one can't go wrong with matrix! just saw it once again a month ago, what a movie! it never gets old!
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Got old for me 20 minutes into my first time watching it.
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well, for us was a blast I mean, we were teenagers at that time, there wasn't much to do here ( can't speak for the advanced world xD ) but still we had win98 and played ultima online on the 56k, watching that movie at the cinema I still remember how many things opened to me =P that really made us think a lot and want to expand our knowledge, read more books and so on, and it was greatly realized, for kids like us in the '90s, we rarely saw those special effects, I loved the sequels too ^^
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Well, to each their own. I love bad movies, but that and Fight Club were complete train wrecks to me.
And yes, before you ask, I love the Troma Vision movies.
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oh, Fight Club, another masterpiece I'm gonna see in the next weeks again =P
well, the Troma movies were another part of our teen ages though xD we used to connect our CRT televisions with the huge fat PCs we had and see the movies on TV, for some reasons at least until the '90s Troma movies were definitely famous here in Italy! (and I also got to know new music thanks to their soundtracks, like in tromeo and juliet) - I really loved the '80s and '90s movies but I didn't check out anything after 99-2000, I'm happy they're still active and producing new movies =)
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Matrix was just idiotic. Fight Club was just stupid. Repeating the rules over and over again? We get it. Don't talk about it.
Troma films were made to be bad. Lloyd Kaufman is a genius there.
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Well then, I should also say that I HATED that overblown Michael Jackson video called Avatar. Didn't care for The Watchmen. Hate, hate, hate, HATE that craptastic Dark Knight trilogy (with the exception of Heath Ledger). In fact, I will not watch ANYTHING by Christopher Nolan or with Christian Bale ever again.
But, I LOVED the Tom Hanks movie The Terminal. Loved Brotherhood of the Wolf. Liked Shoot Em Up. Loved In the Valley of Ellah. So, if I have no taste then I have no taste.
Not everyone has to like the same things as everyone else.
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Not everyone has to like the same things as everyone else.
For sure. And it seems I disliked all the movies you like so I guess that explains why you hated The Matrix and Fight Club :P
Seriously though, to each their own. Makes the world go round and all that. And best of all: unlike politics, nobody suffers from the choice of others so guilt-free fun.
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I didn't particularly care for Avatar either (though the setting looked like it would be perfect for an RPG or action game). Unless you're talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is amazing, and if you don't like that then clearly you have bad taste and should feel bad.
I'd never put The Watchmen on any "best movies" or "things you absolutely must like" list - it was an overly long movie seemingly designed for fans of the graphic novels, with little consideration for anyone who hadn't read them.
I found Shoot Em Up enjoyable as a bad movie that's silly and obviously trying to be silly, but I'd never recommend it as a good movie or something anyone must watch.
But hating The Dark Knight, and everything by Christopher Nolan or with Christian Bale? Now that's just crazy talk.
But at least your tastes are consistent. I haven't seen many of the movies you mentioned, but based on Shoot Em Up, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and the Troma films you seem to love movies designed to be bad, ridiculous, preposterous, and over the top, while disliking ones designed to be polished Hollywood blockbusters. Though maybe that's not entirely true, as The Terminal seemed designed to be a Hollywood blockbuster that just happened to turn out a decent movie rather than a great one. You do seem to dislike most universally beloved movies, though. Are you a movie hipster?
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I like to think myself as a movie buff. I have seen more movies than some people have forgotten. And some that many might have never heard of.
I found that a lot of those polished Hollywood movies turned out to be polished turds.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a truly polished Hollywood classic. Anything by the Cohen Brothers is. I'm a HUGE George A Romero fan. Seen all his movies, including the remakes.
I'm also a HUGE fan of the Marx Brothers, so you do the math.
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I am a movie buff as well, but I can't understand your dislike of some of these movies. Do you go into the movie with some negative predisposition or something? Is it because they were popular? Is it because they were action movies?
I've always been really good at recommending movies to other people, but you would seem an enigma to me. xD
I don't mean anything negative to you or anything, I just like to understand, one movie buff to another. Benjamin Button to me was forgettable, I will have to watch it again to remember it. Cohen brothers have made some good movies, but some of them got a lot of praise and I didn't enjoy them at all. Like Miller's Crossing, I like mafia movies but man I thought the pacing of that movie was so horribly off it bored me.
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I like a variety of genre's. An open mind, if you will. And I do not like gangster/mafia movies. I can't explain why. I also find those Paranormal Activity movies REALLY boring. I do like quite a few movies other like/ I loved Gravity. It shows that you don't need a a huge, big name cast or a large dialogue script to be amazing.
Also, No Country for Old Men was fantastic. And, it's almost scene for scene the book. I read it too.
Edit- I think the OP should close this now as it's gotten WAY off topic.
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I loved Gravity and No Country as well =)
Hmm, for me it is rare for a movie to live up to the book, and imo Fight Club really did well and is one of my favorites. Ah well, each their own. xD
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Haha, that's kind of what I was thinking, but didn't want to say. :)
Finding Fight Club a complete train wreck because they repeated the rules? Or finding The Matrix idiotic? Hating The Dark Knight?
It's like someone saying that they hated Bioshock, Dishonored, The Witcher 3, and the Mass Effect Trilogy, and that their favorite game is Absconding Zatwor. I don't even know where to begin.
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Great characters and stories. It's probably the most involving space scifi series I've ever read. The last book is so far from the first when it comes to story but the evolution from first to last is so organic. Each book just seems to naturally emerge from the previous one naturally.
And even after getting to know about Scott Card's more... hm... intolerant and bigoted views, so much of the series, for me, remains about acceptance of self and of difference, it's kinda ironic.
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Yeah, it was a bit of a shock when I read about how radically different the ideologies in the book compare to that of the authors. I tend to separate authors' works from how they are as a person, though, so I think I can still enjoy the books without any sense of disgust.
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Yeah I had the same reaction when I read an interview with Alice Walker, who sounded just a little paranoid but hey, I still love her writing.
I think it's a testament to good writing when even the author's views can be transcended and the reader can find in the text things they can relate to, even when they disagree with the author on fundamental things.
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"word finded in 1" Damn, I don't know this one. I feel bad.
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I love SF, but I evidently do not watch enough popular shows to know the answers to these clues. 😟
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Book: Battlestar Galactica Classic (the one by Glen A Larson) It was my first exposure to SF and I love the genre ever since. Hmm, but if I have to choose a more recent, completed read, then it's Repo Man. I've watched the film before but not the book... at least not until I found it at a book sale :) A hidden gem indeed!
Game: Deus Ex: Human Revolution (and its sequel). Funnily enough, I have not really played a SF-themed game that really made me think (about the relationship between humanity and technology) up until Deus Ex rolled out Human Revolution. It was revolutionary for me; both as a fan of story-rich games and a fan of SF.
Movie: I'm probably going to get flamed for this but I really like Tron. I watched it when I was little and it has a special place in my heart :)
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I give up!
I found all, not work
easy 3 , 4, 5,
2 (3 mathes),
1 wtf (4 mathes)
I like Books Oscar Scott Card, Sapkowski, Sanderson, F. Herbert, Patrick Rothfuss, Asimov,
SF series Expanse, SG, Farscape, Firefly, babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica...
3 i think is w upcase letter Who world...
4 i think is w a Jerzy Waszyngton downcase what
5 i think is d first letter of destruction
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Book = Vorkosigan saga (yeah that's why)
Movie = Alien saga
Game = Dead Space
I love scary spooky space <3
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If I had to choose only one title per category, these would be my favourites, I guess:
Books: The Doomed City (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky)
Movies: 2001: A Space Odyssey (still the best and will probably stay the best for many years to come)
Game: Primordia
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well Kubrick's masterpiece has really few competitors I think, I think I'll see it again in some weeks ^^
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Hmm... if puzzle was on ITH I'd could check if any of my guesses is right =\
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Upcase, the first letter of what happen to the Formics
Geez, at what point in the series? And I can think of a lot of synonyms for this, too.
It's difficult to name a favorite, but Douglas Adams jumps up to the top few in any list I would make, even if you don't count Dirk Gently in SF.
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I think most of us probably have no problem identifying the book, but there are so many possibilities for "what happened" and no way of confirming if we have the right answer...
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If I got the second one I would eventually discover wich of the words is
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Second letter
Downcase, the last letter of the word finded in 1.
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...Okay? Yes, I can (and did) read that.
My question stands. If you have number 1 (by finding the word, and not by guessing), then you have number 2 as well. Also, you can Google the phrase in question 1 for the answer.
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Well, there's also the stuff that happens after the first book, so you can make the list even longer with synonyms for (stuff I maybe shouldn't spoil).
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There is a specific thing that happened to them. Once you figure it out, you'll kick yourself.
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Well, certainly seems like there are many possibilities, and the most obvious one hasn't worked for me no matter what I put for the other extremely vague question (number 3).
It's unfortunate that this was the only one we were given a "clue" for - but the clue was something everybody already knew and Google could have told you in seconds... If I'd known how minimal the clue would be, it probably would have been better to get a clue for no. 3! Although I guess the clue for no. 3 would be "The Tardis is from a British SF TV show!" :D
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As on my first message ( ) you say you love train: here is a new one:
Please comment with your favorite SF book/game/movie
So here is the solution ;)
The most massively useful thing is a : towel
It is wrote in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
You may search in google for "most massively useful thing" to find this information
Or maybe check:
-1. o
-2. l
Tardis is the spacecraft of the Doctor Who
Nobody know the name of the doctor...
-3. So D or W ... It was W
The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed by the cylon attack
In the 2004 serie, the president is Laura Roslin
This one was not so easy (I think)
-4. l
Formics have been Xenocided by Ender Wiggin
It is the title of the third book:
-5. X
So final result is olWlX
So you know which are my favorite book and movie (and serie)
I will add Mass Effect as favorite SF game
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