Hm... will you buy this bundle?
Bought tier 2 of the recent Daedalic Mega Bundle on Bundle Stars just for Shooting Stars and Anna's Quest as they were the only two I was missing. Reserved this bundle and had to laugh when they popped up here as well.
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I'll take that as a good thing. If it was trying to get back at me I must have been winning or doing something right and it was just jealous. :)
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Tech Wars online is now unlocked. last bonus is more music.
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Sorry for necroposting but I just found out that the keys I had for Divinia Chronicles in this bundle are unusable ("duplicated" but more likely revoked). I'm contacting Groupees, but it seems the devs weren't happy either with Groupees or their revenue. I don't remember any drama about that specific game in that bundle, so I don't know what might have happened. Both keys were unrevealed before I revealed and tried them, so it can't be a mistake on my side.
TLDR; If you bought this bundle and still have an unused key for Divinia Chronicles, you should check it.
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I confirm: I had an unused key from that bundle. Tried to activate. Said it's a duplicate.
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Hmh, good thing that I activated my key straight away, as I think I bought the bundle solely for this game.
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I don't see any dispute in topic you linked.
He is just saying their revenue from Groupees was much less than their regular revenues.
Our aim was to broaden our community and to reach members which would otherwise not have known about the game.
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Yes, we did corporate with Groupees for this bundle, we received some revenue for those keys but of course much less compared to our regular revenues
and xcloudx's comment below.
I'm reading between lines and I might be mistaken, though. But the dev deactivating all unused keys (activated keys seem to be fine, since no one has noticed that it was revoked from their accounts) is a moronic move which, unfortunately, is becoming more and more common lately.
EDIT: The OP for that Steam thread was also intriguing:
Did they pay for those Divinia Chronicles: Relics of Gan-Ti keys ?
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Well, maybe if there was a contract issue, they felt that Groupees didn't give them as much money as they were contracted to get, so they thought Groupees had thus nullified the contract themselves, Idk, it'd be bad enough. However, if they couldn't prove that with math and proof (a copy of the contract, payment they received and how much/what % they were contracted to receive, compared to how much in total sales the bundle itself received) then this is really bad. Either way, they sent those keys already, and whether or not they felt justified to do that contract-wise, they should have realized that'd be a crap move, they'd distributed those keys, so they should have just sucked it up and let buyers have what they purchased; no need to bring the buyers into this too, making it a much much bigger problem.
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Good point about OP question.
Let's wait for dev additional answers...
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I'm glad I used my key when I got the bundle. This dev better be careful or he could end up sued, and he'll lose. It'd be a much smaller loss to just give everyone affected by this problem a replacement working key. It doesn't matter if he didn't make as much money as he was hoping to make, he still agreed to have his game in the bundle, under contract, and didn't give anyone the impression he could possibly revoke all unused keys after a while.
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Well then. I activated it immediately upon purchasing the bundle since it was a game I wanted. Now I feel kind of dirty for doing so. I hate supporting developers that act like this. >_<
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Well, since he was b****ing about the amount of money, you should feel good about it. You gave him such a small amount of money that he's pissed off and mad about it. :)
I love a story with a happy ending. :)
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That's one good way to look at it! And it's all the more amusing with your avatar. XD Thanks for showing me the bright side. =3
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Keep in mind no dispute whatsoever has thus far been indicated (including any complaints about money- the linked comment clearly indicates that developer knowingly and willingly gave up normal retail pricing so as to reach new customers through Groupees, and was satisfied with the outcome. No dissatisfaction with finances (or anything else) is indicated in that comment), and it wouldn't be the first time old keys were accidentally deactivated. Could also have just been a shortsighted move not aware of the game trading/giveaway/etc communities, and assuming all unused keys were floating around for the purpose of resale, and wanting to inhibit that.
There's plenty of basis to explain the circumstances that doesn't reflect negatively on anyone involved, and there's no evidence yet of anything untoward [Ed: in terms of the intents or policies of the developers or Groupees] having occurred.
A certain someone jumps straight into negative-toned overreactions every time there's an issue with a bundle game (and has thus far been proven wrong about the circumstances each time), so- as is always a good idea- don't read too much into the situation without actual evidence toward something.
Flip side, if it does go that way, then by all means- remember that negative feedback on Steam can be a very compelling way of changing the policies of developers.. or of warning others when developers are unwilling to change their policies.
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Indeed. I didn't mean to say "OH THIS DEV MUST BE EVIL," just that it doesn't look too great for them and that if they did pull it for scummy reasons, then I am displeased. Either way, we'll see how it goes.
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Could also have just been a shortsighted move not aware of the game trading/giveaway/etc communities, and assuming all unused keys were floating around for the purpose of resale, and wanting to inhibit that.
Most devs consider that to be all part of the same mass of evil revenue destruction. They don't make a distinction between trading and resale, they want to prohibit all of it if they could.
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Oh gawd, not another Star Ruler 2 situation (-‸ლ)
Activated my key already...but...this is so lame.
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I saw the thread popup and was like WTF...did Rachel return back?
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Divinia dev posted about the keys in the steam thread.
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