So I didn't want to think about this PoS any more but I haven't received a refund and it's been nearly 24 hours. Anyone else get shafted by these preschoolers?

11 years ago*

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I gifted Borderlands 2 for friends so they said I wont get refund but they tooked my copy. Fuck them, btw you should contact their support.

11 years ago

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Assuming they don't correct the issue that sounds like a good reason to chargeback

11 years ago

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Oh I will, but I'm afraid that the 10 pages of profanity, insults, and death threats that I would send them might prevent me from getting a refund...

11 years ago

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wow not even 24 hours? I guess the sky is falling for you. . .

11 years ago

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I think it might take from 3 to 5 days before you get the refund.

11 years ago

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I got a refund on my first copy within 30 minutes.

11 years ago

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No refund for me. I checked with Paypal and they are not showing anything in their system either. They had no problems removing the games from our accounts quickly but they cant tell Paypal to reverse the charges????

11 years ago

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You should dispute the charge with Paypal. If they get hundreds of people asking for refunds I'm sure it will bring attention to the matter quickly.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I still have TWO Bethesda NYC Packs on my shelf, and have not yet received an Email indicating a refund. If I don't receive an Email, I fully expect to receive the remaining keys to my bundles.

If I do receive an Email stating a refund, I will dispute this as it breaches various legislations/laws/whatever in the UK and the EU.

11 years ago

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We have cancelled all unfulfilled orders as per our terms of use. We are working with the affected publishers to see what we can do with respect to partially filled orders.

When I woke up, my 3 gifts of Borderlands 2 went from having nothing, to having the "Show serial key" button. Obviously there are still no keys left, but judging from their announcement, I'm in the clear! I had a feeling that it'd be harder to take it back if I already had some of the keys and it worked!

11 years ago

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I had a FULLY filled order. And now I'm short money and without a single copy.

11 years ago

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Fulfilled as in you received your keys or were they already out of keys? You say you don't have a single copy so I'll assume you didn't receive any. If that is the case, then your order was not fulfilled.

11 years ago

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As in if I wasn't lazy I would have all the games in my steam library right now... I don't have a single copy in my gamersgate account anymore because they took them away.

11 years ago

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I had 2 packs. 1 of which I've gifted and the other one just disappeared from my shelf..

11 years ago

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I have one pack, immediately spent an hour or two when the site was uber lagging redeeming the two games I really wanted and didn't have, Oblivion and Dishonored. Activated them on Steam. Saved the rest. Have gotten no removals of games or refunds, and I still see a show serial key button on all of them, though it obviously doesn't work for the time being.

11 years ago

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I haven't received any email from GG yet and my Bethesda pack is still in my shelf. I had the time to redeem 4 games from it before they ran out of keys, and I gifted all the remaining games (to my email account) as soon as I heard about them removing bundles. The remaining games are in my shelf too but outside of the pack. I still can't get keys for them so I'll just wait and see. Until they actually take it from me I have no reason to complain. Don't know if it's the fact that I've "used" the whole bundle or the fact that I bought for $216 worth of games from them in the last 9 months but so far I seem to have been spared.

11 years ago

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I redeemed the only two games that worked (New vegas and skyrim) and my pack hasn't been removed.

11 years ago

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No refund yet, but the games are NOT in my shelf >.< I am really angry about the way they handled this.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Solnaga.