Wow, awesome first comment is some smart-ass that has no respect and rather than commenting on what the post is about he has to find something wrong with it.
Edit: Sorry for having some manners on the internet, it's too bad you weren't mothered to be a child with good manners.
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Welcome to the site, a quick warning since you are so new: If you make a post about suggestions then prepare for at least some flaming (but I will congratulate you on having some more original ideas than most).
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^That was good.
Hey, how far over do you think this thread can go?
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I don't see any problem.
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Don't mind me, just adding to the chain.
That said I'm doing all right, and loving the idea of self-inserting my siggy. Might have to track down all my posts.
The Big Dawg
Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All
The Beardfather
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We should all get achievements for maxing the replies.
I'd call it 18+
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Happy to have you with us, JRieger. Take a look at the guy trying to piss on your cloud before you put any sort of weight into his words. I'll admit the "Thanks, Holy Diver" after berating you for signing your post was kinda funny... But then again, I'm an asshole.
That all being said: Your suggestions aren't bad... Personally, though, I don't favor them. I like Reddit being Reddit and FB being FB, while Steamgifts remains Steamgift-ish. =P
If you look at the website as a place that will scrutinize the games available from Steam, as well as virtually any other source, then the giveaways are just icing on the cake.
Regardless, it's not up to either of us. Your suggestions are just that, and my opinion is just that. No harm, no foul.
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-Forum subsections
Been suggested, and may or may not be implemented in the future.
-Comment on user pages + more customizable user page.
Comments, no. No no no. Last thing we need is for the occasional flame wars on the forums to have a new breeding ground. Customizable user page, meh.
-Karma/Thumbs up, down system, for comments, user pages, giveaways, etc.
We've got the gifts received rating, and that's about as accurate a "karma" rating as you can have on here. Liking posts though, yes plz.
-An optional system that checks if the giver has the game gift-able, optional because sometimes people have redeemable codes, but this would just provide a little assurance.
Again, been suggested, may or may not be in the works (personally, sounds like it'd be awkward to implement).
-Giveaways cost half points on birthday, or something along those lines.
-Reward for users who create frequent giveaways.
Again again, been suggested. Anything more than cosmetic rewards has been shot down.
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I approve of the suggestions... but I think most of them would require a full rework of the site to implement. I don't know much though. I do know this site is maintained by one dude, so I'm not going to press for any of these to be made a reality. They would be cool tho.
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Hello! First, thank you for your suggestions. I will now respond to them.
Like Myspace?
SGS already has a similar +/- system. I think what we have here is fine, as that kind of system could possibly bury legit giveaways when people claim they are fake.
This would require having to force users to either keep their profile public and inventory public, or temporarily go public while they are creating a giveaway and then wait for the verification.
Well, considering you don't have to type in a birthday to join this site, that would be a little extra work to implement for something we probably wouldn't want to do.
I really wouldn't want to reward people that create frequent giveaways, that's been suggested for months. Anyway, reward with what? More points? Points are generated pretty quickly most of the time.
Thank you for your suggestions. We do take suggestions seriously and several of them have been implemented due to popular demand.
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maybe combine #1 and #5, and give people who contribute a lot a little customization... like "titles", or different colored names, or "themes" to view the site in. Something that isnt an actual monetary or strategic reward, but still gives people a little bonus. Idk, that sorta just came to me, although i hate the idea of titles even though i just suggested it -_-
But again that's probably a lot of coding for something that doesn't really matter. /le shrug
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Just bouncing ideas...
No just something simple, or a messaging system to thank/contact people. (I've noticed people say a lot of winners never say thanks you, just a possible solution.)
It'd be nice to thumbs up/down comments, at least in the forum section.
Exactly why it would be optional, it would be there for people to feel assured that their points would not be wasted.
I was thinking more a website birthday, to reward you for staying with the website, but again just a suggestion. (The half points thing would only be for the day, not for the year.)
Not really a prize that is actually worth something, rather just a bragging rights prize, maybe a star next to your name, something stupid to let other members know you are a long-time member.
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Suggestion 4 is possibly an exploit
You can earn points on your birthday by entering shit loads of giveaways
Then after your birthday is over, leave the giveaway
You'll get your points * 2 back
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I think the best suggestion I've heard about facebook and myspace was when someone called it "Myface"
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Gotta disagree on commenting on profiles. The main result would be comments begging for free games/begging for invites to private and group giveaways, resulting in gifters wanting to opt out of it (much like those currently wanting to opt out of the top contributors).
It just wouldn't result in anything besides spam unless it had a significant amount of work put into it, like being able to restrict it to those on your Steam friendslist/those in groups you're a part of, without any real value to make that work worthwhile.
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Hey, I love the website so far, I have yet to win something, but that's okay, it's still a ton of fun!
Just a few suggestions I have for the website:
(In no particular order)
-Forum subsections
-Comment on user pages + more customizable user page.
-Karma/Thumbs up, down system, for comments, user pages, giveaways, etc.
-An optional system that checks if the giver has the game gift-able, optional because sometimes people have redeemable codes, but this would just provide a little assurance.
-Giveaways cost half points on birthday, or something along those lines.
-Reward for users who create frequent giveaways.
-I'll add more if I think of them.
Thanks, JRieger
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