Either one has my vote. Could care less.
They can call it what they want but it'll never be anything close to what it was back in vanilla.
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I agree.
Few years ago, i could get excited but now Blizzard is one of the leading money-begging beggar gaming companies. I am closely watching Hearthstone and Heroes of the Strom news and it is obvious. They "only" want the money now.
If you asked me 10 years ago, i could say "In Blizzard i trust". But now, potato...
(I just believe in Atlus and CDProjecktX now)
(Edit: Grammer)
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well, when I played wow in 2004 I was an undead mage and that's when I came up with my nickname so if I'm right it was horde =P
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I do miss vanilla WOW as it was great when it first came on the scene. Whether I would go back and play the same content now would be debatable. I levelled up so many alts that I did the original areas fully and completed all the quests pretty much on both sides. For the Alliance!
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I loved WoW 15 years ago.
Today? I have no patience for the kind of MMO-bullcrap that vanilla WoW is full of. 3 dozen different skills spread across 4 action bars?
And quests? Every quest is a fetch quest: kill X, gather Y, talk to Z. At level 5 it's getting candles form kobolds and at level 55 it's getting dragon scales - it never changes across the 190+ hours it takes to level to 60. You're basically just working as an assistant for someone too lazy to do their own shopping or deliver their own packages or messages.
And what are they doing with all the stuff, anyway? Are they decorating them and reselling them on Etsy?
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Yep. it is so cookie cutter gameplay that apart from a few variations each area is the same. The original wow did actually let you explore areas and do quests more organically but now it leads you by the hand to the point that you don't even need to read the quest and just follow onscreen instructions. The only thing that kept me going was raiding and playing with mates but even that got old eventually.
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Yeah, I loved the initial sense of exploration - probably because it was my very first MMO - but after a while the only thing that interested me was raiding and my mates. By the end I only logged in to raid, and sometimes I'd hop onto Vent without even turning on the game, though by the time the 2nd expansion came out I was done - between our 3-night-a-week raid schedule and all the drama of running a guild, it became too overwhelming.
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I was a guild leader too of a 10 man raid but would only ever have like 9 or 10 members in the guild willing to raid and organising it was mostly a pain in the bum. Finding usually a player with a specific skill set that wasn't locked became really dull fast. It became so much of a chore I packed it in. Haven't regretted it for a moment.
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Yeah, I totally understand that.
I lead a 40-man raiding guild for four years, with 60+ raiding members and a few dozen social non-raiding members. We would raid 3-times a week but were competitive with (and sometimes surpassing) the 5-6 day raiding guilds on our server. I mostly loved it, but there was so much people management, so much drama - I did not love that part.
In classic WoW, attendance was a constant problem. On progression nights where we'd be trying to kill new bosses we'd struggle to fill the raid, often starting with 35 and hoping to get the rest by the time we got to the boss. Our first kill of Anub'Rekhan in Naxx was with only 35 people. The core group grew up on Molten Core, so they knew that progression took time, but the newer recruits were spoiled by our progress through Blackwing Lair (we cleared the whole thing in 4 weeks, 3 nights a week) and early AQ40 (a new boss a week getting to Huhuran). When we got stuck on Huhuran for 3 weeks, all the new members started crying about how this was it, we've reached the end, the guild is done for, it's going to fall apart, we should all start looking for other guilds. And then we killed her on the 4th week, and the Twin Emperor's the week after that. Never did get Ouro or C'thun before BC came out - those two were tough. But on non-progression nights? That's when 50+ people would log on, and we'd have to figure out rotations for who goes in for which boss and so on.
And that's on top of recruitment issues. AQ40 and Naxx needed 6-8 priests and another 8-10 other healers, but those were usually the first to burn out, and we were constantly recruiting and cycling through priests. But hunters? Oh, we had a solid core of 6 hunters who were always on, for like 4 slots.
In BC, recruitment and attendance became easier as classes became better balanced and raid composition became more flexible (although we still seemed to burn through healers and tanking warriors, while of course swimming in DPS warriors), but drama seemed to pick up a lot. New recruits would turn out to be drama queens and attention seekers, veteran members would start being suspicious and paranoid of one another or would get into fights. By the time that BC came to a close, I was so burned out on the drama that I didn't even want to log onto our guild forums some days.
Between advertising the guild for recruitment, interviewing new members, evaluating members, managing the members, having performance evaluations, and resolving inter-personal issues, it was like running a business. It was an awesome experience and I feel really fortunate to have done it, but as much as I loved it, after 4 years I was ready to retire and get my life back. :)
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When it gets to be worse than work, its time to go. I learnt that being guild master and raid leader. Its more about ego management and problem solving than anything else. I was so glad when someone offered to be Raid Leader and I could just chill. I actually started to enjoy raiding again as I could focus on what I loved about the game in the first place. Although I eventually got bored of WOW, it still holds a special place in my heart. I'm glad that even though it was testing and work like, you loved it and enjoyed it as well!
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Yeah, it was definitely a great experience, but after 4 years I was ready to retire. And on top of dealing with all the drama and problem solving, my life was just getting busy. I'd raid 3 night a week, play tennis two nights a week, meet with clients once a week, and basically just had one night a week that was free - and that was only because other guild members were kind enough to farm consumables for me so I didn't have to spend a 4th night on WoW farming.
As you said, it still holds a special place in my heart, and I treasure many of the memories from it. I actually met my SO playing WoW, so it was definitely life changing. But I wouldn't want to play WoW Classic today - I have neither the time nor the desire.
The thing I miss most from WoW is the social aspect. I feel like since I retired, I kind of lost touch with my friends since we no longer talked every other day and didn't have the shared experience of playing anymore. I tried doing some co-op games with some of them since, but it was just too hard to organize around our schedules (particularly as I tended to be much busier than them). They tried to get me into Destiny, but I didn't have the time for another MMO-like commitment.
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Stepping from one MMO to another is a bad idea. I've moved to more single player games due to my commitments, work and kids and so forth to the point where I have time to dip in and out of games now at my convenience rather than a game running my life. I swapped wow for Borderlands 2 which was a great co-op game and you can play as much as little as you wanted which worked out great.
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I've moved to more single player games due to my commitments, work and kids and so forth
Yup, 100%. Family is such a time sink. :)
And I absolutely loved Borderlands 2, it was so much fun co-op.
I actually tried Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic during a free weekend, and it was really fun for a while - I picked the Imperial Agent which had the best story / writing and opportunity for role playing, which made it feel a lot like a Bioware singleplayer RPG - but once the typical MMO BS came out - like my 13th attack skill, each on a cooldown, at level 14 or so - I hard nope-ed out of there. I just don't have the tolerance for that anymore. There's just no reason for that many skills, except to make it feel like work - if Bayonetta can be amazing with just punch, kick, and shoot, then there's no reason any game needs to have 13+ different attacks skills.
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In those days, I don't think the games were quite as adept with the control systems like games nowadays. KOTOR was more of a realtime/turn based strategy more of an ilk of Dragon's age with the space bar to control the action which may not suit some people's playstyle. I grew up very much playing Baldur's gate and appreciate the Star Wars setting so loved KOTOR 1 and 2. Once you've played WoW, going backwards to a game like KOTOR can feel very restrictive.
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Once you've played WoW, going backwards to a game like KOTOR can feel very restrictive.
I haven't played KOTOR in a long time, but Dragon Age: Origins was a breath of fresh air after WoW. So much of WoW's combat was waiting for cooldowns in a skill rotation, or pushing the same button over and over again, that the combat in practically anything else feels better to me. :)
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they should call it: "WoW they are buying it again, holy shit, i cant believe it, there buying it again, WoW."
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I loved the 40 man raids in MC and Onyxia They were so difficult for us it took weeks of farming for the guild to make the fire resist potions we all NEEDED to drop a couple bosses until you started getting enough resist gear. It was awesome and extreme frustration at the same time, and EVERYONE had to be on point or it was a wipe
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Wiping was part of the fun as there were always ways for people to screw up. It did get tiresome when you've been raiding for weeks/months at the same boss though.
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Sometimes, it just clicks and it all works out. Other times, people just don't get the tactics and repeatedly fails. That's the way raiding goes. Its suprisingly hard to get 10 or 40 people all doing things at the right time.
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I personally don't care for WoW, even less for Classic. But it's obviously big enough to crash the entire Blizzard infrastructure.
I heard that WoW classic was pretty weak when compared to the current state since there are no quality-of-life fixes and the game's even more of a grind. That it was a relatively empty experience, only really booming thanks to the MMO craze of that time.
How is it currently for those that have tried it? A total improvement over what exists now or more of a relic that should wither away in the shadows?
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That's part of the enjoyment grouping up with others when I played vanilla wow but the latest wow kinda lost its way with the cookie cutter stuff. Hope you have fun with the rest of it.
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Because of making money off of people that have private servers that is set in classic wow. That is the basically the initial reason for it. BoA did really poorly as expansions go.
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I only played WoW for like 10 minutes which was before Cataclysm off my brother's roomate's account so I really don't know much about it. I always felt like MMOs should always rerelease stuff instead of just removing it. Especially for item collectors like me.
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Hey, as long as this is added back in.....
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I just want to play an actual dwarf for the horde, I'm stuck with the useless alliance due to that
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No 'Don't care' option?
Seriously. Blizzard needs to learn how to count past one. It's been, what, 20 years? When will they learn to make a new WoW 2?
What do they have left? Like 10 players?
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