I came here to see what MMO you played and am not disappointed in what I found. Haha
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It's obvious, isn't it? :D But I'm a little bit confused about all this addons, another parts etc. Some of them were great, some not so much (game magazines ftw.) Spending over 150$ for only games , not including subscription is a little bit over my wallet.
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All you have to buy is Battle chest which includes all expansions until mist of pandaria 1-90 level for 15$ plus you get 30 days of free game time . Ofc you can get latest expansion Warlords of Draenor for i think 45$ or you can wait for discounts when blizzard offers it. After 30 days of free time you have to pay 13$ per month subscription .
About addons you dont have to use them i recommend only dbm (deadly boss modes) all others are optional :)
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Thanks for such a comprehensive description, I'll take that into consideration. For now, whitelisted <3
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In my opinion WoW was always too much money for not enough game.
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mmo's was the only games i paid full price and made my money worth in the end, i clocked atleast 100-150 hours on each mmo, expansion released and that is enough to make my money worth. In the other side the 95% of the games on steam not worth the time and money. My opinion.
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I thought WoW would be pretty obvious, too. It's one of those games that you either love it or hate it. Personally, I love it. It's the only sub-based MMO I play and I think it's worth it. There's tons of content (but you don't have to do it all at first so you don't overwhelm yourself) and Blizzard puts a lot of effort into the games they put out. You can power through levels and get to max quickly for end-game content or spend MONTHS exploring and doing all the side stuff. And addons you won't use right away. As you play more you may pick up a few here and there but they are definitely not necessary until you get to serious end game raiding.
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i heared that wow is again good with warlords of dreanor :D so nice suggestion, when i backed to wow in pandaria after wotkl - it sucked hardly ;/
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Yeah Pandaria was such a junk i stoped playing wow 2 years ago , just bough fresh battlechest + warlords of draenor today for less than 40 euros , so in few weeks when i get back home i'll start playing again since all my wow friends told me that wod is awesome :)
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I sure did have a lot of fun in WoW (that was years back though), just take a buddy along and make sure you don't have girflriend.
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I played Swtor for a good year and it's decently fun. Although, I quit playing due to the same reasons you stopped. Lack of endgame and it just got really repetitive once you've completed all the main story lines. I will say if you're a fan of Star Wars it's worth the time. I am a Bioware nut too so take that into consideration while reading this post :D
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I love SW. I really do. I've completed KOTOR at least 2 time each part, damn I even bought it on Humble recently even though I've finished it so many times. I consider downloading it (kotor online) to learn the storyline though.
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Same here, got the humble even though I've played and beaten most of the games haha
I am currently seriously considering downloading it again to play the Shadow of Revan expansion. I'm so tempted and yet so lazy at the same time.
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I'm in the same boat. Played a lot of TOR and liked it, But I can't bring myself to get back into it...
I can second trying SWTOR. It's free and has some excellent Star Wars writing and atmosphere.
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Knowing my addiction, when I find enough time, I'll do marathon with Kotor including Shadow of Revan expansion ;)
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Whoops. I got my endings mixed up. The awesome one was the first KOTOR. That was the one that blew me away. Also, to avoid spoilers for others please keep in mind to us this formatting:
Just needs the ~ marks around it.
I killed everyone at the end of KOTOR. Even if they were on my side I still destroyed everyone and I was amazed the game let me do it :D
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My first try I kept to my game path and everybody survived. Can't say the same thing when I played the second time though...
I'm ashamed to admit it, I got no idea how to edit text xd
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I played for 2 months when released, i still remember trying to decide a class for my toon, then ended with bounty hunter, voiceovers was good and something diffrent from other mmos but had somehow lackluster gameplay, empty and lifeless zones, that turned me off :)
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Now I can definitely say it's vastly improved since launch and since it went F2P. I was initially ticked off that it went F2P, but server population has increased greatly. I've went back and started a Imperial Agent to play through and I've been happy :)
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Do yourself a favor and play a bit more. They recently dumbed down the early levels, so they're pretty boring now, but it gets better later on.
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bad for you newbie :) you didin't even try wvw, arenas and pvp - best parts of the game <3, also here nice jumping puzzles i love :D and doing dungeons with noobs is funny too, when you have to fight boss solo for so long time after idiots die :D
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That's exactly what they're not doing. No new level cap, just new systems and more content.
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I wanted to rip my hair out trying to play EVE. No way. Never again lol
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EvE Online died 3 years ago. Since then the whole game is about who will be able to bring 1000 more ships to fight the enemy. Small cap pvp died and the economy went to be fulltime job. NEVER again except Seleene want to rebuild the original MC again one day :D
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Have anyone here played Elite Dangerous? I heard it's like EVE, but without subscription and not as hardcore.
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It's really NOT like EvE. Star Citizen - will be - as close to EvE as something can get. Even that will be quite far away. Stick to EvE Online :) I've spent 2 years on it. If you want you can add me and I'll give you a buddy key. With it you'll get 21 free day trial. I'll also teach you how to play the game fully for free :D I never paid a single $ :D
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I have played Elite Dangerous. Its a fantastic game to explore a huge universe but unfortunately the game has currently not much multiplayer content.
However Elite Dangerous is fun to play because you will feel yourselfe like a spaceship pilot in this wonderful simulation.
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Yea. That's true. EvE Online is NOT a single player game though. So playing alone is a no-go.
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That depends. If you understand limitations of playing alone and accept it, theres fun to be had as well. But everything is easier when you have more numbers on your side :>
I was no pro but had some fun teaching players greener than me that low sec can be dangerous place. I hope some day to get back to it and try stealth ships ]:->
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I remember when I used to roam the low sec :O I kinda miss those days. But what I meant was, even if you play Solo you need to watch the news on forums, facebook and so on and on. You never know when is something big going to happen (like Burn Jita! :D )
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I was thinking about it, however I'm not sure if there is some 30 days free trial, I don't want to buy a game and pay for subscription and end up hating it.
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My opinion, Its a quality mmo with good humor and the starter zones are awesome, but after 30 is tedious and boring, i dont understand how i lost my interest after that point and i was like: WOW this is the best mmo i played... i was mistaken. I leveled 4 chars to 30 just to enjoy the awesome starter zones.
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This is all i have tried and i suggest.
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WoW(world of warcraft)..i was addicted for 6years from wrath to just before the end of mop, did all quests and got 3/4 of achs with super rare mounts and weapons...i have been off since oct-nov...and I'm having urges to go back...it's worse than crack
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I was looking for something similar and I found nothing...
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The Secret World, of course. I'm surprised no one has recommended it yet.
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It's a thinking person's MMO, so it's not for everyone. If you don't enjoy figuring out puzzles and mysteries, or fighting that is based on skill and knowhow rather than Stats and equipment, then you won't like tSW.
Like most MMO's, tSW is much more entertaining when playing with friends.
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The Secret World is my choice. Buy it once, play forever. I'm not fond of MMO-s, but TSW is a really good one, and the only one so far, which was able to suck me in. The base game is 30$, but I'd go for Massive Edition for 45$, because it has starter weapons AND 3 Issues (basically story DLC-s). It is amazing so far, and if you wish, I can give you a "buddy key", which grants access for 72 hours. Don't add me, just reply here, and I will add you. BTW Although you can buy TSW on Steam, the buddy keys are NON REDEEMABLE ON STEAM.
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The game looks interesting but many of the comments mention that the game is not for everyone. Would you mind dropping me a "buddy key" to try the game out and see if I like it?
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The Secret World (http://thesecretworld.com) for sure, if you like a modern-day horror (think lovecraftian and The Grudge/Ring), adventure/intrigue (Indiana Jones and James Bond) and conspiracy themed setting. Get a trial key from someone (or on the steam discussion area) and try it out. You'll be surprised. Plus, it's b2p (with the base game on sale usually during holidays), no p2w (the Item Store pretty much carries clothing and fluff items)
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WoW. Nothing compares, simply because of its success. I couldn't begin to guess how many development hours, content iterations, and even community input elements have gone into that game. Blizzard attracts some of the better talent in the industry, has the capital both human and financial to back their games, etc. How many other MMOs sell out 25k+ conventions because they've managed to gain such a fanbase? (yes, it's technically for other blizzard games but not really) For a good number of wow players, 500 hours is nothing... and a subscription for that sort of return is a great investment.
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Entered when released but the spambots was immersion killers, (same with ESO) after a month the subcription ended, uninstalled. I dont understand why they dont take actions against the goldsellers and bots...
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B2P / the secret world. Just don't rush it like "i need to do it fast because i wanna be the best to prove people who don't give a shit that i know how to play" Its a great game with a story to savor, some grinding at the end game
F2P or suscription : SWTOR(because limitations of f2p are absolutely disgusting and won't let you enjoy the game)
F2P : TERA online (if you are in europe, please, DO NOT play that game, Gameforge ruined it totally with their shitty developper not good enough to do a correct launcher, i bet 85 % or + of the community had trouble with them)
F2P : vindictus. I think it is a good game, but there is nearly no open world, Good to play from time to time, and some people may spend hundreds of hour on it.
F2P : Blade and soul, not long ago i received a mail telling that russian serveur were now open to others (you can change language on top of the website if you don't understand russian, you can also have the game in english, but their traduction are somewhat googled...), as its quite young outside of china, there is not too many stuff story and all right now, so you may want to keep it for later.
MOBA : any moba will do, they are the kind of game where you can play indefinitely, but you have to like the genre.
FPS : same, you can play indefinitely on multiplayre serveur if you like the genre.
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im playing Star trek online and rift atm though ill admit star trek is purerly cause i haven't met trek i didnt like, the actual game mechanics themselves are a bit meh, it appeals to my what does vulcan/andoria etc look like, rift otoh is apparently a f2p wow clone(not tried wow and lack the cash to do so) which i enjoy immensely
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I've enjoyed Star Trek Online for a few years now, even got life time sub a few years ago, can't say I've regretted it. The ground combat is just complete garbage, no reason for it to even stay in the game besides seeing your custom characters, but the space combat is very cool.
You can play it F2P, sub mostly gives benefits that make it faster, not much difference in fun.
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I found RIFT to be an improvement over WoW in many ways, but I suppose it all comes down to taste. I definitely recommend checking out the Let's Play videos on YouTube, though. You would probably like RIFT, and Trion doesn't gimp their F2P game the way most companies do. You get a ton of value for your free play.
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As in the title. I'm looking for new MMO where can I spend another 500h without having a feeling that I'm wasting time. I used to play GW2, but due to the fact that this game lack any serious endgame and high-end items differentiation was so poor ( cosmetics, stats were the same) that I dropped it. I prefer it wasn't subscription type, however I'm ready to spend this 30$ a month if it's worth it. Any ideas?
Little GA inside, not sure if puzzle is working though, first time using this machine of devil: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/QNqBHGVn
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