Orphan key = A key you're uncertain whether or not got activated, or a gift / key you can't create as steamgifts giveaway

In case you have orphan keys laying around

Drop them here

You might make some lucky bastard happy
Note:Feel free to drop other keys you don't need for other platform like Desura or GOG or anything else.

8 years ago*

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WR7XP-DJ3LZ-QLJWJ heaven island life

8 years ago

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Deadbread: 7BZG5-F0##Z-23J#W #=6

8 years ago

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67BWG-?M29?-R5AY0 - magma chamber.


8 years ago

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The Adventures of Woodle Tree

01001101 01001011 00110010 00110101 01000001 00101101 01011000 01011001 00110010 01010111 00111000 00101101 01001011 01001001 00110000 01011001 00110110

8 years ago

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Ahah really nice this one even if I don't need it ! =D

8 years ago

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Has anyone seen my car keys ?

8 years ago

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These three sequences of characters might not be in the right order. Might.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Who saved the galaxy by launching a cow into space?

8 years ago

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Duplicated im so slow lol )

8 years ago

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What was the answer?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks (at least I know I was on the right track with EWJ).

8 years ago

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7 is the one lucky number.

8 years ago

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Pirates of Black Cove... don't know if it was already taken, just told me I already owned it.

8 years ago

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Rayman Origins (IT'S UPLAY NOT STEAM!!!!1111oneoneone) LXE(x)-RKT(y)-(z)8P4-YLMN

x<y<z where x,y,z∈N


8 years ago*

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Started to put it into steam, then realized that (uplay) wasn't a hint to a digit.

8 years ago

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Oh, sorry for accidental misleading. Guess now's better.

8 years ago

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It's probably my fault. I do like this "bot check" method, or whatever you guys call it, I'm just not used to it yet.

8 years ago

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What on earth is "∈"?
Did A Level maths and never seen it in my whole life?!

8 years ago

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Strange, I was seeing this symbol at my university the whole time. ;) Anyways, it's a symbol of the relation "is an element of". So, x,y,z∈N means that x, y, and z are the elements of natural numbers set. ;p

8 years ago

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Hmmm... I did mechanical maths maybe that's why. That was like 2 years ago so I may of just completely forgotten it

8 years ago

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One more DeadBreed xD 7JTNM-TD63K-96WZY

8 years ago

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Have no idea what kind of game it is, but claimed. Thanks. (put it in on an impulse, expecting to see "duplicate" as always.)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Got it! Thanks.

8 years ago

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enjoy ^^

8 years ago

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T0JQL-7VQW0-J6472 – Yargis
CAD3Q-TD642-R8AKD – Attrition
D9QBV-KNTG7-IET79 – Why So Evil
2N7KP-FKVZH-K48AA – Bionic Dues
XTAZQ-N6E39-67L92 – Big Space Mess
FG6MK-V5H45-DP3GW – Galactic Hitman
NDKGP-VZA2Q-I8JF9 – Masked Shooters 2

8 years ago

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29C8D-Y0PNP-IXRE(fingers on one hand)

8 years ago

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(4 divide by 2)EV3R-6P6Z7-6QKX7 - the deer
VXJTN-B5HWD-RQ(3 squared)FH - Rage Parking Sim

8 years ago

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I got Rage Parking Sim thanks!

8 years ago

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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (IT'S ON UPLAY NOT STEAM!!!!!!1111oneoneone) (x)KP-NKGB-(y)XCG-WJJL-PE(z)G
y=(4!-3!) lim sin(x)/x as x→0
z=lim 6+(1/n) as n→∞
s where s is the sum of the infinite series Σ1/2^n where the lower index of the summation symbol is n=1 (the upper index of the summation symbol is of course +∞)

Have a nice day. :D:D:D

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Hahaha, nope. My keys, my business how I distribute them. ;)

8 years ago

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i dont think even normal people are gonna get that one.
try making the code into a jpg image and ziping it. then uploading it in 4shared or mega.co then hotlinking the downloadpage.

that take as long as solving arithmetic and is easier. plus bot can't solve aritmetic neither execute complexe suite of action (follow hotlink->connect->get past the site bot check (if any)-> log in with valid acount if needed-> hit download link-> actualy doanload and analyse file-> determine what archive format-> extract archive-> scan extracted file type-> detect jpg-> open jpb-> scan for code-> fail because its not a text file->someone else who did not sue a bot legitimately ninja'ed it while you where loosing time with your stupid bots/script.

8 years ago

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I'm aware how bots work, but thank you for the explanation, nevertheless. The fact is, normal people must be kinda... well... "stupid" would be kind of offensive, so... not-really-well-educated? Also, you actually can solve this with the basic math knowledge. Hell, you don't even need to solve entire equations. :P And, the last but not least, one doesn't have to be university student to simply google the way to solve this (or directly the result, to be honest).

And it's not like anyone needs to get this key, right? If anyone's willing to get the free key, why not to put a little effort, huh?

8 years ago

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I think it is great.

People worry so much about bots here and never think for a moment, our primary system favours those who are most practiced at copy/paste combined with typing speed.
It is just a practiced skill, like doing math.

It seems to me they just hate when you adjust the odds out of their favour by requiring actual other skills which may give others not so adept at copy/paste and substitution a better chance.

8 years ago

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You may be right. Honestly, I just thought making this a little bit challenging may be fun, although I must admit that getting the keys by those who just copy/paste and type faster than the rest of the people seems to me to be a little unfair and almost as irritating as ninjas.

Also, thanks for the appreciation once again. :)

8 years ago

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you built a reply containing several argument about how my opinion is biased/wrong. (even though you dont claim it directly)

i think that was a free hit that i did not deserve.

also i dont think even normal people are gonna get that one. doesnt imply that everyone is stupid.
this here was a very distorded interpretation you made.

8 years ago

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Sorry for offending you in any way, but that wasn't my intention.

8 years ago

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Already have this game.

Still, this is awesome.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the appreciation. :) Not really hard, but I'm a little bit too lazy lately to make equations challenging. :P

8 years ago

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Absolutely. Doesn't even have to be just math, these kind of bot protections are fun and get the job done :)

8 years ago

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I already have it or else I'd be solving the heck out of that. IT's a great game, and you are correct; somebody with the right skills could solves these fairly quickly. I'm pretty sure I've seen these, or close enough, on exams myself. If you have limited knowledge of more semi-advanced calculus however, you're up a creek without a paddle.

8 years ago

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Well, I guess it's a downside of every more sophisticated way of making the key obtaining a little harder. Save for the jigsaw puzzles, I guess.

8 years ago

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Well si(0)=1, therefore y = 6-24 = -18. I think y is meant to have only 1 non-negative digit in the key, so I guess you mistyped that equation..?

Next equation is easy when lim 1/n = 0 (when n to infty). So z = 6.

The factor 3!-1 on the last equation obviously is 5, but your notation of the summation is very uncommon, because the summation index i does not appear in the sum itself. Nevertheless this yields the sum to be 1/n(n+1) * n = n+1 (when the upper index is n). Therefore x = 5(n+1). For a unique solution for variable x you must clarify which number n should be.

Good thing that I already own this game :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, I mistyped the first one, sorry for that and thanks for pointing that out. :)
About the summation index... Well, I always write it below the summation symbol, everyone did, senseis included. Also, it's kinda important what is the value of the summation index. :P
Also, the third one is also a mistype(s). :D Correcting right away. And you're right, I should write the sum of the series some other way.

8 years ago*

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Now you write
"x=(3!-1)s where s is the sum of the infinite series Σ1/2^n where i=1 (the upper index of the summation symbol is of course n)"
which doesn't make much sense neither. :P
Naming the summation index "i" makes generally sense when this variable "i" occours inside the summation members (nevertheless its not "forbidden" to do otherwise, for example if you write \sum_{i=1}^5 n , you sum up the number "n" 5 times, which equals 5*n). So i think in your equation you want to name your sumation index n instead of i. The second remaining mistype is that I guess you want to say "the upper index of the summation symbol is of course infinity" instead of "the upper index of the summation symbol is of course n".

8 years ago

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I totally beg your pardon, typing anything after 25 hours of awakeness is a total failure. Of course you are totally right, sorry for raping your eyes with such nonsense. ;p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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K3MGJ-8M6C2-(Ball Bearing)K0M - Journey To The Center Of The Earth
F2YBT-DYELV-(Zoom-Lens Reflex)63 - Rage Parking Simulator 2016
YNJC9-QDEF3-(Molecular Weight)6T2 - Heaven Island Life
X3ZEV-(Hazardous Material Warning)66-WJY3R - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack
4RC03-(Environmental Awareness Group)EE-WBZTX - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack
Q(Zärtlich Liebevolle Zuwendung)3-28H8J-XQY7C - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack
8VRFL-9W(Generic Genome Browser)-H9IDL - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack
BLYWJ-AFRYH-D8(Teletronics Technology Corporation) - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack
TQM8Z-F(Kernel Visual Distinguishability)P-EAPV2 - Deadbreed – Undead Beta Pack

+1 New
CV8EX-YTDA9-VK7(Dragonball Z) - Heaven Island Life

8 years ago*

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Took rage parking 2016, thanks!

8 years ago

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Whoa so many Deadbreed.. Somehow i thought there for a second the keys is for "Ball Bearing", "Zoom-Lens Reflex" and so on :p i'm so stupid..

Thank you anyway :D Didn't take any i'll leave it to the ninjas

8 years ago

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Thank you, got the Environmental beta pack key

8 years ago

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I got "CV8EX-YTDA9-VK7(Dragonball Z) - Heaven Island Life", thanks!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Taken (not by me)

8 years ago

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Heaven Island Life -BG4FE-3*DMH-KIIMC

Replace * with the capital letter of the morse code of a single dot

8 years ago

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Thanks a bunch :D

8 years ago

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@AINV6-Grave-@H#5ZQ Prosperity: Redux-part 1-@Q4L#L #=R Remove: @

Airstraike HD: @M#Z2R-@J9BXE-@ZB69# #=W Remove: @

8 years ago

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Thanks for Airstrike :-D

8 years ago

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You are welcome. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks got the first one!

8 years ago

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Very good that you got it. :)

8 years ago

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just some more Deadbreed

Love Quotient

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Masked Shooters 2

8 years ago

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Soup: the Game
Synonymous with impulse (all caps)

8 years ago

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i got it thanks! Nice puzzle

8 years ago

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Thanks as well. Glad you got it. :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Tzell.