was.
''this isn't a very healthy environment me to remain in''
''it has been hard for me to become more involved on Steam Gifts knowing that I may be facing more opposition and negativity.''
''I never posted charts and announcements for attention.I never wanted to take "reign" or "control" Steamgifts. And I never have meant to come off as superficial, aggressive, or that I wanted control of anything''
I have come to the conclusion it has to do with toxic people or admins (hell I've been waiting forever to get my ticket noticed and I was suspended a while ago for no valid reason). I know first hand about toxic people. You know: instead of saying thanks they are mean and horrible people. Just because you are doing something that everyone appreciates they are jealous and think they are losing power because they themselves are incapable.
I suggest everyone should be more nice to people they don't even know.
Thanks for your time and effort.
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I enjoyed the info about the bundles and gonna miss that but wanna wish u luck in whats next in life for u
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Those are not fish ;) I hope I didn't sound to negative now
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I hope you decide to return some day! I always appreciate all of your posts. Don't take the negativity personally. Hiding behind an anonymous username brings out the worst in people. I've been scammed several times, but I've also met many generous and friendly people. Good luck to you!!
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=( ohh rachel, well miss your post and overall helpfulness, and even tough i dint really got to talk to you ill miss the person aswell, well good luck with all your future projects, and until we meet again
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Thanks for Your great contributions! SG will be not the same without You! ;_;
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even if you dont read this,
thanks for all the time effort and heart you put into the charts and stuff
i enjoyed your charts esp because i can literally look at your post in a few seconds at work and get all the info i need and not have to go to each site individually and take up much time looking for stuff when im busy
be well be happy wherever you go whatever you
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Wishing you the best of luck and thank you for your threads :D.
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I Love you random helpful sstranger i only had the pleasure of knowing for a month :<
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September 9th, 2016
This won't be a traditional bundle thread with charts...
And this might be sudden and new...
But I have decided to leave Steam Gifts.
You might be asking... why? Or you might be feeling happy / confused /sad / etc.
I joined SG a year ago and I absolutely loved it. It brings me a lot of joy being able to assist others. I devote a lot of my life towards volunteer-work and meeting new people, and the past year that I've been on SG has given me the chance to reach out to people across the world through a virtual platform and a love for gaming, good deals, and friendship.
But ... I have been thinking a lot lately... and I believe it would be best for my well-being to leave Steam Gifts and move on to other opportunities.
Steam Gifts has brought me a lot of happiness and friendships, but as of lately, there has also been a lot of negativity, hatred, and criticism.
You might say that this is normal, that life is full of good and bad. That I must grow up, not take things so personally, and face reality, that I can't please everyone and be liked by everyone. That there are haters, friends, lovers, and acquaintances.
I understand that completely. It is not the criticism that has made me decide to leave. But at this time being, this isn't a very healthy environment me to remain in. I have found much support here, but it also has brought me many painful feelings and loss. Lately, much has been weighing on my in my personal life, and it has been hard for me to become more involved on Steam Gifts knowing that I may be facing more opposition and negativity. Many of whom I considered friends have turned their backs on me; and the ongoing hostility in so many areas here has made me reconsider my place here on Steam Gifts. I have placed a lot of value on the friendships and the work that I've helped contribute to here. Because I value the people here very much, I also feel a great deal of pain and hurt.
But, I am not bitter for the experiences I've had. I will cherish all the memories and friends I've made.
I never posted charts and announcements for attention.
I never wanted to take "reign" or "control" Steamgifts. And I never have meant to come off as superficial, aggressive, or that I wanted control of anything. Over time though, it seemed that people felt that was the case. And although there are many of you who still do see the value in my work and my efforts (efforts and time and energy that I want to spend on all of you because I CARE, not because I want to be the spotlight or center of attention), I have become weary and a bit broken by the other side of the story, a darkness that continues to grow despite everything.
I am not asking for any pity, or attention, and I do not post this in order to make people feel bad or sorry for me. All I want is for everyone to be happy, healthy, and friendly.
I thank all of you who still believe in me and consider me a good person. Thank you for being patient, kind, considerate, and supportive. Thank you for showing me what a family of online community members is. Thank you for filling my days with fun, laughter, smiles, and good conversations. Thank you for being here for me and a place for me to be myself and share my personality and my desire to help all of you. Thank you for accepting me as "Rachellove" and as an individual. Thank you for trusting me to post bundles and letting me know of them as well.
I am sorry to leave all of you, but I want each and every one of you all to know that I do still care about you and consider you a family.
Thank you again for allowing me to have a presence in your lives. It has been a great honor to serve all of you and to have been a point of trust at some point or the other by allowing me to create these bundle threads and being myself. I appreciate all the love, concern, and friendship that you have shown me. I will never forget those who I have met here and have become close to.
May you all find joy, good health, and success in your lives. That is all I ask in return, and that would make me most at ease and happy knowing the people I care about are doing well.
Please Note:
It is not the stress or overwhelming work of thread-making that has informed my decision to leave. I make time to do these threads, and they really don't stress me out.
Many people have offered to help me before, to which I have accepted. I do not work alone. I have had many of you help me with charts, help me with errors, help with hints, etc. I want to thank all of you for keeping me informed, updated, and on my toes. My life has always been busy, but I have tried to make time for these threads and I take pride in being able to help others, as well as being trusted to be a helper.
I will not be maintaining any remaining bundle threads that I have made, including the Master List of Ongoing Bundles - w/ RaCharts™. However, I trust that many wonderful people after me will be willing to continue to help with bundle threads and make beautiful charts to help all of you in your bundle / game puchasing.
I will leave this thread up, but I won't be actively responding to any messages or comments. If you could, I would appreciate if you also do not message me on Steam as well. I know this might sound a bit harsh, but this has been a hard decision to make, and I ask for some privacy at this time. Thank you ❤
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