As are fresh air and sunlight but I wouldn't question or judge the extent of their value to you. Likewise, you shouldn't do so with points either. Just because you might be swimming in them and don't know what to do with all of yours, it does not mean that the same is true for everyone. What is 'free' and worth less to you, might have more value to someone else.....
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Sorry, but invalid argument
Lol ok!
edit* Also noticed an error in my math, corrected to reflect the number change of science.
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As if you did any math... Plus, fresh air is not finite, otherwise we'd be long dead by now. If it "ends", it can still be "created". Sunlight is not finite either, unless you are talking about our sun.
P.S. Math is 1 + 1 = 0 or a + b = c . Not hard for the average person to know that, is it now?
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I just can't even. The level of dumb is just Lol ok!
Hold your breath please in a dark room.
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Can't do it. Too clever to miss out on this beautiful life, and the extermination of humanity, of course. Can't miss that one out! :P
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I dare you to destroy all plant life and see how infinite your air is bro. Or better yet, stick your head in a plastic bag and see how infinite your air is :) The sun is not infinite either, it will burn out, eventually. But hey you did say 1+1=0 so i should not be expecting you to think very far ahead should i? xD
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Both of these are true, but point are finite as they solely depend on the generosity of others, as points are only distributed when a giveaway is made.
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But if there were no more point, it would mean no more giveaways. So nowhere to use them anyway.
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So ... we can all agree that without points, giveaways, oxygen, or sunlight ... SteamGifts is irrelevant.
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Destroying all plant life is far different than air being finite.. It's obvious that without something to produce oxygen there won't be oxygen. But the point is that even if all oxygen were to be polluted, plants could still produce clean air, and that's why air is infinite. Because it CAN be produced. Just like electricity from sunlight. OUR sun WILL burn out. BUT SUNLIGHT is INFINITE because there are billions of suns out there. I am not being metaphorical, I'm being literal. And even if all suns were to burn out in an instant, new ones would be created eventually.. So no matter what happens, in the end sunlight is infinite and air is infinite (plus air exists in other planets as well...).
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Sorry mate but you're grasping at straws here. Something is only infinite if it's, well, infinite, like human stupidity for example or the universe. If something can run out it's not longer infinite now is it? If all plant life was to suddenly die out, due to whatever reason, you no longer have oxygen here to survive, simple as that, we can't produce it yet at a scale that can replace the need for plants. Sunlight is also finite since if our sun were to burn out you would not have any more sunlight here now would you? The fact that there's other starts in the galaxy means nothing, they would not suddenly replace your dead star. It would be perpetual night, that's if the sun burning out does not destroy the planet first, which it would. Good luck going to another planet with breathable air tho.
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Even if he was talking about the sun that is not infinite as even that at some point will stop being the sun.
This is for the OP
I also must say i have no problem with how they handle fake GA,the way i see it if you feel it is fake why even bother using them for the GA.I try and enter ones that i am sure is not fake but i do know i still risk some but then again i usually always have points saved as i do not spend them all.
I tend to only enter for games i really want,not just wants i would like to have this way if i win,i know i will win something i will at some point play.Yeah calling out should be against the rules and should get some kind of ban,because sometimes it is not true and then a good person trying to do a good GA gets blamed and may never share anymore games.
It is simple you feel it is fake do not enter,and there will be more points the next day,
Good logic?? Good logic sure is not calling out fake without knowing 100% it is fake,this crap about it not being in there inventory or they just joined means little it still all assumptions that it is fake and even worse i have seen some people take time to reply on there profile.Seriously are people that attached to points they feel the need to bother them on steam?
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It's not new sunlight, lol. For all we know, the sun could be gone already, but we'd keep getting its old light for years, and as for air? That's CERTAINLY not new, it's the same stuff we've been exhaling, just refreshed by plants. So, SORRY, your argument is worse...
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And the points on this site are not 'real' and just an imaginary construct that has been fabricated by the human mind. Not to mention that, barring an immediate impending disaster, air and sunlight will be around long after SG and its point system are dead and buried, since those things tend to be measured on a galactic scale and not a human lifetime one.
See how dumb this discussion is becoming?
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The sun is only 499 "lightsecondes" far from us. If it stops burning, it's not for years that we could see its old light, just something like 8 minutes. Then, infinite blackout. Well except from lamps, but they don't do the "warming earth thing", so winter is coming :/
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Oooh, ooh, we could build a giant lamp the size of our sun and then we'd be safe. ;) Also, I'm mixing up other stars, lol, if our sun is gone and we'd have to rely on other stars, it'd take years. But anyways, our sun dying would turn Earth into a giant ball of molten death and stuff anyways as it would expand and consume closer planets, but that would be fun.
And regardless, every minute we live the sun could already be gone for all we know, or maybe all our lives are just an illusion, part of some grand simulation to determine the ultimate question, and figure out what the heck 42 means... Wait, that sounds like a movie plot or something... ;)
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duh... they valueless, totally not worthless, i dare you live without Sunlight and Air
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It is impossible to swim in points, they have no physical form...
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Well... I hate people bitching about this issue because, yes I agree, points are free.
What is not free is my time. I spend a lot of time (too much sometimes) choosing the destination of my daily points just for the thrill of participating in a giveaway. (I hope that also answer why I don't buy the games myself if time is so precious).
When the giveaway is fake, I wasted my time. That user has harmed me. Not fair. That user should be punished by public stoning.
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I agree with time, it is also very upseting when there is a price error or some game with a high discount (like polarity right now) and when i check it out later my points are maxed out, while sometimes (like right now) i have only 0-9 points and a lot of group giveaways with less than 100 entries
about fake giveaways that's not really a problem, most of them are really easy to spot (like cod series, etc) and most users never even realize when is bundle game or a cheap game giveaway because those are normal here, yes everyone lost points, so do i lost points in every giveaway i didn't win
not saying that i support the fake giveaways, i'm saying that it is either easy to spot or no one except the winner will ever notice
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Please stop with this idiotic argument, I'm plenty tired of seeing it everywhere. Just because something is free does not mean you can use it as an argument against ANYTHING that questions the correct use of the thing. You pay points for a chance to win giveaways. Any action that causes points to go to waste for anything else than their intended purpose is wrong and should be corrected. END. OF. STORY.
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this was more than over-discussed by now and once again, points are free, fake giveaways are easy to spot and the ones that are not easy to spot only the winner realizes that, everyones loses points when a giveaway is over even if there is no winner
I don't know why everyone likes to support or be against someone's opinion lol
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If you just got off of a ban for doing what you are complaining about, this is not how you Dougie. Lol ok!
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I always read the FAQ, I may not always follow the FAQ, but I try to active my won giveaways at least ;)
Lol ok!
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It is a lie, I don't even feel shame. I just copy and paste the words, I can't even read anyways. Lol ok!
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Because once you make 3 fake GA you will lose all your GA slots and you will be able to make anymore GA as you can not get them back.
No more fakes and no more GA by them,and you can blacklist them when you see them,so they can no longer enter them,Though i do think if they should be banned if they do several,as if you can not even be bothered to read the faq,why should we bother letting you win games.
Though sometimes when people do not fully understand it and ask about in the forum some people tend to grab the pitchforks and riot or just insult the person for posting about i and just link to the faq. So i guess it is one those no win situations as no matter what is done someone will be for it and someone will not,and then someone will not care
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There is no proof that it is not legit unless the description clearly states it.
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+1 The mods want to avoid a witch hunt, especially if the giveaway turns out to be legit.
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How do you expect them to handle this ? Giving a free pass to people breaking a rule because it comes from good intentions ?
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I get where you're coming from, but i have to disagree with you 100% on this one. :)
This is gonna be a long one, even though to some extent, it should be pretty straightforward, i do get where you're coming from. At least i think i do. :)
But... just for starters, to be fair, i've lost count of the number of times people called a GA fake, and then GA creator does make good on his word.
And there is no sure proof way of knowing a GA is fake until the finish. I've seen countless GAs that had all that fake feel to them, i bookmarked them for curiosity's sake, checked them a week later and the gifts had been delivered. Obviously the ones you refered as the ones you do report, i would too. A user that has had nothing but multiple unsent giveaways more than likely won't suddenly become rule-abiding.
But even then, people have an option, it's not like they're forced to enter or spend anything other than a short amount of time doing their due dilligence to decide if it's shady or not.
As a personal sidenote, i've had my share of experience a long, long time ago as far as forum moderating / rule enforcing is concerned, and in my experience, to some people, the rules will never be right - not saying it's your case, i understand your point, despite disagreeing with it. It's, just... the more lax the rules, the more they'll push it and the more miserable life will be for those who have to deal with the constant complaints, aka the support / mods.
Also, example of a simple order of logical steps in reasoning:
One other side example:
Imagine you had led with Evil Within as your first GA here.
As you yourself said, most people who like to call out, would've called you out. And they would have been wrong!
They would have actually hurt every user who wanted a shot at the game and stupidly listened to them, and would have also sullied your reputation, thus hurting you too. Temporarily as far as most people are concerned, sure, but still not cool.
I get that you meant merely that the punishment should be less severe for calling out. I wholeheartedly disagree still.
Some people are pushy. Those people won't stop with a slap on the wrist. It is of almost no consequence if they're the minority. They're usually loud and will be so, for as long as possible, until they're actually punished.
Also, considering just how much some people do still push it here, i'd consider SG's support FAR from harsh, but that's just my personal view. One that has it's own bias sure, i mean it is my opinion. But it is certainly not biased from one single forum experience.
Some people will consider them overly lenient, biased from being used only to forums that have almost no freedom of speech whatsoever (other than zealots don't think anyone in their right mind would want that here)...
Others will still consider them harsh, because well, if something is a bit stricter than youtube's comment section and alike, it's too harsh (again, other than ragy whiny spoiled brats, don't honestly know who in their right mind feels as if they're missing out).
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And here i thought you were gonna make me feel bad for making you waste time that could have been spent studying. :P
You seriously need to cure yourself of the Barbie Syndrome. And get away from me, i've seen enough to know it's contagious. ^^
Took me a lot less to write than you'd expect, i feel, tbh. I actually went back up to add the "This is gonna be a long one" bit, because only after writing did i notice its length. I do ramble at times, i guess... O.o
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I scrolled down to "tl;dr" section and it was pretty long as well.
Double tl;dr
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I wasn't talking about people who create fake GAs, but those who get suspended because they said a GA is fake.
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There's a reason people start with only 3 giveaway slots. They have that many chances to make a valid giveaway then they can't do any more harm. Points are free, and replenishes themselves constantly. You're not losing anything valuable by entering a fake giveaway.
It's better to let a few fake giveaways follow their course than to alienate generous new users because you feel their giveaway isn't legit.
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^^^ This is exactly why the rule exists. In the past, people with genuine giveaways have been greatly offended by those yelling "fake!" and have left the site, never to return.
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^Also, this, 100%.
Sometimes i feel people are a weeeee bit entitled.
The other day i noticed a GA creator asking for people to do a few certain things in the GA description. Nothing that fancy or rule-breaking. This was also, mind you, for a 40-50$ game, fresh as they come.
Some people still felt the urge to not just call him out, but complain about his requests. Sigh
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I know somebody who should be banned for not activating their won GAs...
Seriously, all these whining threads- and all you achieve is calling yourself out, good job!
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The reason calling out is against the rules is 1.) its rude and in poor taste. Even if the description says, "haha troll u, I no give game!!" and they already have 2 deleted or unreceived games, its still rude. 2.) Points are bloody free, and regen extremely quickly. Saving points is a silly excuse to call out. 3.) There have been cases of people leaving the site because so many users flooded their giveaway with "fake!!" comments for a real giveaway. 4.) IMO, and tied to 1, this site is suppose to built on a POSITIVE community, having users doubt gifters spurs on negativity and brings NOTHING positive to the site or discussion.
If you think a giveaway is fake, dont enter, or add the users and POLITY ask them if they understand the rules and how the site functions, OR, the preferred method, dont say anything at all and let it run its course.
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offtopic the ones who done the giveaways from the free games from tinybuild [not the robots, etc] will they get a free pass or will they get some form of punishment?
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The general policy is to delete those giveaways. The winner gets the free game, and the creator trades a giveaway slot for a big, red "deleted" on their record.
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was it a private giveaway (invite only) ?
I've made a few invite-only giveaways and then changed my mind or made a goof with the giveaway time. I just let it end with 0 winners and got my slot back.
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At least giveaway slots are easy enough to come by when you create a bunch successfully.
Also, I can totally relate to creating giveaways while tired leading to chaos ...
That's probably why I tend to take forever making my giveaways for events; I want to make sure the giveaways are right and double check them about 3 times before I start the forum posting. Oh well!
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There's been several cases of ppl just joining the site making a legit AAA GAs just to end up being called out FAKE. And it may and will disencourage new user from making new GAs ever again. There are two cases with "probably fake GA": 1st case - it's fake. No matter if you call it out or now noone will receive anything, noone will lose anything (points here are free contrary to some other GA sites), 2nd case: it's actually real - you call it out fake, community lose a member.
Also in any modern legal system there is important rule - innocent until proven guilty. If you don't have a proof that GA is fake, just a suspiction, you cannot judge it until you have a proof (not received). If you have a proof, make a support ticket instead of calling out and breaking the rules.
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Mmh true many Legal Systems work this way but not everywhere. Some places have the rule of the person accused being Guilty until he proves his innocence. Not saying it should be the case here but wanted to correct you on the "in any modern legal systems..."
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One could argue that these places are still living in the stone age. :P
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Warning other users is no use anyway. Even when it is clearly expressed as fake by the creator or he doesn't intent to give away the game, people will still join, knowingly or unknowingly.
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You expect the giveaway creators to follow the rules, but don't think those rules should apply to you. While if you yourself bothered to read the very same FAQ you suggest the giveaway creators should, you would find a procedure for bringing suspect giveaways to the attention of the site staff for disposal.
I would suggest that very nearly everyone knows a suspect giveaway when they see one. And certainly everyone who actually bothers to read giveaway comments can tell one from the rest.
However, the vast majority will wager the points, for which there is no tangible consequence in their "loss", on the very small possibility that the suspect giveaway is indeed legitimate. And that is a logical move; perhaps it could be described as a mundane version of Pascal's Wager. No loss versus the potential of a won game. It's not like it takes very long to regenerate points.
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There is no proof a giveaway is fake until it has ended! You don't know if someone has a key on paper etc. Stop calling them out if you have no definite proof. Assumptions aren't proof.
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No hay pedo compa, al tiro yo tampoco hablo ingles
fierro pariente weon qliao que te reviento ez ingles nub yeahh
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Some giveaways are obviously fake because the creator didn't read the FAQ or don't understand english.
Calling them out so people can save their points
Gets ban for 2days
admin, good Logic
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