So do we have anyone in the forums interested in poetry?

So Maybe I should put one of my poems here in the description in order to possibly get responses.

Thinking of You
I can still hear your voice though you’re many years away
I can still feel your touch throughout the passing of each day
I lost you so long ago within the dark recess of my soul
I reach out to touch you with a weary shaking hand
But all I can see is the mirror before which I stand
Tortured thoughts and shattered memories
Engulf me in pain, which tries to defeat me
Everything I chose in life chained me
Kept me from being what I wanted to be
Till you set me free
Till you set me free
Memories of long ago
Wash up upon this Stygian shore
Here I sit sifting through joy and pain
What have I lost what will I gain
Everything you have lost I will gain
My spirit is shattered my heart has broke
Your body crumples to the floor as I try to blink away the stinging smoke
The shining metal takes a life and slips to the floor
As I blow you a kiss and shut another door
Why did you go behind my back and cheat on me
I'll never know now for you'll never speak again and your eyes won't see
You took my love and turned it to hate
Thus it has turned and sealed your fate
A wall goes up around my soul again
I tell myself I shall never love again
For you took from me what set me free
You took from me what set me free

had to edit for all the scared people now with 4 stops

9 years ago*

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I didn't think anyone hated poetry this much. Reserved for resins.

9 years ago

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shadyURL sure scares a lot of people bumps would be nice.

9 years ago*

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yes yes there is a giveaway here don't be scared of a little wooden horse also added 2 more to the little train

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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A poem I wrote, wish it was as good as yours.

The calm blue falls in love with the sailor,
He takes all he wants sensing no danger.
The sea grows jealous, he never cared or
Provided, now waves swell with her anger.
The sorry man falls in with a loud splash.
Tonight the deep, dark blue decides to take.
His craft rips apart, as the waves crash,
This once was his own obedient lake.
The ocean pulls her lover close,
He's trapped under the waves like they're rubble.
He can't reach any air with his mouth or nose.
He sees his life fly past in a bubble.

The sailor takes a breath, he knows he's done.
And the jealous blue mistress knows she's won.

9 years ago

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I actually like that better than any of mine. Of course I have this thing where I really think all of my poetry is actually horrid and people just say it's nice to placate me.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I usually prefer my poetry a little positive, rather than being about cold blooded murder. Were you looking for thorough editorial feedback, or just surface comments?

9 years ago

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Whatever. If you gave me really harsh criticism I'd be fine with that also. But don't expect me to take anything to heart unless I like it.

9 years ago

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I like Saul Williams and Poe, wouldn't really count that as loving poetry though :p

I like it though!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i really tried. really.
can't abide poetry... i just don't get it.
stories i love. books by the hundreds...

9 years ago

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It alright homer

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I prefer prose, because I'm dumb D:

9 years ago

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I like some prose also like say some Robert Ludlum. You know those thick ones you can knock a person out with.

9 years ago

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I read a book from of the Bourne series a long time ago. I seem to recall enjoying it.

9 years ago

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I really enjoyed those. I think there was one called the citrus agenda. I read that one in a day literally did nothing but read all day.

9 years ago

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To be honest, I don't read a lot... but when I find a good book, that is exactly what I end up doing, too. :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I like the poetic prose of some authors.

9 years ago

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everyone is scared of my little wooden choo choo

9 years ago

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Here's your bump.
I hope you haven't been followed. Do you have the money?

9 years ago

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Like the Baudelairean themes and the way the poems almost look like songs, with faux bridges and choruses. If I may, sometimes the transition between the metaphoric insight and the literal exposition becomes too rhythmic to the point of being predictable. It might be intentional, as a device to convey the mindset of an angsty person, but when I started to recognise the pattern, some of the verses seemed somewhat formulaic. E.g.
'I get to work, I make my plans.
I set the wheels in motion to take my stand.
I take a drug to make me sleep;
to chase these demons in slumber deep.'

Also, the couplet rhyme pattern (AABB) sounds a tad too merry to my ear and doesn't quite go perfectly well with the sombre themes. But that's me being terribly subjective.

9 years ago*

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The one you mentioned was the collaboration between myself and someone I haven't talked to in a bit. So you have to take into consideration that two minds are trying to create one unified work so at times it might sounds a bit messy. Also at times we alternated lines and others we alternated chunks of text.

As far as the others go I basically write it down as it comes to mind and then sometimes go back and use a thesaurus to substitute some of my original words. These usually take at tops 15 minutes to spit out and are usually done when I am in a rather agitated state. I'm thinking of creating an it's too hard puzzle based on this poetry. However I'm not sure yet.

9 years ago

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Well, making a quiz is indeed a pretty nifty way of making people read something. ;þ

I myself never could do that - jot something down quickly whilst the idea is hot. I just know that I'll scrap the whole thing the very next morning if I find out that one of the lines is missing a measure or sounds too alliterative.

9 years ago

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Well when my press is hot I have to strike. If not the adhd takes over. I can't tell you the number of times I've woken up with a full poem in my head and by the time I think about writing it down it's simply a cipher.

9 years ago

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Aye, that's the passionate approach.
Kudos for that. A hack like me will easily hold a dozen half-poems in his head, but will hardly finish five in his lifetime.

9 years ago

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4 halfs can make a whole though :p

9 years ago

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There is nothing wrong with doing it that way!
But it can be immensely improved if you do go back and revise when you have the ability to concentrate and slightly disassociate yourself.

9 years ago

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you said a very special word there. It's something that I am missing unless I am playing dota or some other really difficult demanding task. That would be the concentration :P. I also know that I am far from decent when it comes to my poetry. However I really have a hard time finding the the desire, will, want to, that would be required to do pretty much anything. If it's not something that isn't life or death or say getting evicted or something urgent like that it most likely will never get done.

"when you ask a man to do something and he says he will do it that means he will do it. You don't need to remind him every six months"
I have no clue who said that but that description fits me to a tee.

9 years ago

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Here, you can critique one of mine in return if you like. Please note it is an acrostic.


Vessel pristine meets a hammer
Of trauma unforeseen and shatters,
In sharp shiny shards of confusion
Crashes apart all cohesion.
Expectantly waiting, the viewer,
Demanding a thorough correction,
Produces in time in an ewer
A masonry sticky solution.
In patterns the shards are collected.
Nonthreatening now are the edges,
How softened with sutures thinsetted.
Endurance renewed in new pledges
Afar builds a seamless illusion -
Life rebuilt on basis of fusion.
So human can build up a human.

9 years ago

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mmmmmm all of the masonry references. I actually can't critique this. I get so envious of people who can take so few words and paint a very descriptive image. It's hard to explain but unlike mine where I waste space with extra words and even waste words themselves you do the opposite and trim it down to it's barest form. You take the diamond and cut and polish it until it shines.

9 years ago

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Thank you :)
I did have to make up a word [thinsetted], but I wanted it to be correct for the profession.

9 years ago

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in that case you would probably want mortared since thin-set is almost akin to a brand name. If you went to your local big box home improvement store you would find that it is called thin-set mortar :p Or am I confusing brand with what might actually be a term referring to the fact that you can put this stuff on thinner than other mortars and it will still set. I used to work in the flooring department of a lowes :(

9 years ago

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I think mortar is for bricks, while thinset is for tiles. This poem was on the theme of mosaics, so it's definitely not wall building.

9 years ago

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well mortar is used to bind building block to building block. It's sorta like the glue or paste that holds stuff together. This would actually be used to attach the tiles to wither a wall or wooden board etc. If you are referring to the concrete looking stuff that fills the gaps of the tile that would be grout :P Also have a heart for the conversation it might come in handy in a bit. even though grouted sounds a bit horrid. For some reason that word always makes me think of I am Groot!

9 years ago

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Bump and thank you!

9 years ago

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poetry is just not my kind of art, but have a bump anyway :)

9 years ago

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The poem Grímnismál (Sayings of Grímnir) is a famous work of the Poetic Eddas. Anyone who has played Banner Saga or claims to love vikings and Norse culture in general and has no idea what the Eddas are needs to brush up. This is my own "Dwarvish" take on it, written using the lore of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting which has deeply rich mythology for Dwarves:

All Samanfolk* does Allfather feed
the far-famed god of old.
On ale alone does the bearded lord
Moradin, forever live.
...forever live

o'er Faerun Clangeddin and Haela both
each day set forth to flay.
for Clangeddin I ne'er fear he'll not come home,
but for Haela my care is more.

there Erackinor stands, the sacred gate,
and behind're the holy doors.
old is the gate, but few there are
who can tell how it's tightly locked.

five hundred doors and ninety there are,
I ween, in Moradin's walls.
eight thousand fighters through one door fare
when to war with evil they go.

five hundred rooms and forty there are
I ween, in Dwarfhome built.
of all the homes whose peaks I beheld,
my Allfather's the greatest meseemed.

there is Soulforge, where Berronar decrees
who shall have seats in the Hall.
the half of the dead each day does she choose,
the other half does Dumathoin have.

there is Mount Clangeddin, and mithril-bright
there stands the Stronghold stretching wide,
there does he each day command
those who fell in fight.

now comes Gorm Gulthyn, Watchful Tower
ere it is he keeps his Vigil
and Dugmaren in Soot Hall methinks,
master of all lore and runecraft learning

hail to thee, for hailed thou art
by the voice of Sharindlar.
where the Merciful Court stands, the peacebound realm
ye will find nine golden doors.

hail to thee, for hailed thou art
by the steps of Marthammor Duin and of Thard Harr
old is the gate, but few there are
who can tell how it's tightly locked.

*Sammanfolk is what Dwarves call themselves in the setting

9 years ago

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Now I feel the need to go dig out my dragonlance books and my R.A. Salvatore books.

9 years ago

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I would assume that means you like the poem, then?

9 years ago

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I thought I had made that perfectly clear :P I have to really like something if it makes go digging back into my memories. The first d&d book I ever read had drizzt in it.

9 years ago

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Not as such, but thanks. Like you, and a lot of creatives, I sometimes have a hard time showing my work and appreciate positive feedback:)

9 years ago

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I'm actually ripping all of these off of a website that a bunch of creative types like to gather. It's a rather dark corner of the internet but all are welcome. It should be pretty easy to get there with a google search.

Before you say anything these are all works created by me I simply am pulling them straight from my account there. I'd link the site but not sure if I can link directly to my profile or not. Also if I just linked directly to my profile everyone could see the poems I might be adding to descriptions of new train cars.

9 years ago

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Bump for you. I wish I could compose poems aswell :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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so deep :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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bbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumpppppppppppppppppp! :P

9 years ago

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Poetry train... I like it!^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I keep wanting to shorten your name to sell for some reason

9 years ago

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Bump :P

9 years ago

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No blue heart for you this time baka cirno.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Hooray! <3

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by nightswallow22.