Is it a Shitty sale?
Bloodlines is great and I really like it, but it hasn't aged very well, unlike for instance the perfect Planescape Torment (which the greatest game that ever was or will be).
I remember buying Bloodlines years ago, when the game was new-ish, and the combat felt clunky even then.
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It's hard to compare. It's a bit like Elder Scrolls/Deus Ex in an urban setting, revolving around vampires. The community patch is an absolute must.
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It can be, if you want it to be. The Nossie for example is all about stealth (and I love it). But there are clans that are much closer to being nothing but a bloodthirsty beast like Gangrel or Brujah. And there are also clans that can be as well be both, like Torrie.
VtMB offers something for every type of player. :)
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You can also make a social character, and talk your way through a lot of situations. Bloodlines has a lot of well written dialogue and one of its main strengths is the fact that you can solve most problems in many different ways, giving you a lot of replay value.
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You can make a stealth based character, but if it's not a good fighter you will have a much harder time on bossfights.
I had made a Ventrue that relied on his brains more than his brawn, and unfortunately most bossfights do not contemplate multiple approaches: you have to fight them head on (and as I mentioned, the combat system is not amazing).
I did finish the game and I'd still recommend it, but keep in mind it's far from perferct...!
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But it looks like Activision lost rights to The Walking Dead Survival Instinct. Hoped to get it for $5 one day :(
And that's a good thing. They are the ones who were artificially keeping it at $50 base price. Watch it get picked up by someone else and the regular price slashed 40-60%.
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Yeah, Walking Dead: Survival Instinct got removed. A shame, but after they upped the local price 250%, I wouldn't want to give them money for it.
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$5 is entirely worth it. Grab the unofficial community patch and prepare to have a blast. It's still a unique experience to this day.
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Technically that's sort of accurate.
Activision sabotaged Troika's release of the game [denying them assets, forcing layoffs, refusing to include completed updates in the release version, etc, and then pushing an early launch despite all that], forcing the developer into bankruptcy.
Because of that, now 100% of game sales go to Activision.
Talk about a disagreeable situation. :X
tl;dr version, Activision is basically to games what Fox is to TV shows. :/
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I'm not aware of anyone having problems with it on remotely new computers, so long as the unofficial patch is installed. Most stability issues were already cleared up with the official patches, the remaining memory issues are dealt with easily between the unofficial patch and the slight bit of hardware improvements since 2001. :P
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I assume you then completed it, so as to know that it was actually a bug [rather than overlooking a puzzle]?
And while there was a bug in the tutorial in the original release, I haven't heard of it still being present after patching.
In any case, all the people I know who've played it in recent years haven't reported any issues at all, so it still seems likely they bugs've become a notable rarity.
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The bug you're mentioning is fixed just by saving and reloading, as I recall.
But again, it's confirmed as fixed in the unofficial patch, which makes it seem likely you were using an outdated version of the patch. (It would have been on 9.0 or so, about a year ago. A simple approach is just to install Clan Mod off ModDB, which includes either the latest or second-to-latest unofficial patch within it.)
While I've no grounds to doubt your experiences, it does seem a rather strange aberration, especially since it involves a specific bug that was confirmed fixed a long, long while back.
I recall non-English versions of the unofficial patch stopped getting updated early on, if that could be part of the problem.
In any case, 'repeated bugs' is certainly unlikely, that's too far an aberration from what's expected. At that point, assuming your patch was up to date, one'd have to assume a corrupted install or some sort of strange system incompatibility.
Keep in mind, this is a game I played over 40 times- and with the exception of the first 2 or 3 runs [just post-release], I never encountered any bugs in the game, other than when I personally screwed up some texture modding [to rather amusing effect]. Many of my closest friends, as well as gaming contacts, are similarly enamored with the game, and have never had any issues with it. I haven't seen any bugs reported in sites related to the game in a long time [though in fairness, I haven't followed them in about a year and a half now].
It just seems far more likely the patch you used wasn't up to date, than your experience being so unusual.
Though, I believe there was one release of the game that couldn't be patched- one of those trashy online retailers that used to be big- so that could also be a possibility, though that seems unlikely this far in.
But, perhaps yes, there's one person who has trouble despite the patch. :P
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I couldn't get it to start, even with the fan patch and suggestions. :(
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Even after following the recommended suggestions to make the game run, I couldn't get it to start, just got the same old errors.
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Sadly, his experience mirrors mine. The only reason I never bought this game legally was that whenever I tried to run it, it just didn't start, at all. And I have the same problem with Arcanum; ever since I use Win7, no amount of fanpatches made it work. I can start it, but it crashes every five seconds on all my PCs.
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Eh, in all honestly, apart from the standard ridiculous overpricing on even the most ancient CoDs, it is a surprisingly normal Steam sale for Activision. Granted, Steam sales tend to be rather underwhelming in general for some time, but all and all, there are some interesting titles on a good price there.
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Considering that there's a high chance they might not work on your PC, they are absolutely pricey.
I want both of them, but not taking the risk, one day they'll go for 90% hopefully
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Yea I've played the second one on console, I really liked it, but doubt I'll buy it on Steam anytime soon...
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Activision are always overpricing their games. Also a few of their sales reach 75% off and almost none anything above.
Also their is no chance anything made by Activision gets bundled
I suggest that you skip this sale (and this Publisher).
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Durga Activision why you not make games cheap. Bad Activision. Something Call of Duty, something stupid kids.
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Maybe on the Summer Sale :)
These small sales are always higher.
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You wait, while Activision will lose rights (again) and you won't be able to buy it anymore :P
Happens to Activision games a lot. Deadpool game will killed like that too a year ago, but movie release made Activision renew rights to sell it, but probably they will be gone soon...
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its already april the summer sale will probably be out by june or may so they pricing the games now so people waste their money :D so wait for the summer sale
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Ah, I'd like to play Legend of Korra, but 75% on Activision is still sucky..
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The intro is censored worldwide. Traded for the ROW version a while back but you can mod the game and the intro will be uncensored. Without modding I couldn't run it on Win 7.
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i looking to buy Tony Hawk's Pro Skater® HD - Revert Pack, could be a smaller price on the summer sale?
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You kidding? Hackcitvision may be a company of dick-bags, but it has some pretty sweet games. The two Prototype games for instance: not as awesome as they should have been, but hell a fun to play anyway. Or the old Call of Duty games. Those were fucking awesome. Although the fact that they're never more than 50% off is totally vexing. There's also Gun, Timeshift, Singularity...a lot to choose from.
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I didn't know 3D mini golf was published by Activision. O.o
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Yes, Prototype can be a fun game, I enjoyed it. On console. Sadly the PC ports are badly optimized and apparently don't work well with AMD cards. :/
I have nVidia so might try out one day on PC.
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Prototype 1 doesn't run as well as it should, but is very playable all the same.
Can confirm that Prototype 2 + AMD card + current drivers devolves into an unplayable mess. Game code has some seriously wonky threading issues- you want to pin it to a single CPU core to avoid random crashes, missions breaking and other fun stuff regardless of video card. But combined with curernt AMD drivers that escalates into extreme memory leaks with all the associated side effects.
Use older drivers and it runs well enough.
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Still replay GUN once a year here, but if Rockstar had actually ported RDR I'd probably not touch it again.
It's good, but not super great. Nice soundtrack though and the horses move better than in most other games.
Main character is voiced by Thomas Jane (Detective Miller in The Expanse) and his dad's voiced by Kris Kristofferson, so decent voice acting at least.
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Eh, it's on par with previous Activision sales. By their standard, every discount over 50% is good.
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The main problem is that the base price for their games is too high. And also, Activision.
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I was happy to see Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions for 75% off so I bought it. Would have liked to get Deadpool and Transformers Devastation also, but they're too expensive at 50% off.
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Shattered Dimensions is on sale for 75%? Damn, wonder if I can get some spare funds to trade for it.
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I'm surprised it went so low. Last time it was on sale, it was only like 25% off or so.
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I'm half tempted to buy the spiderman game, I know spiderman is one of those licensed products that will get removed at some point, so might be a good idea to grab it now at 75% off, although on the other hand I can wait for the steam sale, it'll probably be 75% off then as well..
on the other hand, it's 75% off, I'm not sure if that's a good sign considering it's a marvel licensed product and they don't seem to stick around for long..
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Oh yeah, we've seen way better discounts than these.
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So, I took a look at the sale and every single interesting game that I would buy is >= $9.99 even like 7yo ones
What do you think about it guys?
The only one worth getting may be Vampire the masquerade but $5 for a 12yo game....
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