I read a post on Steam where the author said he had been permanently banned on SteamGifts together with his brother and stepfather because they shared the same internet connection and so had the same IP address. I couldn't find a rule about internet connection sharing, so I'd like to know if the guy was telling the truth and this is really disallowed. One thing that came to mind was that many ISPs are transitioning to IPv6 and putting users behing CG NAT (Carrier Grade NAT), which means that groups of users will have individual IPv6 addresses but the same public IPv4 address. Also, especially in the case of ADSL connections, users are assigned a new IP every time they connect, so eventually they might be assigned the same IP as another user.

6 years ago*

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Was he, by any chance, called Konrads or something similar? :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Happy Cake Day!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy cake day :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy cake day :o)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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That's a big slice of cake! Happy Cakeday!

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy C-day :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Happy cake day

6 years ago

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happy cakeday! 🍰

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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oh, shiny... snatched that for my collection, thanks. :-)

6 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Nope. It was on a discussion about the mass key revocation that happened last week of all keys for the game "No70: Eye of Basir" that were included in a Groupees bundle from a few months ago. As always, the scammer I mean dev messed up and there was this guy defending the scammer's "mistake". So I checked the guy's SG account and mentioned that he was banned here, and he answered: "not only my account but also my brother's and a family shared account my stepfather used were suspended because we were all using SG on the same connection and they don't allow that."

6 years ago*

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LOL, you really believe them?

6 years ago

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Actually no, and I even have my own private connection, but I always like to know exactly what the rules are.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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That would be stupid since I use SG at work and everybody in our office share same IP. I don't even know if anyone else in my office also a SG user or not.

6 years ago

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if you use steamgifts at home or what ever as well, your account has sometimes a different ip as the others from work so support should know you are not multiaccounting^^

6 years ago

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What about dorm students? :D

6 years ago

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True. Also, some people do have brothers or sisters living under the same roof. Not unheard of.

6 years ago

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Here in home, I am a user, my son is a user, my godson is a user and my niece was a user too (now she has other priorities...k-pop, etc.)...everyone under the same roof.

6 years ago

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Yep. It happens. Thanks for being living proof

6 years ago

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if you have someone in your family which is using steamgifts as well, it might looks suspecious. if both accounts are allways at the same time online, entering the same giveaways (invite as well) and so on, it might end up beeing banned. also if you have 20 family members using the same ip it might also end up getting banned.
if you know someone using the same ip here as you, i would inform support so they know its a real person and not a multi account.

6 years ago*

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i was wondering... how would you know that someone else has the same IP?
even among family members, you might not know whether someone else from your family also uses SG.
i wouldnt know if my husband is using SG as well unless he tells me or i specifically ask him for that.

6 years ago

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Yeah, you might need to Talk to family members unless you See them using sg... but if you know Person x dont know how a pc Works or isnt Gaming, you dont need to Talk with them ;)
but then again: how do we shall know who is playing Video Games or using a pc?

6 years ago

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yeah thats what i mean.
not all family members are really close knowing what everyone is doing in their free time.
like myself... even though ive been gaming almost my whole life, having access to stuff... or knowing of SG itself (im here since december) ... isnt always the case.
i didnt even have a steam account for a long time as i was using my then bfs (now husbands) PC to play.

6 years ago

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How this typically works is that if someone on the same IP as you logs in/creates an account, you should immediately submit a support ticket so that your accounts are "tagged" as such and you don't accidentally get banned. I've had my sister create an account and occasionally login from the same IP, and that's what I did.

6 years ago

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i know there's one user sharing the same ip with his "family" and it's fine with support. it's just a coincidence all of them are in the same group idling games and never playing a damn thing, but they probably run a pretty organized family business selling cards for a profit.
it's all good in the name of sg-friendship™ and sg-exceptions™.

send a ticket with info about other accounts sharing your ip and try your luck.

6 years ago

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I have my own unshared connection (ADSL, individual but dynamically assigned IPv4). I'm just trying to establish how the system works and what are the rules concerning this. I can definitely see a potential problem for users of ISPs that put them behind CG NAT, because there's no way to know how many and who are the other users sharing the same public IPv4.

6 years ago*

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Maybe add that info in your startinpost to dodge all the "i guess you just want to multiaccount"-hate thats on your way to your inbox ;D

6 years ago

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My blacklist can always accommodate more people.

6 years ago

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Heh family businesses 2.0 I guess eh?

6 years ago

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I have also wondered about this but for many other sites that require individual IP addresses and shun multiple accounts using one IP address.

How can they know or what is the rule here then tho

6 years ago

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support members mostlikely dont want to share informations about this as users could abuse it...

6 years ago

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The normal way is that YOU contact the support if more as one person use a shared connection/network and a special site. Not from interest if that is steamgifts or a browsergame site.

And because you brought up the key revoking scammer dev ... yeah i trust his borther + dad story. Totally :-D

In 99% of the cases are the brothers responsible on all the mess in each and every situation when they made bullshit and haven't the backbone/the eggs to stand to it

6 years ago

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Not to mention that the "dev" had multiple game bans on his account, started out saying rhat the revoked keys were beta keys, changed the story a couple of times and ended up saying that he hadn't been paid by Groupees. Then he changed his profile name and "moved" from Turkey to Uganda (according to his profile info). It's worth mentioning that Groupees quickly replied to all support tickets and replaced all the thousands of revoked keys in less than 24 hours.

But the banned SteamGifts account wasnt't his, it belonged to a guy I was arguing with on that thread because he was defending the "dev". It's this guy who said he had been banned along with his brother and stepfather because they shared a connection.

6 years ago*

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I just looked and now he eems to have move to Sudan!

6 years ago

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Well... it's not that simple. While I don't have a family member in the same household who uses SG, if I did, I'd be informing support about them right away so that my account didn't get flagged. People who are genuine members have nothing to hide, they won't be logging in at the same bloomin times on the same computer. IPs get reassigned, but... my current IP won't be used by someone else on the same day or at least it's unlikely.

You know, I've been a site admin for years and even with 1000s of active members back when, I could usually tell when a previously banned member returned even on a different IP. We might not notice for several days, weeks even, but then their old habits would return. Members might not see it, but forum staff generally have a hawk eye for these things because they're the ones dealing with the problem. It's possible those members were showing the same personality and habits too.

Once, there was this member who started a spam thread posting shock imagery (against rules). It was two users posting every other post. I check the post IPs and they are the same and within minutes of each other. These two users were supposed to be exes who hated each other. I PM one of them. They claimed to be living states apart and still hated each other and that the pictures were retaliation against the one that started it. After a little digging, she got all of her accounts banned, except one. THE BOYFRIEND ACCOUNT. (Yes, it was a little evil, but she deserved to have to explain to all her friends). Each of the accounts had made friends with different groups of people. It was really bizarre. But of course they were her ex, her sister, her best friend and a bunch of other sockpuppets. She contacts me asking to have a particular account back instead. I was like "Nope. Now you can explain to all the people you lied to." People are so weird, so I never take their word for it when they say that their "friends" got banned.

Pretty sure that staff here don't just ban people for simply logging in on the same IP. If they did that, they'd be banning countless people with dynamic IP addresses, college students, or people working in large companies. There are plenty of factors that determine if someone is a multi including specific tools. I won't make it easier for would be multis to explain these things, but anyone who has been staff on a website, or is a little tech savvy will know.

6 years ago*

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That is indeed very strange, it seems like wasted time going back and forth and creating all those lies. Wonder what she got out of it?

6 years ago

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I dunno to be honest. I wondered if she was trolling and finding it hilarious to play people off each other... or if this person had no friends in real life and felt good to surround herself with fake popularity and drama. Who knows.

6 years ago

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Reminds me of admining in Arma 2 days. People were often so sloppy when taking on a new identity.

Player name1 with ID 12345 get's banned.
Player name1 with ID 12378 connects, disconnects, player name2 with ID 12378 connects and plays for a day.
later that day me checks player database, sees above
Player name2 get's banned.

And other way around, changing name but connects with old ID, get's kicked, tries again with other ID.

Same with IP's, but that usually showed in behaviour. Just pay extra attention to a person with same IP and you will catch em quickly enough by repeating the behaviour you banned them for in the first place.

6 years ago

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Haha! Yeah, those are the dumbest ones. Then they're like "but, but, it was my brother."

6 years ago

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My brother and i share the same IP because we live togheter but, support suspended our accounts until we proved that are of different people, so he is lying. The all acount susppended/prove different owners taked me less that 3 hours. All fast done.

6 years ago

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Agreed. He probably invented it to try to justify his ban.

6 years ago

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Basically, as long as you're not doing anything that looks suspicious, like as soon as one logs out the other instantly logs in, and it always follows this pattern, or you suspiciously seem to constantly enter the same giveaways (or worse, one enters a giveaway with SG tools protection, and then the rest of your "family" instantly enters the SG-tools protected GA without passing through SG-tools), you tend to be safe. Still, I think support might even have asked people who share connection to tell support about it (or this might just be an urban legend, and Support never asked about it, but people do it anyway).
Most of the time when people complain about getting unjustly banned from SG, it only takes a little bit of digging to find things that don't quite add up. Like why is it that your family member's account don't seem to play any of their games (other than possibly a specific competitive MP game), but love card farming?

6 years ago

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Good points.

6 years ago

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Hey, there are many people who only play CS GO, why can't I, my mom, my grandma, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, our pet fish Sebastian, another aunt, the raccoon that comes sniffing around the trashcan at night, my neighbor, his pigs, neighbor's wife, all play CS GO, farm cards, and log into SG occasionally? You don't know us, so don't judge us xD :P

it was the neighbor's wife, wasn't it? I overdid it...

6 years ago

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No, it was postman!

6 years ago

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That is corre... wait, how did you know that I play CS GO with my postman? SG Mods now gathering data? :O

6 years ago

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That would be heresy.

6 years ago

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Why? Raccoons are actually great at CS! Although, he played better when we were on 1.6 than now on GO, but still...

6 years ago

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Raccons just looks shady :D

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6 years ago

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Well as was pointed above we won't list any "guidelines" how we proceed with multiple accounts. As it would only give users tips "what to do to not get banned" basically.

But there are various other things we use to find out multiple accounts. We do not ban on IP base only.

Like when SG and hundreds of other sites were cut off in Russia. People were using VPN to access external services, and we were not banning hundreds of accounts just because they share the same IP.

6 years ago

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Thanks for that explanation. Now since you mentioned people using VPNs to access SteamGifts. I've noticed that quite often people from outside the regions some of my giveaways are restricted to - mostly people from China and Russia - are able to enter those giveaways. In many cases it's quite easy to tell they are Chinese or Russian from their SteamGifts email and their Steam profiles (nick language, profile info language, profile comments language, groups they are in, country of most people on their friends list, etc.). Is bypassing giveaway region restrictions like that allowed?

6 years ago

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Each SG account is set to certain region. And you cannot bypass it with the use of VPN. Site will simply not allow you to enter in GA with wrong regional restrictions.

Like I have region set to Poland, and even when I'd use USA VPN I could not enter USA-only giveaway.

Region does not change based on IP number, it must be manually adjusted by support, after we see ticket about it.

So even when someone has Russian flag on Steam, text in Russian and name in Russian, but their Steam and SG region are set to Vatican City - they will be able to enter in GAs where Vatican is one of approved country. But won't be able to enter in giveaway that;s set to RU-only.

If you have certain users in mind you can create ticket in other category. I'd allow me / other support member to check region of people you're referring to.

6 years ago

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Thanks, hadn't noticed that my country can't be changed by me in my profile settings. But does that mean then that anyone from anywhere can register on SteamGifts and set their country to whatever they want?

6 years ago

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I do not remember how registration looks like (other user or support member can be more helpful here).

I do think SG somehow automatically checks user Steam region, but it can detect it incorrectly. So you can adjust your region during registration on your own. In that case - yes, you can set whatever region you want.

But it would quickly lead to user not being able to redeem games they won, even when SG region match giveaway regional restrictions. In that case we'd ask them to send us screenshot of Steam account details, and if region do not match - adjust it manually.

6 years ago

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Thanks again for all your replies, MSKOTOR, they've all been very informative.

6 years ago

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You can always write other ticket if you have some question. But depending on how many tickets are in queue, how urgent and / or complex they are, and how much time we have, it may take a bit of time before we can respond. So don't think we will respond within hour (or even day) in all cases :P

I do think however that sharing bits of info in the forum is useful, as more users can see it. If only more would read things like recent Khalaq PSA though :blobevil:

6 years ago

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If 2 family members have 2 steam accounts that are valid for a sg account , even if they are logged at sg at the same time cause they could have 2 computers, all that is reasonable .... so once the system flags them out i guess its time for the support to investigate, first thing i would do is to check their steam profiles, see what games they own even tho i would expect family members not to buy the same single player only game twice like a final fantasy i would expect to share a lot of games that they could play together, otherwise why would they need more than one steam account for single player games, if they dont share multiplayer games thats fishy to me

6 years ago

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why would they need more than one steam account for single player games,

Maybe because account sharing is against the terms of the SSA and can get you banned.

6 years ago

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I dont know how it can get you banned in the scenario i described, basically you buy a game in your account and your brother that live in the same house with you comes in your room or maybe you live under the same room plays the game at your computer , this is not account sharing, my wife played crash bandicoot at my computer , different save, why would that get me banned? or have you never played a game with a friend at home if you pass the controller its account sharing? and even if it is how could they know :P

6 years ago

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Multiple people playing on one account is precisely what account sharing is. In most instances it may be near impossible to tell but it is something that the rules explicitly disallow and some people wouldn't want to put there accounts at risk.

6 years ago

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I dunno. I give a family member in the same household second copies of single player games if they want them. Usually from bundles. We won't always live in the same household. I'm only here temporarily, until I am well again. I think it's perfectly reasonable to have the same games. I have to log out of my account to let someone else use the family sharing feature, so it isn't practical at all. Sure, there are some games on my account that they do play while I'm offline, but having their own is more convenient.

It would be more strange to see two accounts, where one has similar games and none of the games on the smaller account are being played at all.

6 years ago

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