Do you mean the shirt thing? It seems to me that it's more appropriate for leisure time than to give a public statement, but I don't think it needs specifically an excuse.
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Looks like a typical exaggerated-on-purpose 80s shirt. It's not really sexist or kinky or anything in any way. It's just colorful and has a sporty girl on it.
And frankly I only saw a very interesting scientific/engineering news. One really needs a distorted point of view for that shirt to be sexist, in my opinion.
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I mean: human kind does something interesting/decent for once and they go "omg look his shirt!"?
Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
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they just don't know how to become one with the snap
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Scandal is hardly an appropriate word. I'm all for equality, but feminism is turning into a huge joke if the man can't even wear a shirt without being bashed for it. Fight for something important like the apparent pay difference, I highly doubt this man's shirt is ruining anyone's life.
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I do have to agree to this. I feel like feminism in this case right here was taken to far.
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Just a shirt imo. No need to throw a big fuss. Only because he's famous that they're making a whole load of noise. If I wore it nobody would even say anything.
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It was a poorly chosen shirt for such a huge event, but there's nothing inherently wrong with the shirt. Just not suitable for the inevitable amount of press you'll get for doing something as cool as landing on a comet. Its like accepting your Pulitzer in a wife-beater.
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The guy just landed a harpoon thingy on a comet some 10 years from Earth... I say he gets to wear whatever the hell he wants.
Man, modern feminism is stupid as it can get.
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Unprofessional: Yeah most likely. Semi-insulting: Yeah, no.
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DOOED AR U SOOPIHD? He told every woman in the world... to make him a sandwich. But in all seriousness, what the fuck are people smoking right now? It must be pretty potent if a man who just helped make a brilliant scientific breakthrough for all of humankind got harassed to the point of tears just because he wore a shirt. Maybe it was unprofessional, but maybe he wore it because it was COMFORTABLE, and the mission takes a long time so he doesn't want to wear a fucking suit while helping the comet land. Maybe he wore it because it calmed him down during the stress of the mission. Maybe he woke up and thought he had a different shirt on but couldn't be late so he just wore it anyway. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT. He didn't insult ANYONE. Why don't people flag FUCKING Playboy as insulting and degrading instead of harassing this man.
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So we have people from all over the world in this forum so my question at you guys is, did the media that you follow in your country report on that? For me here in Germany it is the first time I heard about it. They covered the Rosetta mission and all that but not that guy or his shirt.
Could it be that something like this is more of a big deal in the US than in other countries? [When I googled it the first thing I found was a CNN report.] strawpoll
If you don't mind could you tell us were you are from?
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I first saw this I think on imgur or something. I ve seen nothing about the shirt on my country's (Greece) TV channels or anywhere else. Not even on my Facebook page.
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Your Germany, ColKadlik's Czech Rep. and my Poland - the mainstream media in central Europe (also Lithuania and Italy) seems to not take much care about US scandals. The whole thing, that feminists-media-war or dunno how to call it, fortunately not reached our boundaries of common sense. I mean, a UE borders. ;)
But maybe it's only a matter of time when it reaches us, like everything from US like halloween, cola zero and donuts. ;P
Aa someone said, "we just landed a harpoon thingy on a comet some 10 years from Earth", the mission looks almost;) like Armageddon and talking about shirt is nonsensical.
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I haven't been following that much, but here in Canada I haven't got a peep about this. I actually had to do a Goggle search to know what it was about.
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of course not in asia too, what kind of media make a fuss about that. Oh wait, good old U.S.A did , what a suprise
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Fakn political correctness. If this is scandal I don't want to live on this planet any more. Going to meet Philae on 67P. So disappoint...
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My thoughts? I try not to have thoughts about this because I m getting so fucking mad that I cant punch those bitches in the face.
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Oh my god, someone completely lost his dress sense, it's the end of the world! Seriously, the dude apologized, can we move on to the real sexism and oppression of women that happens in many parts of the world? And get back to rocket science if you're not interested in that topic?
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Well, I would prefer not to be friends with someone who considers that shirt offensive.
And people saying he got what he deserved... I would have no problem cutting them off completely. I don't like associating with morons.
Here, read this.
As far as I'm concerned, that settles the issue.
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"scandal", are you serious?!? o_O
This is as far from a scandal as anything could get... It's simply so REALLY bored SJW's that decided to create drama in a story that they probably didn't understand, because they felt left out and we all know how SJW's think that they SHOULD be included in everything, ever...
The only thing it's really done, is show how INCREDIBLY petty these types of people and especially the two morons who wrote the original article, really are. lol
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This entire story is so pointless that it's mind boggling...
Like I said earlier, these people are showing the world that they have NOTHING else to do but make a career out of being offended and they always seem to pick the most frivolous and petty things to be offended by.
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134 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by schlossritter
Hey guys,
I though I might ask here what you think about all the fuss around Matt Taylor. If you don't know who that is or what happened, just ignore it or Google it.
Why am I asking you? I was surprised/shocked that a lot of my friends share the same view as the people (usually women) complaining. It came to the point that some friends (women) even said that they are not sure whether they can be friends with someone (me) who agrees with what he did.
So, what are you thoughts?
Please, keep it civil :)
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