Should steam increase its security ?
My friend recently got hacked as well, but didn't have too much in his inventory. Lost all of his trading cards and such, his account said they were sent to a bot. Got it from a guy sending him a chat message with a link that went to a file that said it was an image but if he had looked it was an exe. file. It did have a picture of a Dota 2 courier though. Since then I've gotten about 30 of these same messages from most of my friends, and whenever someone falls for it the bot sends it to all that persons friends. Never seen a problem like this come on so strongly on steam.
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Yeah, so far 3 or more people have send me this link too but the catch is that it comes from people's account not a random account. So someone hacks accounts and send those links. Because if a friends sends you this link you will most likely open it rather than when a stranger sends it. Anyway, my point is that Steam wont refund the items because nothing seems weird in my friend's account history he just sold items.
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Too bad Steam Support have their heads firmly wedged up their collective rectum and refuse to do anything about all of these over-friendly scammer bots...
Oh well - at least the TF2 key cooldown periods and newly introduced region locks are protecting users against the real scamming threats.
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i got a friend who got phished instantly without him knowing, and lost his items (this trick)
told him to submit a ticket to steam support, and they replied and gave him his items back in less than 24 hours
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Isn't there a new security check that has you verify all transactions that take items from your account by making you accept the trade in an email ? Annoying as hell but it should prevent stuff like that.
I think you can activate / deactivate it in your privacy settings but if you deactivate it apparently SteamSupport won't help if you get scammed / hacked.
From what I know it's default on unless you deactivate it.
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What is weird is that he never received a key in his email from logging in from a new computer. So something smell fishy about this whole thing that's been going on the last weeks on steam. I'm really upset too because that was a gift and it also had some emotional value.
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The only thing he can do is to open a support ticket with every bit of information he has (chat conversation screenshots, what link he clicked, his trade history etc.), that will give him a chance to get his knife and wallet money back. I read of people getting their stolen items back after about a month, so he has to be patient. Good luck to him!
It was not a ★ StatTrak™ Karambit | Blue Steel, was it?
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Clicking on a link won't get you phised/hacked, executing executable will. That's in accordance to your advice - never double click exe(s) you don't know.
But mostly new definitions of AVs and in conjunction with MBAM will get you protected. Well, common sense as well.
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Not only limited to that. Have seen some url spoofing and masking also. Rule of thumb: Never klick ANY url from anyone not known to you. Also having a Browser that does not autoexecute executables per script or having nocript helps and is nearly necisaary nowadays.
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Never click on links sent to you by strangers. I have a lot of friends, who did that stupid thing and lost all their inventorys. That's just stupid.
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Why should valve pay for someones fault?. There is nothing you can do about it, im sorry to hear that but even my 15 yr brother know that he dont click on suspect links and keep antivirus up to date. I hope the idiot who stole it will pay for doing that to people.
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Steam may be able to track the IP addresses at the time of this transaction, which will be irregular. If your friend is lucky, Steam may be able to reverse all of the transactions.
The reality is, though, that the intellectually challenged baboons who man the Steam Support department will find a matter like this way beyond the very limited scope of their abilities, and will simply reply with a succession of meaningless, and totally irrelevant copy & paste responses.
Either way, good luck, and hope things get worked out.
Your friend has learned the painful way that the unwary internet user and his money are easily parted :(
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So my friend noticed he lost his items yesterday and from what he told me, the "guy" that hacked his account sold a rare CS:GO knife in the market and in his account sold a sticker for like 100 euro and bought it from my friend's account so he gets the money. So know Steam wont help because they can see all the purchase history and nothing will seem weird to them. But he lost a knife worth 100 euro which i had gifted to him. So is there anything we can do now ?
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