Hey guys,

I though I might ask here what you think about all the fuss around Matt Taylor. If you don't know who that is or what happened, just ignore it or Google it.

Why am I asking you? I was surprised/shocked that a lot of my friends share the same view as the people (usually women) complaining. It came to the point that some friends (women) even said that they are not sure whether they can be friends with someone (me) who agrees with what he did.

So, what are you thoughts?

Please, keep it civil :)

10 years ago*

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Friends who require you to believe the same things as them, are not friends worth having.

10 years ago

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Wow, I can't even facepalm enough. If you are offended by this shirt, go build a rocket and live on another planet (take all those feminazis with you while you are at it)

10 years ago

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I think there are a few big issues here.

1) it is never morally just to harass someone for a mistake, regardless of whether you believe that mistake 'oppresses' you or not. It is hypocritical, offensive and a disgusting display of the basest of human behaviours. You cannot oppress to liberate the world of oppression, it just does not work.

2) When one of the major facets of your ideology is "nobody has a right to tell me what to wear, or that my wearing something is the cause for negative consequences," you CANNOT tell people what to wear, and justify your own animalistic bloodlusting inhumane behaviours because the target in question was wearing the wrong thing.

3) All humans are shit, it's just some shits help advance our understanding of the universe, providing amazing technological and engineering feats and somehow manage to also find time to be comfortable and enjoy their lives whilst helping humans explore space; some, however, just bully people and bitch on tumblr. I know which side I butter my bastard bread.

10 years ago

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Erm why is it sexist? I looked at some news articles and they all said it was, I don't understand how.

10 years ago

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Scantily clad women all over it, the equivalent of having a swim suit model poster in your office. Not exactly a shirt you should wear at work, but not so grossly offensive that you should be hounded for it.

10 years ago

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In some other time that guy shows up with that shirt and people just call him nerd or something , i miss the old times :( now u can't appear with shirts like that because people get offended because u are using a hawaiian shirt. Hawaii is offensive

10 years ago

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Yep haven't heard anything about this, I think it's just a shirt and though I do see it as a shirt that could be easily disapproved of it's hardly scandal worthy. From the replies it seems this was spread by twitter and most likely from thing similar to ifunny and 4chan so the people making a big deal about this are probably ignorant to any type of actual feminism and just want to join the masses

10 years ago

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ಠ_ಠ Em, I think his shirt is awesome (and yes, i'm a girl). And sorry, this scandal a "bulls.r.hit". Do not "be friends with this" weird woman!

10 years ago

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Quote: "The controversy follows the revelations from the scientist’s sister Maxine that he could be “useless” in everyday life. Portraying her tattooed sibling as absent-minded, unable to find his car in the car park, and sometimes lacking in common sense, she told the Evening Standard, he didn’t like making decisions."

He's a scientist, duh.

10 years ago

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If this guy wear a shirt with "F*ck allah/niggers" then yeah, i can see the problem here.
But this, not even naked girls... dafuq people?

10 years ago

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If he's anything like me or some other scientist associates I've had it was probably one of his least daggy shirts. In his head the logic might have been, "hmm, need to dress for the occasion. Better wear my shirt with the collar."

It may be reinforcing the stereotype but usually science-y people have terrible dress sense, and an even worse wardrobe. I think it's telling it wasn't even a shirt he bought but one he was given.

10 years ago

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kids these days
tweet apparently was an ironic joke, but by some it was taken seriously too ;)

10 years ago

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aaaaaaaaaaaand you're giving them the attention they need to tell themselves they're of value.

10 years ago

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to be honest except the"hey man there maybe children watching the show dont wear that shirt" thing (wich i dont think so) i dont see anything wrong with that... .

to me the shirt looks stupid more than anything ..... it was kinda fun too...

10 years ago

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This is how you react when you're standing next to someone who is 67 times the human being you are and who is making you feel impotent and worthless - you exert power over them in any way available to you. 'I'll never be an astrophysicist, but I've made one apologise to me and weep. Life hasn't been wasted in vain.'

Yes we can.

10 years ago

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