Yeah, it's one of those days. The winner didn't activate the key but was online daily and ignored friend request.
Over all these years it worked well enough that I got a reroll, I just had to provide a screenshot of contacting them on Steam.

Till today.

A highly cut section of a screenshot and a friend request by itself in the first place is not sufficient for us to approve a reroll request.

Considering that this always used to be sufficient, triggered an exchange as I generally despise the requirement for us to motivate the winner to take action.
The exchange resulted in the following hot recommendations:

  1. Because not everyone takes the option to get notified by SG via E-Mail, logically results in giveaway creators being obligated to undo the consequences of their choice.
    Please someone make this make sense, that giveaway creators are responsible for people opting out of emails ... just to contact them via email.

  2. Support told me that "our preferred method" is to leave a comment on one of the winner's giveaways.
    This ultimately means that a blinking new comment on the winner's SG page = good enough.
    But the already blinking "You won and the key is ready" marker = not good enough.
    There is literally not the slightest bit of logic behind this. By far my highlight.

  3. Support suggested to leave a comment on the winner's Steam profile. Considering that people already got into trouble on Steam for mentioning "Hey, you won on Steamgiifts", I can't really grasp that support would actively suggest this as a good idea.

Anyway, I've had enough of this. Every aspect of this ruling makes no sense but especially point 2.
Could we finally see someone acknowledging that this set of rules is nothing but bs? It's overdue.

10 months ago

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This site is operating on autopilot, with certain moderators exhibiting a god complex, on the wrong side of logic and good sense. But there's no alternative so whatever.

10 months ago

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Could we finally see someone acknowledging that this set of rules is nothing but bs? It's overdue.

No problem:

All rules are BS. Those in charge have absolute power.

This is neither moral or immoral it is simply the way Hierarchical Power works.

I can elaborate.

A couple definitions:
Power: The ability control people or events. The ability to do so without explanation or approval of the Subjects.
Rulers: Those with power or those they delegate power to. AKA The Owner/Admins/Mods/Janitors/ect.
Subjects: Anyone who the ruler can apply power to is a Subject of that Ruler.

The Rulers own rules do not apply to the Rulers or their power.

Rules are a crated by Rulers to communicate a general idea of what expectations the Rulers have. They do not bind or restrict the Rulers or their power. They may give rights to the subjects, but those rights are not inalienable. They can not be used by the subjects to bind or restrict the Rulers.
Examples: Guidelines, Mission statements, Employee Handbooks (in most circumstances), FAQs, help documents, traditions, ect..

Of course.. social pressure may be applied to Rulers, but they can silence anyone they wish and use their power to push a counter narrative. An unpopular ruler may find they have few subjects. However, none of this changes the facts of Power, Rulers, and Subjects.

In the post modern age, the digital world, power is absolute online.

Of course, Laws are a much more complex. But we don't enter into legally enforceable contracts when using this site as it is ultimately Private Property. Clicking a box that say something like "I agree to abide by the rules" can be more accurately translated as: I agree to be a subject of the Rulers. There are larger legal frameworks that apply to everyone here, but they generally they are designed to protect the owners of said property, AKA The Rulers.

It took me years to really understand this. But it simplifies things immensely.

The legal frameworks that exist in Capitalism are designed to enable and enforce strict Hierarchical Power. Other forms of power exist, but getting into those is political and I don't really want to do that on SG.

10 months ago*

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What are you smoking and where can i get some?

10 months ago

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If you lived where I live, you could go down the block to the local dispensary. It's literally a corner store, lol.

10 months ago

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What are you smoking and where can i get some?

It's part old age. it's easy to get, you just have to stay alive.
The other part is reading Anarchist and Communist books.

I am being sincere though. Misunderstanding this can cause of lot of unnecessary suffering, especially, in the work world. That's why I use the "Employee handbook" as an example. Don't ever think that it exists to give you rights or powers. (unless it's a legally binding contract, but that is something that is rare enough these days that you will know if you sign one.)

10 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 months ago

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You might have misunderstood me somewhat.

Yeah listen I get and understand some of that stuff, how morality is a crutch for those that do not adhere to such to exploit those that do. My final argument on the matter is the reality of the world is that the amoral conquer the moral on the grounds of not willing to be subjected to the fascist restrictions of morality, but if order is maintained then there is no reason to not invoke morality as the ultimate order. The truth of this world is that often morality is for weak-minded, self-conscious people, which sets a precedent of 'never expecting less than the worst from people' to get on the level of the amoral.

I don't agree with any of that that.

If you go out and touch grass and speak to people in their everyday lives and actions you'll find enough evidence to the contrary, but the hierarchical systems of the world, you can go down to the supermarket needing a bread and not have money and they wont give you a god-damn bread, because the mentality is that that takes the opportunity away to take someone else's money for that bread. And that is where the morality of capitalism blurs, when 90% of the world starves in a land of abundance. Where capitalism is essentially control mechanisms to keep people poor and occupied, with the mantra of everyone pay their share effectively emotional manipulation for the weakened masses to suffer together....

Under capitalism, the only morality is protecting property rights, increasing profits. and maintaining the status quo. Everything else is a side effect or a control mechanism.

Personally I subscribe to the idea of bountiful abundance, to give people everything they need so they dont have to occupy themselves for 40 years of their lives to scrape by and then once everyone is settled in with a system of not being drained by the cost of barebones essentials of living one can have collective concentrated efforts of building sustainability and economic conscription and extra reward for those that continue their work.

Not bad, better idea: What if no money? No private property? How about this: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs?" What do you think about that?

It is in these weakened state of deprivation that amorality arises in my opinion. People are not inherently born evil, but they are made evil by the circumstances of the world around them. I do anticipate that these old world new world order methods of mass population control and exploitation will continue long after im six feet under, but I do preach to the extent of giving people something to think about over the course of time of how we function together as a society.

Good and Evil do not exist in nature, they are clearly human constructs. Under Capitalism, they are just another means of control, a means of "othering" people.

Regarding the employee handbook, yes, calling yourself an employee actually takes as many rights away as you perceive it to give you. Like someone in USA gets taxed on their wealth, then they pay someone in Africa a wage for work. Now that wealth is taxed again in Africa, without us having the abilitu to question that morality. They just wanna tax the Jesus out of you regardless of the merits of whether they deserve that, because that is the system that have been engrained upon us, with the morality of 'everyone paying their fair share' So instead, you call yourself an acquaintance, like asking $10 from your mother to go buy a bread so its not called income tax, oh shit theyre gonna tax the bread at the supermarket anyways. xD

Have you ever explored what the purpose of taxes is? It's not what they taught you in school. Here is an economist explaining money theory, including taxes..

For every single advancement civilization makes that they brag about, the only thing I see is 'more markets to exploit via depirvation so I dont get excited about all the medical advancements, energy breakthroughs whatever, because the incurred costs via monopolization makes it worthless to me, as my life is worthless than an orange to them because if I'm not spending in their economy or subjecting myself to their rule and actively making them rich, the monetary system grades you as a nett burden. Until hospital bills are $20000 because helping someone for free is apparently not the morality our system ascribes to. But once again is not excuse for you to adopt your own sense of morality.

Capitalism in action!
But things were not always this way, and they don't have to stay that way either.

10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 months ago

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As I mentioned in the previous thread about this issue, how the site works is a necessity, as we did not have access to info about when the key was sent. When SG started, we were using time stamp from Steam gifting history or sent email as a proof. When SG added the ability to store keys on the website, it made it easy for creators to send the key, but left us without info when the key was made available to the winners. That's why we need proof with time stamp.

I know no one checks the site change log, so this was left unnoticed:

Logging system for support members to see a history of key and sent/received feedback changes for each giveaway winner.

(cg does work on changes in the background, constant complaining that nothing is done <or goes unnoticed>, just because it's not a change I want is not justified)

We need time to have everyone on board and comfortable with it, and to make sure there are no bugs or other issues with it. So we don't have a situation where one mod by mistake goes the "old way", and then we have another thread here. When mods are confident how to handle tickets with this new tool, we can decide when to go live.

10 months ago

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Does that include a time stamp for when the winner reveals a key?

10 months ago

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Yes, this was the main request we had to cg. To see when key was sent and then seen by the winner.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Oh yeah, it's a massive help. I'm so glad it was added :)

10 months ago

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so with time stamps available to see when a key has been sent and seen, why do creators still need to contact the winners additionally to that. does that really make sense?

and could you address the issue with the moderator suggesting to contact the winner by leaving a comment on their steam profile?
the fact that this may lead to some sort of ban on steam should be known by now and so this shouldnt be suggested. if its not known by all then maybe this should be explained and discussed among yourselves.

10 months ago

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These are great news.

I didn't know there was a thread with a change log, seriously... u_u

10 months ago

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Fair enough but the actual rules don't really make sense in the context of these necessities.
If you guys don't (or didn't) have any option to register if and when a key was shared, what good are some comments or emails with timestamps? We simply could send an email or leave a comment while not actually revealing or sending any key at all. So I don't really see how any of this makes the rules more reasonable. In either scenario, it depends on the giveaway provider being honest.

But hey, the incoming change is good news. And sorry, considering that this finally happens after so many years might suggest that complaining is a smart and justified investment. Sometimes. ;D

10 months ago

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what good are some comments or emails with timestamps

Because it shows that winner was contacted, and creator confirms key was sent. It may look silly or dumb, but if you send email to the winner, they can create a ticket to us later. "Oy, I get email from creator I have key available, but nothing is there". Or leave a comment in GA: "you said I have key, but I don't see anything, do I need to click something?". This is the only way for us to have winner reporting issue with creator being sketchy.

Believe it or not, but I checked re-roll request when checking this thread, and creator literally waited 6 days before sending the key. Then waited 3 more days, send request for re-roll on 9th day (from GA end time) with usual "this winner is always online and never activate my key, I want re-roll".

10 months ago

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Oh my. To be honest, I understand even less now why it took so long to implement these timestamps. Essential for the mods, a pain in the ass for giveaway providers. Sounds like a no-brainer to make this a top priority.

10 months ago

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Great news, thanks for letting us know :)

10 months ago

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First and foremost: thank you for your dedication!

I know no one checks the site change log, so this was left unnoticed:

To be fair, just main post edits won't draw attention. I'm pretty sure I had seen the thread once or more times years ago, but I forgot about it and I'd guess only few people bookmarked it or are looking into the announcements sub forum regularly. Adding a post upon editing could improve that.

10 months ago

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I know no one checks the site change log, so this was left unnoticed:

Why someone should check a thread that had the last comment 3 years ago ?

Usually it shouldn't be a hard task that the admin write there a "updated" as comment after something changed.
The main goal for announcements is that people read them.

Yeah, now are a system active that list the sent key time stamp, congratulations.
Should reduce the unneeded workload for the mods and the gifters.

10 months ago

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View attached image.
10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 months ago

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i feel ur pain, bro. u dont have to beg the winner to claim the game.
as for me i never tried to contact the winner after 1 week. that clearly means the winner dont want to claim my gift, 1 week has gone so f*ck em.
support never denied my re-roll tickets but still takes hella time to respond, so to avoid this i decided to create only whitelist and group Giveaways.

Winners will need to correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator. It is also necessary to keep this feedback up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.

the rules are clear AF, as for me.

10 months ago*

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