When you have bought a digital game but one day the game no longer run because last windows version is not supported and will never be.
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Won a battle in World of tanks, and nobody from the enemy team was sleeping with my mom yesterday :D
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hmm.. does it mean, that usually they do sleep with her?
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Actually, if you kill someone, then he is often writing some messages like: "I slept with your mom/dad/sister/granda yesterday".
It's sad, how kids can behave these days...
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Havent played in a LONG TIME. Hows the community now? Better or worse?
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I bought TF2 back in the day, around 20$, after a few months was set F2P.
I bought HoN (moba) because I played it in the beta for free, around 20$ as well.. a few months after that the game was set F2P.
I bought Binding of Isaac the week it came out, but before I did that I previously added Binding into my wishlists.. guess what game Steam gave to me?
I've been thinking about playing WoW but I'll wait. I'll damm sure wait.
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Not exactly outrageous, but will hit you right in the feels.
"I used to play tomb raider with my grandpa, he was retired military and the only one who had the money at the time to actually afford a "decent" computer at the time. I remember going to school and watching the clock tick down till I get to go to my grandparents house. I knew everyday at 3:30 my grandpa would be waiting, computer on, game loaded. I'd pull up a stool and we would get to work. He controlled the WASD and I moved the mouse and shot. Looking back on it, it would be incredibly boring to just move the character and not get to do all te fin shooting that he allowed me to do. It was a team effort, every level, every boss, game after game working together to beat them all. Then cancer beat him, I was only 11 when he passed, I put our copy of prince of Persia and walkthrough in his casket. "
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So if you haven't heard of this game called Darkest Dungeon (its on Early Access still, YES YES, I know, Early Access, shut up, you're gay)
K anyway, it was one of those indie games where I got hyped up with upon hearing about it at one of those game shoes.
Long story short, I bought it instantly upon release.
20 Hours Invested! Hell yeah!
So they had this rooster of heroes.
And one of the most broken heroes was the Occultist. Which just so happens to be your voodoo juju-dudu-googoo Witch Doctor types. He starts casting spells, like, ya know, throwing flasks of green stuff and red stuff.
And summons tentacles. Yes, tentacles from above.
Like this.
So 1 day I was going down a dungeon with my party. And went up against your typical mob. I probably should mention now that I was so addicted to this game, that I was playing this in class.
So the enemy attack looked something like this.
Complete with slish sploosh sounds.
The lecturer started playing some weird video on piracy and censorship in my country. So I figured it'll be a good time to plug in my headphones and start playing the game with volume instead of silently. Now you see, because Windows is a horrible OS, you actually need to CLICK to set the sound to headphones EVEN though you've plugged in the headphones. Since the video the lecturer was playing was pretty loud, I didn't notice and started playing.
Back to the Occultist, I named one of his attacks Tentacle porn time. So while the enemy was attacking me I happily sang the Tentacle porn song.
Which goes something like this
Oh Tentacle Porn, oh Tentacle Porn, I'm getting raped by Tentacle Porn
Now's the time to play with some Tentacle Porn
Don't judge me, it was 9am in the morning
So anyway, the video stopped playing and the class went silent. Well obviously I was halfway singing the tentacle porn song. And well, that attacked happened. So it had that gooey gooey slimey splatty sound SPLAT. That happens to be tentacles. And nope, that attack also broke one of my character's resolve / the nerve meter.
Which was something like this.
So naturally she screamed. And the volume was pretty loud, along with the splat. And the class was quiet.
I excused myself from the class immediately after.
Sang the Tentacle Porn song in class while lecturer was talking about censorship in my country.
My friends are still looking at me weirdly.
Also, don't play games in class.
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I was playing Dota 2 , it was a very balanced game, and we did roshan , and one of our supports deny the aegis :( , we lost that game :(, maybe if we had aegis we had chances to win
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Not outrageous nor in any way special, but on my first playthrough in Dragon Age: Origins (the only time I chose an elf as my character) it took me by surprise at the end of the game that I couldn't be the queen just because of that choice, the hilarius part was that I had everything planned, solved every quest and carefully planned all my other choices but somehow missed what was needed for this one.
I just have to add that the story from joule2387 about his grandpa is both beautiful and very touching <3
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The game asked me do I feel like a hero yet... Right after I burned alive 47 innocent civilians, including women and children, and a hundred or so US soldiers which were protecting them.
What are the eight scariest words in the English language? "We're Delta Force, and we're here to save you."
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What are the eight scariest words in the English language? "We're Delta Force, and we're here to save you."
that's 9 words, actually 11.
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And 3 year old game is "old"? I have a pre 1990's games on GOG.
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To be honest, no I don't. Maybe because English is not my first language, and I can't notice this subtle difference.
And as a naturally born sadist - yes I did. I won't allow him to get an easy way out. He is dead inside, and now he must learn how to live with it.
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I just think that survival is overrated. You need to live a little too. (Celeste)
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Not being new/fresh does not mean that it's old. Like for example a football club that's been there for 15 years, it's not new/fresh anymore, yet it's still not an old club like for example those that's been here for over 120 years. Or, a man who's 29 years old. He's neither young or fresh, but he's not 'old' either. Same thing goes for games, just that games can be deemed 'old' in a much younger age compaired to my examples.
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My oldest game from digital distribution was released in 1981. So that game is older than I am.
Game from 1980's is very old. Game from 1990's is old. Game from 2000's is kinda old. But nothing released after 2010, on Unreal Engine 3 cannot be called old. Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way is old. Spec Ops 2: Green Berets is old. Hell, even 9-th instalment in the series, Spec Ops: Airborne Commando is old. Game released less than 3 years ago, which is working on modern hardware is not old.
Let me put it this way. If the game doesn't require HD remake to look good like a modern game - it is not old.
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Perhaps check Dungeons 2 if you haven't already, I think it looks great :)
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and this maybe http://store.steampowered.com/app/230190
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Fought Ultima Weapon in FF8 knowing that I had no chance (I'm OCD in gaming and need to explore and try do to EVERYTHING) I died once and the Phoenix GF brought me back, I died twice and Angelo brought Rinoa back, she quickly brought back Squall who brought back Selphie and I managed to get her THE END limit break for the very first time (it's the most lethal limit break of all characters and I tried in vain to get it before but I almost lost any hope) and the strongest boss of the game died in 5 seconds :D
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Could be anything.
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