It says: "This article is only valid for a limited time and will EXPIRE on January 16th 2015.

This means that even if you WIN the auction and get the profile, you still will LOSE it one month later? O_o
Or it means that can only be active until that time, but you will keep it in your inventary? (similar to TF2 Halloween/full moon items)

This is important because nobody smart enough is going to spend gems for an expirable item, so there's my question...

10 years ago*

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The item expires on January 16th.

10 years ago

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Well, that's what I said. But what they mean with that? You will "permanently lose it from your inventory" or you will keep it in your inventory but it won't be activable until next Xmas?

10 years ago

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Hello. Well, I have a few questions and I didn't want to make another topic. What's the deal with the CS:GO? You have to trade a few things from inventory or recycle? And when you have to do that.
Thanks. :)

10 years ago

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If you have a time machine, you're in luck. Otherwise, you've missed that particular boat.

10 years ago

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Well, dayum. Next year.

10 years ago

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It probably won't happen next year.

10 years ago

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Well, dayum. Next life. (better?)

10 years ago

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Steam probably won't exist next life...

10 years ago

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I'll take my chances.

10 years ago

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I wanted to ask the same question. I don't want to spend a ton if I don't get to keep it after only a month...

10 years ago

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Only a Valve employee could answer this question, but if we set against the descriptions of said items ("Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon" vs. "This item is good for a limited time and will expire Jan 16th, 2015."), I believe it will disappear from your inventory and won't come back.

10 years ago

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I don't even think it's an item. It looks like just golden name and snow on top of regular profile...

10 years ago

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it does say it'll be an item in your inventory and you can turn it on and off by clicking on it there. and it also says it'll expire Jan 16th, i'd wager it'll not only expire but disappear as well but that's just my $.02

10 years ago

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inb4 palmdesert or other e-peen addict

10 years ago

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I want a bigger e-peen :(

10 years ago

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I think it's the same thing that happened with DotA 2 keys.

10 years ago

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Assuming they always use the word 'expire' the same way I believe it will disappear. That's what happened with TF2 items that said that, like the old halloween paint spells.

10 years ago

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But DotA 2 keys didn't disappear... :/

10 years ago

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Because the day hasn't come yet. "This item will expire on Jul 01, 2015 (0:00:00)."

10 years ago

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The current opinion consists in the fact that dota2 keys won't disappear even after the expiry date, IF you don't launch dota.

10 years ago

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Even if it's true, I think they'll become unmarketable, so you can't really do anything with them anymore (same thing happened with TF2 Halloween spells).

10 years ago

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Guys this is just a thing for SWAG dudes from steam, it will dissapear on january... it's really useless, so don't even bid on it

10 years ago

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Meh. Ugly looking profile anyway. lel

10 years ago

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