or waiting for the release maybe getting better prices

9 years ago

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Do preordering them is good ?

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Why even pre-order them, it's not that they will be sold out. If you get a good pre-order bonus I can imagine that you'd pre-order but if not just don't.
edit: Sadly there are some developers out there that cant be trusted anymore.

9 years ago

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it's about the price...as u see .the steam version of gta v got a pre-order discount and now they never discounted it on steam after release
and MGS V TPPand fallout 4 got a good pre-order prices in kinguin ATM

9 years ago

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GTA5 for pc was the only game I've ever pre-ordered via a trusted trader on Steamtrades for 38Euros.

9 years ago

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For starters preordering never is a good choice. The game may be crap, so why risk your money? Secondly, Kinguin is the last place where you should buy games. Preorder only through official channels, like GMG, STEAM and such. But then again, there is no point in preordering when you save only like 10%, but still risk getting weak or delayed game.

9 years ago*

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If it truly is about the price, wait two years and buy the GOTY edition with all of the DLC for half the price they are currently asking.

9 years ago

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and hopefully with some of the major bugs resolved (Bugthesda i'm looking at you). :)

9 years ago

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+1, do not pre-order 2k or Bethesda games.

9 years ago

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But then he can forget about playing the multiplayer, which will probably be dead.

9 years ago

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I play lots of games where the multiplayer isn't dead, and I have lots more which are single-player only. Why would you want to buy a game just for multiplayer if the multiplayer isn't going to last very long?

9 years ago

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That's the point, you never know for how long the game will have an active community. But then again, as I'm talking about MGS V, I guess that multiplayer isn't really important. People play MGS for the story, not the multiplayer.

9 years ago

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Tell me at least one title with excellent multiplayer I could be interested in the day of release, which is dead by now.

It doesn't work like that. If multiplayer is bad, obviously it'll die sooner or later. If the game is good however, it will last long, very long. I have a feeling that Quake or CS 1.6 will never die, even though I don't play either of them.

There are even guys still playing multiplayer of Warcraft II, even organizing tournaments, and the game is 20 years old. 2000$ prize pool for a game which is driven totally by the community, and abandoned by everyone else.

9 years ago

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You are lucky if you find people to play Max Payne 3, Kane & Lynch (1 and 2), and some of the good Call of Duty games. The Lord of the Rings: The Conquest had its servers shut down. Brütal Legend is dead. The first payday is almost dead. And a lot of indie games with excellent multiplayer modes are dead (The Showdown Effect for example). But yeah, you can't know for sure which games will last long and which ones won't. I love playing Warcraft 3, for example.

9 years ago

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I wouldn't call MP3's multiplayer good one. K&L is co-op game, multiplayer is extra. CoD games being released every year or so, and are made to become obsolete, why would you consider playing CoD 2 if you have let's say CoD 7. It's not like CoD 2 is any better from CoD 7, in both games you do the same thing, and in CoD 7 you have better game experience from ongoing technology.

Sure, all of these games weren't bad, but they weren't good enough either. You named W3, a game on which I've spent more than 3k hours, I know what you feel. And it's one of those "never dying" games as well.

9 years ago

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well, outside steam store, you can't refund lol. just hope it turns out to be good.

9 years ago

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never preorder

9 years ago

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Digital games aren't gonna run out.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well for some bonus why not?
Tales of Zestria is worth preordering, it gives you a bonus game, at last worth more than 10$. And in case it is bad, just refund before it is too late lol.

9 years ago

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9 out of 10 it will be on the GOTY edition.. :v

9 years ago

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Unless it's a physical item or collector's edition.

9 years ago

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I pre-ordered Mortal Kombat X. Never pre-order again...

9 years ago

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I pre-ordered Aliens: Colonial Marines...

9 years ago

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hahaha thank you for that. It brought me much joy and could hearty laugh. I am sorry for your loss.

9 years ago

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Even with Steams refund policy, those types of games need more then 2 hours to evaluate. So, no, don't pre-order.

9 years ago

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Never preorder - even if all previous releases were great, or at least fine, you never know if the new one wil be any good, or will it even work at all. Seriously - how many more AAA release fiascos do people need to learn to stop preordering? Watch Dogs being a giant letdown, Unity not patched properly to this very day, Mortal Kombat X full of bugs and later on wiping out all savegames for PC players, Arkham Knight being so bad it had to be pulled down from the shops... What makes you think that the game you're going to preorder will surely be different and work properly on launch?

9 years ago

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A Name (Hido Kojema)

9 years ago

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Hideo actually ;)

9 years ago

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u understand me right ;)

9 years ago

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first of all - it is Hideo, not Hido ;p, 2nd of all - Kojima got fired from Konami if you haven't heard - which may as well indicate something is fishy with this game (for example microtransactions that has been confirmed to exist within the game, but details on which Konami refuses to give and prohibits anyone who seen the game from talking about them).

9 years ago

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Kojima will finish up MGS V, and then he will leave

9 years ago

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Even finished and polished doesn't excuse making a $60 and then adding microtransactions. I don't play the Metal Gear games but if I did I would wait until it was much, much cheaper before buying. We've got to stop encouraging this crap.

9 years ago

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but Kojima is not the one making sole decisions about MGS V. He has no power over who Konami will hire to QA PC port for example. He has no power over Konami forcing microtransactions that may simply break the balance of the game. He has no power over Konami deciding to cut out pieces of the game if they decide to release them later as DLCs. And so on and on.
Why the fuck are you so eager to defend a game you had no chance to play yet? You know nothing about except for PR published press releases?
If you're blind to any arguments - just go and preorder it. Why do you need to ask us here, when you clearly doesn't want any answers that are contrary with what seems you already decided yourself? Just don't come back crying if the game end up being unplayable piece of shit.

Also consider this: There are two possible situations - either mentioned games end up being good or end up being bad. They are not on any sale atm anyway. So what happens when they end up being good? You will preorder them for 60$, we will buy them after release and reviews are out for 60$. All of us will enjoy good gamewe bought for 60$. What if they are bad? You preorder them for 60$, we will save 60$ by not preordering irt and spending it on some good game instead. You will either be unable to play properly game you bought for 60$ or will play a shitty game, while we will be playing good games instead. So if you preorder a game best case scenario is you don't lose anything, worst case scenario you throw 60$ away. If you don't preorder you always win - worst case scenartio, if game gets preorder 10% sale you may lose 6$ - 10 times less than losing 54$ if you preordered on sale and game turned out to be unplayable.

9 years ago

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wha.wha..easy...did u play any mgs games before ?

9 years ago

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You're missing his point, specifically "even if all previous releases were great, or at least fine, you never know if the new one wil be any good". Have you never played any of the Arkham games before?

9 years ago

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i am really getting this point.....but did u ever heard about a game never fixed...games these days not like the old days small and they can play the whole game in 10 hours or less...normal to get problems..i dont hate or love company cuz of there mistakes and specially if they fix it as soon as they notice it..

9 years ago

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Eh, games of yesteryear were not always small either. Ever played one of the Wizardry games? Ultima? Might & Magic? Goldbox? Bard's Tale? Final Fantasy? Long games are nothing new, nor are buggy games.

9 years ago

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did u ever heard about a game never fixed

yes, much more in the last several years and not some early access indie titles, but also Major AAA titles.
W_D was heavilly downgraded and if not for modders it would look ugly to this very day.
AC: Unity is still full of bugs to this very day. Has lagging issues, texture and physics bugs - and it will probably never gonna get fixed, because new AC release is just few months ahead.
Batman AO had a handful of gameplay bugs and graphical glitches at launch - while most of gameplay bugs got repaired, developer admited themselves they "are not gonna repair graphical glitches, because they are focusing on developing DLCs instead". So they dropped fixing game on PC so they could focus on developing DLCs that can be sold on all other platforms as well.
The Crew and Mortal Kombat X have netcode issues to this very day and there are no longer ongoing works in order to fix these issues.

We could give you more and more of examples like these.

9 years ago

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but ..konami ..this is not the first game they make on pc u know...they have long road with pc game and good performance games on even old pc's

9 years ago

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and only one from current gen so far. Sure - it was a good port, but how does it proof that all next ones gonna be good as well? It does not. And every company that is known now for making some shitty ports from time to time - there was a time in the past all their previous ports were great, so why should next one be bad? And for each of them sooner or later this "next one" came.

Like I said elsewhere - you got a shitload of arguments against preordering, including the most important one - the one that you cannot win anything - there are not even worthwhile preorder bonuses - but you can potentially lose a lot - and you got zero arguments for preordering. If after all this you're still not convinced - you didn't really want our opinion in the first place. You had your own opinion, you are not wiling to change it whatever anyone says - and it's ok, it's your money you're risking - but then again - what is the point of opening this thread?

9 years ago

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not nessesary that i am not convinced ..i am just want to give a point...yes .ther's no good pre-order bonus.
anyway..ther's time and alwyes good to wait

9 years ago

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regarding only Unity: i honestly don't know what you are talking about. it was pretty broken on release, true. but after 3-4 weeks (3rd or 4th patch) it actually ran really well for me. most bugs were gone (barely noticed any), and the performance was actually very ok (it is a very pretty game, so it's understandable that with high details you will need a good pc). at least that's my personal experience. hard to imagine the game that runs so well for me is "full of bugs". not in my version of the game. ;)

9 years ago

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I did not try running it on high end PC, but also not with maximized graphics setting and still seen quite a few of glitches month ago at my fiancee's brother's PC. Sure - no more hideous face-glitches, but quite a few annoying graphic ones still was there. Maybe it's because of it being well-fixed only for high end hardware, maybe because of him running AMD card instead of NVidia one, the fact remains it was still glitchy and I don't believe at current time it will ever stop to be so.
Few examples:
Very common glitch was watter bugging - losing it's texture and becoming invisible depending on what angle you were looking at it.
Also very commmon thing - objects and npc models not rendering properly at right time - causing them sometimes popping out right in front of you.
Heavy FPS drops in large crowded areas and while climbing high.
Also while climbing - dynamically changing drawing distance up and down.

9 years ago

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yeah, maybe it is a AMD thing. i don't have a high end system, just a (decent) gtx 970. and it runs well. for example no huge drops in crowded areas, like you described.

9 years ago

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Having big names drop the ball on sequels is not unheard of. And Kojima's track record is not spotless either, he has made games that have turned out to be less than stellar. And whenever you think that just because there is a big name attached to a game it can't turn out to be bad, just remember this:

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9 years ago

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OH NO! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THIS UTTER SHIET??!!?? :( I will have nightmares again...

9 years ago

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Relax, it could be worse

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9 years ago

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yes, I played all major releases in the franchise and it's one of my most beloved franchises of all time. Still it won't make me preorder MGS V on "face value" especially considering lack of their experience in making a PC ports, whole Kojima drama that we still have no idea what it was based on (may as well be because of Konami forcing bad changes to his beloved piece of work) or how invasive are these microtransactions gonna be.

9 years ago

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and it's 37$ in kinguin ..about 39% discount

9 years ago

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The point the earlier dude is saying, if you wanna risk your cash on it, go right ahead.
Hideo Kojima's name slapped on it doesn't guarantee that its gonna be a very polished PC port.
If the deal sounds good to you, by all means purchase it and let us know if it is a good or bad port. End of story.

9 years ago

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And if you buy it from Kinguin it may also mean that you will end up paying 97$ for this game, if it end up being faudalent key being resold, what happened in the past as well, and you end up having to buy full game for full price again :D:

9 years ago

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it will be at that price after release aswell, so what's the point?

9 years ago

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anyway..aas i see here ..wating is the best answer..

9 years ago

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Let him pre-order, do not waste your breath on someone who does not want a sound advice.

9 years ago

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A single name means absolutely nothing in this case.
Especially not the designer of the game, no matter how talented he is.

It's the programmers that screw up under pressure, it's the QA team that fails to find the issues, and when the QA team does find issues, it's some business suits who aren't even directly involved in creating the game who decide to release it anyway.
And the end-result is another high-profile launch going horribly wrong.\

At least Phantom Pain is supposedly running on the same engine as Ground Zeroes, and that got a lot of praise for being a PC port done right. So that reduces the chances of this being yet another porting disaster.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago*

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I'm not. Bethesda is known for having buggy launches, and for every of their previous titles it was better to wait for modding scene patches than playing their games on launch.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I had a bug that made me restart the game - couldn't progress major questline because NPC never spawned.

My 2nd playthrough few months later was much better one, almost all sidequests went without any errors, and only blocking bug was Dark Brotherhood NPC I was supposed to kill not spawning again blocking my progreess in this questline, but it was just one side-quest-line missed so not such a big deal

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I understand ;) Like I responded to jatan - I can understand preordering physical versions sometimes, I did so myself for example for this sweet Witcher 2 set shown below (it also included baseball hat and T-Shirt not shown on a photo), but here OP was asking about preorders in digital form. Even worse - buying them on Kinguin ;p

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9 years ago

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Ordering from CD Projekt is an unusually safe bet, however. Other developers, not so much.

9 years ago

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I know ;) Plus well - for polish gamer, years-long Witcher books fan and generally fan of po;lish fantasy - ordering Witcher games is an exception from "never preorder" rule ;p

9 years ago

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i preordered bioshock infinite. i got 30% cashback on gamersgate and 3 free games (good games). totally worth it, if you ask me. a prime example of preorder bonuses done right. even if bioshock infinite had turned out to be mediocre (which it wasn't - it was fucking awesome ^^), this would still have been a good deal. 2 skins and ingame currency is not a good deal though. ;)

9 years ago

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Physical Pre-order bonuses are the best kinds imo.
Can't get a wolf's head medallion from a digital deluxe copy.

9 years ago

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yeah - or giant Geralt head statue to use as your nerdy headset stand :D:

9 years ago

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I preorder if I feel the physical limited edition will be worth money on ebay.

9 years ago

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it may be the case sometimes (that's why I preordered polish preorder version of witcher 2, because physicall bonuses were awesome), but in this case OP is willing to preorder digital version. Even worse he's asking for preordering from reseller on Kinguin.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Unless you drunk some Nuka Cola don't.

9 years ago

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I believe the rule is: Don't pre-order ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. I may have missed a few ever's there but you get the point. Its worth paying the extra 10% to make sure you're getting a complete, working game. Also don't buy from Kinguin or that other grey market I don't remember the name of unless that's your only option.

9 years ago

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I believe you mean G2A as that other one ;)

9 years ago

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That's the one, thanks.

9 years ago

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waiting on fallout 4, it will be steamworks so you can get random key online for 20 bucks probably
im going to preorder TPP on ps4, because it has preorder bonuses.

9 years ago

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I would recommend against pre-ordering. Bethesda games are notoriously buggy at launch anyway, so if you want the best possible Fallout experience, wait.
As for MGS 5, we have no idea how well it will actually run on PC, and you'll likely get a better experience waiting for a few patches anyway. So don't pre-order it.

About your comment on GTA V and no discount, the game is still new. Don't expect an instant discount. It will be discounted, just wait and see.

Also, keep an eye out for boxed copies. Price on those tends to drop fast. You can already get boxed copies of that for less than 40€. Same will probably hold true for the games you mentioned.

9 years ago

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I would be surprised if The Phantom Pain PC port turned out to be significantly worse than Ground Zeroes port, which I heard is pretty good. The point still stands about the base game itself, so I'd be wary of preordering anyway.

9 years ago

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Yeah GZ was surprisingly good. It is always smarter to wait til the game reviews come out but then there is the social prestige of getting it earlier than everyone else. But that's like a case to case kind of thing.

9 years ago

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I played MGS GZ at low-medium settings 766p 30fps with a GT 610. You can get an idea of how well optimized the game was.

9 years ago

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I've only pre-ordered 1 game before and it ended up not as fun as the first game of the series so I regretted it. but it was also only 12 bucks for that game.

I never preorder, its dumb specially with how AAA games have been going the last few years with "We'll release it now and fix the massive game stopping bugs later". In some cases, they actually do fix the bugs right away. In other cases it takes them weeks or months to fix the bugs. And in some cases they never fix the bugs (Batman Origins for example)

If for what ever reason you are going to preorder, don't to it till the last second you can. In some cases companies put embargos on reviews of their games which means no reviews can be published till a specific date. If that dates is weeks before the game comes out, then chances are the game is in good condition. If the reviews are not allowed to be released till a day or 2 before the games release, chances are there is something wrong with the game. If the reviews are not suppose to be out till the day of release, chances are very high that there is something majorly wrong with the game that they don't want the public to know about till after they have already bought it, could be bugs, could be nasty DRM, or could be "features" that would piss off most users (like what happened with the newest Sim City)

Basically preordering should never be done. A message has to be sent to these idiots who give the OK to release a game in a broken state that we won't stand for it anymore.

If I wasn't so cheap that I wait till games are like 5 bucks, I wouldn't buy a game till at least a couple of weeks to a month after release just so I know what the major issues are with the game. By then there are lots of professional reviews and reviews by normal gamers like us.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I would pre-order Fallout 4 ONLY if it comes with some exclusive content.
If not, I think the Holiday Sale sounds like a good time to purchase it.

9 years ago

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Good to see I'm not the only person who's already thinking about the Holiday sale, lol.

9 years ago

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Why miss out on a potential discount.

9 years ago

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Well if you preorder on Steam now, there's not much risk. If the game ends up not being good you just ask for a refund. And there are cases like Tales of Zestiria in which you could end up getting Tales of Symphonia if you preorder. It still hasn't reached that goal but I think it'll get there. I still haven't preorder it yet but I think I will a couple of days before it releases.

9 years ago

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Q. Should I pre-order a computer game?
A. No. Bad idea. Don't do it.

Q. But if I pre-order, I will get bonus content which is not included with the vanilla version of the game.
A. It's not included today, but sonner or later, the dev's will be selling it as DLC to make a few more dollars.

Q. But if I pre-order, I get extra goodies in the game that I would miss, otherwise.
A. There is nothing you could possibly get that would make it worth pre-ordering. Years and years of game-development history backs up that fact. Also, the practice of pre-ordering has damaged the gaming industry, causing dev's to put out half-finished games which are designed to milk you of every last cent you own. Just say "No" to wallet-rape.

Q. But they are offering a reduced price on the game if I pre-order it.
A. If you want to save money, wait until the GOTY Edition---which includes all of the DLC---goes on sale for half the price they are currently asking for the vanilla version.

Q. But I dno't care about the money. I just want to play the game as soon as possible.
A. Then wait for the game to come out and buy it on launch day at full price. At the very least, you will know if the game is functional because of all the reviews available.

Q. But I want the physical, special-pre-order-version-of-the-game-including-a-cool-statue so that I can sell it on eBay in the future.
A. If you're buying the game as an investment, then buy it and store it in a closet. If you want to actually play the game, wait until after launch to buy your own copy.

Q. But I'm -pre-ordering the game from CD Projekt, and they have a reputation for protecting their customers' interests.
A. Then do as you like. Their games are just as reliable after release as before release, so there is no risk involved.

9 years ago

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^this If only we could put that in a sticker on forum discussion...

9 years ago

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"Q. But I dno't care about the money. I just want to play the game as soon as possible.
A. Then wait for the game to come out and buy it on launch day at full price. At the very least, you will know if the game is functional because of all the reviews available."

Q: But Steam has friggin refund policy. Can't I preorder with -10% price tag and free DLC and give it back when it turns out to be shit?

(sorry, just had to do that :P )

9 years ago

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Tell me, again, how many hours of playtime you get before it is no longer refundable.

9 years ago

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Two. But what PsyKo is saying is that with the refund policy, there's little difference between deciding whether to buy on day 1 or deciding to refund on day 1. If you pre-order on Steam, you now have two weeks after launch to read reviews and decide whether it's worthy of your money and start playing it, keeping it and benefiting from any pre-order bonuses/discounts, or if it's an incomplete pile of garbage and you will refund it. In that sense it's a win-win, if you decide the digital bonuses are worth the effort of potentially sending a refund request.

Mind you, I'm totally on your side. I wait for discounts. The only thing I've pre-ordered since the PS1 days (Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, that there was a demo of before release and came with a legit action figure) is Gamestop's 75% off Gat out of Hell price mistake.

9 years ago

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And I also wrote that as someone who nearly never preorders - GOTY/Complete/Ultimate Versions FTW :P (nearly never because kickstarter and Killing Floor 2 Early Access - not sure how those count...).

9 years ago

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It's Fallout so we know 2 things:

1 - There will be a lot of bugs at launch

2 - There will be a lot of DLC

After getting burned by Arkham Knight, I agree that no one should ever preorder a game.

9 years ago

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In general, no.

However, I did preorder Fallout 4 for $45. The way I see it, it comes out in November, so it's seriously unlikely to be more than 25% off come the Christmas Sale, and I don't want to wait so long to get the game just to save a few bucks.

"But what if it's bad?" you might be asking. Simple! Refunds are generally easy if the game comes in the form of an un-activated Steam key, at least from major retailers like GMG, GOG etc. So if it comes out and it's widely hated and reviled, well, I'll just refund it and get my $45 back. So...what's the risk, exactly? Either I get the game day-one, or I refund it and don't care. This is exactly the choice I'd be making on launch day, but I saved myself $15 which is a pretty good savings on a new AAA title.

As for Phantom Pain, there are too many worrying things from its development, including Hideo Kojima being fired. At least with Bethesda I KNOW FO4 will be a buggy mess on launch, but a lot of Bethesda games I find are the funny kind of buggy more than the unplayable kind of buggy. I want MGSV to be good...but I don't have enough faith that it will be, despite finding Ground Zeroes excellent.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You seem very one-sided still. Why did you even ask question in first place...?

9 years ago

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so .i have only to ask to get only no ? ..if u read the post i didnt care about technical problems..i only asked about the pricing ..so i dont guess i am who doing wrong here

9 years ago

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I only see "Do getting pre order fallout 4 and mgs v pp now is good choice ? or waiting for the release maybe getting better prices"

Nothing about "technical problems." So we cannot tell if you care about it or not, though you should, beside why would you buy crappy unplayable game? (Fallout 4 and "MGS V PP" can be one of them, of course it's unlikely, but hey, we will never know...) "technical problems" is something important to consider... If you still don't care, just pre-order... Why did you ask question...?

You also didn't mention about time, so I suggest you to wait for like 10 years, so it's likely that price will drop lower than price of pre-order. So there you go. Just play a waiting game.

Not pre-ordering is safe move, but if you are that closed-minded, you shouldn't be bother asking a question... Only good about it is that you'd waste your and our valuable times... I am done here.

9 years ago

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"Refunds are generally easy if the game comes in the form of an un-activated Steam key" - nobody with brain will refund a Steam Key after they send it to you. Unless it's Arkham Knight disaster, where publisher explicitly states they will refund everyone who wants a refund.
All you can do is try to sell it on Ebay, but if game is shit, nobody will take it off your hands. Unless you put it for like $30...

9 years ago

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You know they can revoke a Steam key, right? I didn't buy it from a trader, but from a store. They have systems in place for re-activating a license key in case someone's credit card is rejected or charged back.

9 years ago*

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GMG refund policy:
" Refunds may be offered if all the following conditions are met: (...)

  • The game activation key (including any bonus or beta keys) have not been disclosed to you by email or webpage" .

When GMG sends you key, you're done, no refunds.

Pretty sure most Steam-retailers have similar policy.

9 years ago

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Well it's a good thing no key has been disclosed to me yet. Some retailers only send you the key when you request it on their webpage - Humble does it this way and I believe a few others do as well.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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I came here to post this. :D
But your link is broken ;)

9 years ago*

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Fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

9 years ago

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If you want to preorder go ahead.
The internet will tell you no because that is correct answer.
Bethesda games are always riddled with bugs, even after launch.
I'd only recommend it if you're absolutely infatuated with the series.

9 years ago

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I'm tempted to preorder Fallout 4, but only if i find an interesting collector edition.

9 years ago

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Don't you ever preorder. I did it on Watchdogs ... even with some preorder bonuses, I was really disappointed about the game!

9 years ago

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I can't imagine preordering is a particularly good idea, especially for PC lately, there have been a number of bad releases that I've heard about off and on, and it seems more common lately.

9 years ago

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I preordered Witcher 3 and I didn't regret my money for any single minute of my 120 hours gameplay.

Don't preorder if you're not sure, don't preorder if you're not a fan of particular series and you don't need to finish it the day it's released. Don't preorder if you want to get all DLCs with GOTY edition a year after. Don't preorder if you have no idea what you're doing and your backlog is already big.

However, YES, preorder if you want to support your favourite developers, and YES, preorder if you know that you can't wait any minute longer for a release. Like I did with W3, and didn't get disappointed.

In fact, preordering a title will give you only one particular thing - playing the title (legally) the day it's released. It's awesome feeling indeed, but definitely not for a game you call "meh, maybe preorder", in such case, you can only get disappointed, or in best case, call game "meh, maybe it was worth it".

9 years ago

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I believe Fallout 4 will be good only because of how much is riding on its success. Bethesda is a great company and will make it great. I say wait until you hear more about any preorder bonuses or collectors editions.

9 years ago

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Bethesda is also known for having their games really buggy at launch ;) Sure - they fix them quite fast plus modding community fixes what's left, but still - playing Bethesda game few weeks - 1-2 months after release is much better idea than playing it on launch :>

9 years ago

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