Do you want to see a new steam user interface?
My guess would be that Origin just looks a lot cleaner because it's not so overloaded with features yet.
I'm ok with the Steam UI as is I just wish the would fix a few thing that are not working as intended for example Store Search.
I can't even tell how many times I've entered the first word of a game title correctly or even the whole title and Steam draws a blank or shows me completely different games for unknown reasons.
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I really like how gog is doing things: simply mouseover the stuff you are interested instead of getting spamed with 5 random popups every time you startup the client - especially when those offers aren't displayed properly.
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you can turn off these pop-ups at start...
options > interface (option #6 in the row) > uncheck last box
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I can't imagine using the tile system on Steam - with too many games it is not usable. It's fine on Origin where I have 20 games. Imagine couple hundred - unusable scrollfest.
To the question - no if it comes at cost of features; yes if it improves on current downsides.
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I much prefer the old Origin UI tbh. It was lean and mean...just the essentials for starting up and playing the games.
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Valve has said that they're working on a new interface for steam, so you're clearly not the only one who thinks the old steam UI is getting a bit outdated.
I have one big complaint about Origin though, and that's the lack of a list view for games. It gets clunky when you've got a large library. That said, there's room for improvement on Steam as well. There's so much screen space wasted if you're running a higher resolution. I like how GOG galaxy handles this. On the left you've got all installed games, and the middle of the screen is used for listing all your games (endless scrolling would be nice though...)
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Lack of tabs is a pretty big one. It also makes pretty poor use of screen real estate, resulting in a lot of wasted space when you're running higher resolutions.
And then there are commonly used things that requires more clicks than they should, like activating keys. You generally want to minimize the number of clicks needed
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The inability to open games or other links in tabs in the Steam program is probably the biggest reason I always favour the browser based version.
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Origin is a fat qt-based bastard with crappy non-native fonts, huge memory footprint and stupid system services which are reinstalled each update and forced to be enabled.
It doesn't look modern, scrolling is choppy and there's a whole damn bunch of huge images around shop pages, can't find shit.
Steam is fine.
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I mean... Steam's client doesn't even work half of the time.
Sometimes it doesn't recognize double-clicks. Around 1/70 start-ups of a game just fail with Steam saying it's starting and nothing else happening.
Don't forget that when you mouse over Store/Library/Profile or whatever, there's a good chance the options won't show up or instead they just appear all the way to the left with only Profile's dropdown barely showing. EDIT: Right after typing this comment out, I had the glitch :D
Oh, of course, more and more often Steam just shits itself and won't allow you to go to your profile or community and will just stay in the library while saying that it's loading with the only fix being to go to the store, causing the in-client browser to change its direction and ultimately refresh itself.... or it won't. It's a 70/30 chance.
But yeah... Origin's the clunky one.
I'm not claiming that Origin is perfect, mind you, but saying that Steam is fine is like saying that having cancer is fine because someone else has the sniffles.
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Would've been neat for you to include a screenshot of what Origin looks like because like this I have no idea what it currently looks like so it's very hard to compare. ;p
Buuuuut so far I haven't been upset with how Steam client looks so I'm just going to vote for it to stay the same.
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Random screenshots pulled off of google:
Most annoying thing for me is that you have to minimize the chat sidebar manually, each time you start Origin... and the accessibility of DLC, especially the ones for older BioWare titles where you have to buy some obscure BioWare points first to buy them.
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Agreed, I kinda like Steam the way it is and would prefer if they didn't mess with stuff.
Well, except the activity feed. They should improve that a bit, it's broken half of the time O.o
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I'll quickly just copy and paste one of my other comments on this thread:
"Sometimes it doesn't recognize double-clicks. Around 1/70 start-ups of a game just fail with Steam saying it's starting and nothing else happening.
Don't forget that when you mouse over Store/Library/Profile or whatever, there's a good chance the options won't show up or instead they just appear all the way to the left with only Profile's dropdown barely showing. EDIT: Right after typing this comment out, I had the glitch :D
Oh, of course, more and more often Steam just shits itself and won't allow you to go to your profile or community and will just stay in the library while saying that it's loading with the only fix being to go to the store, causing the in-client browser to change its direction and ultimately refresh itself.... or it won't. It's a 70/30 chance."
There are a few more, but I just can't recall them :D
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Pretty sure it would be the screen when you click on a game which shows achievements, links, news, etc
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my onlu issue with steam is that I can't retitle the games in my games library. It wouldn't be such a big issue if game series were consistent in their naming, but e.g. Total War changing their naming conventions mid-stream, or Arkham games being in non-alphabetical order is a nuisance ~not to mention trademarks, GOTY/Special Edition in the name, etc.)
I'd also like to be able to organize folders within folders, but let's not dream too big
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Even with the small number of games I have on Origin (55), it's painfully slow to find stuff. The one thing that could have made it ok is the fact that you can just type to search... but even that doesn't work particularly well. Instead of just searching your local games, it searches the store at the same time which makes it feel laggy and unresponsive. My priority is not finding new games in the store, it's getting to the ones I already own. They've prioritized something that looks impressive over usability imho.
Steam on the other hand, even with thousands of games in a library, works quick and easy. Personally I'd take that any day over looking more modern or flashy. Getting to the games you want is what you're there for after all.
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+1 I'm all for useful features, but I hate "reskins".
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Yes, if it means a client which supports opening things in tabs, like a browser does.
(Serious question, why does this not exist yet? Is it a performance issue?)
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It looks fine to me, I'd just like it to take a few less clicks to get places.
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I actually got fed up with the horrible client where everything is behind multiple clicks so I created this:
It let's me join multiple chatrooms, open activate product, friendlist, etc. with a single click + Everything I need is accessible without having to search them from client as you can see from the image.
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Yes and no.
Steam is clunky as all hell with its client. It's a mess.
Then again, it has nailed some things that Origin hasn't (like having games in a list).
If it's only about the looks, then Steam's fine.
If it's about the actual functionality, then Steam is very dated.
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Although since most sites in modern days that overhaul their look do it in the most horrid way imaginable and makes you never want to visit them ever again, and this is Valve... no would probably be better. I don't have faith in them pulling it off in non-horrid ways.
Especially how they improved the store-page several times and now we're stuck with pointless curators I want to remove and other weird shit.
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I dont get it. Whats wrong with it ?
is this again another situation when somethings being hated just because...?!
Because that happens more often then it should these days. People just find problems where there are none.
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Maybe it just seems that way, but with our lifes becoming better and better, the real problems disappear. So we start to find problems with everything. (like transgenders not knowing wich bathroom to use and shit like that)
How do you mean tabs ? In the steam itself ? (e.g. having friends, library and achievements open at the same time ?)
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People have always hated things for the sake of hating them. It has nothing to do with real problems or not, it's just how things work. Some are more obvious than others. Remember when "insert very popular mainstream band here" was really popular, and there were this crowd that just hated them because that was the cool thing to do? (Usually this was a band that the younger audience really loved, like say Bieber, or Backstreet Boys or New Kids on the Block? (I don't actually remember when NKOTB was big, but I have seen the hateful things people said about them back in the days). Or whatever colour in fashion is big at the moment? (Gosh, don't you hate those bright coloured sweatbands that everyone keeps wearing?)
(On a related note, has anyone who claims that "The Producers could never be done these days because it would get such a backlash" actually seen the reception that musical got back when it was first released? If you ever see someone make that argument, you know that they don't bother checking to make sure that there's any real truth to their argument, because the backlash was quite vicious)
Tabs, as in browser tabs. I would like to be able to have more than one page open at once on steam, and quickly switch between them. It's such a basic feature that it surprises me that they did not implemented it 10 years ago.
The steam UI is also quite slow. You need more clicks to get to where you want to go than what's really reasonable with a modern UI. Things like activating keys could be a lot faster if they designed a better UI. It takes 4 clicks before you can activate a key. Might seem like a minor thing, but it's such a simple thing to fix.
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Cant argue with that. ;) good point.
Also bands that tend to stray away from style they played at the beginning of their careers. Theres just always these snowflakes who have to badmouth them for that.
Happened to two of my favorite bands. Metallica and In This Moment. Once they start to experiment, theres just unlogical arguments how they sell out and stuff like that :D
Back to the steam - I suppouse Im so used to it by now I just dont really care and/or notice these things. (My current account is around 2 yo, but I think I`ve used steam for some 7 or more years.) But yeah - some optimization wouldnt be bad for it.
Actually I wouldnt even be bothered if they made the design completely different. But I dont think they should.
Oh, and while were at ithis topic - SOOO many people would complain about the design change if steam actually would do it. Just look at major internet sites. Everyone complains how boring the old design is. They create new design - everyone hates it. Youtube, facebook, twitter.. Would happen for steam too.
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Steam had a major style update twice. From the old green to their grey design, and then to the current blue style. It was well-received both times.
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Oh, well then, I stand corrected. Maybe gamers are more tolerant then I thought :D
Anyway - These updates have completely slipped my mind. Cant even remember how it looked before.
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Change is scary. People have always complained about things changing, even when the change are for the better. When tabs were first introduced in browsers, that had a backlash. These days we take them for granted. Heck, remember ICQ? That was an instant messaging service. Back when it was first released, every time you got a new message from someone, it would open a new window containing that message, and only that message. If you got more messages, it would open more windows. When they moved to a system where every message was contained in one window, just stacked on top of each other (like how it works on steam these days), there was a backlash over that. We want a new window for every single message, darn it!
That's not to say that change for the sake of change is a good thing, but one should not be afraid of improving things, even if it means a short term backlash, because in the end, if you don't stay up to date, you'll end up with something that looks & feel very outdated (just imagine what youtube would be like if Google would listen to the people who want the 2005 layout back. It would not be good, but people are very selective in their memory).
And personally I browse the steam store in my browser, simply because of tabs. If they added tabs, I would probably browse the steam store in the client as well, but right now, it's just a worse experience. This is in particularly true for when there's a big sale and I want to look at several games at once, and have my wishlist open in its own tab.
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It's me or the 2017 origin client looks so modern and sophisticated, maybe it's time for a steam UI update?
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