PayPal. I tried when I heard about it as they still had keys then. Wasn't happy when it told me the item was removed from my cart.
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What I did was use my old (aka "fake") US address for NewEgg, and added the exact same address as an alternative shipping address in PayPal, apparently NewEgg compares the two addresses(?). So during checkout via PayPal it asks for a shipping address and I would temporarily switch to that US address and it worked fine. Billing and Credit Card company remained in my country.
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nice discount. ^^ have the game anyway since the early EA phase. awesome rally game!
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Few years back I think there was a similar glitch for Metro Last Light for a dollar. People who managed to grab it got refunds and the keys were revoked.
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However, they have sold AMD Silver/Gold bundles for $1 and those were never revoked. It's how I got my preorder copy of Alien Isolation plus 2 other games and that was quite a while back.
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Same. :(
and I have a Newegg acct and AMD acct and missed it. lol
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A follow-up for those who are worried about trading for/buying/receiving these AMD keys:
We are contacting you today regarding your recent purchase of the AMD Gift AMD Dirt Rally Game Code. As noted in the product title, this product was intended to be given to customers as a gift along with the purchase of an AMD processor. Due to a system glitch, the product was sold as a standalone item allowing you to purchase it individually at a very low price.
We are happy to allow you to keep the game code you purchased, we just wanted to inform you of the error. We hope you have a Happy New Year!
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Just an FYI for anyone with unredeemed codes - While Newegg is allowing you to keep it, AMD is not honoring it unless you can provide a "Invoice / Receipt for your product (R9 390/390x GPU or FX processor)".
Unfortunately I waited until the day after to redeem my code because I couldn't get the AMD site to load. When I entered my code it sent me to the support page, I sent them an image of my Newegg invoice and they replied a week later asking for my receipt for my AMD product as well.
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Yeah, they are twats. Was given a copy from a friend who owned the game, they won't give up shit.
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I really hope none of you out there are sitting on these codes, I especially hope none of you bought many of them. AMD will not honor the code, and I attempted to contact Newegg for a refund and they refused, repeatedly, and tried to put me into contact with AMD instead. Just one big circle.
At least I only bought one, so that's just one dollar in the life lessons learned jar.
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The site wouldn't load for me so I waited until the next day. Which was also true for many other people.
Less than 24 hours after this deal was posted, the code was not redeemable. I am not saying I only just tried it. I am just letting people know what the outcome of going back and forth with both Newegg and AMD support for a solid week has come to.
It's also a warning for anyone who might trade someone for an AMD code, because that code will not work.
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Can't you just file a paypal dispute or ask your credit card company to do a chargeback? If you can be bothered going to the effort for $1 anyway.
If the company is refusing to give you a replacement or refund then there are probably consumer laws that allow you to use that avenue to get your money back. Sadly, getting a refund on what would have been such a nice deal is bitter sweet.
I know it's a hassle to do, but if I were in your position I would write again a concise message stating what the consumer law allows you to ask for and what they need to do. I am pretty sure it will be Newegg, not AMD, that you need to deal with it.
I may have told you all of this that you already know. If so, my apologies! Just trying to help ;)
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Damn , this is the first game that I entered in the SG .
I would have loved to have this game :D
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Game still on my account, too. Wonder if they didn't bother to revoke Steam keys or it just takes time..
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They where never meant to be resold in the first place,so i am surprised they did not do this from the start.The code was meant for personal use just like humble bundle and so on,you can gift the keys and so forth,but they are not meant to be resold,and humble suggest sending the game via email as a gift.
So far anyone who has bought them and redeemed them,and do not get revoked should feel lucky as they have every right to revoke them because they where intended to be for GPU purchase only.
This is why i never buy gpu codes
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Did anyone here got a key before it become out of stock?
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