you might -not- have noticed that a key reseller started what you're reading in title, up here. tho, this thread is not about that.

this is for showerthinking, brainstorming, fantasizing about what would be if, for every entry in a giveaway, you would have to pay one cent of a dollar. here, at SG, starting, say, tomorrow.

how much this would / could change your experience here?

edit: you can shoot whatever you might think, obv, but, imo, the 1 cent to pay would be better to remain on site = at, not on giveaway creators

+visual mandatory thing (you will NOT pay the cent)

5 years ago*

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Well, since I don't trust anyone, it won't change me at all. I won't go there.

5 years ago

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this would be here, at SteamGifts. starting tomorrow!

5 years ago

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You should stop taking showers.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I think most SG users would run away if they were required to pay like that. Could easily end up killing the site.

5 years ago

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So SG to become dig? Now if dig had any good games....

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Not sure about good ones, but they surely do have interesting ones.

5 years ago

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You need a new pastime icaio. I am just glad you aren't cg :P
We could end up with a bunch of new gambling addicts.

5 years ago

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I mean it would most likely get rid of all the auto joiners and possibly make it much easier to win giveaways so.

5 years ago

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But how would I then get CV?

5 years ago

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by amount of people entering your GA's or money spent as well xD

5 years ago

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To be honest it would be great if you got a cent per person who joined your give away/

5 years ago

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It would make more people come of course, but probably, old members (old sg if we call your side the new one) would leave for this. I would like to see a poll of what people think like Yes/No.

I would say I wouldn't stay/wouldn't like it.

5 years ago*

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Why do you think "old members" would leave?

5 years ago

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not liking big changes to something they are used to do, at least there will always be a disagreement

5 years ago

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I don't enter many giveaways anyway - I probably wouldn't enter anything if I had to pay to enter. Its more about the effort rather than the cost (Also not wanting to see a list of $0.01 transactions on my account :D)

Although you'd probably get your moneys worth - $10 for 1000 entries doesn't seem too bad, and as people mentioned with this you'd have reduced entries. On the other hand you could argue this could reduce the number of giveaways and concentrate the entries on the ones that remain.

Maybe such a thing would encourage people to value their wins and only enter things which they want/want to play.

Disclaimer - This idea is nuts and I'm rambling.

5 years ago

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It would probably kill the site. Most people need 500 or 1000 entries before getting a game

5 years ago

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If I get a free fanta delivered each time I join a GA I may consider

5 years ago

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I'd create my own SteamGifts, with blackjack and hookers.

5 years ago

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signed :3

5 years ago

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You forgot the part: "In fact: forget SteamGifts" from Bender :D

5 years ago

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I'm not very keep the idea, but entering 0-10 games a day... I would likely go with it. Would cost less than buying a single 1$ bundle a week.
Thinking a bit further - maybe I would be paying up to about 1$ a week max, based on my entries, but would not pay a fix monthly price to use the site.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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There have already been giveaway sites that were accepting money for entering GAs. And it's been similar story with all of them. First of all mostly selected few who invested the most were turning actual profit, vast majority paid less in hopes of winning "as much as all these top players" and maybe a few lucky ones won more than they paid, but most of people were winning less, but thought "hey, I just got unlucky, maybe I'll try again" - typical gambling mechanic, in the end the only people who really won in this system were site owners and very few top players.

PlayBlink required you to purchase Premium Membership to gain access to best GAs. Premium accounts had also more entries in GAs. All GAs were gift copies donated by users and admin decided what GA goes to normal and what to Premium GAs. But he was managing all GAs by hand whenever he wanted, you never knew wehn new GAs gonna show up, you could buy a monthly Premium and only have access to 20GAs because he was "busy" this month, other month he would put 20GAs every 3 days. Only people who could really use the system were ones who maintained Premium all the time. But even then, higher levels had even more entries, so older subscribers still had bigger chance to win. Then he started doing events where for example in a month people would donate games and purchase premium, and people in Top 3 gained massive bonuses, like yearly premium membership etc, he ran a few of those events, cashed in a lot of gift copies, money for premium accounts, then suddenly went offline and never returned, site died, and he went away with all premium money and hundreds/thousands of gifts he never put on the site.

GameMiner also had "Premium GAs" called Gold GAs, you needed paid premium currency to enter those. You could make your own gold GA with a good game and you would get 10% of gold of entries, but that's just 10%, meaning in whole system 90% of gold at least had to come from real-money-purchases. And here again we had a case of a few top players actually earning all their gold from making GAs from things they won (regifting was allowed), usual case of rich getting richer, while vast majority of users just purchased small amounts of gold in hope of winning, and most of them didn't win, they were only putting more gold in pockets of top players and even more money in pockets of site owners. Then site owners started shady business like selling Steam accounts, and as a result their bots holding all gifts users donated got TradeBanned, and they just quit taking all the money with them and leaving users without gold nor donated/won gifts.

And don't even get me started on possibility of GA being fake - you pay for entry, you may even win, and then it ends up being fake? As long as points are free, you can say tough luck, but if SG accepted money for entries, SG would also be responsible for delivering the wins.

5 years ago

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typical gambling mechanic

so very true, really didn't thought about that side. and really don't like, also.
useful info, thou. that might show also much spoiled we are. and the more i was reading it, the more my thought was going to cg... "oh, don't do that! really don't do that". he won't do it, obviously, but it makes me think (not that much, but still... :P)

5 years ago

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Anything that involve money without a refund system can simply fraud the paid customers.
to apply it in SG would have a huge cost or it will became extremely shady

5 years ago

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And both PlayBlink and GameMiner also had free giveaways, to attract new people. If all giveaways will be paid - site will die pretty soon, much faster than PB and GM did.

5 years ago

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Well, 1 cent entry fee?
There is a foreign exchange fee.*ucking high.
There is a problem more than that, it is certified as a service similar to "Overseas Online Casino".
(May violate the law.)
All of the users from Japan will be sent to jail as "gaming crime".
Oh, I am not humanity, so it's okay?

5 years ago

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All of the users from Japan will be sent to jail as "gaming crime"

i'm... terribly, terribly sorry for what i've said, Japanese members of SteamGifts. please have mercy. it was just a shower thought.

and it's okay, Kappa. plus, i don't think you're human enough for any legislation, so you'd be also pretty safe, on that matter.

...have fun!

imma monster

5 years ago

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Yes, the story of "IF!" Is fun.

The secret that I felt attractive for only a moment, "Ah! in prison! Eat three meals a day! Without being forced to the Internet or TV! Sleeping in the right time as dead fish!" is.
Japan's prison treatment seems to be better than in other countries, and heavy criminals from other countries stalk to Japan and try to commit crimes and become indefinitely prisoners.
Because, "medical practice" will be borne entirely by tax.
"Can you treat all your teeth?"
"Can you treat all the cancer?"
It is humanitarian.

Therefore, even if misdemeanors are arrested and investigated, they are often not disposed of until they are judged in court. Generally, it is "Summary indictment" and "fine".
During the decision, foreigners are fled.
Many prisons are full.

Actually, even though the treatment cost is free, "There are few doctors who have mercy to the offender who comes to treat" and "the salary of the doctor who comes to treat is also discounted". Therefore, "the more dangerous offenders, the more I will just wait long until it is accepted. "

One fact, it is better not to commit crimes.',、 ',、 ('Θ) ',、'`,、

5 years ago

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i've heard interesting things about japanese prisons, but i didn't know about the medical assistance.

one thing is not clear, tho.
question for you: what do you mean when you say "salary of the doctor who comes to treat is also discounted" ?

5 years ago

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Until recently, Could not double as a private medical institution and jail medical care.
It is cheaper about 230,000 yen monthly income than private medical institution.
Furthermore, if the offender is a mentally ill offender, it is necessary to treat someone who has committed assault or murder.
Basically, there is no need to work except for a hero who has a tremendous amount of mercy, love and volunteerism for rebirth and a strong physical strength.
Until three years ago, was not able to work side by side with the private sector.
Working hours were also "service overtime" status, and overtime work naturally decreased after the law for improvement was enacted.
However, if think your medical condition is shallow, will be late.
After all, the number of doctors has not increased.

About three years ago, there were no 1 doctor at 5 facilities. (It will be a business trip from another facility or a move from jail.)
There is also an aging of doctors.
After 10 years, a large number of retired people will be aged.
The prisoner at that time will be "time to repent."

5 years ago

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I only enter giveaways because i can do so for free. I'd quit coming to the site if I had to pay.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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If 1 cent per entry, I would've spent ~$20 USD on $500 of received value, only $10 of which was public - Not bad IMO.
Given that I sometimes buy cheaper major bundles mostly for the purpose of giving away, I would likely cut back on this if the penny per entry were implemented.
I wouldnt be thrilled about the entry cost unless it resulted in many benefits such as: Less public entries, deterrance of low value (1-5p) bundle shovelware, doesnt cause group entry counts to plummet too low, etc.

5 years ago*

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I'd probably just stop coming. The games I enter for here tend to be the ones that I'm kind of interested in checking out, but not entirely sold on. Paying to enter for those games kind of defeats the purpose. If I was interested in paying for them, I'd just buy whatever bundle they're in.

5 years ago

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The thing that I love most about SG is that even though it's managed by site owners, it's largely run by the community for the community, if that would change to a money-driven enterprise by site owners for site owners, it would seriously change my attitude towards the site. I would look at it as any online shop, and they usually don't get my time of day.

I don't believe the site would just up and die, but it would probably change. A lot.
New users wouldn't come in the droves we se today, the real-money barrier would deter most young ones, and many first timers just looking to see what SG is - so less GA:s given.
I think many of the higher level users would leave, as a good chunk of them already complain about what the site ''has become'', I believe this to be the last straw for some, and with that two things follows;
Many of the really good or large GA:s wold disappear, so the allure for newcomers will be even less, and;
A lot of reporting to support (support assistance) would go away, leading to a chaotic site for a while while moderators get a grip on it again. Most likely with harsher rules and implementations of those rules making the site feel colder still.

After an initial outcry and raging on the message boards, and a time of turmoil on site, it would again stabilize around the new user base/site regulations and continue onward as something else than it is today. I base this assumption on seeing the result of other sites changing from free to need-to-pay in the past. As much as we love to rage and hope it will completely die if they implement such a feature, it most probably won't.
Perhaps a smaller user base, but depending on how the site is managed, what further changes are implemented it might grow again. Or it might die completely over time if future users feel they are not getting their moneys worth.

And just to pour gasoline on all your feelings; this (or something else just as disruptive) is likely to occur sometime in the future.
Today, CG seems to run the site like a hobby, or just for fun, or at least in a way where income doesn't stem from users wallets directly.
It's those policies that is keeping the site as it is today. One day he will relinquish leadership to another entity for one reason or another - you know, old age, lost interest, too much work, or whatever reason. In almost every such case the policies changes, sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly.... Enjoy it while it lasts.

5 years ago*

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with just a few ads running

I also think he's earning quite a bit through affiliate links though :) The links are added by default to every Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Indiegala, etc links on the site.

5 years ago

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Perhaps you're right. I should edit that comment out completely as that wasn't really my point here at all, that comment just befuddles the point that whomever runs this place now does it according a policy (most) of us here are happy with, and that might change in the future.


5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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Actually, if this were to be implemented on SG, I think the 1 cent per entry would probably only apply to games of higher value (unbundled ones for example, or games with values of 30-40p and above) rather than shovelware/ overbundled games/ etc.

Though, honestly, I really don't like to imagine what sort of impact this will have on the SG community.

5 years ago

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Your ideas are worth 1 cent.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by icaio.