I would like to suggest a button to send all unsent keys after the giveaway has ended. Maybe like this:

It is a litte bit annyoing to send >100 keys and have to send them separately with three clicks each.

maybe I haven overlooked a corresponding function so far. Thank you in advance.

3 years ago

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it's sent automatically if you have a giveaway with 50 + keys in it - if i'm not mistaken

3 years ago

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I am afraid he doesn't give multiple copies, only run a lot giveaway at once, these he has to open each and send.

3 years ago

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correct, I have to do it for each giveaway as it is only one key per giveaway.

3 years ago

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It could be done automatic for the GA's with 50 copies+, if you store all the keys in the field, but the accounts with infractions that join such Ga's are much higher as in normal GA's because they expect not to be catched -the automatic sending don't include a check on infractions-.

Someone from my group made different tests with 1k copy GA's and such stuff and he catched a big ammount of accounts with infractions. Nearly 200 of the winners = nearly 20% granted rerolls.

3 years ago

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Your wish:. I need to send 50 different games with one button!

The prerequisite is the present of not using "Mail".
All buttons to be sent with a "key" ready.
It does not matter if you have such a button or not.

However, the rationale for those who don't have it would be that there is a confirmation process to send the gift to the winner, as long as it doesn't violate the SG community rules.
The problem is that sometimes when winners are scrutinized by SGTools, they have problems and don't feel the button is immediately necessary because such cheaters will proliferate if sent without checking.
I can agree with this without any worries, as long as the winners are fully checked automatically with the same conditions used in SGTools, and any winners with problems are automatically rerolled.

3 years ago

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Yes, exactly.
IF it would give automatic checks for the infractions, then it would be a good thing with the automatic sending but because cg will not implement it, only the ones with infractions for not activating wins or win games multiple times will have a advantage from it.
And it give big ammounts of such people (nearly 40% of the accounts on sg), so it isn't a tiny problem

3 years ago

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Sorry to be that guy that says it, but the easiest way is to use ESGST addon. It has a few (4?) good checks as well, before sending the gifts. Like if he belongs to a group, if he is on your wishlist if he is on your blacklist.

3 years ago

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Also those "check if there are unacitvated giveaways and did he won multiple copies of same game" before it sends key automatically

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by ELDERMANN.