Yeah, it's one of those days. The winner didn't activate the key but was online daily and ignored friend request.
Over all these years it worked well enough that I got a reroll, I just had to provide a screenshot of contacting them on Steam.

Till today.

A highly cut section of a screenshot and a friend request by itself in the first place is not sufficient for us to approve a reroll request.

Considering that this always used to be sufficient, triggered an exchange as I generally despise the requirement for us to motivate the winner to take action.
The exchange resulted in the following hot recommendations:

  1. Because not everyone takes the option to get notified by SG via E-Mail, logically results in giveaway creators being obligated to undo the consequences of their choice.
    Please someone make this make sense, that giveaway creators are responsible for people opting out of emails ... just to contact them via email.

  2. Support told me that "our preferred method" is to leave a comment on one of the winner's giveaways.
    This ultimately means that a blinking new comment on the winner's SG page = good enough.
    But the already blinking "You won and the key is ready" marker = not good enough.
    There is literally not the slightest bit of logic behind this. By far my highlight.

  3. Support suggested to leave a comment on the winner's Steam profile. Considering that people already got into trouble on Steam for mentioning "Hey, you won on Steamgiifts", I can't really grasp that support would actively suggest this as a good idea.

Anyway, I've had enough of this. Every aspect of this ruling makes no sense but especially point 2.
Could we finally see someone acknowledging that this set of rules is nothing but bs? It's overdue.

11 months ago

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Yeah it makes no sense that the responsability will fall on the person giving instead of the interested part to take it.
Also the whole commenting on steam's profile doesn't make sense to me, since this is a platform of it's own. I don't want to mix it with steam EVEN if it's directed to steam related stuff.

Personally, I believe the one making the giveaway should only have the responsability of giving the key, the winner should be the one responsabile to picking it up and marking it, failing to do so should be enough (within 1 week timeframe) to reroll to a new winner without any bureaucracy

11 months ago

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just a heads up, DONT SAY STEAM GIFTS ON STEAM!!!! it will at least get you 24 hour chat/community ban.
reason i stopped contacting winners on steam. i didnt even add links, just said you won my giveaway on steam gifts.
i give it 5 days
comment on a giveaway they made or comment they made HERE
send them a friend request. if they dont accept and its been the full 7 days, you ask support for a reroll

11 months ago

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Just out of curiosity, do you know why is it banned? Does participating in SG in some way go against Steam rules?

11 months ago

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SG is entirely unofficial, and can look pretty close to scam sites that steal credentials or install malware. Thus Steam does some job detecting that type of spam, but is unlikely to be very good with it.

11 months ago

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¯_(ツ)_/¯ its gambling, i dont know

11 months ago*

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So they didn't give you any explanation, while banning you? If so, didn't you ask later their support for an explanation?

11 months ago

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I didn't get any ban but my comment on a profile was auto-deleted once by mentioning it's against community rules and it didn't even have any links, just "hey you won a gift on SteamGifts". I stopped commenting on profiles after that. Years ago it was fine though.

11 months ago

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its some algorithm trying to spot scams and other inappropriate stuff. words like: won, gifts, key, and similar in combinations would be suspected of a scam. just like the olden "you won 100000€/$" scams back in the day

11 months ago

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I would say (especially reading Mitsukuni's message) that the bot detects "hey you won" rather than "Steamgifts".
Since a lot of scams everywhere (not just Steam) use a template like that to encourage the target to click/message/call, it gets flagged as a scam message, I suppose.

11 months ago

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Back in the day I didn't get a (proper?) ban, but the comment containing "won" and steamgifts immediately made the comment to be flagged and removed. Having to dance around the filters with "spacecat visited you" just removes any accountability. I genuinely don't see how a comment on Steam is the "preferred" method when the site's name triggers safety systems.

11 months ago

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learned this in a hard way couple weeks ago 😔, got account locked.

11 months ago

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Thanks for the warning. Since I find it non sense, I would/will never really comment on someone steam profile for that either way. Still good to know :)

11 months ago

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Site really should support showing support when key was marked visible to winner. And if winner has done no action in 7 days. Well reroll should be granted.

11 months ago

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How long has it been since the giveaway ended?

Is the problem that you've run out of open giveaways slots? Maybe you could request more due to this issue?

Personally i think there should be an automatic reroll if the winner hasnt marked the win as "received" within say 2 weeks or a month.
Which would save the mods a lot of time.

11 months ago

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If the key was sent via SG, your responsibility is done...

11 months ago

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Support says otherwise, apparently. :/

11 months ago

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I disagree with them, then. :)

For a plain old key giveaway, anyway, clicking that "send" button to make the key available to the winner on SG should fully satisfy the giver's obligations (assuming the key is valid/correct, of course).

The winner's obligation is to respond within 7 days to the notifications built-in to the system: the red icon and the email. If the winner has opted-out of email (or simply ignores it) that's not the giver's fault.

11 months ago

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Yes, and most people disagree too, hence this thread, and other similar threads before, and why most people replying in this thread are upset.

11 months ago

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View attached image.
11 months ago

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That's it; no more public giveaways for expensive games.

11 months ago

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And it was a level 6+... :/

11 months ago

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Let's be honest here, who many of us check our steam's profile page on a daily basis(or if steam has an option to get a notification if someone wrote on there, who has it activated) ?
Not to mention that it shouldn't be our(the ones who make GAs) responsibility to contact a winner who doesn't care enough to activate. Fortunately I didn't experience this yet, but I know someone who did and it was a long, annoying and boring process of trying to get someone who was online for more than half a day on both steam and SG .
So yeah, maybe an automatic reroll would save not only the staff time but us as well.

11 months ago

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Let's be honest here, who many of us check our steam's profile page on a daily basis(or if steam has an option to get a notification if someone wrote on there, who has it activated) ?

I do. Well, I check if "green envelope" shows when I open Steam. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes it's there.

But I agree - unless someone actually want to use actual gift as delivery method, SG offers enough tools to gift a key and then for winner to see that key and use it, so there's really no need to do anything beside "if winner doesn't uncover the key after a week, grant reroll when asked".

11 months ago

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Preach brother. The "You have to contact winner in multiple ways" rule should be abolished in general. You get the option for email notifs, you get a large popup when you enter the site and you get 7 days and you STILL don't want to claim it? Ok then, prize should go to another person then, your loss.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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I considered leaving a comment on SG the very moment I reveal a key in the future. Something like:

Congrats, you won! Please activate the game within 7 days.
The motivation for this pointless spam message is based on Steamgift's rules. Please contact support to share with them that you love spam just as much as stupid rules.

11 months ago

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I love this. xD

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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A few of my group members and i wrote months ago about this, from our point as gifters, stupid "change".

By that time new junior mods -so 6 months+ ago?- (now partly promoted to senior mods) enforced this rules, on top with that 7 days of waiting that the winner claim his win and that he have additional 7 days AFTER the reroll request with all the infos and screenshots about two different contact ways that you tried, and got teached to do it this way by higher mods like MSKOTOR.

A senior mod handled it the old way (7 days waiting time is enough and not additional 7 days after the reroll request gets accepted with screenshots etc.), to lower the frustration of the gifter, and MSKOTOR said he done it wrong and the 2 involved junior mods done it correct.

So yes, you not only have to run behind your winners that they claim their wins, on top you need to kiss their asses and hope that they react on a blinking message on sg, which they ignored before for around 1 week, or that you don't get banned on steam for writing on someones profile that he have won something on sg.

The "old" way was never the correct handling and a "change" never happened, they only clarified and teached the new mods the existing thing in the correct way, as MSKOTOR said.

In the end, yes, a big pile of bullshit (that mostly wasn't made from the mods but cg). And one reason more for not creating public GAs.

Ps.: If i remember correctly created the discussion about it but i am not 100% sure because a lot of us were very upset.

11 months ago*

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So my take here is that mods really wants us to mark key send, send an mail and post comment where winner can see it and them immediately make reroll request. Only to cancel it if giveaway is marked received.

As that should be enough to get reroll in 7 days right? I mean pre-emptive reroll request can't be wrong right?

11 months ago*

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Support suggested to leave a comment on the winner's Steam profile. Considering that people already got into trouble on Steam for mentioning "Hey, you won on Steamgiifts", I can't really grasp that support would actively suggest this as a good idea.

Certainly, "call them out in the comments section of their Steam profile" This should be avoided.
The word "Giveaways" has been the target of AI's word-hunting since Steam's terms were revised a year or two ago.

 It doesn't seem to be a big deal if you apply for a friend and chat with them in it.
Also, no matter what you do, whether you link to Steamgifts or not, no problem will arise.
However, those will change depending on Steam, so I can't guarantee that.🙄
I hope there will be no explicit revisions that will lead to censorship or suppression of speech.

🙄Yeah, I knew it, the moderators added their input 3 hours ago.
So you're in a situation where the general problem is improving. Good.

11 months ago

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Did you wanted to answer the OP and only answered to my post by mistake ?

11 months ago

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I was initially writing a reply to you and the main source of the discussion.
Right after I finished the description process, I got hit with the OP's reply.😂
Well, don't worry about it too deeply.
Also, if things adjust a bit for the better, good for you.

11 months ago

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I don't worry since over a year when i stopped to hunt the cheaters and stopped to help the site.

Nothing "must" change for me anymore.

11 months ago

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I just saw this :P Yes and no :P I commented on a similar discussion right around the time I was fuming from that ga :D

11 months ago

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i dont know if support can see when you pressed the "Send Key" in your giveaway but generally a reroll should be granted 7 days after you send that key. if the winner didnt bother to view the key even if he was online it should not be your problem to contact them via steam or email, it should be considered as a rejected gift.

11 months ago

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i dont know if support can see when you pressed the "Send Key" in your giveaway

They can't.

11 months ago

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Surprising, but it should be quite easy to program in.

11 months ago

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A ot of things on sg would be super easy to program.

If only cg would care to invest this few hours...... :-D

11 months ago

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Funny thing, that if you are right (and I assume, that you are, as usual), then lack of this feature is practically against... the SG Guidelines, because it makes then unenforceable as stated:

"Winners will need to correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator."

Also in such case, what is here to stop a rogue GA's creator from allocating the key, screenshoting this with the date showing and then hiding it again only to reallocate just before filling the complain?

11 months ago*

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Also in such case, what is here to stop a rogue GA's creator from allocating the key, screenshoting this with the date showing and then hiding it again only to reallocate just before filling the complain?

As far as i know is the handling, as soon as you hide the key (again) for the winner that the mods demand the 7 days period before they would grant the reroll.
I am not sure if a screenshot with a date would change something at this handling because the screenshot not proof that the key was 7 days visible. And because of this, i would assume they would handle it, with or without such a screenshot, in the same way.

I would go as gifter and a winner, that i identified as autojoiner, which don't claimed his win after 7 days the route with exchanging the real key after the 7 days against a used key and if the reroll request would take longer/force me to wait X days, on top to the first 7, the winner would get nothing if he check then his bot if he won something.
If the reroll would be done in a normal timeframe the key could be exchanged for the new winner with the real key.

But, such a route would be against the sg rules and if punished, the punishment for the gifter would be much higher as for autojoiners and other cheaters that do their cheating since years. Yes, a bad joke.

And this is the reason why i prefer to create GAs in my group or for my WL, where such cheaters aren't possible winners and no bullshit happens if a key make problems, if a winner can activate the win only a bit later because i know in the end, the winner is then really ill, haven't a PC available for X days, is in vacations or something else (and he isn't daily online on steam, sg, enter GAs and ignoring the blinking red message for 7 days+ without to contact me as gifter with a short info why it takes longer to activate the win...).

11 months ago

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Wait, seems that we are missing something here. If mods can't "see when you pressed the "Send Key" in your giveaway", then how can they act at all on a rule, that is based on time passed since the key has been sent? Guidelines clearly say "within one week of the gift being marked as sent".

EDIT: It doesn't matter any more, you've missed a recent change:
"Logging system for support members to see a history of key and sent/received feedback changes for each giveaway winner." (change log February 13, 2024).

11 months ago*

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Actually, they can. I had a mod tell me when I had sent a key to someone recently, so they must be able to tell in their end when it was sent.

11 months ago

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Wow, really? In that case, the extra burden of proof on GA creators seems a bit ridiculous.

11 months ago

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MSKOTOR answered it by herself.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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I am not sure that i fully understand your sentence correctly.
So let me question a few things to be sure.

You sended the key and the mod told you that you sended the key OR did he were able to tell you not only that you sended it but that you sended it at day XYZ, XYZ o'clock?

And was the key still listed as sended when the mod told you, you sended it ?

Or did you sended the key and then un-sended it and the mod was able to tell you that you sended it before ?

I question so exactly because there are very big differences.
As far as i know are a mod able to see that you sended a key, as long as you not change the sended status but as soon as you would un-send the key he shouldn't be able to see that you sended it before and not be able to tell you when you sended the key in general.

If a mod are able to see now more than cg made a new tool for the mods OR the mod that gave you the info or the mod that gave me the other info told us not the truth.

11 months ago*

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MSKOTOR answered it by herself.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago*

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I stand by what I said.

11 months ago

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Yes, MSKOTOR revealed that they have a new tool to see the timestamp.
So a fresh change (to the better) :o)

11 months ago

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It would be a lot easier for everyone if this kind of thing was automated. A week after the key is sent, if no response, give the option to reroll.

11 months ago

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Absolutely. This would be the best approach.

11 months ago

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I was about to write the same thing. Without automation this is just a burden for key givers. I can't be bother to chase other parties.

Most competitions in real-life give you 24h to claim your gift, it you don't you lose the right to it. This in itself is too strict, but it goes to show that steamgifts is too lenient on the winners.

11 months ago

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I don't like this either. Why should the giveaway creator have to hunt someone down? If the key is unviewed after 7 days, just automatically reroll it imo. Luckily I only had the issue once. They were online on here and I wrote on one of their giveaways. So now they had two notifcations on here to take care of it. The person eventually did that after weeks of waiting and me not wanting to chase after them, I assume they had no computer available to them and simply didn't know you could register keys via browser. But they could have talked to me if they had an issue.

11 months ago

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In exactly 7 days after a key has been allocated by the GA's creator the GA should be rerolled automatically, if the key has not been viewed by the winner.
If the key has been viewed, the winner should be suspended at the 7 day mark, GA should be marked by system as received, and depending on circumstances (is the game in winner's library?) the winner should be reprimanded or suspended.
Obviously with "gifts" the procedure would need to be somewhat different.

"GA should be permanently marked by system as received" ;)

11 months ago*

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Good point that if the key was seen is a relevant factor. I wouldn't automatize the suspension part though. ;)

11 months ago

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Why not...? I don't see a valid reason to don't mark it as received after seeing the key (in case that the key doesn't work, they should notice the giver).

11 months ago

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Automatic suspension for unactivated win should apply only to a user, that has seen the key, yet the game is not in their library. I can see no excuse for such behavior under normal circumstances. Obviously not in case of DLCs and games, that SG can't detect.

11 months ago

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There is lot of issues with duplicate keys, keys for wrong games because of honest clerical errors...

Key being seen does not tell that key was good. At which point communication with creator should be expected. Or not received feedback.

11 months ago

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Sure, but after revealing the key the winner should try to activate it. If it doesn't work as expected, it's their responsibility to inform the GA's creator about the problem. If they don't do this, it's their fault.
The game should then automatically become permanently received, so the winner could not later claim just out of spite, that the key didn't work.
Then we just have a normal case of game being received and if they don't have it in their library, the normal steps for unactivated win should be taken, which at least for the 1st offense could as well be automated.

Nowadays, if I have such a problem, I'm always somewhat reluctant to report it, just being afraid, that the winner may feel offended and retaliate by falsely claiming, that the key didn't work.

11 months ago*

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Absolutely! This is the way to go.

11 months ago

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State the rule in the guidelines as "7 days = automatically reroll" and then do it automatically after 8 days (to allow for different time zones).

The notification email should also re-state the 7 days rule. The current email notification could be interpreted as a promise of that game, which it isn't.

I suggest:

"Congratulations [user],
You've won a SteamGifts Give-away!.
Your 7-day window to claim the following game has already started.
[Game Title]"

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago

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Winners will need to correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator.

^ That's from SG's very own site guidelines. That alone should be enough, so it's wild you're being told to contact them via Steam message. Extra wild since that can get you in trouble with Valve.

11 months ago

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I think the problem is that mods don't have a way of knowing when the creator marked the gift as sent. Someone could potentially mark a gift as sent at the end of the one week period then request a reroll, claiming that they sent it seven days ago. That's why they require proof of a message with a timestamp.

That's my superficial understanding of the situation.

11 months ago

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Someone told me ages ago that support was able to see when the "sent" tab had pressed by the contributor, and I always took a bit of solace with that. Sucks that isn't the case. Another reason for me to be weary with public giveaways. :(

11 months ago

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I agree with you.I think the contact requirements need to be updated.

11 months ago

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So no matter where you can win something, the winner should take care of getting his gift. I go to the trouble of buying something, then I make it available to the community and then have to chase after the winner so that he is kind enough to accept it... I find that really absurd!

11 months ago

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I was lucky enough to have to deal with this only like twice so far. I agree that the rule needs a change tho.

I won't bother searching for someone so that I can gift them something. I'll send an e-mail after a couple of days of inactivity, and a friend request on Steam, once. If that's not enough, then I don't really think it is my fault.

11 months ago

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Yeah, those rules really treat the people gifting games like garbage while winners should be served and have "their time and opportunity" devotedly respected... There's an outright entitled atmosphere in many ways on here that I despise... Why are you made to feel like a criminal trying to scam or shameful for asking for a reroll on your present??

Why should gifters and support be annoyed every day dealing with a vast majority of multiaccounters/autojoining bots doing this, for the few rare instances someone genuinely won't be on for the week or miraculously can't see they won with at least 3 different ways to tell them on their own? None of these should be putting stress on someone just trying to give a gift

Could be so simple, if it's been 7 days, they already had a really fair chance! Don't humiliate and torture people giving gifts away :/

11 months ago

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I would like to recommend following rule changes so that main responsibility would be on winner:

  1. When GA is finished, GA creator has 1 week to provide the key. Winner should not ask GA creator where is the key during first week.This is how it is currently. No rule changes here.
  2. Here is new rule suggestion: 1 week after GA has ended, winner has 1 week to claim the key. If key was not provided by GA creator it should be winners responsibility to leave the message on GA page that key was not provided. If key was not provided by GA creator but winner does nothing during second week, 2 weeks after GA has ended GA creator can ask for re-roll no questions asked.

This way:

  1. GA creators that have delivered the key right after GA has ended and want to speed things up, and want that winner claims the key ASAP, can still do as it is required currently, contact winner, create screenshots,... and then wait for 1 week for winner to claim it. If key is not claimed after 1 week they can ask for re-roll as they have proof they have contacted the winner. This is how it works now, nothing would change for GA creators that do not want to wait 2 weeks. No rule changes here.
  2. GA creators that are not in hurry and can wait 2 weeks, just wait. If winner does not claim the key, GA creator can ask for re-roll, no need for any screenshots or contacting the winner or anything. This would be new rule.
  3. GA creators that do not send the key, but winner does not message at GA page during second week that the key was not provided, can ask for re-roll, no need for any screenshots or contacting the winner or anything. This would be new rule.
  4. GA creator does not send the key, but winner creates message at GA page during second week that the key was not provided. Then GA creator can not ask for re-roll. Winner must mark the win as not received. No rule changes here.

In my opinion this simple 2 week rule changes might bring back some dignity to GA creators. Doing public GA was not fun experience for me, my respect to all the public GA creators, you need to have thick skin. If there were not moderated groups I would have left this site a month after joining.

11 months ago

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The responsibility seems to be shifted to the GA creator. I wonder what the motivation is?

Perhaps someone made a bad call and the mods had to back them up to save face?

11 months ago

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From the moment a key is sent the winner should be blocked from taking other actions such as joining new giveaways or even view available giveaways on the site until they have revealed the won key and provided feedback. 7 days is a lot, 24 h would maybe be more appropriate. Or maybe two different deadlines: one to reveal the key before an automatic reroll (this could even be 7 days as usual) and one to provide feedback from the moment the key is revealed (here 24 h would already be too generous).
Contacting the winner should not be required as the site already notifies them (notification should happen when the key is available, no point in notifying the winner before). If someone with email notifications disabled fears they could miss a win to an automatic reroll by not revealing the key in time, they should re-enable their email notifications

11 months ago

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As others have commented:
Giveaway maker must send their key in 7 days. But if winner doesn't care much about redeeming it, the giveaway maker MUST pursue the winner after their 7 days have passed until the maker can prove there was enough effort.

I always thought that's big BS. The only responsability, and often remarked, of the giveaway maker, is to provide a working key. Within 7 days. Make a screenshot with the system clock and the key sent status just in case; tho I don't know if it's really that hard to add a field in the database with the datetime when the key was sent to the winner. That's all. The rest of the effort should be from the winner. Winner doesn't care? AUTOMATIC REROLL, instead of more burden and work for the giveaway maker.

Indeed those rules must be reviewed and remade so the giveaway maker doesn't have to do everything, and then even have utmost care to prove it has been done. It's really discouraging everytime the winner doesn't care, makes oneself rethink if it's worth keeping giving when what's received is trouble.

11 months ago

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Yeah, it's always been really weird to me that the giveaway creators have to bend over backwards to deliver the prizes. The rules surrounding this are almost like some trading/grey market reseller platform, as if the winner paid for a service and you, as the giveaway creator, sustains the responsibility to deliver the goods. Considering these are giveaways, you would think it's quite the opposite?

It seems it has gotten worse, too - used to be a reroll was very easy to request. Heck, we could even set "custom rules" back in the days (that was a long time ago). Some level of guidelines and rules to ensure fairness is good, but ultimately, the rules should favour the person actually contributing a gift to the community, and not the person whose only effort was clicking the "enter giveaway" button.

11 months ago

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I understand your frustration and the response you had from support makes zero sense.
Since admins do not want to do anything about the rampant bot/autojoiner problem, SG is at the very least long overdue for an overall of the basic functions, which are to allow us to keep making giveaways with the least possible amount of frustration, tweaking, checking, rechecking, rerolling and hunting down "winners".

If it keeps going like this, the only SG users left will be the bot and autojoiners. Good luck getting ad revenue off this.

11 months ago

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As long as there’s more gifts being done than gifters leaving… sg will continue.
At this stage, it’s not really about the revenue.

11 months ago

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We're not at terminal stage yet, of course but the current bundle drought and the grey market have already had an impact on the number of GAs so add to that the increasing frustration of gifters who are just trying to give away games with the least amount possible of trouble to themselves, it can get dire.

11 months ago

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If it keeps going like this, the only SG users left will be the bot and autojoiners. Good luck getting ad revenue off this.

But autojoiners and multiaccounter bring traffic......
.... and obvious enough, with the ads payments, the referall payments and the patreon on top, that cg earn $$$ with the site.

I bet my money on "he do nothing till he don't earn "enough" anymore.
How this can be reached, to motivate him to invest time and energy, is a thing that more people should think about.

11 months ago

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I bet my money on "he do nothing till he don't earn "enough" anymore.

It'll be too late by then. When autojoiners have nothing to join, they'll bring no traffic or ad revenue.

11 months ago

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The 50% active users that be real users + gifters are still "enough" to feed the 50% autojoiners and multiaccounters of the active users on sg.

Obvious it is still "profitable" enough for the cheaters and as long as they get "enough" they create traffic for cg.

And yes, smart people seen since (5+) years that the amount of gifters decrease very visible and would have done something against it, years ago, as owner/admin of this site.

11 months ago

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