For quite a long time I was trying to find a game to remember the glorious days of Line Age II. Apparently I don't want Line Age 'cause over the years I've played the shit out of it. So after various games I came across Tera.

So, I want to do it properly. Find the proper server and character so I don't give up after a couple of days cause my choices where wrong(like i did with Aion).

I'm asking from experienced Tera players to guide me through this. All i want is to suggest me a nice crowded EU server to play with my GF and have fun.Plus which Race is best for each class. Don't want anything fancy, just the basic info that are obtained through experience.

Thanks for any help provided.

12 years ago*

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There's not really a perfect 'race, class' set up. Most people play elin at least when i played it when it was [ay2play.

I loved playing elin slayer. :3

12 years ago

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Elin :P its like perverts happy hour. As i remember from LineAge it was well known that Dark Elfs where better at magic, Orcs for damage, humans where buffers etc... I was thinking maybe it is kinda like that on Tera too. I might just take what it looks better on my eyes :P . My main worry is to find the proper server.

12 years ago

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Most races can do pretty much every class, there really is no difference. I don't play on the EU servers so i wouldn't know. But they did add three or four more new ones since the game went F2P. I'd look there, :3

12 years ago

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I play as a Castanic and her running animation annoys the shit out of me. Actually just her standing is annoying too. With her posture, her spine would break. She looks totally retarded running and all the armor (edit: actually can't really call them armor. They're more like summer dresses) I tried on her so far gives me a view of her panties while she runs. I'm female... so, far from "turning me on" it just makes me go "why the hell can't this girl keep her panties covered?" Though I'm sure tons of male players think that too. -_-

12 years ago

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It might be like that so you have the advantage on fights against boys :P Its true that is a bit too much all this naked bodies on games like this.

12 years ago

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For some reason I had 3 installs of Tera on my computer. Uninstalled them all yesterday.

12 years ago

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thats about 150 GB lol. Y u no play no moar?

12 years ago

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Meh, can't really stay with any game for that long of a time.

12 years ago

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You might be my son, or my father. Having really difficult times to play a game for long time. (except the Cs and dota )

12 years ago

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It was good when it was subscription only. Now it's full trash.

12 years ago

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feel you bro

12 years ago

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tera isn't as good as line age II was :S i know it is apparently a "stolen" line age III, but it just doesn't come close to being worthy i think. i'd recommend waiting for blade & soul or phantasy star online 2. but if you are only into graphics then tera might be something for you i dunno. good luck i hope you find a better answer than this.

12 years ago

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Pretty nice games you suggested there. I keep an eye on blade&soul.

12 years ago

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Can't really give you much advice since I just started recently but here it goes:

Fraya and Veritas are the most populated English PVE servers, Killian is the most populated PVP one.
I play on Veritas, and during the day there are plenty of people, but since this is a new server (around a month old), most people are still in the lower level areas. It's also pretty empty during the late hours (past 2 AM), so it's much harder to get a party then.

About races: You should just go with whichever you like best. There are some racial benefits, but they are negligible. Here is a list:

12 years ago

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I think i ll go on Killian. Or on Veritas till i learn more about the game. Havent figured out yet :P Thanks for the info :)

12 years ago

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Take it from a guy who played Lineage 2 for over 6 years, Tera doesn't come close to it. Simply cause the PvP in Tera is almost non existent. Also the challenge is not the same either, u get to max level in 3 months or 4 , playing casually, getting the best gear would take maybe 2 more months and after this u can't do pretty much anything since the PvP wasn't really thought trough , mass pvp with Tera's engine will make most PC's stutter (even great ones.)

12 years ago

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Well the thing is that a while ago i tried Lineage again but for some reason it lagged so much that it broke my nervs. So i want to try new alternatives. And yes lineage pvp was epic... good times

12 years ago

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Line Age??
Do you mean Lineage?

12 years ago

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needs 35GB, sheesh

12 years ago

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Obviously :P . Autocorrect did it i swear.

12 years ago

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I already seen this thread before..

Anyway, I tried Tera, noticed the graphics were really crappy (maxed settings), noticed my X-Crap 360 controller was too damn buggy for that sensitive game, then unistalled that crap.

12 years ago

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Sorry for making you live this again.

I found Graphics really attractive.

12 years ago

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you may play something else than f2p @retards or minecraft then

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by midnightshooter.