Most of what you wrote is incorrect. Usually preorder items are not that valueable as they lose value rapidly once they can be "crafted" in game. There are only a handful promo stuff that are REALLY valuable.
You can sell your TF2 stuff for Paypal money as there are more than enough buyers for promo items that are extremely rare, not to talk about TF2 Mann Co Crate keys, who can be sold 1.70$ each easily and if you play your cards right slowly you can always make a small profit.
Definitely not something to make out a living from, but does it say something that from the 150+ games I got on Steam (not that much I know) I actually bought 4 the rest I got through trading and in the process I accumulated an additional 200+ TF2 keys, without spending a cent.
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Knowing the sale prices, buying cheap-selling a bit higher, luck etc. You have to be really "in the know" about Steam games to trade with profit.
TF2 Mann Co keys are a currency which in the right hands, can generate some nice profit with a bit of luck and patience.
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I would say it is definitely doable. I actually know somebody who started with almost nothing valuable and built up to almost $2500 USD in items.
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The only way I think you can actually 'make' money is trying to mooch profitable items off poor blokes that have no idea what they have in their inventory (yes it happened to me, some kids nagged me for weeks for free items I had no idea are actually worth anything).
Needless to say, I think its an ugly practice.
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^ He speaketh the truth.
The two ways of making money are by:
A) being rich and lucky -- you use your existing money to buy keys, you uncrate crates, and you hope for something rare; you subsequently sell the rare and get more money. Begs the question as to why you're doing this if you already have money to waste on keys...
B) being a dick and trading good items for shit items to people who don't know any better. Begs the question as to why you haven't killed yourself, you worthless fuck.
Both methods take a lot of time, neither method is all that rewarding, and option B) is only really an option if you're what we call a "cunt".
No, there's no other way to turn a profit from trading. Be rich or be a cunt.
It's possible to [i]get[/i] rich[i]er[/i] in cosmetic terms, but not in real-world terms. For example, making metal, trading for hats, trading hats to others at a higher price etc etc. This will never earn you enough for anything remotely decent -- just more cosmetic items in the in-game world.
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I would be surprised if someone could make a liveable income out of it. All you get on Steam is wallet funds anyway.
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Only chance of making anything worthwhile is buy uncrating and getting unusuals. It usually takes around 100 uncrates to get one unusual so you need to have starting capital. It's risky but very rewarding for some.
Also if you could go back in time and collect as many buds/bills/HOUWAR etc, it could also work.
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Well from those crates you will also get other items which you can sell for a bit (example paints, higher tier strange parts etc). Also Most unusuals go for for 5+ buds I think. If you take the price of bud at around $40, you can make a bit of profit. Or hold on to the unusuals/buds until the price rise and sell them.
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start with this, find an idle server for #1 method, then follow #4 method, then when you earn the first key sell it for more then its avg price and re-buy it for less, so you can earn some scrap or rec medal, repeat this last point three days I made a key, but since I haven't got a lot of free time, I gave it for a game...remember that keys can be exchanged for a game, you can buy games with TF2 keys with a consistent discount
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Buy low, sell high. Nothing complicated about it. About a third of the games on my Steam account were earned through trading alone. Haven't done much trading recently though since I've been busy, so I don't know what kind of shape the market's currently in...
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Well...It's not tf2 buts its close, dota 2 market is just as profitable.Here's something neat I found. See, in the Valve's merch store there are these headphones, Gamescon 780's, they are pretty good. It was $80, came with a dota 2 headband and a code for an item, battlefury. This weird. It sells more than the headphones are worth, significantly. I was offered $120 paypal for them and that was a low offer. I took $150 worth of keys instead :D ( not kidding, here's the screenshot Few things to note, battlefury codes can only be used once per account, so you can only do this trick once unless you want to make a bunch of spam accounts. Also the headphones have a tendency to go out of stock often.
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Grinding items, and trading items on either TF2 or Dota 2, you can make a little profit, but unless you're putting in hours upon hours trading items for other items, and then selling them for USD it's going to be a significant amount of work. Your best best would be creating items in the workshop for either game and making them good enough to where they're implemented into the market. I know some of the TF2 item makers, and some on Dota 2, and they can live VERY comfortably just creating items and receiving their stipend checks from Valve.
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I know you can't make anything livable from it, but how much can you realistically make?
"We have a kid in Kansas making $150,000 a year making [virtual] hats. But that’s just a starting point."
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Better off trying to make money in Second Life. I made around $500 in a month or two just taking part in events, doing random stuff. That was a few years ago now though, not sure how much it's died off over time.
I also met someone who crafted random types of flowers and plants in the game, they made enough money selling them to afford a flat, food and clothing in Central London (with no other job).
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EDIT: Not asking due to wanting to do it, but asking out of curiosity - as in, what do you mean by "abusing"?
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All accounts can get rare drops. Non-premium cannot get hats - meaning tools and crates drop instead. If you're lucky enough, you can score a few name tags (worth more than common hat) or even salvaged crates (multiple keys worth) at higher probability than premium users can achieve. While you wait for them to drop, simply craft weapons into metal to not exceed your 50 slots of inventory, as soon as they drop make that account premium and grab spoils. In theory, this should work, but unless you know how to make a few dozen to hundred account 'farm' I don't think it's worth the effort. To me, even idling on my lone extra account is sometimes not worth it.
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I think you'd be better off getting a real job with a steady income. Odds are, the profits you'd make doing that would largely overshadow anything you'd make with tf2 items. If I misread the title and you want to CREATE items for tf2, I hear that can actually eb fairly lucrative (if you have some skills under your belt).
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Exactly. With enough accounts you could live off of it.
Say you have a solid PC with 8 Gigs of ram. You could run about 12 TF2 clients on it in text mode with sandboxie. 12 accounts for 12 hours a day every week (12 hrs should do it to get all drops available in a week). So 24 accounts per day * 7 = 168 accounts idled in a week for 12 hours each.
This could bring in some nice extra cash if you are living with your parents or leeching off your girlfriend. To get some serious cash, you could set up a server with 32GB of ram or more and have your accounts idle on that :D
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Is it reasonably doable for someone with a lot of free time? I know you can't make anything livable from it, but how much can you realistically make?
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