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I came back in time from December 11th to say Happy seems I got my calculations slightly off...
Anyway, if I can get online on December 10th I'll be back to say Happy Birthday on the correct day.
Also thank you for the insanely long train!
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I wish you to have a great time on your birthday and of course I wish you all the best, Ryan.:) Are you planning something special in real life too or will be a little family gathering?
Long byrding train that has very interesting stops. I will surely be back to visit them. Thank you!
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Thank you very much! I'm not planning anything big for my birthday this year (aside from the train linked above, of course). Just a few meetings and meals with family and friends throughout the day. But I don't really need a massive party to celebrate my birthday, and I'm already enjoying throwing a huge party for my online friends here...
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I understand what you mean, because I act similarly. The meeting with the family, which usually happens on weekends, regardless of the actual birthday - where they are more people. And with small groups of friends on beer - to talk and so on.:)
And Yes, definitely your party here is huge.
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29 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by hallak65
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73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
What, exactly, is a byrding party? It was a concept invented by J.R.R. Tolkien for the world of Middle-Earth, and was how a hobbit celebrated his or her birthday. There were many byrding traditions in the Shire that dictated a strict etiquette for the receiving - and giving - of gifts. Gifts were received in private, so as to not embarrass the gift giver. But what about that other part of gifting tradition? Was the hobbit celebrating their byrd-day expect to give gifts? On one's own byrd-day?
Yes, in fact, for the hobbit celebrating their birth-day anniversary, the giving of gifts was a long-held tradition alongside the receiving of gifts. Tolkien imagined that hobbits celebrating their byrding past the third year would give gifts to friends and family. The giving of gifts depended on the age and status of the hobbit celebrating their byrd-day: a young hobbit would be expected to give bunches of wildflowers to their parents and family, while an older and richer hobbit might be expected to give expensive gifts to all those living in their house, along with any employees and close neighbors.
My birthday anniversary is on December 10, and following the hobbit traditions established by Tolkien - as well as traditions common to SteamGifts - I am throwing a byrding party for all my fellow forum-readers. I have made a small (or small-ish, relatively speaking) train of games, with entry levels ranging from 0+ to 4+. The cost to ride the full length of the train is just over 1,000 points, assuming you own absolutely nothing being offered along the route (unlikely, given the nature of this site and the number of bundle leftovers in the train, but possible for someone just starting to build a library). I sorted the games based on their Steam ratings, from lowest rated at the beginning of the train to highest rated at the end; games rated under 65% positive are level 0+, games rated 65% - 74% positive are level 1+, games rated 75% - 84% positive are level 2+, games rated 85% - 94% positive and level 3+, and games rated 95% - 100% positive are level 4+. The train is mostly bundle leftovers, but I still hope there might be at something for everyone somewhere along the route.
But enough talking, let get this party started! If you will all follow me, here is the boarding station, and I would greatly appreciate a bump when you choose to disembark. Thanks, and enjoy the ride!
Oh, and a final note regarding blacklist drama: bring it on. Well, don't bring any drama to the thread, please. But let me know if you get past the bouncer, but can't see the train. It's the end of the year, my birthday is approaching, and it's the holiday season; I am feeling especially benevolent, and would love to clean out my blacklist. Most people on my blacklist are there because they gave evidence of using a bot, script, or macro to enter giveaways on the site, and I am feeling forgiving for anyone that can show they are either a real human being who visits the forums here, or any bot clever enough to understand what I am saying and willing to notify me that their owner is blacklisted. I don't want to get on the wrong side of any AI clever enough to pass the SteamGifts version of the Voight-Kampff Test...
Edit: Some extra gifts for my guests, courtesy of Tewam, Destroyer91, and kretonbadge:
Clergy SplodeThere Was A CavemanOverlord™: Raising Hell
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