I know similar things have been mentioned before but I was thinking about a way to make this somewhat easier on the users and the system.

It would be nice if either the list of entered giveaway could be filtered deleted GAs or inversely, if the list of of deleted GAs could be filted by entered GAs. And, importantly, whatever the list it should be sorted by delete date and not by entered/created date as it is now. I would have said changing the sort order on the second list would be enough and you just check manually if it affected you, but it's impossible as there is no way to see if you entered a deleted GA.

This came up because on principle it really bugs me if I wake up with >400P. This morning it was extra extreme, I had 465P, that means while I was away at least TWO GAs that I had entered were deleted. It's not like I would DO anything about it, it's just to get rid of that "not knowing" itch in the back of my head

6 months ago

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It's more about the guy who would make any changes have a "not caring".

6 months ago

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Hey SilentGuy, it's a good idea, and it would help users track down deleted giveaways that cause a sudden increase in points. I'll get it added for you, but you might need to wait until October because I'm really tight for time this month.

6 months ago

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Wow, to be honest, I did not really expect you to actually react, thanks :-D

And no worries, I'm always flabbergasted how demanding people can be with developers, especially of free products, I always see topics like this as "here is an idea for if you get around to it".

6 months ago

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