Would you like this feature?
If the current system is implemented with a timestamp of when you last clicked Mark as Read for all messages, then it's going to be not so trivial. It's not as simple as adding a flag, but there is the issue of database access - now you would have to deal with tons of database writes whenever someone clicking through the messages to mark them as read.
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Nope, it's most likely heavily cached, meaning almost no impact on the database, therefore trivial to implement with little to no performance hit.
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So, during the past 15 days this has been open, only 70 people considered this useful, 8 people couldn't give a damn about it and 5 were actually against it. This is quite interesting as I was hoping for a massive vote to make things happen.
Sadly, when it's about something negative people gather by thousands but when it's about something positive and beneficial you can hardly get any support.
70 people can't really do much out of the 1,067,258 users so this probably failed big time. I guess we'll be stuck with this old time half baked messaging system for a long time to come.
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Your thread didn't contain any giveaway's, which might be why people check it out and zoom right by (not to be taken as truth, just an an educated observation).
Out of the 1,067,258 or so users, how many do you think are actually active? Might be fair to assume 1-10% (even 10% seems like a major give, im ignorant).
I'd like to vouch for this option myself. There's many times I would like to address a single reply in that particular moment and move on. cg pluzzzz~!
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Fair point, although it wasn't designed as a bot magnet. Bots tend to place random poll votes to emulate user activity and the lack of a giveaway usually prevents them from polluting the poll (pun intended).
I'm aware not everyone is active and there are lots of bot accounts still around but 0.0066% (rounded up) of the total users is still extremely low considering the amount of genuine users positively affected by the change is extremely high. I guess people just don't care.
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I guess people just don't care.
I care
people just don't care
This has become a major problem in society everywhere. It's too easy not to care because something of more interest will come around at another time.
Bots tend to place random poll votes to emulate user activity and the lack of a giveaway usually prevents them from polluting the poll (pun intended).
A bit crappy how that works out. Try to keep the bots away, and it keeps legit users away too.
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I care
Thanks. Hopefully more will join in as well.
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Just saw your post/poll. Great idea! It needed to be bumped-- it had been more than 2 weeks.
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I guess I'll have to bump it from time to time. I wonder what level of support will see any response and lead into an upgrade of the messaging system.
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Well, I'm guessing the backlog of tasks is pretty significant. And I don't necessarily think that it's a trivial change. Hope so, though.
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And I don't necessarily think that it's a trivial change. Hope so, though.
If it's implemented like I think it is then it's trivial and it can be tackled in at least four distinct possible ways.
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The comment activity on SG is currently around 160.000 comments a month.
The amount of GAs per month is currently around 55.000 a month.
The average amount of comments per GA is difficult to say, with some GAs having no comment and e.g. on the recommended page I can see even dozens of comments per some GAs. But I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of comments are at GAs, "thank you" comments for GA and/or win.
Which would mean that out of 160.000 comments a month, the minority are on the forum. An assumption supported by the fact of so far in September "merely" 466 forum threads created.
And now it is a lot of speculation
a) whether forum posts are around 1.000 a month or 50.000 a month. Looking at a few pages of threads and the amount of comments per thread, I dare say that there are not more than 10.000 comments per month.
b) what the average post count per user is on the forum. E.g. Tzaar seems to have an average of roughly 500 comments per month, jimsnotdrunk9350 is at around 260 comments per month, etc. So it wouldn't seem far-fetched to say that the average of forum posts per user active on the forum board is at least 10 posts per month.
And that would mean around one thousand active forum users. If one further assumes that most of these users just look at the recent 5 threads when they log in once or twice a day, then a forum thread being in the recent 5 for an hour is visible on average to less than 100 users per that hour.
Long story short, as I just showed, it can be argued that the majority of active forum users (who knew about this thread) actually took an interest in your thread.
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It would make life easier on this site.
Very true.
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I think another feature will be to hide discussion topics from a user or just individual threads you are not interested in. It allows more discovery of older hidden threads which may be useful or of interests. Currently, i can't get pass the 1st search page for "All" discussion and set my limit to read replies of topics within 1 day.
ps: I am not talking about you nor your topic, just in case you misunderstood. ;)
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That wouldn't be so trivial to implement but it would be nice to have some filters.
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Oh I just remembered a feature that is closely tied to this when i was looking at my replies. The ability to hide individual replies, for now you can select collapse but the next time you enter or refresh your messages they aren't collapse anymore.
Would be great if could be hidden or collapse which in a way is marking them as read too and it allows you to view the important replies too.The ability to make folders and categorize the messages might be too much to ask.
Regards, Cruse :)
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Baby steps: basic functionality first then improvements later.
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Only saw this now, but yes, absolutely!
It's frustrating when you have a few messages that you want to reply to, but can't at the moment, followed by many that you can ignore. You either mark all as read, and risk forgetting about replying to those messages, or leave them all marked as read and constantly see 6, 8, 10+ messages on the site.
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I know this has been requested before without any resolution but I'd like for this feature to be reconsidered.
It's annoying not to be able to keep track of your messages (especially if you have tens or more) by marking those read and even replied to as such while keeping the others as unread. Currently it's marking all messages as read or keeping all as unread. There's no middle ground. From an engineering point of view this would be a trivial change but with a significant impact in user experience.
Feel free to comment if you want this or not and why not if you don't.
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