For those of you who like to listen to OSTs, like me :)

Background image is from Samarost 3
Here you can listen to the soundtrack: Samarost 3 OST

As far as I know (as mentioned in groupees chat) it will include this one and 9 other OSTs

8 years ago

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Will you buy it?

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Sure, I like OSTs :)
Nope, don't like OSTs that much
Maybe. Not sure yet

Where is the link to the pre-order, or is it not up yet?

Will the OSTs be on Steam?

8 years ago

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Oh damn, I'm so stupid XD

Here it is ^^
[Groupees] Attack of the OSTs 3 - $1.00 Pre-Order

And no, the OSTs won't be on steam. The reason is, that if you wanna activate an OST on steam you have to own the base game. And it will also include OSTs from games that are not available on steam

Here you can check the previous OST-bundles:
Attack of the OSTs 2
Attack of the OSTs

8 years ago*

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OK, this review comment about the Samorost 3 soundtrack sold me:

"This is excellent! In general, I'm not a fan of game music, but this sounds more like a movie score than like game music; at least for the most part. Rhythmic; at times almost orchestral; this incorporates both electronic and acoustic instrumentation, and some tracks have an almost downtempo IDM feel. It's Thomas Dvorak doing what he does so well. This is so very nice, even for us non-gamers."

8 years ago*

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Sounds good :)

I listened to the OST at (the link in my first post) and even though I never played a Samorost game, I really like the soundtrack.
Don't know, it's something special in my opinion. It's relaxing, has sometimes a mystic touch and some funny sounds, too ^^

Oh, and thanks for telling me, that I forgot to post the link earlier! :)

8 years ago*

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Here's the link:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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With the rare exception (maybe Bastion or Transistor?), I'm not really into game soundtracks.

8 years ago

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Bastion has one of the best soundtracks I have heard so far! The Transistor OST is also good, but I personally like the one from Bastion more ^^

Dustforce has also a really good OST in my opinion :)

But yeah, I can understand if some people don't like to listen to OSTs that much. I usually also listend to other music genres (most rock and metal). But for some reason I like to listen to OSTs while taking a bath xD Don't know, find it relaxing somehow ^^

8 years ago

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Nice, Insta-preorder.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If it doesn't include it, just a little tip.
You can get the Ori and the Blind Forest (Additional Soundtrack) here and pay what you want ;)

Ori and the Blind Forest (Additional Soundtrack) - Pay What You Want

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do you mean the OST from the original Ori game (not Definitive Edition)? I don't know if I understood your post correctly :/

EDIT: Oh, I see... The Definitive Edition OST (including extras) is offered as a free DLC of the game (no wonder why it's PWYW on Bandcamp) but the "original OST" is only available by purchasing the corresponding DLC on Steam for 10€. Odd move... It's also not specified on Steam if they include MP3 and FLAC, or just MP3. On Bandcamp it's available in FLAC format. Meh.

8 years ago*

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Oh, thanks for the link. If Ori's not in this bundle that's definitely a good source to get the OST at a good price!

EDIT: If you buy the Definitive Edition you can get that OST as a free DLC on Steam (no wonder why it's PWYW on Bandcamp). I don't know if it comes in FLAC format on Steam (it does on Bandcamp).

8 years ago*

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Hmmm I may grab it :3

Edit: Got it now before I forget x.x

8 years ago

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For $1, it's a nice catch. Groupees usually offers lossless FLAC, MP3 and online streaming (you can play the music you bought directly from your purchases page, no need to download it -Grouptify, hehe-). Samorost 3 Soundtrack + Art Book DLC costs 7€ on Steam and the OST comes in MP3 format only... O_o

8 years ago

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While I enjoy owning the DLC on Steam, some of these may not be available there, and I do love me some video game music. Preordering~

8 years ago

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Ah, well. Preordered.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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lol thanks for the bump, but the presale already ended ;)

But it is a bit surprising, that the actual price for the complete bundle is only $1.50 now o_O
Previous bundles had two tiers ($2.00 and $4.00)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, I also haven't heard about most of the games, to be honest xD

But I already listened to the OSTs from Samorost 3, Boogey Boy and THE ORIGINAL SOUNDS OF ACTION BUTTON ENTERTAINMENT
I like all of them ^^ But the last one is a bit ... hmmm... I would descibe it as funky xD

8 years ago

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Oh boy, I somehow doubt we'll ever see the third bonus content. Maybe not even the second one, unless Necropolis can lure in a few more people.

8 years ago

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I am slow, overall a nice bundle though. =D

8 years ago*

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Bought for 1,50. Im a sucker for game OST.
I'm still loving my Super Avalanche 2 soundtrack I got from Hb monthly, will never get tired of that one because Chiptune. Also the To The Moon soundtrack is so good. Valiant hearts, so good.

8 years ago

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Thanks for your recommendations :)
I will take a look at them ^^

8 years ago

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First bonus has been unlocked.

8 years ago

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