I telling you, the government has a car that runs on water man!!!

The government don't want to tell us because we will buy all the water

and there will be no water instead of beers!

and the government know that beers make us HAPPY !

12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Its not OKAY son!!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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OMG you're from the future?!?!?!?! 0_0

12 years ago

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Good boy.

12 years ago

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These existed back in the sixties. They stopped being manufactured for the mainstream because people didn't clean them off after every boating excursion, which meant the water (especially the salt water) corroded the hell out of them.

12 years ago

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I still want one...

12 years ago

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Or the most basic ones that existed during WW2, the Schwimmwagens by Volkswagen.

12 years ago

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You just BLEW my mind

12 years ago

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somebooooooooooody's been watching some 70's show

12 years ago

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Hi there hey there hello there :D

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Me too, wormy. Me too.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Why, there are cars running on cats, too. From a German tabloid newspaper: picture
The caption says: "German inventor can make fuel out of cats - he needs 20 kitties for a tankful"

12 years ago

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well... no... not quite on water...
to get the hydrolysis working right, you'd need some kind of briny mix and a LOT of electricity to split water into H and O2. then burning it isn't very efficient so you'd need a LOT of it... so even more electricity and by the end of it all, you'd be better off with just an electric car.

however, that is not to say there aren't better alternatives to what we got now! fuel efficiency could be way way way higher, like 60,70,80+ mpg. hell, my 1997 pontiac had about 10 more mpg than my ford focus has now, and it's one of the higher rated mpgs! also, they already made an electric car that was overly efficient and needed no servicing; however it did too well in the test market and they recalled and destroyed them... presumably because it would hurt the oil industry too much.

and there are alternative fuels like just filling up hydrogen cells, "3rd rail" electric cars, ethanol, heck, even corn oil combusts! and I'm sure there's a lot more. but water is just not really viable at this time. >(

12 years ago

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Whats your problem man?!

12 years ago

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just keeping it real bro.

12 years ago

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Well now we use an EPA mandated 10% ethanol(made from corn) in our gas, bad for our cars and raises the price of all foods and fuel(and all other transported commodities). The EPA actually mandated the destruction of the EV1's and Think's due to the batteries. Corn oil (even soybean oil) is bad too, it would be worse than the ethanol, raises the price of all food & fuel (which leads to every transported commodity), Hydrogen, Propane, Natural gas, Electric and hybrids do work very well, yet parts of the public fear them (chickenshit fearmongers, not car people) for dangers the may hold and the EPA who put extreme restrictions on everything (which stymies automakers interest due to ridiculous costs). Fuel economy can still go up, 40-50 mpg in a gas engine is a soft wall, and requires smaller, lighter cars (which are seen by the public as unsafe, and well, they are, compared to larger cars) with less power.

Water, I like the idea, but the technology just isn't there yet. Motors are too weak atm.

12 years ago

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Didn't read lol

12 years ago

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I don't get the whole ethanol thing... causes about as much CO2 to produce it as just burning gas (if not more), so I'm sure it's just a cheap way for oil companies to cut gas with to make an extra buck.

I really really like hydrogen fuel. very cool stuff, but yeah, people are all afraid of it for no reason.

12 years ago

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But the 10% ethanol isn't cheap, it is almost 30% of the cost of gas per gallon right now. Even with the price of oil per barrel right now, gas would only be about $2.90-$3.10, and the gov't requires them to use the ethanol. The ethanol is so expensive due to drought conditions causing failed/bad corn and soybean crops.

12 years ago

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Not sure what #'s you're using but a Pontiac doesn't have better gas mileage than a Ford Focus



Also remember that 1997 numbers are higher MPG because today's MPG ratings are based on using the air conditioner as well, where as previous numbers did not account for that. Even with this apparent dis-advantage, the Focus has much better mileage than a Pontiac.

12 years ago

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using my own numbers... I always write down my fuel usage when I get the receipts back from the station and I keep tabs on how much it uses and costs. my focus gets around 24mpg while my pontiac had well over 30mpg.

12 years ago

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Jesus walked on water. Fuck given: 0

12 years ago

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but he was not running ;x

12 years ago

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Because he had nothing to run from, he was the son of God, why would he run?

12 years ago

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because he could?..

12 years ago

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wouldnt you run if you were on water...

Totally naked
waving your hands in the air and sing helleluja?

I know I would!

12 years ago

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I'd pee first, then I don't know what I'd do.

12 years ago

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Well, if you could walk on water, therefore, you could walk on rain. Thus, climbing your way to jesus and popsicles.

12 years ago

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well... the romans didn't have much trouble dispatching him so... maybe he should've walked a bit more briskly then. >)

12 years ago

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He let them get the kill because he didn't give a shit. He just respawned 3 days later like: "sup guise"

12 years ago

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lol, touche!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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so it's a boat

12 years ago

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Yes. And Bob is your uncle

12 years ago

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cars that run on water would break (crack lines/tank/etc) in winters where its below 0...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You are either taking too much, or not enough, medication. Please consult your doctor.

12 years ago

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Car that runs on water existed for more than 60 years... But petrol.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I telling you, the government has a water that runs on cars man!!!
The government don't want to tell us because we will buy all the cars
and there will be no cars instead of motorcycles!
and the government know that motorcycles make us HORNY !

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I just want to see the batmobile

12 years ago

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We have to save the environment, man. Plant more trees, man. Man.

12 years ago

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Least you could do, OP, is quote it correctly instead of quoting it in broken English.

12 years ago

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but, why do they want to run on water man? what did the poor water man do?

12 years ago

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I take you ref to hydrogen fuel cell which relatively very expensive and usely in winter time any way

12 years ago

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No fucking way!!!! They call it boats mannnnnnnnnn

12 years ago

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gotta love Hyde man, and that 70`s show :D

12 years ago

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Good to know...

12 years ago

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you guys are the best ! now wheres my cookies?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by BingoTheFoxyDog.