On a related note. Bought the game yeseterday off Steam, wanted to play it for awhile but was caught up in other games, and HOLY CRAP it is so much fun. Just got done playing a 3 hour session, must eat and go back for more! Love the interaction with your commander and how everybody is on the mic communicating and coordinating. Very very fun stuff.
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It's a definite win win. Everybody is really understanding of new players and try their best to help them learn because it benefits them as well since teamwork is essential to win the game. It's a great feeling to go with your team and hold your ground taking the enemies base(s) while your commander is at the chair giving you support. Really makes you feel like you're really contributing to the bigger picture.
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They revoked the keys because they didn't get paid for them. Why should the players get angry at them and not the third party seller?
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The consumer screwed his or her self by buying from a bad source.
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How often do you buys from a developers site? Almost never. Amazon is a reseller too. Yes, I understand what you are getting at, but when you spend so little on a game, why not try a new reseller and if it works, yay, if it doesnt, oh well. I do this often enough online when shopping for digital goods, sometimes even physical stuff I get shipped.
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As far as I am concerned people that buy from sites that offer these "too good to be true" deals on games are complicit in the crime. This kind of crime would not exist if there was not a market for it, and anyone with half a brain should realize that something at least a little bit shady is going on on these sorts of websites.
This is like buying a plasma tv out of the back of some guy's van in a parking lot for $50 and being surprised when the police come and seize it.
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It's not anyone else's fault but their own that they're dumb and continue to be dumb. In fact, there is no impetus for change if they do not feel any pain or see any promise of reward. Continuing to coddle them will only keep them in their dumb state.
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I have long realized that is how the world is, but I do not believe that is how the world must always be.
At the very least we intelligent few should be able to trick them all into a massive trap for their slaughter. However, the problem is there are those that favour having power because of their ability to make appeals to the dumb, rather than having any genuine merit themselves or in their arguments.
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Hi MattyMatt - My name is Hugh, and I work at Unknown Worlds (The developer of Natural Selection 2). You can verify my identity via my Steam profile, twitter.com/hugh_jeremy, etc. There are four parties to these fraudulent transactions:
At the end of this whole thing, (1) has the money (3) gave them, (2) has their money back from their card issuer, (3) has their money back via their card issuer, and (4) has paid a huge fee for charge-backs.
We went public with this information to warn people that if they buy keys on shady sites, they risk their credit card information and having to claw their money back after the fraudulent key is deactivated.
It is very disheartening and sad to see that some consider us (Unknown Worlds) to be the bad guy in this situation. We thought we were doing the right thing, and are the only one of the 4 parties to take a financial hit. We are all gamers, and don't want fellow gamers to have to go through a card-issuer refund process when all they wanted to do was play our game.
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Oh, I do not consider you the bad guy at all, I just think that it wasnt the smartest way to play the game as party number 3 may not necessarily be able to reverse the charge. If it was via paypal, the time window may have expired (on top of that paypal is no much more seller than buyer friendly) and some cc companies will not reverse charges without proof of fraudulent activity or charge a very dumb fee (these two being the reason I switched my CC). In the end, they are bitter, word spreads, etc.
I dont even expect these people to get a free game, but maybe you could have reached out to the affected and maybe offered them a deal to at least try and cover the chargeback? You do not often get a "rebuy" button on steam, so it would be easy enough for them to prove (or via transaction history).
I have dealt with fraud myself and it is never fun, that much I can say. The day they told us that our pin pads could be manipulated to manual entry with a faulty chip card was not a good day.
P.S.: Good games.
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This sucks. Sad to see the devs getting shafted here.
Have a degree of sympathy for some of the buyers but if a deal seems too good to be legit (particularly when we're talking about shady key resellers, NOT Amazon, Steam, GMG) then chances are it probably is.
It's a game I've had my eye on for a while, but money's a bit tight, and I'd rather wait for a sale and buy it from a company with some credibility rather than roll the dice with a no-mark website wheeling and dealing in some shadowy recess of the internet.
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I am easily the worst editor of posts on Steamgifts, and probably the most cack-handed typist too...
Prizes may or may not be available for finding one of my posts without an asterisk beside it...
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Wonder what was the site and how much were they charging for the keys...
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Ill leave the source just in case you win/buy from other sites
TotalBiscuit: PSA: Don't buy keys from discount sites unless you want to run the risk of getting ripped off and ripping off an indie dev in the process
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