Sorry for my crappy english.

So. I just came back from the university, and when i was out from the bus, 2 motherf*ckers in a motorcycle with a gun hit me with the gun in my head - 3 times, i was bleeding, but i am better now - and take my backpack - with my stuff from the university and my netbook full with data and personal projects off music - and my cellphone, then a friend that is a cop grab is gun and scare the thiefs and they get out.

This discussion is not for cry or something like that, is just a lame excuse to make a GA and upgrade my level :V .

Lichdom: Battlemage

Edit: Thanks for the support guys, i feel better now :)

8 years ago*

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Wow, that's so bad...
Do these kind of things happen often at your city?

8 years ago

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unfortenaly i live in a nest for people like this, i am looking a job to get out of here.

8 years ago

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I was 100% sure you would be from Brazil.. Guess i was not far off. Hope you get away soon!

8 years ago

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Hate that it happened at all. Was your friend able to recover your things for you?

8 years ago

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nop, they run away with everything, at least they dont take my headphones and my wallet :it's something:

8 years ago

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At least they didn't take your life.

8 years ago

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Meh, i was fighting with the guy with the gun, i have a serious depression, so i dont care a crap about my life.........ok, it sounds like i have to go to the psychologist again.

8 years ago

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where do you live? Brazil?

8 years ago

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Worse, Argentina

8 years ago

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Oh man, I've heard all kinds of things that happen there. Hope you can move to somewhere safer later

8 years ago

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the problem with argentina is that the previous government give a lot of plans to people like this just to win a vote, for example, there is a plan for new born babies, in the concept is good, but they didn't make any control, so people like the ones that stole me, have kid after kid and they dont care about the baby and they use the money month afther month to buy alcohol and drugs, and now in some places it's full of this kind of persons that are used to the old system and they dont want work and they just steal. And i live in one of that places, if i go more to the center, it's still dangerous, but not so much.

8 years ago

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after countless videos of robberies i've watched (on liveleak), everytime when i see or hear about a robbery i think about Brazil

8 years ago

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Same here. Have you seen the one where a kid stole a dealer's gun and tried to sell it back to him?

8 years ago

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no, link please :D

8 years ago

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Hope this isn't against the site rules. Here ya go

-Triggerwarning, literally-
-Do not click if you're under 18-
-No blood, but might cause psychological injury-

8 years ago*

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i can't belive he killed him .Wow....that's sad.

8 years ago

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I skimmed the rules. Seems it's just against pornographic material, but I would imagine a staff member might have more to say.

8 years ago

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I skimmed the rules. Seems it's just against pornographic material

Read the next 7 words immediately after that?

8 years ago

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Do ho... I was looking at the Terms of Service...
I guess I missed the Guidelines because I clicked the FAQ button instead.

8 years ago

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Please add a NSFW warning to posts like this.

8 years ago

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*And a content descriptor, since the tag is unclear without it ( given its usual application to much milder content ).

8 years ago

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I'm from Brazil and I can't find any news about that kid. I believe that something like that would have been more easy to find, right?

8 years ago

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I just generally go with "South America", especially if it is an armed one in broad daylight.
Strange though, as there are plenty of places with high crime rates, but I guess most others either don't involve guns or don't involve robbed people being alive enough to tell about it…

8 years ago

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What type of cellphone was it? Have you tried locating it? If it was an android phone and location access was turned on you can try here

8 years ago

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At this time, i already lock my SIM card and it's very possible that my cellphone is destroyed -because wa a cheap one- or dismounted. But i will try anyway, thanks :D

8 years ago

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Of course, it had to be Argentina and their lovely Motochorros (MotorThiefs?). I feel you pain, had a similar experience, luckily they hit me only once in the mouth not too hard. Losing the keys to the apartment and documentation was the worst part.

8 years ago

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Did you get checked at the hospital? Just in case?

8 years ago

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Just, just a cut and a wound, but i have a really bad headache

8 years ago

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I'm not sure from your response whether or not you went to the hospital, but if you didn't, it's good advice. It's pretty easy to get a concussion from getting hit in the head repeatedly with an object as hard as a gun.

8 years ago

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oh, sorry i forgot, yes, i go to the hospital, and they only clean the cut

8 years ago

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Ok, that's good to hear!

8 years ago

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are you alive and in one piece? That';s all that matters.

I've lived in some shitty places, where you'd get robbed even if you had nothing on you (If you were standing naked smoking a cigarette, they'd rob you for whatever was left of the cigarette). it sucks. But as long as you're physically ok, that's all that matters.
Good luck getting the fuck out of there

8 years ago

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Holy shoot!.

Just give them what they want and don't get into physical fight specially when we are talking about multiple attackers and armed!

8 years ago

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I'm glad you're still alive...
I live in high criminal rates city too... The robber doesn't hesitate to hurt ppl for money =(

the problem with argentina is that the previous government give a lot of plans to people like this just to win a vote, for example, there is a plan for new born babies, in the concept is good, but they didn't make any control, so people like the ones that stole me, have kid after kid and they dont care about the baby and they use the money month afther month to buy alcohol and drugs, and now in some places it's full of this kind of persons that are used to the old system and they dont want work and they just steal. And i live in one of that places, if i go more to the center, it's still dangerous, but not so much.

+1000 same condition here

Did you get checked at the hospital? Just in case?

+1 please check...

8 years ago

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yeah, i'm fine, just a cut

8 years ago

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Glad you're ok, considering...
If it were a concussion, you'd do well in NOT sleeping, pay attention and look for help if you feel you're not right.
Also know first hand what MiniTaurus quoted, as an argentinian.. here chances of getting alive after mugged are getting slim by the day..
Just a question tho, a friend whom also is a cop saw this and didn't f*cking shutdown the criminals? man, when there's bad plants, one can only get rid of the problem by yanking it from the root..

Anyways, it's really ugly feeling and you will feel jumpy and "paranoid" everytime you're outdoors... that's the world we live now, it seems...

Must be of better spirit now to come here and do giveaways, haven't checked that tho but thanks for seeing the half full glass instead..

8 years ago

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The problem for the cops here is that muggers have more rights than civilians and cops, if i was dead, the guy just will spent some time in jail and get out for any excuse, if a police or me kill the another guy in self defense, or only hurt him, he will lose his job and go to a jury and maybe jail, same with me.

For example, something that happen a few months ago, a guy enter in the house with the persons inside awake, they punch the father and he gave them everything, then the muggers decide to rape his daughter, so the father grab a gun and kill the one that grab his daughter, now is in jail for defend his doughter.

8 years ago

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I know, I understand, it's the same here. When criminals have more rights than you it's when you know everything is f*cked up BAD. Now, god forbids it happens to me or anyone I love and care, but if it were, I'd too would have killed that scumbag, heck, might even have taken the time to peel him like an onion. No, ofc it wont bring back our loved ones nor undo all the damage, but I'd sleep better knowing that PoS wont hurt anyone ever again.

When laws doesn't protect you, then I guess is everyone for himself, and if/when you do, just don't get caught.

Few days ago, read that some muggers were ran over with the victim's car; muggers escaped in a bike but victim chase them with their car; one of the muggers was crushed and the other one escaped. Now, some people clapped, claim them heroes, others said they (1st victims) were murderers and should be in jail. I'm thinking that when justice, police, etc have their hands tied and cannot do anything for you then it's time for a change; when things don't work, change is in order, it's only logical!

Guns don't solve the problem I know, only right punishment and strict laws will. When criminals don't fear nor respect law, everything is chaos.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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that's an awful experience :-(

I am glad no personal harm was done.

But still, this must have been very scary and you lost quit a bit of personal items

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8 years ago

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awww thank you for the coupon :D

8 years ago

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Yeah ... one of my friends at the school I go to was mugged.

8 years ago

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Damn, sorry to hear that buddy, I got mugged twice but only lost cheap watches.

8 years ago

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Sorry that happened

8 years ago

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wow that sucks :( hope you're doing fine now <3

8 years ago

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I had something similar happen to me in Atlanta at a gas station about 4 years ago. 2 guys came up to me while I was going to pay for gas and one held a gun to my head while the other took my purse. The Cashier at the gas station called the police of course. But, that was the worst experience of my life, it was so scary!!

Seriously sorry that happened, hope you're okay!!!

8 years ago

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Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you, and glad you're ok.

8 years ago

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What an awful thing. I've had a couple of experiences with armed muggers and bad situations. They're a scary thing and I'm sincerely happy you're okay. In the end I am happy they just took things and not my life or well-being. It's great to hear you're okay. :)

8 years ago

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Damn, that's scary. I'm glad you're ok. How are you feeling today? How's your head?

8 years ago

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I am better, angry for the stuff from the university but fine, just a headache, IBUPROFEN TAKE ME!

8 years ago

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Thank you for the GA, I too come from a shitty place, surround yourself with good peoples and do all you can to get away from here

8 years ago

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That's some shit man, hope you're able to recover some of the data at least

8 years ago

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Ahh tipico de Argentina desgraciadamente, espero que te recuperes pronto tocayo, un abrazo.

8 years ago

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Gracias :)

8 years ago

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Aii, that sucks. :( Sorry to hear you had to go through something like that, read you already checked yourself up at the hospital, that's good. I hope this doesn't happen to you again.

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8 years ago

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