Steam support has always been bad. Asking 'What the hell is happening at Valve' is asking the wrong question. It's just Steam support being as bad as it's always been, sometimes you can get lucky and have your problem solved on your first ticket (very rarely) and most of the time you will get an unrelated automated response or a ban, it's like gambling.
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I dealt with Blizzard customer support several times in the past and I also had to deal with Origin support once. Based on my experience with those other gaming companies' support I can safely say Steam support is horrible, yes it is undermanned, that's one of the reasons why it is so bad, but there are others such as how poorly trained the support representatives are.
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I agree completely. Every time I opened a ticket they understood my problem and I didn't feel like I was conversing with a robot. And the thing about their support is that it kept on improving; even though I don't play any Blizzard games at the moment, I've seen that they even added an online chat for support which is a great idea in my opinion.
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Undermanned, underqualified, underpaid, under-everything. Valve is making money out of thin air by things like the summer sale card system, they run the single largest digital video game distribution service, according to Gabe Newell himself they are more profitable than fucking Google… and they cannot get enough manpower for a tech support?
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Yeah, back then there was no workshop, no streaming, no market, no greenlight, no early access, they just did what a store has to: sold stuff. And it worked. Worked so much that they were almost monopolising the digital distribution market.
Then somehow, somewhere, they began their journey downhill…
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Calm down, this isn't Reddit.
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Gaben already spent your money on drinks:) JK, just have to wait a few days,
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He asked for seconds after eating that. True story.
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I requested a refund on June 14th, June 15th got my refund approved, got my money back today. Be patient OP.
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You should read the email that support generates and sends you when you refund a game.
I did, that's why I am not freaking out and making threads about this kind of thing.
"Hello MysticAarrgg
Your purchase has been refunded by Steam.
You'll receive the funds within 7 days."
I figured the game would be removed right away, and was hoping it would be, as I was refunding for a cheaper price on a sale. I think most people would rather have the game removed right away so they can purchase the cheaper version rather than wait up to 7 days for the money to be refunded and game removed. Also, it prevents people from playing a game while the refund has been approved and the payment is processed. If you had 7 days to beat a $60 game you already had been approved on a refund, would you not touch it?
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Yeah, a copy of Killing Floor I owned magically disappeared. They just said it was a problem with the original billing and now I have no idea how to get it back seeing as I traded for it.
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Can someone explain the refund process to me? Do you open a ticket like normal ticket, or is there a form specific to refunds? What is the usual time for a response, and what is the usual time for a refund?
Moreover, what payment system does the refund use? Does it credit your Steam Wallet, Paypal, Card, or other payment method used at purchase? What if you received a gift from a friend, and you felt that you weren't going to use it, too expensive of a gift, or did not want to receive it in the first place? Can you open a ticket for that, or do they? And if you open the ticket, will they tell you that a refund isn't possible (purchased from 3rd Party Site like GMG or something) or will they just automatically remove your game first, and ask questions later?
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"Valve cannot provide refunds for purchases made outside of Steam (for example, CD keys or Steam wallet cards purchased from third parties). "
This makes sense for CD-Keys, but why would they not refund to your Steam Wallet, if your original payment method was the steam wallet itself. For instance i buy a steam wallet code from ebay, gas station, outlet store, or other establishment that sells physical cards. Once i redeem the $20 card , buy a $20 game, why would they not return the $20 ?
"We are unable to offer refunds for gifts after they have been redeemed by the recipient."
What if you receive a gift , but do not redeem it? Where does the refund go to, if still possible.
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I asked for a refund for Fallout 3, good I dont have the game now but I dont have my money back and support its not answering to my ticket.
In the past few days I have seen many people complaining about support going full retard and banning people or taking away their games. What the hell is happening at Valve?
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