Those that actually take the time to be courteous and offer a simple thank you after winning one of my giveaways (after all you don't accept things from your real life family and friends without saying "Thank you") should slowly be finding themselves onto my whitelist (which includes bigger games that are not bundled).

Just need to go through the list again to see who won and who actually bothered to say "Thank you" after winning.

Going forward - for those that that don't have the common decency to say "Thanks" after obtaining a key. Well it is into the big black hole of oblivion for you known as the blacklist I am afraid. Every gift I have won on this site so far it's taken me all of two seconds to simply just post a little message of thank you on the giveway profile letting the person know I appreciate the gesture. I can't beleive so many people find this difficult. Or perhaps it's just the care since the got the key already.

I just cannot abide bad manners! I would rather the same people win over and over again who I know appreciate their wins rather than some internet douche who appears to have been brought up in a cave!

8 years ago

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Do you believe in....

View Results
Open sesame - Thanks and simple appreciation
Shut the gates for good - Let the orc drown in the moat

Winners and Losers*

(fixed it for you)

8 years ago

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He still didn't notice.

8 years ago

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I second this.I have yet to get any keys but i'd feel bad if i didn't at least say thanks for the gift when i do(or it)

8 years ago

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thanks - I always seem to make that spelling error for some strange reason. You think I would have learn't by now

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you grammar police!

8 years ago

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grammar nazis*

8 years ago

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grammar national socialists *

8 years ago

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Let the cleaning begin....

8 years ago

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I was friend added on Steam and cussed out and blacklisted by someone that I had won a game from on here after I went back and said thanks. Maybe you could talk to that asshole and teach him what being courteous is all about.

Thank you for not being like him.

8 years ago

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I'd feel better being on that blacklist were I you to be honest.

8 years ago

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I don't want any interaction with the person again so it's no bigge to me. I returned the favor too. He was my first blacklist entry. Unfortunately after he broke the seal my list grew. I'm tempted to just clear it and only leave him on. LOL

8 years ago

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I was dumb and used to not say thanks after winning only because I used to comment thanks when I entered. When I learned that some people think those users are bots, I started saying thanks after I won something instead.

8 years ago

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Hehe. That topic title reminds me of dkny.
I wonder if he'll see this.

8 years ago

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never saw that topic unfortunately (or fortunately) ?

8 years ago

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Yes I don't particularly care for the "Thanks for the GA"

I don't mind them but I don't really care for them because I rarely post a "TY" or "Thank You" or "Thanks for the Giveaway" when I enter but if I win I certainly will post a little message to say I appreciate the gesture.

8 years ago

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same here. and i noticed i dont get much thank you message from the winners from my giveaways. it happens rearly tho. unfortunately

8 years ago

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Why whitelist people who do say thanks and blacklist those who don't? Isn't that a bit redundant?

8 years ago

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No its not! One has manners the other doesn't. Its quite simple to understand actually!

8 years ago

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Some people don't necessarily have oodles of money to buy games. I am in a fortunate position to be able to afford most of what I want. As long as a person shows gratitude they are okay in my books.

I don't care about their background whether they are rich or poor!

8 years ago

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I know what you mean and you're totally right. You would think the least someone could do after getting a free game would be to say thanks, but it seems like gratitude and manner are something that a lot of people are missing... I wouldn't feel right if I didn't say thank you after I won a game from someone. Sorry you had to deal with that:(

8 years ago

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It's a good idea. I've always planned on thanking the GA creator if I won something. 5 months and still no luck, but one day... one day I'll get lucky!

8 years ago

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You will get there :) Hang in there

8 years ago

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If you are fortunate enough to get onto some peoples whitelists it does making winning much easier since the entries are far less than for the general public

8 years ago

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That is true. Also, I don't enter lots of GAs. I think there's probably lots of people who just enter for whatever games they don't already own, but I wait for something I really want. I also don't want to receive more than I've given, so that really narrows down what I can enter for as well.

8 years ago

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Not sure if my thanks always gets seen with all the other message's left on the GA, but I try. I worry I may have missed saying thank you on one, not because I wasn't thankful, but because unexpected life events occurred and I was in a mental fog... :(
But even though I haven't won any GA's from you, thanks for giving stuff away!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I always get back to the giveaway page after a win to say thanks, and tell the giveaway creator that I have activated the key on Steam and marked as received.

On a few occasions the giveaway creator has contacted me with the key through Steam or e-mail, and in those cases I said thanks through there, but a key sent through the SG system = thanks in the giveaway comments from me.

8 years ago

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Same here, i always try to let them know it's been received and activated as well as marked.

Like the OP said, it takes a few seconds.

8 years ago

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yeah that kinda sucks, a bit impolite to win and not say thanks either here or on steam.

now someone will complain "i didn't have time to post a 'thank you' message, i was in a hurry" :3

8 years ago

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He's not demanding it 5 seconds later though, no one (who seems to have time to Enter) is THAT busy.

So I couldn't see justifying that excuse.

8 years ago

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there was a thread 2 days ago exactly about this, and the excuse was somewhat like that quote. :3

8 years ago

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Oh, must have missed that thread... I was too busy :P

8 years ago

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I would normally say thanks on the ga page after i received the game but i believe i have forgotten to say thanks a few times but i am too lazy to go through all the wins and say thanks. Even if i do, i think that it is awkward to say thanks a few months after winning. (imaging a guy who hasnt posted a giveaway for months suddenly receiving a message of thank for a giveaway. I would probably freak out)

8 years ago

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I try to say thanks somehow after winning.

8 years ago

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I just recently won something but I'm not able to find a way to message my thanks to the user, only see a feedback on the sidebar. What I was also thinking was leaving a comment on the ga page like the other users?

8 years ago

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That's a simple, easy and fast way to leave a message indeed. Another thing you could do is post on the gifters Steam profile or even add them to express your gratitude. There are quite some ways if you really want to.

8 years ago

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I do always say thank you when I win, I get happy when I send a gift and people say thank you to me too but I don't blacklist people who don't, well that's just me :]

As I read in a Yunie post: Your games, your rules!

8 years ago

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Hmm, looks like I should enter your public/private giveaways in the future so that I can get on your whitelist and leech your whitelist giveaways...
Scribbles note to self on sticky note
Nah, just kidding
...Or am I?
It's 3AM
I should go to bed

8 years ago

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I'm the same way, man. I was brought up and taught to say please and thank you. I always leave a message saying thanks and letting them know I received, marked, and activated the game.

It astounds me when others find it difficult to take a minute to do the same. :(

8 years ago

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hmm, thank you?
i always say thank you... and i don't believe in blacklisting anymore...

8 years ago

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I agree 100%

8 years ago

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I love when people write in my giveaways. I dont care if it just simple "thank you". Mannerliness is power!

8 years ago

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Just gone though all my giveaways and the stats are shocking

75% of people that won didn't acknowledge that they won with a simple thanks - they have all been blacklisted now!
25% of people that won actually posted a thank you for the win on the giveaway profile - they have been added to my whitelist now

8 years ago

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I must be lucky then, I got thank you's from most of my winners, probably from 75% of them. Those who didn't bother to do so... well they were introduced to my dark list. :o/

8 years ago

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Bump and meow for thanks. I always say thanks. But I don't say thanks unless I win, as many people don't like spamming thanks (and some even blacklist you for saying "thanks"!).

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8 years ago

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