I would have liked to reply to SG moderation, but the thread has been closed:
[Steamgifts Community Guidelines have been updated to close the Ukraine Awareness Thread]

I still don't see where the serious offense about calling "orcs" the rashists.
"orc" is on the same level as the slur "troll".

Are you going to close all the threads in which the slur "troll" is used?

(Little update)

Let's play a game together, read all the comments and ask ourselves which of the following rules are used

[Twitter] - 15 rules of Russian disinformation🧵
1# Deny it
2# Accuse others of what you do yourself
3# Demonize your victim
4# Practice the victim role, even if you are clearly the perpetrator
5# Know your target audiences
6# When unable to convince, confuse
7# Spread not just one but many lies to create as much confusion as possible
8# Motivate others to spread your lies
9# Ridiculous propaganda helps make your more subtle lies appear more legitimate
10# If it gets tough to deny, use whataboutism
11# Amplify all voices that support your narratives
12# Repeat your narratives as many times as possible so that your audience can parrot them
13# Be aware that less informed people are more vulnerable to disinformation
14# When your fabricated content triggers emotions, people will spread it even more
15# Make your audience feel special, in the sense that they are well-informed, while others are just "decadent Western sheep"

1 year ago*

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Here's a good movie recommendation OP

1 year ago

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It was an okay 1.5 hours wasted, but I think its IMDB score is quite accurate.

1 year ago

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"always nice to see the whole movie from a trailer" as someone put it

1 year ago

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The ending has a good plot twist tho, which isn't in the trailer.

1 year ago

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Oh, now I know there's a twist. I'm gonna spend the whole film guessing what it is.

Damn you, Dominatortwisted6!

1 year ago

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It was more of a comedy movie than an action movie with giant monsters. I felt trolled 😕

1 year ago

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There's a way better Norwegian troll movie out there.

1 year ago

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Oh, I remember that one, that's also a fun watch.

1 year ago

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Here before the Thread is closed.
Слава Україні

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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As an Israeli that saw the palestine "awerness" thread, I am glad they finally did something to shut it down.
This is a gaming forum, not a political forum, and I am happy they made this decision especially when the "awerness" thread was spreaded with propaganda and fake news.

1 year ago

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While that's true, it is a gaming site, even games seem to be taking sides these days. I loaded up a game today that was made before the current "awareness" situation, proclaiming their support for Ukraine.

The game had nothing to do with Ukraine, nor did the developers, but they felt the need to shove that in the user's face before loading. The game is on Steam, and set to be given away today on this very site.

I have yet to see any games talking about the current situation, but it would not surprise me to see it if it drags on long enough.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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then close the offtopic section completely, cause its a gaming forum....
such a nonsense comment

1 year ago

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Do you see anyone posting cooking recipes on off-topic?
off-topic is not something very very unordinary...
Dont get me wrong, I am pro Ukraine, a lot of my friends are Ukrainian, but its not something for this site in my opinion.
Just like Israel awerness isnt for this site.

1 year ago

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The moderator's message explained it pretty well. I don't know what more you need from them. You want to use a word that is only used to demonize and dehumanize anyone of a certain nationality (in this case, Russians). The moderator even provided plenty of examples where the use of the word "orc" wasn't directed at looters, convicts, rapists (sometimes pedophiles), murderers, kidnappers, torturers, and terrorists, as you said in your post, but at random people who happen to be Russian. So yeah, the post was closed for a good reason—stopping further hate spreading on this website towards people you don't even know just because they are of a certain nationality. If you don't see what's wrong with that, then no amount of responses from moderators will change your mind, as you're firmly set in your beliefs and won't listen to anyone who says differently.

And no, orc and troll are not the same, as they are used for different reasons, which you seem eager to ignore to push your own narrative.

1 year ago

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Goblins too.

1 year ago

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Unless you're specifically referring to Middle-Earth, in which case goblins are a type of orc. 🙄

1 year ago*

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The geeky explanation, for the curious:
Tolkien somewhat uses the terms interchangably- stating bizarrely at the start of The Hobbit that "orc" was a hobbit term while "goblin" was an English translation, so one could argue that all Middle-Earth goblins are orcs and vice-versa.
But in modern practice-- largely thanks to the influences of D&D, but also thanks to the influences of the excellent 1977 Rankin-Bass animation adaptation of The Hobbit and, more recently, that of Jackson's far less decent Hobbit films, all of which portray goblins as notably different than [other] orcs-- it mostly associates with the subterranean orcs of Goblin-Town, and the other orcs native to the Misty Mountains. Ergo, leaving us with the result that goblins are a type (even if only through cultural distinction) of orc.
D&D itself derives its concept of goblins, warg-riders, etc, e from this group of weirdly labeled orcs, leading to a strong identification with the goblins of Middle-Earth. This all means that, in practice, even within the confines of Middle-Earth, goblins are nowadays deemed by most adaptations and fans as a different race [though not species, as per other settings], despite Tolkien's own statements on the matter, thanks to easy identification of goblins as being a distinctive archetype.
More curious, Tolkien gave several different explanations as to the origins and natures of orcs, and indicated that cross-breeding (at least with humans) was possible. So there may be some actual merit by way of Tolkien's own foundations in deeming the goblins as a different race or even species, depending on how one chooses to interpret the setting.

Also worth noting:
Unlike orcs and goblins and their vague distinctions within Middle-Earth, trolls in Middle-Earth have countless sub-species (around 8, iirc?). Thereby acting as a lovely metaphor for the fact that you can have countless kinds of trolls within a conversation, but you still gotta be careful of who you call an orc. ...I mean, I think that's the lesson here. I can't say I was really paying attention to the topic, actually. Honestly, I only came here hoping to talk about elvish wines; This thread has been a huge disappointment for me thus far.

1 year ago*

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While I am vaguely familiar with Tolkien's works, in book form as a kid, and later movies and games, I never got into it enough to call myself a fan. Then of course you have the recent TV adaption which I have zero interest in.

One thing I noticed about him though, is that as you mentioned, the process of writing was constantly evolving, and there are multiple ambiguous, and possibly contradictory elements.

What I was actually referring to, was how these kinds of terms are used in stereotypes in a modern setting. Both in the way that they are portrayed in media as entirely fictional beings, and also how those characteristics are sometimes applied to real individuals or groups now.

1 year ago

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I was referring more to the fact that trolls, orcs and goblins, are all Horde races in WoW. Also, in anime, goblins are often portrayed as mindless, starter kill NPCs, or as thieves, rapists, and murderers.

I guess I didn't really go into detail there.

1 year ago

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Hang on, I added an emoji. See if the tone makes more sense now. :P

1 year ago

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That makes all the difference. :)

1 year ago

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In the years 1939-1945, if you showed respect to the people of Nazi Germany, you were not putting yourself on the right side of history.

I believe the slur "orc" is less offensive than "piece of shit" or "Nazi".

1 year ago

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You would fit like a glove here in the Balkans, where people love hating each other for something the other person wasn't even responsible for and only happens to belong to a certain nationality. If you enjoy that, clearly, SG isn't a place for you and those like you. There are many other online forums and social media platforms where you can spread your hate in echo chambers designed to foster those kinds of people. Also, no, orc isn't less offensive than those terms, as it is used with the sole intention of dehumanizing Russian people, even those that are simply unlucky to be caught in the shitstorm that is this war. Hate only begets more hate. So, please leave this website since it offends you soo much that you can't be xenophobic toward other people you don't even know just because of their nationality.

1 year ago

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Hey Grandpa, what were you doing in 1939-1945?
Listen, kid, I did the most humane thing I could.
What was it?
I was putting balm on the Nazis' asses.

1 year ago*

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Amazing stuff. Keep on hating strangers without actually knowing anything about them except that they are from X nation. As I said, you'll fit like a glove here in the Balkans. There are plenty of people like you here who generalize and just hate others for no other reason than that they belong to a certain nation. Keep on filling your whole life with hate towards complete strangers, generalizing so you can justify your hate towards them. Nice and fulfilling life you live. Done with this pointless conversation and your hateful ass. Ciao!

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1 year ago

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This 19 month old thread: No to hatred, yes to sanctions... also on SG.

@SvProlivije, you defending Russian athletes
Your sad reading a response from someone you want to punish and wish them the best. Very weird. I dont see your logic. Every time I see these types of banning something from Russia, especially athletes, it's next level idiotic and just plain discrimination. But, you do you. Continue your pointless discrimination against people who aren't responsible for this so you can feel better and say you "did something" when in fact you did nothing and just went after users who arent responsible for this invasion. I am happy to see that the majority here dont think like you, which is great. Punish those who deserve it, not the next best thing so you can pretend you did something to end the conflict or help those in need.

I haven't seen you complain about Ukrainians being killed, or about TRUE pro-peace Russians being imprisoned, or about Ukrainians being called Nazis, or about countries that support Ukraine being called Nazis.
But now you're here to say that calling random Russians "orcs" from time to time is a serious offense.
I've talked a lot about Mordor Russia, to give a pro-peace message to the Russian invaders, if you don't go back to where you came from, the ending won't be pretty.

As a small gift, I suggest you watch a TV program watched by 'random' Russians
[Video on Twitter] - Attention - Russian liberals, on Russian liberal TV, make disgusting jokes about dead Jewish babies.
Although, what kind of liberal TV is this if Venediktov, loyal to Putin, works there?
"What do a wagon of concrete and a wagon of little dead Jewish babies have in common? [...] you can't unload the first one with pitchforks."

I don't see the point of putting balm on Nazis' asses.

1 year ago

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I don't get your point. You a sith lord, my man? If you aren't with me you are my enemy? Is that it? I can be against the war and against people like you who demonize and dehumanize every person from a certain nation. I don't understand how you can think acting xenophobic is a good thing. As I said, the Balkans seem like a match made in heaven for you. Because here, it's almost a part of the culture to blame everything on the other side. "No, you killed more of us, so you are the only bad side. No, you did!", and round and round it goes, spreading to new generations that weren't even part of those bloody wars, yet they are somehow filled with hate towards some random person from Serbia, Croatia, B&H, Montenegro, Albania, etc., all because of their nationality. If you want to partake in xenophobia, which I consider idiotic, go right ahead. Continue to do what you do, spread hate, and you'll only receive hate.

Also, I won't watch your cherry-picked video. I am not interested in the propaganda you found to support your views about Russia and every person from it. If you want to hate random people you don't even know, I think you need to re-evaluate your life, because that's quite a sad existence if the only thing you're able to contribute to the world is hate towards another person. Worse, towards a person you know nothing about other than they are Russian. I guess because you're on the side that says Russia is bad, it's ok to act like you do towards anyone from there. But why not take it a step further? Act sexist towards their men and women as well. Be homophobic towards any Russian person who is part of the LGBTQ+ community. It's all ok because they aren't humans after all. They are orcs who are part of Mordor Russia and deserve no respect, despite, you know, doing nothing to you or people you know and just being born in a certain country.

Anyway, I won't change my mind, so stop trying with your cherry-pick arguments that you think will make me go, "Yeah, it's ok to hate any random person from a certain nation just because of something someone unrelated to them did." I won't. Perhaps you will have luck with some other person from the Balkans who indulges in the hate culture fostered here by our own politicians and people in power. But sadly, that ain't me chief.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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You are only here to self-victimize the Russians. Even if you're yourself Russian or you're payed by Russians to do this, I won't call that helping the Russians.

When you live in a dictatorship, being called an orc, which is as offensive as being called a troll, is far from the top of your list of problems.

1 year ago

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Not Russian, but don't support what you're doing. Simple as that. And since I'm supposedly here to "self-victimize" the Russians (werid way of saying I don't like your xenophobia and generalizing), what are you here for? To spread hate towards random strangers you don't know based on their nationality? Seems like you took a wrong turn, my dude. 4chan, Twitter, and Reddit are what you're looking for in that case, not SG.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Now, first of all, it would be wise to hate the Nazis long before 1939. Everything was very clear about them as early as 1933 and probably 1929. The right side of history plays no role here. Even if the Nazis won, any decent person would still hate them.

Just as every decent person hated Putin as early as 1999 when he became famous, because he was a KGB agent and it's quite obvious that no decent person would ever go work for the KGB.

And what is particularly astonishing is that my sources tell me that Putin was very popular in Ukraine before 2014 for some reason. I see the figure of 59% as his average rating in Ukraine between 2000 and 2014. That's fucking unbelievable because by 2008 he was already so obviously evil that only very special people liked him.

But I digress. Back to the Nazi Germany. You should read the following article before generalizing "the people of Nazi Germany" into one horrible group that deserves no respect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_resistance_to_Nazism

Generalizations like that, lumping people into homogenous groups, are perfect tools for talented manipulators like Trump. I understand the need to hate the invaders for those Ukrainians who risk their lives in this war, but in fact, not even all members of the Wehrmacht were Nazis. Some were caught in a bad situation with no way out. Now, the Russian army is no Wehrmacht, and it does tend to collect all the scum. But I'd wager there might be a couple of reasonable people even there.

And outside of the Russian military, literally millions and millions of Russians are opposed to Putin. Not all of them are willing to go to prison to be tortured there, so they remain silent, but they surely don't deserve to be called orcs. And many others are already in prison. They are paying for the mistakes of others, who made Putin so powerful. For mistakes that could have been made in other countries too, considering Putin's 59% approval in Ukraine.

1 year ago

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are you israeli or palestinian?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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To link such closed thread in other threads is forbidden by the new rules...

1 year ago

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Keep fighting the good fight

1 year ago

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While i agree that Ukraine is a really brave country full of the best ppl, i don't think the place is here to fight it.

1 year ago

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I think moderator is Hayley Williams

1 year ago

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Nice song

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Before concluding, I think the management was appropriate.
 Also, the article has been Closed but the contents have not been lost.
You can keep it in your bookmarks and look back at it when you need it.
It will be useful to fact-check information and check the past.

 Alternatively, you can create a social networking group and have people come to that group and do it within that group.
In this case, attention should be paid to User Content No. 12 & 15.
It may also be necessary to refrain from linking directly to content that conflicts with advertising rules.

Things happen for a reason?

 The Ukrainian discussion served as a refuge for those who were unable to get information from major sites due to censorship by the "Russian government" in the early days, and until very recently it was tolerated.
 On the other hand, things concerning Israel and Hamas.
(I will refrain as much as possible here, as it may violate the guidelines)
 The Russian government is apparently bringing to this community the same things and many more things that have been done to Ukraine and Western countries in the beginning.

I meant to "speculate" too.

MSKOTOR(Ultra Moderator)

xarabas(Junior Moderator)

There is an explanation of what has happened as a support response to the Ukraine discussion.
It is true that often during the year there were those who made "inappropriate" or "insulting" remarks, as you claim.
But in the scrutiny, would you want to see "shocking images that the public doesn't want to mi" even if you volunteered or were paid to do so? There is also the aspect of
(I don't mind because my plate is off, but for the average human being it's a crisis of sanity.)😱

By the way, you can see my alert at the end of UkraineDiscussion.
 The Discussion on the topic of Israel and Hamas had given rise to the possibility of dangerous malware being introduced into the community.
Miraculously, by accident, I found it within a minute or two of posting and asked the poster to correct it, so I think the damage is minimal.
 However, it was also something that had been reported to have caused problems for the Ukrainian infrastructure by those who abused it.

If someone was harmed by the link in the discussion, what would happen if a claim for damages was made to SteamGifts?
Who would pay and who would be liable?
That is the kind of question we get to.
Well, the Terms of Service states....


Your SteamGifts.com Account. You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with your account. You must immediately notify SteamGifts of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security. SteamGifts will not be liable for any acts or omissions by You, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.


This is how it is.
But let's imagine that the scale of the damage is so great that Steamgifts is really investigated to see if it was complicit with the person who committed the malicious act.

In some countries, people are advocating deportation.
For those volunteer supporters with whom there is no financial relationship, this is an issue that could destroy their livelihoods.

CG takes responsibility? I think there were about 50 patrons.
CG says this.


Thank You
I wish to thank everyone who has taken the time to be a part of SteamGifts over the years. The site only exists thanks to those sharing giveaways, and volunteering their time to support the community.

I personally would like to see the guidelines amended to include language that guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion, as well as language that allows events that are rooted in commonly known local cultures and religions, but I understand that this was done out of a sense of urgency.


If you notice a user not following our guidelines, do your best to politely explain our rules with relevant links or quotes to our guidelines when appropriate. If they do not take action or deny any wrongdoing, please submit a user report ticket so we can take action if necessary.

In any case, in the future, it would be correct to report what should be reported based on the guidelines.
At the very least, I don't think the discussion was closed in bad faith.
With that understanding, the right thing to do would probably be to close the discussion and then ask questions about the other parts of the support ticket that you don't agree with, rather than violate the guidelines and bring disgrace upon yourself.

May things settle down for good.🌻

1 year ago*

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Submitting a user report ticket would feel a bit more useful if those tickets were answered at some point. I have waited my ticket concerning an inaproppriate behaviour to be read for three months now.

1 year ago

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A part of my user report tickets are open since 4 years.

1 year ago

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Indeed, some are early and some are late.
The earliest is within the day, usually about one or two weeks.
From there, months and even years exist.

I've asked before, "What style of information makes a TICKET more likely to be read?" I have asked a question like that before.
(Well, similar.)

If information is lacking, the supporter will probably be put off to make a black-and-white decision unless the supporter does some human research.
 They also seem to be slower to respond to anything that might force them to look at grotesque images or anything sexual that might be violent or religiously repellent.
 Someday an AI may be introduced to check the system. However, that would require an AI that works accurately and is not fooled, so at best it would be a guideline to determine if the system is "suspicious".
As for digesting TICKETs, it might be a good idea to look over the recent discussion of guidelines by supporters. It's a difficult issue since it's being done by unpaid people.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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The word, is not the problem, that is the use of it, so, if you use it to show hostility, hate, xenophobia, racism, threats, harassment, hate speech, etc. You can get a suspension for disregarding the 2nd community guideline.

As for closing threats, that is only if the people discussing in them, do so with hostility. At least, that is how I interpret the new rules so far. We have yet to see if that is the case, or if certain topics are forbidden even if they are discussed without hostility.

1 year ago*

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People seem to worry that if someone now makes a thread about lgbt-issues or pride, or blm, there are people who will make sure that discussion will became hostile just to ensure that thread to be closed.

1 year ago

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That is also a possibility, but, we still have some leeway, you can't argue alone, so, as always has been on the internet, it's best to leave them alone most of the time.

1 year ago

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"Troll" is a pejorative based on behaviour someone chooses to engage in.
You use "Orc" as a pejorative based on where someone happened to be born.
Those things are not the same.

1 year ago

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The most ironic part of this all, is that those responsible for all these wars and human rights abuses are only happy to see people hating other nations since that gives them "the right" to continue on their chosen path, claiming they were right straight from the start.

But that's how it's always been, hating is easy while thinking is not, and black and white are so much clearer colours than grey. Nowadays every time someone says the humanity's gonna end due to climate change, my reaction is "finally".

1 year ago

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Troll isn't really a slur and whether a word is used as a slur should be judged based on context.
Orc isn't a slur either, unless it's used against an ethnicity/nationality.
It's ok to judge people for their behavior (trolls) but you shouldn't insult anyone for where and who they were born from, even if those people are currently represented by the biggest piece of shit.

1 year ago

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Oh hai! :)
Actually I didn't know orc was an actual slur or slang. I simply inferred that you meant the Russian invaders, not the civilians.
So I googled it.
It states "to refer to a Russian soldier" who is active in the current war. I don't see how it is used against ethnicity or nationality as some comments suggest. It says literally it is towards Russian military personnel aka the actual aggressors and not the civilians.
So if that's the actual meaning behind the slang I don't see anything wrong with it. As I read it, it is towards people who are actually fighting in the war, just like a troll is also "fighting" on the internet.

1 year ago

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Yeah, I know, but some hypocritical people say this is aimed at random Russians. So I chose to answer them as if it was true, by saying that it wouldn't be a big deal anyway.

I still don't see where the serious offense about calling "orcs" the rashists. (Rashists support Putler's war)

1 year ago*

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I think there's nothing wrong with calling a random Russian a rashist. Unless that Russian is fighting against Putler's regime.

1 year ago

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What the fuck.

That's exactly the same kind of rhetoric Putin is using when he says all Ukrainians are nazis so you're just stooping to his level, and you know very well that not every Russian has the courage or will to fight against Putin, just like not every Ukrainian is fighting the invasion on the front lines.

1 year ago

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You forgot the part ...demonize.. ...derogatory...
Do not fool yourself it is hate speach.

Same as Kraut or Fritz was used for german soldiers but is still used by some people today to insult german people.

Words are never the problem how they are used are.
And in this case Glorow used orc more then once for non millitary personal as well.

1 year ago

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First of all - how do you even know they are non military? Did you check their military documents (yes, all males in russia must have one). And second thing - if someone openly supports genocide and war crimes, do they really better then the ones who perform those?

1 year ago

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If you want a fight go on, i am no enemy and have no need or desire to enter one.
You even further the argument by implying that it is valid to use the slur for all russian males because they all have military documents.

Why do you even ask me the last question?
Nothing i wrote is related to it or do you want to imply that i am on the same level as a war criminal for simple not agreeing using words meant to dehumanize others? I hope and want to believe you are not!

1 year ago

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You even further the argument by implying that it is valid to use the slur for all russian

It was NEVER used to ALL russians, that's a manipulation. But it happened so that only russian supporters of war crime entered this thread, so they were called so.

Why do you even ask me the last question?

Dunno why you take it personally. A dirty conscience? I never meant you, I meant people who used to write russian propaganda in Ukraine awareness thread. I strongly believe that calling THOSE people with a slur is acceptable. It's not because of their nationality, it's because of their behavior. Same as it's okay to call someone a troll when they are trolling, you know.

Look at this specimen, it can't even talk human language, is it still not okay to call it like that? https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/fRs6H7P

New SG rules are great for trolls. You want some thread locked? Enter it, post bullshit, it gets locked as "sensitive topic" and topicstarter gets suspension. It's so much easier than blocking actual trolls, right?

1 year ago*

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You asked a question and i asked for the reason why you asked it to beginn with, thats all to it.
With the added part from your last post it would had been obvious in the beginning that it is a rethorical one, without it that was not obvious.

1 year ago

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Why you call it rhetorical? It's an actual question. Do you believe that supporters of nazism, genocide, war crimes, terrorism, etc are better than the ones who do actual action? And is there a difference between financial support or just support by words, or both? Or, even if those people are bad, it's not fine to use slurs to describe them? And if you answer yes to the last question - what is your answer to the question in topic title - should all thread with the word "troll" in it should be closed as "too sensitive"? Those are all actual questions, and I would really like to hear a yes/no answers from you. Just to understand your position.

1 year ago

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All i had to say was in regard to the word orc i did to peterlol. If you want my stance read them.

If you want my generel stance regarding the new guidelines go there and read it.

As for the other things i have no obligation to answer you or do i let my self get forced to answer in a Yes/No fashion.
Especially with you just throwing questions at me without them beeing related to what i sayed.

1 year ago

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They are directly related to what you said. But of course, you are free to ignore them. And I'm free to make assumptions based on your unwilling to answer them too.

1 year ago

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Yeah sure see me as an enemy.
The thing is with this attitude you won´t do ukraine a favor you will only bring people who generelly are in favour of it during this time turn away.

1 year ago

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You are sure free to think that I see you as an enemy. I do not. Seeing you as not very smart, maybe, but hardly an enemy.

1 year ago

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Do you have fun when you beat your wife? I would really like to hear a yes/no answers from you. Just to understand your position.

1 year ago

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It's funny how the only argument of censorship supporters is using manipulation. Are you a Trump supporter by any chance?

1 year ago

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You're actually insane, go touch grass

Edit: And I'm free to make assumptions based on your unwilling to answer

1 year ago*

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I am not fooling myself or anybody. I clearly said I wasn't aware this was actual slang. I googled it, found and the info I needed.
After reading the definition I put it in perspective. And of course I can't remember all his posts. As I didn't register "orc" as hate I probably simply read over it.
But were those posts against random innocent civilian Russians? Or were they towards people who were defending war crimes committed by the actual "orcs"?

1 year ago

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After some time i stopped clicking his links or entered the thread at all.
Mostly because of the language that was used (orc most of it) and it left a bad impression.

The part with the ...fool yourself... was related to your last sentence and that it is still hate speech even if only directed towards military.

People refer to Orwell most of the time only related to a survailance state.
But Orwell also wrote about the use of words and using them as a weapon to change the mind set of people and how they think.
By dehuminizing the opponent force it makes it easier to hate and kill.

So it can be seen as propaganda from both sides
Ukraine use Orc
Russians use Nazi / Satanist
The goal is the same dehumanize the "enemy" and make it easier to hate the opponent as a whole.

1 year ago

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My apologies if I understand it wrong. I am fluent in English but certain slang I am not familiar with may come across differently to me. I just based it all on the explanation on Wikipedia.
Perhaps I am biased or there is a language barrier or its my different opinion. But I don;t see it as hate-speech if it towards the militarily or the regime It doesn't directly involve the innocent citizen To me "hate-speech" would be more like "all Russians are bad" instead of "people killing other people is bad".

I haven't seen anybody in this topic refer to Orwell.

But if your claim is true and "orc" is exactly the same as calling someone a "Nazi" then I wouldn't be happy indeed. (unless it was an actual Nazi of course)
But I don't see evidence to support this.

1 year ago*

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I just wanted to share my opinion and give you some food for thought, you seem to be reasonable enough to come up with your own conclusion and this conclusion does not need to match mine.

1 year ago

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That's what discussion forums are for. :)
I wish you a very nice evening. :)

1 year ago

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Moderator team has a russian member, and he is known for abusing his power to punish Ukrainians. That's all you need to know about steamgifts.

1 year ago

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Ouin ouin....

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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So, a bulgarian speaks french, and uses words that no dictionary knows? Yeah, sure.

1 year ago

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Link deleted.
Eh, fuck it, why should I help you out at all with that attitude. Fight your own battles. I'm out.

1 year ago*

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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Let's play a game together, read all the comments and ask ourselves which of the following rules are used

[Twitter] - 15 rules of Russian disinformation🧵
1# Deny it
2# Accuse others of what you do yourself
3# Demonize your victim
4# Practice the victim role, even if you are clearly the perpetrator
5# Know your target audiences
6# When unable to convince, confuse
7# Spread not just one but many lies to create as much confusion as possible
8# Motivate others to spread your lies
9# Ridiculous propaganda helps make your more subtle lies appear more legitimate
10# If it gets tough to deny, use whataboutism
11# Amplify all voices that support your narratives
12# Repeat your narratives as many times as possible so that your audience can parrot them
13# Be aware that less informed people are more vulnerable to disinformation
14# When your fabricated content triggers emotions, people will spread it even more
15# Make your audience feel special, in the sense that they are well-informed, while others are just "decadent Western sheep"

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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in every site there will be someone with big nose and they feel needed to put it in everywhere (creating abusing topics and posting fake posts etc.) =] or someone brainwashed/payed. maybe all three
Hi Maya, glad to see you =)

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Why do you not wish to answer my question about the blacklist? It's not easy to correct whatever may have caused a blacklist if a blacklister never gives any clue what's wrong.

EDIT: Too bad cg had to close the thread. But do feel free to add me on Steam if you actually want to answer my genuine question.

1 year ago*

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You necroed a thread and said forbidden word. Hope I was helpful.

1 year ago

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You do know the forum and the blacklist feature aren't connected, right? It's not going to stop you from actually seeing new messages in old threads from people you've blacklisted. Your best bet is to use the new Hide feature on threads you don't care about instead.

But thanks for giving me a clue about how special you are.

EDIT: I should've known this one would cause more blacklists. Keep 'em rolling in at this point. And be careful about windy days - snowflakes easily blow away.

1 year ago*

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Thought we can skip one day a question why I blacklisted you 🤷

1 year ago

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Call me paranoid if you want but taking over a gaming site isn't as pointless as it seems. Gaming sites host many IT guys to target.
It's not just a problem of dictatorship bots, if moderation and administration are under the influence of a dictatorship. Imagine if the whole place is used to collect data or expose yourself to unknown hacks and malware.

Some of you may think "Why are you so worried? It's a kind of the same thing on Twitter". Twitter is different because Elon Musk isn't a " doer", he's just an owner. Twitter has always been under the scrutiny of the US intelligence services, so I hope they'll react if Elon Musk's bad influence goes too far.

Steamgifts' recent moderation choices and the chronology of these choices give me serious reason to doubt. I'm leaving, perhaps you should do the same if you're offended by Rashist Russia behaviour.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Actually why orcs - recklessness, black teeth and their absence, torn clothes. They looked like hillbilly from Wrong Turn horror movie, and it's a fact. They were surprised that UA people had Nutella at home.

1 year ago*

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Some idiot stole an electric kettle without a base, another one asked owner for the code for multicooker - he thought it was a safe box.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by cg.