As in the title. I'm looking for new MMO where can I spend another 500h without having a feeling that I'm wasting time. I used to play GW2, but due to the fact that this game lack any serious endgame and high-end items differentiation was so poor ( cosmetics, stats were the same) that I dropped it. I prefer it wasn't subscription type, however I'm ready to spend this 30$ a month if it's worth it. Any ideas?

Little GA inside, not sure if puzzle is working though, first time using this machine of devil:

10 years ago*

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Here is the perfect MMO that will SUCK you in...literally. Just watch the video on their site.

10 years ago

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Em, not sure if trolling or serious. Unless the sex is the most important feature.

10 years ago

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Or serious trolling.

10 years ago

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Too bad the Alpha's all sold out :/

10 years ago

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I grabbed a few before they blew their load. Want some?

10 years ago

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View attached image.
10 years ago

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I dem want s0me m8.

Now seriously, are you trading them or gifting them? Im curious about this game...

10 years ago

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EVE online?

10 years ago

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Could always go old school and fire up Everquest. I lost 12 years of my life to that game... think I clocked in at around 1200 days of played time when I finally unplugged.

Game is still up and going strong from what I have heard.

10 years ago

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Since you are coming from GW2( had 3k hours in GW2 before focused on it) I would suggest to try Firefall. First the bad stuff though. Game is quite buggy at times and lately R5 got some issues with their servers(you can still play but may notice glitches).

Game development is close to GW2 with added new zones(slowly being added but fun once released). End-game gear is pure crafting and takes quite a lot to equip 1 char. End-game crafting just like ascended in GW2 requires all tiers material(4 tiers in Firefall) . There is grind but also 16 frames(classes) to lvl up( ~20h or so per class, but at the start is slower). End-game atm consist of 7 Hardcore dungeons, 3 normal raids and 1 hardcore raid (hopefully new dungeon and a raid soon).

Also like in GW2 you can get with in-game curreny, real money currency( Crystite(gold) -> Credits(used in auction) -> Red Beans(real money). But you are limited in exchange rates - everyday you can exchange up to 25k Crystite and get up to 1k Credits and because of that Credits:Red Beans exchange rate is being stable since the realse of the game.

Game is f2p with in-game store and VIP program. VIP program is well worth it if you like the game because of the bonuses it gives(bonus crystite,xp and reputation while leveling + marketplace slots and crafting slots).

Community is helpful for most time. You can find groups for leveling or you can do it solo by doing dynamic events or quests. Every weekend there is some boost - exp,reputation or you can try a frame for free. If you decide to try it feel free to add me if you need help.

Now other people mentioned TSW and I agree with them to some point. Its a good game no argueing with it but end-game can be pretty tough for most people and without guild you will have a tough time with pug groups. Also for full experience you better get there Lifetime Subscription($200/€200) so you can get every additional mission and bonus cosmetics.

10 years ago

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Thx for all the information about Firefall :D I might give it a shot, who knows, after all it's F2P. However due to the fact that my internet speed connection ain't F1 speed ( 2mbps here!) I can't download all the possible options presented here ;)

10 years ago

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Start with F2P ones and hope the other games come on sale :D . Download 1 MMO , play for 5-6 hours(to get some general idea for the game) and then decide will you keep going.

10 years ago

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That's more or less my plan ;) However EVE can't become reasonable in just a few hours. But I'm going to check the other options as well.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Brazzers will suck you in, lol

10 years ago

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It will suck me dry I suppose.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Try Archeage. its f2p has a nice economy and some fun playing. just read/watch abit about it and u will see its worth trying. no p2w as u can buy the premium with ingame cash, takes you 2weeks-1month (the same time u max lvl your char) depends on how much time u spend on it

10 years ago*

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Did someone pay you to say this? The economy was WRECKED at the start.
Warning: WALL O' TEXT

I'll just address a few of the issues that this game has.

First, the servers. Both the Korean and Russian had 20 or more different servers due to how land is handled. People can setup farms (paid players only) to grow materials or create crafting benches. Trion however, set up only five servers for each region. Five for NA, five for Europe. This meant that there was a huge log in queue even before the game opened up to the F2P players. Patron players are supposed to be placed in a priority queue, but when the game has only five servers full of Patrons, there will be a queue. Many patrons sat in queue for upwards of 6 or even 12 hours, and were unable to play. Many managed to log in, and then get randomly disconnected as well.

Second, was the patron item bundles, which included gold and gilda stars. Both are the in game currencies. Everyone was to receive one pack to their account, which contained items as well as gold. However, Trion somehow sent some people more than one pack. Due to massive currency inflation, the game's economy was ruined before the official launch date. There were people with multiple plots of land, which they were then reselling for more gold.

Third was the issue of communication. People sent in support tickets as some patrons did not get all the items out of their packs, such as the title or gold and so on. Instead of someone reading their message, they were given a generic message stating that founders packs are being sent out and how to find them.

Fourth, a fair bit of the content is still not localized or properly optimized. People with top of the line GPUs complain about textures not loading, and the game is prone to memory leaks regardless of what settings you run it at or the specs you have. Some content such as NPC dialog is still in Korean.

Fifth, botting. Bots can do everything, they can gather resources, maintain a farm, and even do trade runs for gold. Spam bots are also rampant, because Trion relies on Hackshield (which is more than a decade old and doesn't stop much). The way a spambot works is that when you block one, you block the name. The spambot just needs to go and delete the character, which causes everyone who had the spambot blocked to unblock him, as that name is no longer claimed. All the spambot does now is remake a character with the exact same name, and repeat.

Trion launched the headstart on the 12th, and then that was pretty much it. Trion was absent the entire weekend from the 12th till the 15th. On the 15th, response was limited, and Trion resumed operation on the 16th, the day the headstart ended and the game launched.

Patron's who paid for the headstart were ignored. The economy inflation was ignored. Communication has been scarce. And on the day of launch, three more servers were added to NA, bringing it up to a total of eight servers. Which did nothing for the patron queue, and those who were trying to play the game for free were out of lucky, some have been in queue for 12 hours.

Server queues are still rampant. This is because they did not expect a need for so many servers, despite the Korean and Russian versions having 20+ servers.

The economy is a wreck, those with gold bought up plots of land which they are reselling. Trion is not interested in addressing this issue.

Communication is still lackluster. Trion will instead post happy pictures of their employees with junk food, but not respond to any complaints or issues people have.

As for both optimization and localization, it's still 'in the works' Textures don't load, and dialog from NPCs is still in Korean, and there is no estimate of when it will be fixed. Dialog will probably come first, as Trion's staff has not changed anything in terms of optimization since the start of 2014.

Finally botting. Trion will rely on hackshield which did nothing in both the alpha and beta. Reporting a bot however, is grounds for a ban as Trion feels that there can't be so many bots, especially in the chat or in resource rich areas. If a person reports too many bots, they can be banned.

Trion managed to take a decent F2P and make it pay to win. However they also managed to make it very tedious and tiresome to play the game, even for patron players, maintaining a farm or gathering feel very tedious. The economy being ruined on day one meant that trading and selling is not working. During both alpha and beta, the players informed Trion of issues, which were ignored.

It's a bit of a sandbox, but the sand is more akin to kitty litter. Yes you can sculpt and make castles out of the 'sand', but it smells a bit funny and it's oddly clumping. You can play with it, but please don't eat any of it, and wash your hands after touching it. Then when you realize what you've done, you'll be filled with regret. Then you realize what those clumps are...

10 years ago

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I've read it! Thank you for such a comprehensive description. Overall it doesn't encourage to even try it, not mentioning getting sucked in .

10 years ago

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Agreed on pretty much everything he said except for the texture thing, never had any problems with graphics, although performance issues were quite common. I have a fairly good PC, but I could only run the game at medium settings.
As for the release problems... I was there, people were saying all MMOs have launch issues, but this was literally hell. First week was almost unplayable even though I was a patron, there were queues with 20.000 people in them. I, as a patron - paying user, was waiting around 6000th position every time I tried to log in since patron status didn't even work at the beginning. Most patrons didn't get their extra stuff they paid for until two weeks after release. People that got in after a week or so, didn't get any chance of getting land, since it was all taken by people that got in (=people with a lot of free time to spend in queue).

I don't know about the current state of the game, I've heard Trion gave patrons like a week of extra patron status, but that's not much of a compensation and I quit one month after playing anyway, the game got stale after a while - I just kept taking care of my land every day, so I would earn some money to buy more patron time (you can buy it for ingame currency). Some might argue that you can just ignore the economy stuff and do dungeons / pvp instead, but the economy / sandbox (also only available with patron status) is just inseparable part of the game and playing without it feels lacking.

That being said, the game is fun, but the servers were too shitty. Also I've heard Trion made the game P2W now, apparently you can buy stuff in ingame store that helps you with progression through the game. I might try it again someday though, can't say I didn't like the game itself, just Trion as the producer really sucks. I recommend playing on other (non NA/EU) servers if you get the chance of having decent ping, the Japanese servers are especially good (their version is more f2p than the others).

10 years ago

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Well when u last played the game?

I had some fun playing it. Maybe if u want to live a second life in it the economy will not make u any real money but just for playing it is more than enough. And the crafting, house systems are fun, pvp is nice and u don't have to pay to get patron as u can easy earn it.
For me it's still worth trying but u can have your opinion for sure mate!

High 5

10 years ago

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Thanks for all the responses, keep on adding stuff if you have something worth mentioning.

10 years ago

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Star wars the old republic

10 years ago

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Path of Exile maybe? It's pretty similar to diablo, but better (than D3). I really enjoyed it, but quitted because of the desyncs. My build was made around a skill that caused me to lose synchronization with the server too often for a glass cannon :(

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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PoE is definitelly worth a try!
I used to play it a lot and at that time, it was a great game. A bit imbalanced as far as the talent tree goes, but still great.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Runescape (There is 2 versions - Runescape 3 and Oldschool Runescape.

Also UO - Ultima Online

10 years ago

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I remember when I started playing Runescape 10 years ago, probably wasn't a good idea to play it when I was 7. I was way too trusting.

10 years ago

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Elder Scrolls Online is dropping their sub fee soon. Although it might not really have much of an ending yet either, Zenimax is being a bit weird with the game as well... But I dont know you personally to know if you would still enjoy the story of the game enough to play it a bit

10 years ago

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I did not read the whole headline and got excited.

10 years ago

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I hoped it would attract attention ;)

10 years ago

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I used to play Lineage II a few years ago. Heard there's a lot of endgame content now (I don't know if it's true, though).

I'll give FFXIV a try soon.

10 years ago

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Grinding != Endgame

10 years ago

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Not sure if it qualifies but if you like Action-RPG games try Path of Exile. It sucked me in.

10 years ago

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I would recommend Rift, its pretty decent overall, though its heavily raid focused at endgame, also Nosgoth is pretty fun, not really an mmo but worth a try. Both free to play, without pay to win.

10 years ago

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Dungeon FIghter Online Global is having its beta in march, under vastly superior management.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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I wonder. Heard a lot about it. I was looking forward to the release but thank goodness I've read reviews first and the game was... disappointing. I might give it a shot when it goes F2P though.

10 years ago

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It'll be free-to-play, but you'll still have to purchase it initially. So basically it's buy-to-play

10 years ago

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So I'm going to wait. Let the first wave of F2P players test servers, content and checking how the community is being handled. After that, I might try it, being test rabbit doesn't seem like a loads of fun.

10 years ago

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As others have mentioned, I would definitely recommend WoW and Secret World.

The other that I haven't seen someone mention yet (though I'm just now noticing that there is another page so maybe...) is ArcheAge. I played it in alpha and really enjoyed it. There's something about crewing up a pirate ship and attacking other people's ships that you really can't beat!

I haven't played it since it came out of beta because Trion really pissed me off and now I can't bring myself to play it, but if alpha was any indication, it's a really great game.

10 years ago

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I'll try WoW through trial version, it may be the best option after all. The Secret World doesn't have any invitational free trial or anything so I have to wait with it until I check other, free options. Thx for contributing to the topic though!

10 years ago

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We try to recommend you games, and you don't read the whole comments? I'm sad :/ jk I just wanted to point out, that The Secret World DOES have a free trial in form of buddy keys. These buddy keys grant you access for 72 hours to the whole game. You can try to get one on forums, or you can reply to this comment, and I will get in touch with you on Steam, because AFAIK I have 2 left :)

10 years ago

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I do read it! Sorry to seem the other way :( There are more comments than I've ever expected to be honest and sometimes I mistake different information. I should take notes :D Do they have like time limit? If so, I'll wait cause right now I'm going to try EVE as recommended above. My internet is too slow to download and try 2 different games simultaneously unfortunately.

10 years ago

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The 72 hour starts when you first login to the game :)
Reply if you want a buddy key :)

10 years ago

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Oh ok, then yes please, I'm interested in the buddy key :D

10 years ago

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Added you on Steam. Same name, same profile pic, lvl 14 public profile, 400+ games :D

10 years ago

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I'm sure everyone will jump on this, but I'll give you a referral to WoW if you want. Gives us both extra XP and some other stuff

10 years ago

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Thanks! I'll message you when I'm gonna be ready to start my WoW experience!

10 years ago

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Swtor is good if you are paying a sub.Too many restrictions for f2p.
Rune Of Magic was a good mmo and you can have 3 classes per char so it brings many skill's possibility.
Wildstar is nice too.
And you could take a look at rift .

But im not down with the guy saying you probably will like teso if you liked skyrim...I really really liked skyrim but just hate teso...Very differents games ;)

10 years ago*

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Haven't played it, but Rift (on steam) looks really good, free to play and not necessarily pay to win

10 years ago

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Star Wars the old republic, and Elder scrolls online

10 years ago

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Also as others have said, your best bet is probably WoW. I'm not sure when the last time you played it is, but a lot has changed. You can even queue for raids now, however it does reward you with lower ilvl gear then you'd get from completing with an actual guild.
There are some new MMOs supposedly coming out late this year such as:
Lost Ark Online (mmo/arpg hybrid)
Black Desert Online
Lineage Eternal

10 years ago

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World of Warcraft - It's been said a billion times but it really is one of the best
Great game, tons of content, and they keep adding to it regularly. You can get the Battle Chest for $20, then wait for a sale on Warlords of Draenor. In the meantime you'll have PLENTY to do waiting on that sale.

Final Fantasy XI
AN older MMO, but they are STILL updating it. It used to be really hardcore and had a huge focus on grouping up with others to do things, but it's been adjusted to be way more solo friendly. End-game is still group-oriented and VERY challenging.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Like FFXI, ARR has a lot of content and an interesting job system. Similar to FFXI, you can play every class/job on ONE character. It's not like WoW where you are stuck with 1 class per character. Interesting story and challenging end-game.

10 years ago

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Hey, I use this comment as a slap. Check first post, as a man that contributed to the topic would be unfair if you miss it.

10 years ago

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