Have fun looking
PS: I would have said TERA, but you can buy extra bank space and character slots. Free users only get 2 character slots and 1 bank slot. But if you actually own the game or just buy a key, you get those unlocked. Othen than that, most items in the game shop are cosmetics or mounts. You can also buy keys that let you unlock strongboxes which can give you some goodies (enchanting material, XP boost, reputation boost, etc.) but most of those can be sold for gold so you can buy those on the broker too.
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What with all the free server farms and bandwidth out there...
At some point, they're going to put the squeeze on you.
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Check out MaidMarian's games. The games are meh but free (the last time I checked).
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I'd say Rift, far as I know all you can buy is boosts, cosmetics, and mounts. It's not exactly what you are looking for but it's the closest you will probably get (The entire game is free, as in you don't have to buy any content, you can play as you would if you had a subscription before it went F2P)
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As f2p player however you can't sell on the AH and you have a bag limit afaik. But you can buy REX with in-game currency and actually remove many restrictions. It's gonna be tough to buy REX without the ability to sell on the AH tho. :p
Other than that, I quite like the model they use.
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Neverwinter. You can run through the whole game solo and get almost everything you need for the game not putting a cent into it. Also open pvp is absent in there (at least for now) thus there's no need to compete with other players. And their "Foundry" toolset makes this game endless.
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Yes, but still you can simply omit those items and the game is completely playable without those items sold on Zen market, i.e., it's not pay2win at all.
BTW, as far as I know their inner currency is quite flexible and interchangeable and you can get items from Zen Market for ingame virtual currency.
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In beta currently and you can pretty much do everything there is to do if you put enough time into it. You get some of it's premuim money just for doing tutorials and sometimes for doing challenges. I should always point out that this is a semi-simulated WW 1&2 wartime game. Right now they only have the flight combat up, but they are hoping to get the ground and naval combat up soon. Don't really think this what you had in mind when you posted, but it's worth at least a look.
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Warframe. Everything shy of color packs, slots, and cosmetic sentinel items can be gotten in game. And yes, that includes every single warframe, weapon, orokin catalyst, orokin reactor, forma, and void keys. You are not required to buy anything.
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Don't feel bad. I'm a digital hoarder as well. I just can't help but pick up everything I find in games. You wouldn't believe the piles of nonsense I had in Fallout 3. I got rid of the weight limits, so I was usually carrying around a couple hundred coffee mugs and baseballs.
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Warframe is extremely grindy, and there has actually been a bit of a complaint with just how extensive the grind is. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to a lot of people because of that. It definitely falls into the 'pay not to suffer' category with Neverwinter.
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I quit just for this reason. I didn't get very far, but the game was just too dependant on grinding. The Rhino suit, for example. Or, whatever the hell it was called.
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You aren't likely going to find something that is free to play with cosmetics only. You can find games that work hard to limit what advantages you might be able to purchase with real life money. Rift, The Secret World, and Path of Exile. They all have some things you can buy with real life money that are more than cosmetics, but, with Path of Exile at the very least nothing is -required- with the extra stash tabs, given the size of inventory in game. Rift is a little harder because you buy bag slots, which is the only thing I consider a must in that game. The Secret World has a model similar to DCUO, in that the game is free, and the stuff you purchase is either classes, or content patches, but nothing is required.
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yes, Secret World is like Guild Wars 2, Buy to Play but i agree about Path of Exile and Rift. in comparison to some other games their F2P system is pretty amazing
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but if you group with them you can play on the same maps so isn't that exactly the same system as in first Guild Wars and i'm pretty sure it is considered an MMO
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in PoE due to me being a collector of everything shiny i think getting more stash tabs is a must but that's just me, other than stash tabs everything else is just cosmetic so it's a great example of a good F2P system
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You do understand that the whole point of making a game Free2Play is to get people to buy stuff in-game right? Whatever company is making the game have to pay for their developers, servers and bandwith. If you're not paying upfront, they need some incentive to get you to pay in-game.
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Well, the game IS free to play... but at some point it's not really enjoyable anymore. In the mobile world these games are called freemium.
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And those free-to-play gamers sure are sticklers about their morality
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Guildwars 2, while requires initial fee of boxed copy/digital key purchase, has nothing inside that you can't buy with in-game money. Gem Store uses gems as currency - you buy it with irl cash, or exchange for gold. There is no real gear grind and most available items are cosmetics/small boosters, which aren't needed to enjoy the game.
If any of your friends have a copy, ask them to let you test it, GW2 is really fun and different MMO from what we're all used to. My initial cost of 35€ already paid itself off months ago, and I haven't spend a dime since then.
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This. GW2 is a really great game and while it has some boosters and stuff like that, there's absolutely no need to use them and they're kinda useless anyway (the only good one is arena booster, which you get from playing PvP anyway). GW2 is definitely my TOP1 MMO.
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I like all the frequent updates too (guess the Gem store is selling), but it's cool if people want to support and throw money at them, and it doesn't hurt you because it's not pay to 'win'
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There was one that did the F2P model really well, but Dungeon Fighter Online shut down due to "lack of interest" here in the West. Considering the servers were always -loaded- with people, I suspect that actually means that since the game was fully playable and enjoyable without spending a cent, they didn't make enough money on it for it to be financially viable for them to continue.
So the short answer is "Not really."
The genuinely free ones tend to lack quality.
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I doubt there's any "true" F2P games. Money doesn't grow on trees, and ads alone won't cover the expenses in most cases. Either you accept it that games have F2P games have minor bonuses, (or pay2win in some cases) that gives you something and supports the developers to keep the thing running, or you can stop being cheapass and pay for your games.
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you arent going to find anything without non-cosmetic items in the store....
kind of a stupid thing to look for int he first place....
Lord of the Rings Online can be completely free if u want it to.....
you get a SHITLOAD of store points just by playing the game, enough that u can buy every expansion to it out the store for free...
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I can confirm that Haven and Hearth is completely free-to-play. There -is- no game store that I'm aware of. I wouldn't recommend it, personally... but if 100% free is your only qualifier, it fits.
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Why was The Secret World excluded? Yeah it costs $15-$30 to pick up the game (depending upon current sales), but the cash shop is as you said, completely Cosmetic, the only things not completely cosmetic are (unnecessary) xp boosts just make you gain abilities a bit sooner, not that it takes long to begin with, and the DLC packs, which the DLCs you don't even need, they simply add a few hours of gameplay with an additional branch storyline on top of the main one from the region, and they typically connect to the main story of the game too. The DLCs you wouldn't even want to get until you're already so deep into TSW (as in beaten almost everything else), that the cost is pretty minimal in relation. Aside from that, the shop is completely cosmetic without any sort of "power ups" that make it unfair in comparison to someone who doesn't use the shop. The shop doesn't include special armors, or weapons, or "slots", there are a few weapons/talismans in the shop, but they're entry-level stuff that just makes the first hour of the game a bit easier, the only "slots" are inventory slots, and those aren't necessary, as you buy the same inventory slots through the currency you earn in the game at a cheap enough price. All the other ones listed and excluded I understand, but if you're excluding TSW, you might as well exclude GW2 as well, which isn't on your list, yet it's got a ton of "pay 2 win" included in it, in addition to being B2P. Which B2P isn't even a bad thing, as it (helps) to keep out gold farmers, spammers, and that type of bullshit. Even though the cash-shop in TSW is fully cosmetic too, you'd probably find yourself wanting to buy something from there, considering that since you don't use armor, you can dress your character however you want when you play whatever role you want, there's plenty in the in-game clothing shops to purchase, but some of the cash-shop ones are just completely awesome anyway that they're worth the buy.
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You should specify what type of play you are looking for. If it's PVP you're after, yea, EVE takes time and a corp for fun and can be VERY costly until you get the skills. If you want economy, that's easy to do with very few skills and can be very profitable and pay for subscription. If mining is your style, you can easily make the monthly payments with isk. If you're after PVE, EVE starts off easy, quests/rats can get good loot/rewards, and it can be profitable, but there is luck involved in that.
It takes a while to get the skills you really want, and it's discouraging that you'll never catch up no matter what you do, but it can't hurt to give the 21day trial a shot.
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I bought 3 months on top of a 14 day trial, and made around 800 mil (missions and loot only, still have 100+ mil of minerals and 150+ mil of drone parts in dock along with my Navythron). I love it though, and will probably play it regularly sometime in the future.
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Whoa. Ding. How could I have forgotten.
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, on the SCHTHACK private server.
I mean, if you really want, you can donate to the server and 'buy' rare / otherwise unobtainable gear from the admins. Getting started and registered is a little tricky right now, because someone hacked and virus'd the homepage, but I've been playing that little gem for years.
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The game itself was abandoned by the devs. I'm told that SEGA is aware of the SCHTHACK server and has chosen to take no action against it. The only reason it's called a 'private' server is because it's owned by just a couple of guys and not SEGA Team.
Registration: http://schtserv.com/bbregister.php
Download: http://strags.com/shpsobb/
Yes, the Registration page will come up as an attack site, but it's a false positive. Just don't go to the homepage itself, I don't think that's clean yet.
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As the title says, I'm looking for a F2P MMO game that is really F2P. By that I mean all real money gets you is cosmetics (no boosts, special weapons, armor, slots,...).
I specifically listed slots as a nono because I hoard everything I pick up, so please don't list games with real-money-only slots/inventory.
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If a game has a Premium type of accout or a subscription plan, it doesn't belong in this thread since those features usually don't only give cosmetic items.
So far, the following games have been listed;
-Team Fortress 2
-DOTA 2 (I don't play MOBAs)
-The Secret World (one-time purchase)
-Path Of Exile
-World of Tanks
-Star Conflict
-Guild Wars 2 (one-time purchase)
-Star Trek Online
-Champions Online
-Star Wars: the Old Republic
-Pirates of The Burning Sea
-DC Universe Online
-Spiral Knights
Could be F2P (can anyone confirm/deny?);
-Eden Eternal (personally doubt AeriaGames would have a truly F2P game)
Truly F2P;
-Heaven And Hearth
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