As in the title. I'm looking for new MMO where can I spend another 500h without having a feeling that I'm wasting time. I used to play GW2, but due to the fact that this game lack any serious endgame and high-end items differentiation was so poor ( cosmetics, stats were the same) that I dropped it. I prefer it wasn't subscription type, however I'm ready to spend this 30$ a month if it's worth it. Any ideas?

Little GA inside, not sure if puzzle is working though, first time using this machine of devil:

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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What about Scarlet Blade? The game will suck you in... literally... D:

10 years ago

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Sure as hell it would suck me... dry. Have you ever played it? Can you somehow describe it, of course except for obvious giant racks? :D

10 years ago

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Well... giant racks, giant buts, nude mods, inhuman amounts of fap time, somewhat fun gameplay mechanics, vehicles that help you see better the buts of the female characters, somewhat compatible for one handed users... I dont know what others features have, i stopped playing when i didnt see any meganes in the game, very dissapointed, would not fap again 2/10 D:

10 years ago

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After first part it was 10/10, game of the decade, can't wait to test those... ekhem incredible features!

10 years ago

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MechWarrior Online! Obviously that's a game about mech battles. Set in Battletech universe, with 1:1 timescale (every reallife day is a day in game, but like in 3059 or something). It plays great if you have premium, or buy "special" mechs but it doesn't feel like pay2win, only pay2getstufffaster, and still plays good if you don't have premium. Oh but it's not open world, you just play signle matches on different maps... think like War Thunder/World of Tanks with mechs... Just don't be suprised you won't understand shit about this game. There's ALOT of stuff to understand. But the community is pretty nice, since most kids and trolls are kept away by the steep learning curve. The whole game is a bit like mech's ArmA, if HAWKEN was mech's CoD.

10 years ago

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Eve Online or The Secret World

10 years ago

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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn definitely gets my recommendation. The game is sub based, costing only $12 or $15 a month depending on whether you want 1 character per world with an 8 character limit, or 8 characters per world with a 42 character limit.

However you only need 1 character. Once you reach level 15 in the class you chose to start with, you can go to any class guild in the game and change class. Once you've unlocked a class, you can change between them at any time by simply switching out your weapon. Classes feed into jobs, allowing you to unlock more skills and abilities to use. There's currently 9 classes. 6 of which are Disciples of War, and 3 of which are Disciples of Magic. There's also 11 more classes, 3 of which are gatherers (miner, fisher, etc), and the other 8 which are crafters. As for jobs, there is 10.

On top of this, the game looks amazing. The graphics are probably the best in a MMO at the moment. The game itself is of a high quality too, thanks to the sub. New content is also constantly added every few months, and the first expansion pack is on the way.

As for end game content, the game doesn't start until you reach end game. There's tons of level 50 dungeons, trials, and raids to keep you interested for months. There's tons of outfits with unique looks for you to obtain too, meaning customisation is great.

If you have any questions about the game, I can do my best to answer them for you.

In regards to WoW, which many have mentioned. I would avoid it if I were you. Recently rebought WoW after not playing since WotLK. The game is awful now. They've changed too much and at this point are just milking the game for cash. It's a shadow of its former glory, which is a real shame.

10 years ago*

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Try Archeage and maybe wait for Black Desert.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm biased as I'm one of the developers, but if you're into space MMOs you can give Gates of Horizon a try. No subscription, multiple ships control and desktop and mobile access within the same persistent universe :)

10 years ago

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Crimecraft, Raiderz, Path of Exile, WoW. You should also try MOBA games, those will suck you in too as they are enjoyable and you will want to play more, such games being Heroes of Newerth and a ZOMBA called Dead Island Epidemic. If you love cards, then Infinity Wars could also suck you in. Oh and MechWarrior Online is an amazing robot mech combat game with many players, also a good try. Ah and ZMR or Hazard Ops could be a great try.

10 years ago*

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I'm not really sure if recommending cracked WoW is ok with the rules here, but shh. When it comes to MOBA I spend hundreds of hours with LoL and Dota 2 so I'll pass on trying something new.

10 years ago

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What are you talking about? Why would there be rules against that.. besides im not suggesting cracked WoW... hundreds of hours on shitty kid trash slow game of LoL and overrated inferiour Dota 2...? Wow, so biased... sad to hear it... okay....

10 years ago

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I've never read them so I'm only suggesting. Coming back to MOBA. I've played LoL during beta and first 2 seasons when it wasn't as popular as it is now. The community was much better back in the days. I won't talk about inferiority of Dota 2, cause that ain't the topic. HoN doesn't have a good reputation as being described as poor version of Dota, however never have played it, so I can't vouch for it.

10 years ago

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........ okay, thats a long time ago..... yes, HoN is simply an underdog, never mentioned, its only Dota, LoL and Smite, nothing else which is horrible... you HoN has alot of stuff that is better than both of those Mobas, if you cant vouch, then you should catch up on the game, dont want to play? Then watch it... this channel right here provides the best entertaining matches ... HoN simply has better graphics, better artstyle, better heroes, better abilities (that perodicaly unfortunatly get nerfed and ruined by the idiot devs of S2...), better musics, better announcers (HoN has the epic Duke Nukem, Samuel L. Jacksons, a cute girl and tons more, what does LoL or Dota have?) HoN has more heroes and they keep on being added and are quite diverse and ballenced, if not then they get patched to that. HoN has better soundtrack, no retarded secret shops, ingame rewarding events, frequent high quality beautifull avatars and of many kinds, a far more exctiting, fun, fast gameplay, multiple modes and maps and etc. Its realy a must try, i highly suggest it... its a under rated gem that is looked down upon and ignored thanks to the two big games....

10 years ago

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+100000000000 HoN, godlike if compare with Dota 2

10 years ago

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Aaaaah finaly who speaks sense, right on buddy, right on you are, its godlike indeed compared to that shit powerhouse Dota :) i just wish it didnt dominate the rest and HoN could have a chance to sprout once more and become the might flowerous tree it had to be... goddamnit, when will $2 finaly put it on steam, the game is dying :[ .... anyway thanks for the support.

10 years ago

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DC Universe™ i love it, but it's my opinion :)

10 years ago

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I've actually played it in beta. Is there a lot of people left? How's the community?

10 years ago

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Well last time when i was playing it, there were pretty huge amount of players and the random people i have played with were nice and helpful when i needed help. PvP queue time is sometimes very sort and sometimes little bit longer (of course depends how many players are on the queue too )

10 years ago

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I would second the suggestion to try DCU. While the character options feel a bit restrictive, it's still an action game that allows you to play as a superhero. Only Cit of Heroes (R.I.P.) could compete with DCU.

10 years ago

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I've also had quite some fun with APB reloaded. it's something like GTA online.

10 years ago

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Not for me unfortunately. I do enjoy GTA (singleplayer) but only for storyline. The freedom etc. somehow bores me. I would need some friends I guess.

10 years ago

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Yes, that game is only good with friends. But then again even the crappiest co-op game is fun with a buddy.

10 years ago

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If you like collectible card games you can try Hearthstone

10 years ago

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Does it take a lot of time? Used to play Battleforge cardish like game, bit different I suppose and it could take hours :D

10 years ago

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Nope,One of my favourite too,you don't need too much time to play and you don't have to pay to win.You can get cards by playing against other players also.From my point of view,65% depends on Your "Hands" or Skills.35% is how well did you build decks.Luck is a thing which exists but it's not important one if you have good skills of using cards,experience and nicely built deck to play with.

10 years ago

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1 battle usually takes from 5 to 15 minutes

10 years ago

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Last question: how big is the game? I'm concerned because my connection ain't best and spending another several hours to download a game just to test it seems... pointless.

10 years ago

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1,70 GB

10 years ago

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Cool I might get it under 3 hours! :D When I download it, we might play together when I get a hold of mechanics and get some decent build ;)

10 years ago

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Sure :-)

10 years ago

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It really depends on, what you are looking for in that MMO.

For me, only Champions Online was the one that could suck me in. Mainly because I've spent almost an hour making my characters the way, I want them to look like. I wanted to try City of Heroes out too, but unfortunately, it's already gone by the time I could try it.
Of course, it also has it's flaws, but which game don't have? However, CO has one of the most improved character creator (please be aware, that I said "one of").

10 years ago

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Agreed. Champions Online had a better character creator than the other superhero MMO's. Too bad it fell on its face in other aspects. (

10 years ago

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RIFT is a good MMORPG to play, I recommend that.

10 years ago

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That isn't even a MMO

10 years ago

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Erm maplestory?
Oh and skyrim

10 years ago

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I'd wish Skyrim was Multiplayer,better Co-Op but it isn't =(
All we can get is TES Online which isn't that ... good.

10 years ago

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Happy Birthday! :D

10 years ago

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GUILD WARS 2!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

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DotA 2 or CS:GO,you can't never feel that you've wasted your time because all that pay-2-win and play-all-the-week-to-get-super-item strategies don't take place here.Playing it both,I really enjoy because Your Result depends on Your Actions and Teamplay,you can't lose to guy who just has registered day earlier so he has more gold,siver,platinum stuff.
Played a lot of MMO-s before but I always got stucked because you can't actually play competitive against those who have more hours of farming and more money.I don't blame people who buy in-game items and upgrades,I can understand them because they get stuck too so they can't leave because it means they've wasted too much time&cash on useless thing and they keep paying.That's how MMO get their money being F2P.

10 years ago

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try play ArcheAge! (y)

10 years ago

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Chiming in with the TSW crowd, if you decide to give it a spin you absolutely want to "/chat join Sanctuary"; the community in that channel is just so welcoming and helpful.

Other games I can offer my, entirely subjective, experiences with (quite the selection, considering I have to change games every so often):

WoW - If it's PVE endgame you're looking for WoW has you covered. The downside is the subscription. Well that and the graphics may take a few days to get used to.

SWTOR - Best storytelling I've experienced in an MMO for a while. As you're a fan of the franchise I heartily recommend trying it out, it's possible to enjoy the class storylines as a F2P player. If it sucks you in a subscription may be worth the money. The downside is a somewhat lacking endgame experience (as of the last expansion, I didn't get around to try the newest one yet).

TESO - It's going to drop its subscription model in a month so that's a great time to try it out. Once again it's the lack of endgame and the then broken performance in RvR that drove me to shelve my account for a while. If you want to give it a try I suggest investing a dollar in a key for the Explorer's Pack. It can still be found online and gets rid of the race/alliance lock on character creation. There's no trial version available as far as I know.

Neverwinter Online - If you take it as a purely F2P game it can be great fun. Fast paced action combat, decent graphics and it has a new module (expansion) coming up in a month. The downside is it's pretty in your face with its cash shop, though I've managed to avoid sinking more than 5$ into it to get more character slots and the first time buyers pack during the 7 months I've been playing it off and on.

Tera - It's what I'm currently trying to bridge the time until TESO's B2P conversion. It also has action oriented combat, though not as snappy as Neverwinter's, but the european publisher is terribad. Wouldn't exactly recommend it in the EU, the NA version is supposed to be handled better.

FFXIV - It's pretty, it has a decent storyline and a big franchise behind it. It also isn't for me, combat feels too slow for my taste and I'm not a huge fan of grinding FATEs (think GW2's public events) apparently the main method of leveling up your jobs (Your can have all classes on just one character, if you want. Sadly normal quests are not repeatable). If it ever moves away from the subscription model it might manage to pull me in for a week every now and again.

Wildstar - Action combat, you can in theory pay for your subscription with ingame currency. It's also not taking itself too seriously. I've dropped it after my free month was up, it's just too over the top for my tastes and didn't offer a lot of endgame aside from one raid. They offer free trials so you can test it yourself if it interests you.

10 years ago

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I really enjoy the idea that you can pay for subscription with in game currency, that's really rewarding for players spending lots of time with the game. I might consider Tera as well.

10 years ago

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Dota may be good

10 years ago

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IF you are willing to give in the money for a sub (It looks like you are) DCUO is a cool mmo that is pretty much all end game

10 years ago

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Why dont you give a try to Lord of the rings online?

10 years ago

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I play GW 2 from beta to now and if you tell me there is no endgame content or other stuff then i tell ya you didnt know nothing about gw 2... still you have a lot of things to do. Like the living world story and now upcomming expansion with no raised lvl cap or new tier of gear just adding new stuff like new class or new zones or new mastery system or specializations system so sorry about that but GW 2 is fking awsome game with no monthly fees

10 years ago

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I would recommend The Secret World. No subscription fee, the best quest design I've ever seen in an MMO and some really good environments. Just don't be of the mindset that the end game is a goal that you need to reach ASAP, the path to the endgame is very enjoyable, with well thought out quests. Also, be prepared to use your brain a lot, because many of the quests require you to actually think.

10 years ago

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Sorry I don't play much MMO anymore. Can't provide any useful links

10 years ago

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