It's really sad but it only reminds me that people and kids die/get killed every day all over the world but only things like this that happen in America really get any news attention...
That's the real sad thing about this.
Edit: I'm from America.
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I'm with this guy.
Shit happens all over the world all the time, but people have to single cases out and make it a popular topic for a few days before everybody goes back to not giving a shit.
Pretty pointless if you're gonna be all rustled up about 1 instance if it happens all the time and then you don't give a shit.
This is a lesser example, but the Amanda Todd thing was ridiculous. Suddenly everyone gives a damn and a few days later it's all back to how it was before, even though it's something that happens a lot even in western countries simply because people refuse to see how it fits in their own environment.
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ten THOUSAND kids under five die EVERY day in Africa.
Lets see if Faux News runs that story around the clock for the next week.
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There are plenty of countries in Africa where people are slaughtered each day by their own governments (or groups trying to seize control of a country), there's no need for you to condescend to him like that.
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Yes, however, this shooting was in what is supposed to be a civilized, progressive country. Arguably, one of the greatest nations in the world. That name has to come with standards.
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I think America has proven that her standards are quite low when it comes to most things...
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"Like?" isn't a question. If you'd like an answer you're going to have to elaborate a little bit more.
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I dont know where America the great comes from. . . Point to one time period where they were not oppressed by their leaders, past say 1912. I mean Let
s be honest here, its not like they are the worst country in the world, but Americans are so lied to that they still think that their country did not fully fund the national socialist party, and that their country has been exploiting the rest of the world ever since then. America is so backwards that they
d literally starve to death or die sick yelling at anyone who mentions heath-care or libertarianism calling both communism( Even though most don`t even know what it is). Sorry.
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Yes and no. Don't group all of us together. I know how to survive by myself. So do many, many others in my country. We aren't all fat, lazy rednecks. Not all of us believe what we hear on television. Also, I think the European and American definition of a "liberal" is different. I, for one, know what communism is. It was a good thing corrupted by bad people. The idea that everyone is equal is always good. Until people like Stalin or Lenin step in and mess it up. As for health-care. It is a good thing but the Obama is going to implement it will drive America to the ground. And it will take a long time for us to get back up on our feet. Luckily, by that time all the idiots should have starved or died of illness.
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I think that you have confused liberalism and libertarianism or you think that Americans are exceptionally stupid. Libertarianism and liberalism are very, very different.
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not confused at all . . . The ironic this is you'll see a tea partier call an Liberal a communist. . . not realizing that the core of libertarianism is anarchy, something to which Marx proceeded to say would reign before Communism. Liberalism's agenda is not really in the American spirit.
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Medical issues?
I didn't realize getting shot by the army of an african warlord was a medical issue. Nor was starving. Nor was getting blown up by a land mine or bomb that has been sitting there for 30 years. nor dying of dehydration due to drought.
I think you need to go back to pulling your head out of your ass and realize that dying is dying, and it shouldn't matter how if it is easily preventable.
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let me put it this way just foar you: your kids (if you have them at some point in life, albeit doubtful), will study December 14, 2012, the day 5 year olds were gunned down in Connecticut. they will also study 'starving in africa,' but not any specific date, because it was an ongoing thing, worthy of focus, but not news on a daily scale or as a singularity.
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Do you really think that anyone would study or have to learn what happened that day there? You gave too much importance to something nobody (99,9% of people in your country) will care in a month. Be realistic, just news material for the aniversary.
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I know these things happen every day around the world, but America can actually prevent them from happening.... If they just copped on and introduced proper gun laws/restrictions then things like this and the countless other mass shootings this year, will be less likely to happen in the future. Just because it's not as bad as situations in Africa or Syria atm doesn't mean it shouldn't be treated with outrage because its still completely unnaceptable, especially in the U.S, where it can be prevented.
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Making guns illegal in America would work about as well as making hard drugs illegal in America... o_O
We've all seen how that's turned out, I've seen both cases first hand.
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There are currently over 200 million privately-owned firearms in the US. Add in police and military, and there is a gun for every person. You can't make 300 million guns just disappear, and if the governement tried, there would be a serious uprising.
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I agree. Look where the UK is on here. Granted, it'll take decades to implement in a country like the US, and more decades to show any effect, but it can be done. I'm not saying abolish them now and expect it to work. For now it'd be nice to see a thorough review of the existing laws and hopefully some toughening up on ownership requirements.
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True, but gun laws make it harder for them to do so. I understand it'd be difficult but I 100% believe they are a necessity. Compare to other "progressive" countries like the UK. Sure, we have plenty of people who get hold of guns/knives and use them against people, but mass shootings or killing sprees are nowhere near as common. Making it illegal for an 18/21 year old, let alone anyone, to walk into a shop and buy a lethal weapon can only be a good thing.
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There's a waiting period and background check involved pretty much everywhere. It varies from state to state, but I live in what would generally be considered one of the more lax ones and those are still in place. No one 'walks into a shop' and buys a weapon before doing these things anyway. They get them from people they know, often without their consent. The issue is not impotent laws, but irresponsible ownership and storage.
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Forgive me, I'm not a US resident, but from what I've been told by people who are, some states are very relaxed and the procedures are not always implemented properly.
Stricter laws on who can purchase guns might not have a short-term effect as so many are out there already and like you say, can be taken without consent, but it can have a long-term effect by reducing the number of legal guns in public rotation. The fact that they're readily available for purchase/at home only contributes to a type of gun-mentality, where even the most passive people might feel the only way they can defend or prove a point is by shooting to wound or kill. Thus, tougher gun laws are still a good thing in my opinion.
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Gun control doesn't necessarily help with crazy, but would certainly make it harder than "Can I buy that gun?" ... "Sure, wait 15 days and pass a criminal record check" (at most). They are a little too easy to get access to, and for anyone who doesn't think so, please spare me your first amendment horseshit. No one's saying you can't have guns, its absurd how easy it is to get your hands on one though. Canada has more guns per capita than the USA, they are far harder to acquire, and yet we have what, 500 murders a year? America has 47 a day, 35 times as many per year, yet the population is only 10 times Canada's.
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Exactly, gun control and safety is way behind where it could and absolutely should be in the U.S. and if they don't start taking action now then the situation is only going to get worse. But mentalities are hard to change and for some reason Americans are obsessed with guns so unfortunately I can't see common sense prevailing any time soon.
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Schools are gun free zones. Gun violence is disproportionately likely to occur at places where no one is allowed to legally carry a gun. Get rid of gun free zones if you don't want school children getting shot. Present gun control policy does the opposite of what it is intended to do.
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I don't recall saying that I didn't care about one or the other, what I said is that it's quite sad that only things like this will be broadcast through global media and not things like this that happen daily in second/third world countries.
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Yes, but they do still exist and the rest of the world does know about a lot of things like this happening in those countries but we just don't seem to care as much as we do unless it happens in a country like America.
(Again, I'm from America)
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I just feel the -world designations are mostly obsolete and misleading to younger/less informed people. I prefer terms like developed/undeveloped and the like. Clearer and more concise, no reliance upon divisions between economic systems which are both increasingly irrelevant with each passing day.
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I think the newest way to refer to the developmental status of a country is "Old core, New Core, Near Core Periphery, and Far Periphery". (Most developed to least developed.) It's more focused on how well a country has adapted to globalization instead of GDP, standard of living, etc.
And you wanted it simple...
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I totally agree with you on this, but I think it has a lot to do with governance, how progressive a country is and the influence and spread of Western media across the world. A substantial proportion of mass killing, serious human rights violations and even high death rates in countries such as China, N.Korea, Cambodia, parts of Africa, etc., are instigated/heavily guarded by their governments or influential groups, which makes it very difficult to report and therefore gain momentum in the media.
I do agree with you though. Just doubt anything will change.
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Someone shot a bunch of kids in America, so people think they're upset about it for the coming few days, even though it's had none to little impact on them.
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I'm generally not very affected by things. It's just that my observation is that people feel forced to give a damn for a few days because everyone is talking about it, and after that period of time it's like it never happened.
I'm just putting it rather bluntly, but the way it is portrayed and received makes that such events end up having little to no impact whatsoever in the long run.
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I don't know what the hell is OP talking about. Did something happened?
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What was the point of that? I mean, what was that guy thinking? He had something in his head, didn't he?
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First google result for "shooting". That easy to figure out.
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Guns are only bad when bad people handle them. Banning guns will create more issues then solve them. Why? Criminals don't follow laws, that's why. You'd only be putting a bunch of sheep in a cage with double as many wolves. Banning guns won't help but hurt. Finding a way to keep guns out of deranged, psychotic people's hands will help.
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Its a machine made to kill. Get it right, because there is a difference. I don't call protecting my family from an armed intruder "murder". I call it defense and preservation. I don't call hunting "murder", I call a good way to preserve a dying sport.
That man is a murderer. That man is bad. If he didn't have a gun he would've used something else. Perhaps a baseball bat. That's not a machine designed to kill. Yet it does the job just as well.
My point? Guns are just a means to kill. If someone has the intent to kill then they will do it one way or another. That doesn't make them bad.
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But you can kill a lot more people a lot faster with a gun than with a baseball bat
and with fewer guns in circulation, there WOULD be less gun violence (im not saying there will be no gun violence, that isnt possible, im just saying that there will be less since theyre not so readily available)
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Gun control laws played a big part in allowing these children to die. Schools are gun free zones. Gun free zones are shooting galleries because the shooter knows for a fact that no one else there will have a gun. If any of the teachers or staff at the school had a gun they could have saved lives.
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This is all you need to know about the shooting:
Everything else is irrelevant for the time being
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i hate it when games are blamed for mindless violence
sure, there's mindless violence in the games (or mindful, if there's a good story), but if you don't understand that it's different from reality, then you have a problem. that problem is not caused by the game, it is already there. therefore, the game has done nothing other than possibly allow the individual to vent some of their lust for violence into the game, which is a good thing
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Not to be a dick, but people die every day, some in even worse circumstances, yet the only case where people get riled up is when it goes out on the news.
My respect is with all the families, not only of the children and all victims, but for everyone who dies as well.
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Everyone needs to stop arguing, any child dying is sad, thats really it. Kids dying in 3rd world countries is sad, this is sad also...alright? Its sad the adults died also, actually death is usually sad in general if its not by old age I think.
So stop moaning about "this happensin other places errrday" doesn't make a difference, its always sad.
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Finally, Hillary is here. I was about to puke reading all the fucked up ignorant comments above. Whether or not you're American is irrelevant, the point is a bunch of completely innocent children ages 5 - 10 died for no reason. If you don't give a shit about that, then you deserve to die a slow painful death.
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I blame the wretched video game industry. All copies of GTA must be burned, and digital copies must be burnt to CD's so we could actually burn them.
Also to blame, violent rock and roll bands, like "The Beatles", "Guns and Roses" and the infamous "Skrillex", AKA "Lord Childslaughter".
This message has been brought to you by republicans.
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I don't know who I should hate more, Skrillex or Kony. I don't think Kony intends to kidnap children, but people in Africa die young so you have to make do with what you can get.
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people need to stop giving shootings so much attention because people will do it more often for fame
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Man slashes 22 children near China school. Did this get much publicity? No.
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Probably because they are over 1.3 billion people living in China so 22 is a meaningless number. The guy was a total noob and you'd probably need like a 100 kill streak to be noticed. Also, asians have higher standards, 22-kill streak scrubs get no fame. He used a knife though so he gets bonus points there.
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Mass shooting seldom happen? Last count I thought the US was at 15 or 16 mass shootings this year. Bad stuff happens it is true. It doesn't matter if elementary school was shot up, an eighty year old man killed. One life is no more important than another.
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100%. Old people are useless, what's the point of being old?
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I would love to be around when you're "old"...
You'll be singing a much different tune then...
I can hear it now, "why won't anyone listen to me? :( "
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I have no intention of getting to that age, don't worry.
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This one was actually serious. Old people are useless.
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My parents are in their mid fifties, they still have 10 years before qualifying as old. They are still productive human beings. My grandparents on the other hand...As for taking my allowance away, I wish I had one in the first palce.
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In the general sense, yes.
*Edit As for magic moments? They will never be sick again, they will never no heartache, no one can ever hurt them again. I am not saying it isn't sad, but in the world we live in we have to focus on what we have and not what is taken away. We have to move forward and take steps to stop others from happening. The dead or already dead. We must help the living.
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I would say that life is a good thing, and that there are many things in it that are bad, but much more good things. Therefore dying as a baby (or kid) is a waste, because yes, they will experience hardships, but the good things they will experience will outweigh the bad things by a ton
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though I also agree with "we should help the living".
people grieve over things like this, yet I don't see anything happening to try to stop it. It's like bullying, some kid somewhere commits suicide because they were bullied, and suddenly there's a small army of people saying "oh, this was such a pity, they were such a beautiful person, it didn't have to end this way". Yet some of them then go off and bully another person (even without knowing it), or turn their head when they see bullying. It's disgusting really...
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its true that all lives are just as important as each other, but if I had to choose between an 80 year old and a newborn kid, I would choose to save the kid, since the 80 year old has already experienced (most of) their life, but the newborn has its whole life ahead of it
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That I agree with, if you simply take 2 lives then they are perfectly equal, it's only when you start applying some things (not race/gender/other things like that, more like age/history) that you should start having choices :)
and ESPECIALLY relatives, I mean, my grandfather turned 85 a couple of weeks ago, but if I was asked to choose either his life or the life of a random baby that I didn't know, I would have a very hard time choosing the baby. I like to think that I would, and I probably would, especially if I could talk to my grandfather one last time, but you never know, its very possible that I would be unable to choose the death of such a close relative (we're pretty close) :/
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I can be terribly sad about this tragedy and be sad about other tragedies around the world as well. To those of you trying to use the "starving children in Africa" argument, you need to find something else to do. Trying to make people feel guilty for caring about this tragedy is pretty pathetic. The only problem I see with this coverage is that it might provoke more mentally ill people to go on a rampage.
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Your point being...? I shouldn't express my opinions for fear of being identified?
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All and all about the he said, she said stuff. . . this is pretty tragic. I mean lets be a bit honest here, The US with all of it
s flaws has the greatest range of equality, next to Canada. This has to do with who their writers were and not their leaders and yadda yadda. . . Its always shocking when children are killed. Let
s not troll around here guys. Quit being fools the more you do the this big
attitude here is just proving how much of a fool you are. Games are fun and all but this is pretty sad. Have some heart some people here might know people effected here.
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Weren't a dozen or more children in China stabbed/killed as well today?
What a shame.
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This is the first I've heard about this incident...
China isn't an "underdeveloped nation", so there should have been a bit more global coverage of it than there was. -_-
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I may sound paranoia, but I do know for a FACT that all the news provide almost only LIES. In reality many of these claimed shootings never took place! Even if you see a video recording of the "crime scene", that is done through movie industry, a well orchestrated and secret one. They push false "news" like this to mantain people's morale down, because sad people and fearful people equals obedient and dumbed consumers. If you want to research into this search "Ed Chiarini" on facebook and youtube and on his website: The mass media is corrupted and these are not just words, it provides only lies. I stopped watching TV a long time ago and much of the negativity in my life has disappeared. There is a huge conspiracy that is trying with all powers to mantain you negative. It is not your fault that you are so angry all the time. But you can choose to mantain a positive attitude in life and positive things will happen! Much love to all!
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435 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by aquatorrent
there are no answers, only questions. we've all seen so many shootings before but, kids? little kids?
and before you reply just think about never getting to experience christmastime at 6, summertime at 8 years old, a 10 year old family vacation, never growing into your body as a teenager, realizing the magic of sex, or the pride of growing into an adult.
maybe they never tried an ice cream sundae before. maybe they never knew what a ninja turtle was.
all the simple things, whatever they may on a personal level, are the core of every one of us. I grieve over not just the loss of their lives, but those magic things that they never will get to experience, that so many of us take for granted.
its a real bad day in america.
idk anymore.
and if anyone has anything disrespectful about these kids to say here, let it stand as a record of what a piece of shit you are. but, i dont expect a lot of that today.
edit there is a reason this is considered "News" and not just "people die every day" shit.
if you really cant understand the difference between mass killings that occur seldomly, and people dying on a regular basis, you fail on every level.
also, this is an english site based in america, and valve is also an american company, so if you dont like american issues popping up here and there, suck it, you can always just leave.
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