Just bought it, is it worth it, for the outdated graphics and dead multiplayer

12 years ago*

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Why do you ask after you bought it?

Anyway: HL is a great game. I also really like Gunman Chronicles (was supposed to be a HL mod; turned into a stand-alone game that somehow didn't make it to Steam).

12 years ago

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+1. I still have my original copy of Gunman. Too bad you can't register it on steam :/ .

As for HL 1 mods - There are many great singleplayer mod. Point of View was great.
And as for multiplayer - Opposing Force had a better multiplayer than HL1 ( well they were identicall but OpFor had more weapons :p ).

Edit: Some other SP mod suggestions: Azure sheep (much better than HL: Blue Shift), They hunger (quite scary).

12 years ago

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Gunman Chronicles was really enjoyable. Such a shame it's not on Steam.

12 years ago

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Yes. Ohh dear god yes.

The singleplayer campaign is great for it's time and there is absolutely tons of mods still out there, including singleplayer ones, that can give you a totally different experience.

12 years ago

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One of my favourite games of all time. Never gets old.

12 years ago

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Wait ... did you just asked if the best game of all time worth it? O_O

12 years ago

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^^ This

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You could try Black Mesa. Its the same as HL1 but its free and up-to-date graphics.

I played HL1, didn't play Black Mesa (i started but i saw it was the same).

12 years ago

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Play Half Life 1 first and than BM, so you could see how the mod is so much better (or not). Also, They have to add the ending, so give them some time.

12 years ago

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Single player is worth more than almost any other FPS game ever!

12 years ago

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You bought it, TRY IT YOURSELF! And btw, IT IS NOT another CoD or Battlefield, stop judging games by multiplayer. This game is from the era of "You don't need a multiplayer to make a good game".

12 years ago

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There WAS a multiplayer on HL1? Lol, i didn't even know that, and i got the game shortly after release :D

12 years ago

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buy crysis 3 if you want a high-end gaming graphics -_-'

12 years ago

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I play through the entire Half-Life series at least once a year. It's worth it. Play through HL-1 then if you're still interested, play through the free source game Black Mesa.

12 years ago

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You bought the father of all FPS! yeah, it is worth it!
btw, why do you ask after you've already bought it? lol just play it and you'll see.

12 years ago

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Half life 1 mods are amazing so you should download and try at least a dozen of the classics including counter strike.

12 years ago

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I highly recommend the mod "Sven Coop" its a coop based version of HL1. And shitloads of maps to explore/solve. :)

12 years ago

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This is the best game of ever made

12 years ago

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Nah bro.The graphics are worse then minecraft and the multiplayer doesnt have killstreaks.0/10 wouldn't bang..Just go play Call of Honor:Battlefield 17 instead!

12 years ago

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Not only it was a great game back when it was released but even today it's pretty solid - good story, good gameplay, good overall feel of the game. Not to mention it's an important piece of gaming/FPS history and it is generally recommended to get acquainted with this title (and Oposing Force,Blue Shift) if you call yourself a gamer.

12 years ago

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Half life 1 is just the beginning of something great... plus you can extend your gameplay time with hundreds/thousands of mods, i just bought 1 copy and traded for another 4 on steamtrades, game is completly worth it.

If you want a suggestion of mods to play, i can tell you some as i'm one of the oldies who still sticks to that old game... ;)

12 years ago

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Due to the question(s) you ask, all i can say is, go back to call of duty.

12 years ago

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Multiplayer aint dead there. Try and see some gun-game servers, I hang out in there all the freaking time. There are a few full servers around, but the listing is usually a liar, since it sometimes says a server has like 2 people and when you connect, there's 15, none of which are bots.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ZekentJR.