When I was younger (about 15 years ago), I've played a PC-Game one-time-only at my regional youth club, which I think of every once and then.
Unfortunately, my memories of the game are foggy, the title unknown, and I've played max 1h anyway. I also can't say, if it was a recent title back then.
Keep that in mind, when you read about the following game content, and take it partly with a grain of salt. Maybe someone of you might know the title, which would be dope. No harm if you don't;

I definitely remember flying cars, which you could hijack/steal/drive around with your 3rd person character within a most likely cyberpunk city of a 3D-World. The PC was probably Win 95/98/2000, or I remember the platform wrong, and it was on xbox###?

The KI-Image below is just an Illustration of my thoughts above

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1 week ago*

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Have you played such a game back then too?

View Results
What POTATO are you talking about?
Yes, it was on Windows
Yes, it was on X-Box or 360

I have no potatoes what you're talking about but just letting you know there's a subreddit dedicated to answering these exact questions that you might try to ask if no one here is able to help - https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/

1 week ago

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Maybe you find the answer in this reddit thread

1 week ago

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i would ask it to AI, you might get some help :)

1 week ago

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"AI" is just going to make shit up :P

6 days ago

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(honestly hesitated to write it but) this sssseriously is The perfect case for AI ("perfect" is a bit too much, maybe :P)

6 days ago

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I tested AI by describing the game I knew, to see if it manages to guess. ChatGPT had no clue, but Gemini guessed on the first try (listed two games and it was one of them. 100% the same prompt of course. I say it's worth a try.

6 days ago

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I think at this point ChatGPT is about as dumb as Copilot and that's saying something.
Never tried Gemini though

6 days ago

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Well, it was trained on the contents of the Internet, what did they expect? ;-)

6 days ago

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lol I know, right?

5 days ago

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1 week ago

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This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Not sure (since it's for Playstation), but this might be a lead. Part 1 is also now remastered for pc

6 days ago

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Hmmm.... I can think of Omicron: The Nomad Soul (1999), that would leave an impression. :D

1 week ago

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It looks cool aswell, but is missing the sifi/cyberpunk vibe outdoors.
Even so - it's a great suggestion for my looooong wishlist 😁

1 week ago

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Was it Scrapland?
Review shows the cars and flying around around 5:04. You can hijack vehicles and fly around the town (and shootouts). Heck you can hijack everything (other robots-bodies too)

1 week ago

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This could be it. Thanks 👍
I'm at least 77.7777% certain

1 week ago*

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Now you made me add this to my wishlist because your description sounds cool.


1 week ago

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It is a very original concept- the kind we only see in indies nowadays

6 days ago

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That is why I like indie games and AA games the most.

6 days ago

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I'm too late to say scrapland since that was my first guess too, but if its not that check out Crime Cities https://store.steampowered.com/app/1112570/Crime_Cities/ although I don't think you ever get out of the car.

5 days ago

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6 days ago

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Yeah, I guess that's a miss

6 days ago

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maybe jak & daxter 2/3, there are flyingcars and you play 3rd person punching and shooting with guns with some magic but is is sci-fi

6 days ago

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Has p3 been released for pc?
It might be a lead though

6 days ago

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Ah, see, that was what my link suggested also!

6 days ago

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I don't get this apparent contradiction:

about 15 years ago

The PC was probably Win 95/98/2000

15 years ago=2009, that year we had Windows 7, Win95 was 30 years ago. Were they using a 15 years old computer on that regional youth club?

6 days ago

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Maybe it was XP, but due to their low budget, 98/2000 would be also likely.

6 days ago

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I was asking mainly to narrow down the time frame so to find the game more easily. Lots of people were still using XP on 2009 so it's normal that it was XP instead. Win95/98 computers were too old for gaming on that time.

6 days ago

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2009-10 was my senior year in high school. About a dozen of us who would usually be taking honors-level math (basically somewhere between college-level pre-calc and Calc I, with a bit of advanced trigonometry thrown in) were stuffed into the library's computer room to trial an online course system the district wanted to use, because the usual math/gym teacher already had too much on his plate and there wasn't anyone else familiar with the material. We were stuck doing courses that required watching 30-50 minute video lectures on old Windows 98 Dell prebuilts that had been upgraded to run Windows XP, but still used the classic interface because there wasn't enough oomph to run the new UI smoothly. The videos didn't even run in the version of Internet Explorer that was installed, so we had to install Firefox on these god-forsaken machines, and thanks to the district's networked account setup, no changes to the machine were saved - we had to install Firefox every day before we could start our work. Half of the group dropped out before the first quarter ended. I'm not sure how many of us that remained actually passed the class, but I can tell you my GPA would've looked a lot worse if honors classes didn't have a built-in boost, and by the last quarter I was basically just logging in before fucking around on my PSP or sneaking off to lunch early, doing most of the work at home instead.

By the time my younger brother was a senior, just some four years later, the district was running a program where all the students were leased out iPad Minis at no charge (unless they damaged or stole the device).

6 days ago

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I can relate to that, sometimes schools do not have the budget or the initiative to update the computers.

6 days ago

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