Will the gaming industry stay as is.. or will there be vast new improvements in maybe the next 20 - 50 years ?
Yeah same VR is where I keep seeing it being headed but honestly. I can't see or imagine the games we will play in VR.. I mean imagine a society growing up with fully fleshed out and polished VR.. crazy haha lol.. but that's just me.. honestly I just want gaming to go back to its roots and make some decent tabletops and board/card games.. that is honestly where I see VRn headed and going.. being able to play with friends from around the world in a 'lounge' like atmosphere.. man that would be sick.. but first we need to feed the people first haha lol
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wow, i dont want to say that sickens me (what's a similar but weaker word?) & i dont want it to sound so offensive, VR shouldnt remake what you can do in real life already (i mean, such things are free to exist, i am a simulation fan, but it should be a side effect or done by someone passionate)
as for board/card games themselves, it's weird how the digital ones are done now with flashy particle effects & noises... different mediums are for different things, a movie shouldnt be radio dialogue, a game shouldnt be on rails, a digital magazine shouldnt be static images, etc
note: i have tried rift dk1 & dk2 for short periods
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Yeah I know.. I just had to say something but yeah honestly I cant see VR working out unless it is a movie or some sort of maybe interactive race/flight game. The board game one was just a quick short cheap stab at what MAY WILL come.. and yeh.. i have no fucking clue dude too...
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haha, there's no way, other than germany (which is quite japanese in some ways, for decades)
actually we already have devices that try to recreate the input as output, meaning, one person does their thing on one end, send over the internet, the other device mimics it onto their partner
(it's unfortunate to see things like that while knowing japan's population is declining)
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Our kids won't be playing games. They'll be having Virtual Reality Experiences :)
Relevant: Roy: A Life Well Lived
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I think in 20 years people will have implanted technology and the kids will be able to play games in their heads without external computers or controllers. Almost as if they were just imagining playing computer games. And they will be able to buy injectable DLC from shady folks in alleyways in order to enhance their in-the-head experiences.
In 50 years technology may have advanced to the point where a future generation of gamers will be able to play something called 'Half-Life 3'.
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i need the reverse, i want to extract video & audio from my brain since sometimes the translation to paper or computer fails hard (when designing or creating music, etc)
there are experiments regenerating individual letters, & also sending electrical impulses mimicking what goes on between the eye & brain that are roughly an image to be used for blind people
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"more polished games" nowadays? They will probably grow up with buggier games than we've ever seen... games sold at a pre-alpha stage and patches as paid content ("new $5 DLC that fixes the inability to jump and solves a nasty clipping issue")... :|
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I also disagree on the "more polished" part. Today we have just more cpu/gpu-power for displaying and more man-power in creating games....but instead of polishing it´s used to squeeze larger,louder and more colorful games in a shorter time in the market. With more bugs, less story, less love.
Of course there are many good games......but those are exceptions in a floud of thousands of new games in a short time....and many of them are not well made or really trash.
So if I look in the past, see what happens today....my prediction is simple:
In the future people will even preorder games like Temper Tantrum just for the reason the need to buy a new PC for the game to run and think, "wow that must be good game, cause I need a 2000 Watts per hours burning PC for it".
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Oh man your post/comment hit me this thread I think right in the future feels.. you are so right and true about the less story and less love and might i add less meaning.. I mean when was the last time you really loved and meant the world to your character and vice versa.. I dunno I just feel like we need some sort of physical reset button to re do the games industry again on a blank slate and see what we will find.. that is well what i hope we will eventually somehow somewhat do.. thank god for new and untarnished game software developers.
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Who to say.... so many new things rising and the CoD trend persisting. It doesn't help that the gaming we grew up is changing if not vanishing.
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It's hard for me to predict what my kids will like in the future, only what they play now. I think that in general they're a lot more used to a variety of input controls than I grew up with. They play with a mouse, a controller, touch on a tablet or body motion with Kinect.
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I don't know, I think we've reached a peak in the past but we're slowly descending in quality. Yeah the graphics get better and pc/consoles are always more powerful but the shit stunts that the videogame industry is pulling are increasing day by day. Dlcs, microtransations, bugs, shit games etc.
I'm not saying there wasn't shit back in the past but now it feels like a much bigger problem. But that's my opinion :p
Our kids, well they probably remember how much fun they had with ios/android games and their mcirotransactions :p
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Haha true true.. gaming is slowly becoming a big joke.. much like hollywood.. although I think hollywood has always been a bit of a joke I just maybe have not noticed until the last 15 or so years haha lol..
I have a feeling some guy or dude or kid out there has some prodigy genius level mind blowing mind and will return the gaming industry and the games we play as we know it hopefully back to their former great legendary days.. we have way too much and too many crap now to consider the gaming industry any really good. or i dunno thats just how i feel.. those are just my fairly rusty and well definitely overused 2 bloody two cents.
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Well I think it's going to be technologies that were "tested" in our childhood but appeared to be way too clumsy and mellow at those times.
Like you know the Wii Fit? There were attempts already in the early 90s but they were ASS. However, the Wii and Wii Fit stuff had a huge impact. Same to Virtual Reality- now Occulus Rift is about to hit. Still virtual controls are lacking. Maybe something like the "powerglove" will emerge in connection with Occulus Rift? xD
Also maybe glasses and augmented reality in connection with GPS or such? Let's imagine playing on a field with virtual minefields or such. Or treasure hunts that way?
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My kids love chasing the red dot, pretty much the only game they play
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Brain Reality
When everything you need to do, just "Think".
Brain pulse/ thinking as the controller.
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VR and Augmented Reality games will probably the dominate the game industry, provided it still survives. Though I'm not sure that I fully agree with the "more polished" part there. Sure, games are not rushed as often as long ago. But the microtransactions, DLC, and several of the latest features introduced not long ago seems to limit the experience of playing games. Don't even mention game breaking bugs and early access developers not fulfilling their promises on the finished product lol.
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i know... it's becoming we are trying to bring out an unfinished product out and sell it as 'finished' or 'work in progress (but still good/playable) which is kind of disgusting and a direct spit in the face to the old true special old school game developers.. pours out one digital alcoholic drink
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Someone is going to find a way to combine League of Legends with Clash of Clans and Game of War, including a puzzle stage that pops up and looks like Candy Crush.
After that, the global economy will crumble under a slow domino effect of kids bankrupting their parents.
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For example my parents the 70s and 80s generation definitely grew up with the 8 and 16 bit style of consoles and arcade machines.. we grew up with I guess more the next gen and pc.. 3d open world type stuff things.. strategy games flat games etc.. now it seems like the next generation are growing up with fully much more newer hyper realistic and more polished games.. so maybe basically what i am asking is how far do you think we will take photo realism too and when will we maybe develop a whole new style of gaming.. assuming gaming still becomes popular in the next 50 years.
Comment with your general thoughts or otherwise.. I always love hearing other peoples visions and opinions.
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