I've sent the key, I can't do anything about him not replying.
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The winner has redeemed my gift, but not marked it received. How do I proceed?
If your gift has been activated or redeemed by the winner, and they have not left feedback after seven days, please create a support ticket to request received feedback. A support member will review and ticket, and if the gift is activated on the winner's Steam account, approve the ticket and update the feedback to received.
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I don't know if it has been activated, I don't even have that key anymore, and I'd have to spend a couple of hours going through literally tens of thousands of emails I have received since then. I don't think it is worth my time, especially when the reward is close to meaningless. Thanks for info though.
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You may not know if he redeemed or not, winner can have private profile as yours, but support can check his account as it synced to the site once a week. I think you have waited long enough :) And why reward isnt worthly? You will become lvl1just for single comleted giveaway. Or you can make another one. Time to change! :D
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I just don't like going through various support systems that remind me of bureaucracy and take a long time with little reward. I might do it one evening when I'm in a good mood. I bookmarked it in a visible location. :-)
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I'm sure you spend money on Steam games, and you do not spend around $70 a month for food, $250 for rent, and then wonder where to borrow $20 for a month that you're lacking to pay for electricity and water and internet. Then eat less next month as a form of "fasting."
When you live like me, come back and tell me how bad my ratio is.
Gifts from sites, including Steamgifts, as well as a couple of good friends is what allows me to play anything at all. And luck with my hardware of course, considering I buy computers every 6-8 years, because I cannot afford to buy them sooner.
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even thats true or not, 5 years member without giving!
In 5 years? save 10 cent for every month in 5 years could be a giveaway now..
well maybe its bad but blacklisted sry dude , we all share some bad reallife storys
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Giveaways are not my priority at this point in life. Survival and attempts at betterment of it is, however.
And no, I haven't done any other giveaways. I was going to do some, but the games were blacklisted, so I just gave them away on random people on my friends list. It was only 2 games though, and I got them with a bundle. I bought a couple throughout the years.
The points system is a motivator of course, but again, I don't even pay money for games for myself, except for - I think - two bundles. I'm not sure about the numbers though, I don't think it's important enough to check my cc history.
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im fine , cuz this is ur decission fella. And you dont complain bout beeing blacklisted so we both are fine.
I just cant stand people who only take, if its not important okey but this site lives from take and give principle, so ;) I think we both can take our positions and just leave it as it is ;) best of luck in your further ways.
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Giving a game to someone who can buy it (or probably won't even play it) does not make me feel any happier. I'll stick to my belief that buying two packs of cookies for that $1 will make me A LOT happier. And the potential winner will stay indifferent, like he would if he was to receive a 203rd game in his collection that he could buy by skipping a weekend at a club where he just spent $200.
I do understand that it's your societal value however, so I don't complain or try to change your opinion about anything. In fact, I think it's impossible to change. Not that there is anything wrong with it. I would make giveaways if I had extra $50 each month, the rest of which would be divided between savings, food, and things that might make me enjoy life a little bit more (like games).
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Wow, talk about screwed up priorities. You are talking about survival, not being able to eat, pay your electric or water bills, and where to borrow money, yet you are worried about Steam being down for a day? I wonder how many hours you rack up gaming on that private steam profile wasting time and electricity when you can't afford to eat.
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Don't you think it's better to spend a couple days per month gaming (on average) and have something that makes you happy and makes you forget how shitty your life is?
I think that's a lot better than laying on the bed or walking around the city pointlessly and thinking about the extra $30-35 that I'll save each month by not using my PC (most electricity) and breaking my internet contract, and be able to eat a bit more. Or would you prefer this over actually feeling happy (through temporary forgetting of course) for a few days a year?
Also, it's not private, it's friends-only. I don't see why that's a problem.
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I just find it hard to believe what you are saying and this post makes it even harder. In the same post you say you game a couple days a month and then a few days a year.
Having a private profile isn't a problem, I was just interested to see if you were gaming 10 or 20 hours a week while claiming you can't afford to eat.
I guess if gaming makes you more happy than eating, go for it.
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I think it'll probably amount to 15-30 days throughout the year.
And yes, it makes me a lot happier than the process of eating cheap food.
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I wrote a great reply to that above your reply.
However, for hating yourself for leeching... I understand that, but I guess I just balance it out elsewhere, since I do not feel that way. Or it might be a composition of that and me understanding what I wrote above.
Either way, I'll only do giveaways when I have extra money to do so, whether it's $1 or more. :-)
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Perhaps there is something I can do to try and solve it?
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I cleared my DNS cache actually. I was thinking it might be a new IP as well.
I hope it will solve soon, today and tomorrow are the exact days when I need to do some gaming. :-)
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I know, it's Steam's involvement. I wonder if Steam itself has DNS caches that simply fail to update because of invalid servers.
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nslookup to what? I'm curious how many it'll be for me.
And yes, I know. It's just that so far whenever I was exposed to DNS changes, they always took place within half an hour. And I've been exposed to that a lot.
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Hmm. I'm not sure what you wanted to show by this then. You might be better off telnetting it. In my case, there's only two hops through my ISP, then two through their ISP. Regular stuff.
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Didn't know that. It's still only 5 in my case though.
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Yup, I can logout, login, use it.
I've tried reinstalling Steam too, didn't help.
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No need, it just started working for no reason. :-) Thank you for actually staying on topic and trying to help me. I respect that.
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Maybe try to use "-tcp" in Steam launch options?
Information about this
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Ignore the S*&%heads who talk about Ratio. this site is for giving... it's not a trading site...
as for your problem. in Middle east Steam works fine ;)
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Well, I don't game much. I usually get into a game, play it for a few days, then don't play anything for a couple months. Sometimes more, sometimes less of course, it varies.
Right now I'm into a game that requires connection to Steam (even though it's not an online game), unfortunately...
Thanks for the suggestion though.
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