I need help i dont know how get level D:

8 years ago

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Make giveaways. Easy af.

8 years ago

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Welcome to SG & hope you enjoy your stay :) !
Here is the FAQ, very usefull to read.
And here is a thread created bairly a day ago that covers the same subject :)
Hope I were to any help!

8 years ago

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congrats on making a thread called "I'm showing off how lazy and/or stupid I am" https://www.steamgifts.com/about/faq

8 years ago

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Show some patience with the newbie.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Because patience is often considered a valuable trait to have. If community members like you jump down someone's throat for a simple question, they might be turned off by it altogether and leave. We wouldn't want that. We want our community to grow and prosper!

8 years ago

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Added to that the FAQ isn't readily available due to no stickies....not to mention the person literally was trying to find out something in a polite manner.

8 years ago

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Maybe he doesn't even speak proper English in order to read the whole FAQ. Heck, I didn't even know what FAQ means when I first joined the site. :P

8 years ago

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Fücking A-lot Questions xD

8 years ago

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Or just "f*ck it, I'm not reading this". :P Well, although I have an English certificate, I didn't know what FAQ means, because it's an abbreviation. :( I learned its meaning shortly after joining though. Also, to be honest, the FAQ needs many updates and improvements, because it's not clear about many things. And they also need to add a trade FAQ.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that is (sad/poor) reality :P

8 years ago

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Also, to be honest, the FAQ needs many updates and improvements, because it's not clear about many things.

Amen to that. I haven't opened it in months, because every time I do, the technical writer in me cringes.

8 years ago

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Like the part where it says "bundle games". So, everyone will think that games that have been actually BUNDLED, are giving a 15% cv of their value. BUT, steamgifts considers that bundle games are actually the games that had big discounts.
Also, community voted giveaways?! When that was a thing? How old is that FAQ? o.O
And why calling out and referral links are allowed for some users, but not allowed for some others?

8 years ago

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FAQ = the sound u make when u realised u messed up

8 years ago

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Well, although I have an English certificate, I didn't know what FAQ means, because it's an abbreviation. :( I learned its meaning shortly after joining though. Also, to be honest, the FAQ needs many updates and improvements, because it's not clear about many things. And they also need to add a trade FAQ.

8 years ago

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that's what I've been saying,
the FAQ certainly isnt clear for new SG members especially on how to increase their levels.
I agree about adding a trade FAQ as well.

8 years ago

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Because everyone was a rookie once, and the worst thing that can happen to a rookie is someone telling them to "look it up yourself".
Because the site is anything but newcomer-friendly and it is easy to get confused.
Because patience is a valuable commodity that is getting way too scarce on the internet.

8 years ago

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Because the site is anything but newcomer-friendly and it is easy to get confused.

Totally true. And also, why everyone hates doing level 0 giveaways? Imagine steamgifts with zero level 0 giveaways. Every newcomer would be like: "So, we can't participate anywhere? We have to buy games and give them away first in order to win? Is this site pay to win? I'm gtfo of here!". :P Anyway, wise words, talgaby. ;P

8 years ago

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It can wear on you. I have reached the point where I decided that after reaching level 10, I will almost completely stop level 0 giveaways and let others continue that work. It has good moments, but the few bad ones hit hard and cause too many headaches.

8 years ago

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Naahhh, it's a rule of mine. I can't change my own rule. I'm too headstrong to stop following my own rules. xD

8 years ago

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Er… no disrespect, but I have a slightly… longer road behind me on public level 0 giveaways, so let's just say you still have a lot inside you before you could potentially burn out on them. I, well, don't, not any more. ^^'

8 years ago

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Longer or not, I have this rule.......did you have this rule too?

8 years ago

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Yes. 66%+ of my work here had to be level 0 public. I am at 70.5% public now, level 0 is about at 68%. It will go down eventually, but I stuck to it as long as I could, or maybe longer than I should have.

8 years ago

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So, you had the rule to make level 0 giveaways that are accessible to anyone, either public or private that can be entered by anyone from the steamgifts discussions? Because I can see that you started making group giveaways quite fast. Sooo, you didn't actually have a rule about that, but you probably just wanted to make often level 0 giveaways that were accessible to everyone.

8 years ago

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Level 0 public. Not invite-only forums link. Right there on the main page.

Initially I started on SteamGifts by doing a weekly giveaway series for the Coupon Dumpster group, because… well, no real reasons. That series still lasts, but now it evolved into something where I post a tiered pack for 9 groups, and the Dumpsters are actually in the lowest tier now.
The public ones came months later, as I learnt how frighteningly elitist this site can be. Wanted to do my part balance that out.Carried it a wee bit too far for my own good. :)

8 years ago

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Where can one get those numbers from?

8 years ago

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SGTools. :) If you mean my level 0 one, I know that how much non-zero ones I posted, and those are really few.

8 years ago

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Yes, I was referring to the percentage of Level 0 GAs. I have no idea how many non-zero ones I posted, so I just went over the last 10 pages of my GAs. The percentage of "real" Level 0 ones (excluding group and whitelist GAs, but including both invite-only and public) is 86%. This is roughly where I want it to be.

8 years ago

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The worst that can happen is people giving everything he needs to know without teaching him how to get this information himself and making him believe it's okay to ask anything in discussions. I even put the FAQ in my comment. Doesn't mean I can't tell him it's stupid to make a thread about it. I got this reaction of politeness and social justice and then you open discussions to see jokes about people shitposting or comments like "why did you ask this, here I searched it for you in discussions, there's like 100 threads about it pls next time look it up".
I also think that it's a must to read the FAQ and/or some "About" section in any site you register in, because why do you register here in the first place if you don't know what's going on? The SG FAQ is not perfect for sure but I got everything I needed to know there anyway, when I first registered.
But whatever, I guess all these I-know-better people beat me here, oh no.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If we show patience for them & take 5min too try to learn new users basics we can save the Support team time, but we can also avoid rulebreaking/misstakes. :]

8 years ago

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Now he might never make AAA giveaways :(

8 years ago

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give games away with 5 entries :)

8 years ago

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Public giveaways don't have entry requirements above 1. (Except for region-restricted, those carry the 5-entry rule.)

8 years ago

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Oh I though that only applied to level 5+ :O But I put it in case he decided to go through the group giveaway method XD

8 years ago

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It applies to any public giveaway, regardless of level restrictions. Or, simply put, anything but level restriction triggers the 5-entry rule. This is one of the reasons I like to make 1-2 copy giveaways on public GAs, as no matter how terrible the game is, even that small CV is guaranteed. (And when one is gathering 5000.00 with roughly 1.10 a time on average, every small bit can help a lot… ^^')

8 years ago

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Basically you level up by creating giveaways. To reach level 1 you have to give away one game, doesn't matter which one. Gaining higher levels is a little more "tricky" though.

EDIT: I was late.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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By killing level 1 crabs near your local water source.

8 years ago

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What happened to levelling up by hunting boars?

8 years ago

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Boars are level 3 now . They changed it in the last Steamgifts patch.

8 years ago

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They are imba now :/

8 years ago

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How many boars I need to kill to reach level 10?

8 years ago

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Roughly 4000-ish.

8 years ago

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Don't kill the crabs! D:

8 years ago

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But what if it's tryin to plunder your garbage?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Okay, you can kill that one.

8 years ago

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Is that a cheese burger with a seeded bun on it's butt?

8 years ago

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First of all, welcome to Steamgifts! I would encourage you to read the FAQ and Guidelines as it helps answer many questions new users have. To answer your question simply, create giveaways for Steam games and based on the value your giveaway has it helps you to level up. :)

A detailed explanation you can find here. Again, welcome! I hope you find this site as amazing as I have!

8 years ago

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still thinks the Level up part in FAQ needs an update...

8 years ago

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Getting to level 1 is as easy as giving away one game. Getting to level 2 and up is a bit more work :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Personally I prefer Steamgifts Double Gold Premium.

8 years ago

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Someone said in another thread yesterday that they are selling Platinum level Premium membership again. Woohoo! \o/

8 years ago

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Pro tip of the day: "Don't create a thread and go offline."

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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You have to buy the legendary pack :)

8 years ago

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Gib gamez awayyyyyyyyyy
or buy Steamgifts Premium, You only have to pay 15$ D:

8 years ago

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better to get rid of the faq

8 years ago

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Step into my van and I will help you get lots of levels.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Would be more convincing if it said Free Levels.

8 years ago

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He is only 12 FFS!!!!

8 years ago

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Hey! I just finished playing Costume Quest 2.

Candy is power!

8 years ago

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