Hello everyone!

First time making a topic here.

It has come to my attention that due to Steam's new "learning feature about the game" I keep seeing the games I already own.

For example, there was a bundle with the game "Basketball", I bought that bundle, synced my profile and I still can see those giveaways.
Also sometimes those games cost 0 Points, although they have a Steam price.

Examples where I posted such comment:


So I have to manually check if I have this game and manually hide it.
Is there some problem with API?

Has anybody else come across this issue? Please write your feedback.
Thank you :)

5 years ago

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Oh please, please be intentional that they will cost zero points and give zero CV here until the algorithm deems that worthy of being gamesโ€ฆ

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Let's hope so.

5 years ago

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Yes, thanks, I thought I saw ghosts ;)

same problem with Basketball.
80's style
Space Ranger vs. Reptiloids

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Seems the system that leads to a game not giving a +1 also means it doesn't show as owned to "outsiders" either.

5 years ago

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If you hover over the ? where it says its learning about the game it says "The game itself won't contribute to an account's game library count, and cannot be shown in a Steam Profile's Game Collector Showcase". So the Steam API does not show that you own the game limiting SG's ability to track it.

5 years ago

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same issue to me.

5 years ago

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Best bet is to use a script that can track your own activated ID's. It's a tremendous help with DLCs too. I use "Steam Web Integration" and it gives me a green check mark when I own a DLC or untracked title and a red "X" when I don't. I initially installed it to deal with DLCs I already own, but it also helps identify games affected by this new issue.

5 years ago

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Seems like a bug in the new Steam feature. Just because it doesn't count towards your game total doesn't mean it shouldn't show up as owned.

5 years ago

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I'm really surprised there aren't more threads about this (or are people using other terms to describe the problem?)

here's the thing - blocking them manually indeed works but - if this is a permanent change by valve, we have a problem. Doesn't SG's block list have a maximum cap? What then?

edit: i think esgst has the function to hide owned ... but it would be good to somehow implement this native to sg

5 years ago*

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volvo tends to make useful things worse with every update they make :(
we need to upvote this so admin can see and fix! :)

5 years ago

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It also creates problems for SGTools gates, as you may show up as not having registered all of your wins. If you ask nicely, you can get these games added to an exception list so that you can pass SGTools gates again. :)

It looks like this is most likely a shortcoming with the Steam API. It'll (probably) get addressed eventually, you know, in Steam's own sweet (slow) time. In the meantime, we'll have to work around this new parameter a bit.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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yeah but the most annoying thing is that you can't give away the dlcs since they can't be entered by anyone, dlcs for games under steam investigation of course.. =\
and now my wishlist for some reason synced to 0 too xD

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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wishlist sync 0 is probably your account is not public? :P

5 years ago

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it got eventually back รง_รง always had everything public but it showed 0 for half a day ahah don't know what happened XDD

5 years ago

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a selfish bump because too many GAs are visible although I own those....and it is very annoying to have to check every game if I have it...and then put "do not show"

5 years ago

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Notice it with alot of new indiegala bundles, it's annoying when you got alot of games, dunno if sg can do anything about it though.

5 years ago

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Same here !!
Hope they fix it fast for the risk of taking a game twice..

5 years ago

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Am I correct in my understanding that this is something different than the "lag" between redeeming a game to my library and having Steam actually acknowledge I own it? I often have to go to my wishlist on Steam and/or the game's store page on Steam before SG will properly sync and remove the game from my sight. This is especially true if I'm using my web browser instead of the Steam client.

5 years ago

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Games open to me for several days after severals sincs. Just in the giveaway page it says I can't enter as I own them. So not a sync problem of time.

5 years ago

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the problem here is:

1) you have a game Wishlisted or just entered it.
2) You buy/get it.
3) Sync with SG , 0 new games added.
4) You go check why.
5) You see the feature "Steam is learning about this game" for the game.
6) SG api ignores this and doesnt count the game as +1 for you. (like Steam API does until "finished learning")
7) You see more of the same game and can enter it
8) You win it, you have to tell "oh sry, i had it"
9) Poke moderators to reroll etc :)

and if you WIN such a game you luckily get "previously won" but still see the games in the Active giveaway lists!

So in conclusion
a) no +1 after sync
b) because of A multiple entries.
c) because of B = moderators do useless rerolls that could have been avoided somehow :(

5 years ago

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Yes. This is "Steam is learning about the game" = API just blatently hides you own it = Steamgifts becomes a walking minefield of titles you can win you already own if you buy from certain bundle sites.

5 years ago

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Yes, it sucks.
Thanks Valve. Trying to make Steamgifts a harder place again after the inventory and regionlock changes :/

5 years ago

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maybe Valve is jealous people here are more generous and give out games that were bought much cheaper than from greedy Valve? (sarcasm)

5 years ago

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Wouldn't even surprise me seeing how there's more and more reports of Steam income being pitiful vs. Switch income being bountiful.

They should have known too their minimum price limit would drive people straight into those russian cent-shops :/

5 years ago

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Problem still exists.
Activated "Color Party" which was a freebie from indiegala and even after syncing the GA's still appear and I could enter them.

5 years ago

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All games tagged with "Steam is learning about this game" are not reported as owned by the Steam API.
Since Valve isn't telling us that you own the game, we don't know to remove it from your entries.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the only way to hide these giveaways is for you to click on the small eye icon beside the giveaway name.

5 years ago

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Ah, thx for the info.

5 years ago

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I realize it's not a proper solution, but this script may be of some help.

It marks all the games in the giveaway list with a green check mark (owned), red X (unowned) or a pink heart (wishlisted). It's been a great help dealing with this new problem. It also works on any site that uses Steam store links.

5 years ago

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actually SG could use same game-checking script as "completionist" website uses to add +1 game

5 years ago

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It's not as simple. Games you own today may disappear, sometimes without a trace tomorrow without yellow banner due to developer changing content of a package. Adding the games that way without allowing user to remove the game at a later date would prevent that user from entering giveaway for that game again, if the original license for the game is modified or revoked

5 years ago

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a question for you, bro:

it looks better than ReChart Enhancer, which i'm using. i would install this and disable rechart, am i doing it right?


5 years ago

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I actually prefer this script because it works across all sites that use Steam store links, as long as you're logged into your Steam account in your browser. Edit: To answer your question, you an use both scripts if you like. There's no conflict.

5 years ago

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works across all sites

i need that!


edit: works like a charm, it tells also nยฐ of marketable cards and how many times bundled... itsagood-a!

5 years ago*

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disabled ReChart, cause this gives more info, so kinda redundant (?)

also: works on google search AND spreadsheets :o

thanks ogain

5 years ago

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Oh my, I don't know how you've used DIG without this script :P
it'll change your life...

5 years ago

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you? again??

was ready for the bed, and look what you've done: a friend, a newbie, left lolling till the dawn.

also, got an interesting news for you, cause i feel kind: have a look

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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Even the way Trump speaks is disturbing.
I often feel as though he should be wearing a tinfoil hat.

5 years ago

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Confused old man doesn't understand technology, repeats what he mis-hears on TV rather than form his own educated opinion, happens all the time, sadly. And not only by old people.

Reminds me of an older guy I used to work with, not as old as Trump but a guy who never used computers before. He thought "the robots" were out to get him, personally, after he read an article about spam bots harvesting email addresses from the web. He thought they were literally following him around online trying to steal his identity. He would print web pages and turn off his computer to read them, to minimize his exposure. When he talked about "the robots" his heart rate would accelerate, he'd turn red and start sweating, visibly agitated. He was not only afraid of the robots, he was mad at them. It was funny, but I also felt sorry for him.

Can you imagine living in such constant fear and paranoia and anger? It must be a miserable life.

On the other side of the coin, my grandfather was 89 years old and never used computers, was not a tech guy, but he was patient and willing to learn and listen. He got a computer mainly to use Facebook so he could see pictures of his grandkids, and also used it to listen to his music CDs. One day, his CD drive died, he called me to ask about what the problem might be and how to fix it. I told him it's not worth fixing, we can just buy a new one for 15 dollars, and that I could visit him to replace it that weekend. Next day he called me to say I don't need to come over, he went to the store and bought a new drive and installed it himself, and that it works great. He had watched a YouTube video about how to replace it. I told him I was proud of him. :)

View attached image.
5 years ago

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It's more the kids of today who can't fix mechanical things requiring complex tools like a screwdriver. They know how to do lots of stuff on the laptop they have but to build a real PC, nah.

5 years ago

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Huh. I use this as well, but as of this afternoon, it doesn't appear to be working... It's probably me.

5 years ago

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Be sure you're signed into Steam in the browser you're using. Barring that, I can't think of any other reason it wouldn't be working.

5 years ago

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Disregard that last comment. It appears to have stopped working for me as well now.

5 years ago

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If you're comfortable editing the code, remove this from line 261:

if (ignoredApps.includes(appID) && wantIgnores) { //if ignored and enabled
                html += "<span style='color: " + ignoredColor + " !important; cursor: help;' title='Game or DLC (" + appID + ") ignored on Steam\nLast updated: " + lcs + "'> " + ignoredIcon + "</span>"; //๐Ÿ›‡

This fixed it for me.

5 years ago

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Just update the script, it's fixed after Steam changed something.

5 years ago

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Well hot damn, if only I'd seen your comment prior to getting Gaffi's in my inbox.
Thank you for the heads up. Updated now and working fine. :)

5 years ago

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Or checked the thread for the script :)

5 years ago

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First thing I checked was my inbox, haha, and edited the script on Gaffi's advice from there.

5 years ago

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Well, of course the source being updated is the best fix, but to be fair, at the time this discussion began, it wasn't fixed there. ;)

5 years ago

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Ah yes, that most certainly fixed the problem.
Thanks for the solution, Gaffi. All is in working order again. :)

5 years ago

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Version 1.7.7 is the way to go. It seems on GreasyFork there is only 1.7.6, but on GitHub there is 1.7.7

5 years ago

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You made me finally test it as well. Thanks once again, Tzaar! :)

5 years ago

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This bug makes that you can't enter to DLCs giveaways of which base game is Steam learning about.

5 years ago

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Just confirming I just had the same problem with "tiny hands adventure". I entered a giveaway for it, but I decided to buy the bundle. After syncing, my entry in the giveaway wasn't removed. Steam is trying to learn.

5 years ago

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This appears to be back (if it ever went away?). High Cats appeared as a giveaway today despite owning it. Whatโ€™s odd is that itโ€™s been hidden as owned before now. When I bought the bundle it was in and synced my account, giveaways for it disappeared, but today Iโ€™m seeing a giveaway.

5 years ago

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it never went away :) Because of Valve's API not adding +1 game if it is being learned...

5 years ago

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Weird! I wonder why it would work for a while and then stop. Not a big deal, just wanted to let people know :)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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This is very annoying. I try to hide all these games to the best of my ability, but I have still won several and then have to bother the giveaway creator with a re-roll.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This "bug" is actually an intentional sabotage by Steam. Sadly, there's nothing SG can do about it :/

5 years ago

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Yet somehow the script linked in this thread does work...

I installed the script and modified it heavily to my liking. It shows too much information in default format, even when all that can be turned off is off.

5 years ago*

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That's because the script uses information from your login.
Unless you want Steamgifts to login the account of every user.., the API is the way to go.

5 years ago

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Ok, makes sense I guess.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Challenger885.