Well, I never thought this day would but here we are, doing my first forum giveaway right here and now. Now, you might be asking: why am I acting like this is a special occasion to me?

To be honest? I don't know. I guess doing anything first time has something magical about it. However, I can only hope this feeling won't fade away fast.

But enough of this silly talk, let's get to the part you're all waiting for!

Behold, the code to the Volcano Princess giveaway has arrived!:

Ccuecvyjs B, Uaiciqysp W, Sgdcrntqv P, Spaxptoqe F, Emnspcllc M

Huh? Oh no! It seems like a quite dastardly fellow has completely ruined the precious code. But do not fret yet! For a brief moment I have briefly tackled that very long bread carrying scoundrel who sure loves his é's and q's. During our struggle, I managed to get this image (which I posted below) from his pocket he was looking at so fondly, just moments after he scrambled the code.

Unfortunately, he held on to his dear image too tightly and so I only managed to get it from him with some damage to it. No, I don't know who this person is, but judging by his attire, he is probably some diplomat and probably an alchemist too. Those two kinds of people sure love their jumbled messes only they can understand.

Perhaps, he even left some crucial clues quite boldly laying around this post which might form the key, perhaps even a word that functions as a pass to this mess. Sneaky bastard...

Solution: The garbled code was encoded with a Vigenere cipher with the password ROYALTY. Translated with that, the solution came out as: Lowercase D, Uppercase D, Uppercase B, Uppercase U, Lowercase V which led to the giveaway, given that the lowercase and uppercase letters were properly used in the steamgifts.com/giveaway/(INSERTCODE)/ URL.

View attached image.
1 month ago*

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Bump for solved!

1 month ago

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Before I forget again: the giveaway runs until August 10th, 4 PM, so you all have plenty of time to figure out things.

1 month ago

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Looks cute, not going to work out the puzzle though.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Bump for solved

1 month ago

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Bump for solved.

1 month ago

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Fun puzzle. We haven't had these in a while


1 month ago

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Solved! Thanks for the opportunity!

1 month ago

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Bump for solved! Thanks!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Bump for solved, very nice game you are giving

1 month ago

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Can i know what is it?

1 month ago

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It's said in OP :)

Volcano Princess

1 month ago

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Love this 💜

1 month ago

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Bump! :)

1 month ago

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Very nice puzzle! Thank you for the chance. :3

1 month ago

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Bump! Awesome puzzle :D

1 month ago

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Thank you for the puzzle and giveaway!
It was a very nice balance of clues and difficulty and story :D

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Oh nice giveaway. I really enjoyed playing Volcano Princess.

1 month ago

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Bump :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I didn't solve the puzzle, but I put him on my tongue and I heard colors!

1 month ago

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Solved bump

1 month ago

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Bump for solved :)

1 month ago

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Bump for solved. how do i send in my solution?

1 month ago

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ok i figured out what i needed to do lol

1 month ago

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