Not sure if this belongs here but I'm not sure what else I can do. I submitted a ticket to support around Christmas, have updated it with additional information, but I've yet to receive a response from support. Can I humbly request someone take a look at it and at least acknowledge it's existence.


EDIT: This has now been dealt with, it was a giveaway deletion request. Thanks again support team!

6 years ago*

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Yes, you definitely can ask for it...

Results may not be worth coming however...

6 years ago

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I don't understand, what do you mean by "Results may not be worth coming however..."?

Did you mean forth coming, instead of worth coming?

6 years ago

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For some things there is very few or single person who can do anything about it. Others are very low priority and can take so long it's not an issue anymore...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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The alternative is people filling the support queue with tickets asking them to look at their other tickets. I've seen that first hand from the support side and it gets messy fast.

I think three months is a more than ample time to wait for a first response, don't you?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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That's cool. I'm not demanding a resolution to the issue immediately, but some kind of acknowledgement that the ticket had been received and an estimated wait time for a response would have been nice. It's how tickets are handled where I work.

6 years ago

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Consider this acknowledgement that your ticket has been received.

6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Hmm. Time of ticket at first of queue would be nice stat.

6 years ago

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Oh wow. What's the situation like these days, are they still snowed in under 1 year+ old tickets? I guess three months isn't really that bad after all.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

6 years ago

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Yikes, no I was not aware. I've been in the trenches of a backed up support system on more than one occasion myself, I do not envy the task!

6 years ago

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I got two user reports open at 1 year plus... So with those there is no luck, and probably never will be...

6 years ago

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Oh wow. What's the situation like these days, are they still snowed in under 1 year+ old tickets?

Yes, we are. Please be patient.

6 years ago

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I've experienced backed up support queues from the support side first hand a few times, patience is my middle name. :)

I see you've now dealt with my ticket, so thank you very much to you and your team!

6 years ago

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Nope, after it hits 2 years you can think if you should close it or not. Many here has over year old tickets.

6 years ago

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Fair enough, I wasn't aware the situation was so bad.

6 years ago

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I have a ticket open that tomorrow makes 2 years.... March 31, 2016!

6 years ago

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Closed it for you.

6 years ago

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Closing them seems to be easy...
At least was anything done about it? Since this was the only feedback I got for it...

6 years ago

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Tickets are left open for one of three reasons: action is required that has yet to be carried out; information within the ticket is connected to an ongoing investigation; or both. When none of those conditions are met, the ticket is closed.

Beyond that, private information is kept private..

6 years ago

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Private information? No one asked for it...

Guess reporting users for "inappropriate behavior" is useless, since tickets either take forever to be answered and when they are it seems like nothing is done.

Thank you.

6 years ago

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Good grief...

  • Reporting users for whatever reason is not "useless" unless you fail to provide any information for us to investigate.
  • Tickets are answered when we can get to them. If the information in your ticket expires before that happens, you have the option of closing the ticket on your own. Otherwise, leave it for us and we will deal with it when we get to the ticket.
  • Whatever action we take regarding User Reports, you will only be contacted if our investigation requires it.

Private information? No one asked for it...

You just did, right here, and when I refused to post any on our public forum, you got snarky about it. Support does not share its inner workings with the public, and that is as it should be. In any case, I do my best to remain polite and professional in my duties as Moderator, no matter how badly I may be treated by the people I serve.

6 years ago*

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I'm not going to dwell much on this, since I bet it will come to bite me since I'm somehow "arguing" with support when I initially didn't even addressed support.

But how is asking if something was done about it asking for private information? A simple yes/no would answer the question and no private information would be given. Support provides as much information when they answer support tickets for other issues like multiple wins.

Snarky? Was not trying to be snarky but was however quite disappointed with how the matter was treated. A ticket was open for 2 years minus 1 day, a support member sees a comment mentioning it and replies that the ticket is now closed, you check the ticket and there is no reply, you check the user that was reported and nothing is different.
What do you expect the user to think? Well, I thought that the ticket was closed for the sake of closing it.

I'm sorry if you are having a bad day, but "how badly I may be treated by the people I serve", is this supposed to say that I was treating you badly or something?

I always had good experiences when dealing with support and always seen support in a mostly positive way. Until this exchange.
That last paragraph really is something.

6 years ago*

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Take a minute to think about this from my perspective.

  1. I went out of my way to handle your ticket personally. I did not have to do that. I could have just left it in the queue until a Support member had time to review it and act upon it, but I did not. I chose to act upon it immediately so as to ensure that it was handled and handled properly. I will not detail what actions I took, but I tend to be quite thorough. It took up most of the available time I had to do that, but I did it, and then I took the time to respond to you personally.
  2. Your response came across as dismissive and disrespectful. Apparently, you think we close tickets simply because we don't feel like doing anything about them. Not only is that "assuming the worst" of us, it is downright insulting. Especially when you consider how much time and effort we actually put into moderating this site. Nevertheless, I politely addressed that very assumption with my follow-up response. Tickets are not closed unless and until anything that can and/or should be done has been done.
  3. Your next response read as denial, followed by ridicule, followed by sarcasm. You say that you were not trying to be snarky, but I have yet to see any other way of interpreting what you wrote. Instead of feeling relieved that you had called attention to the matter and it had been dealt with appropriately by Staff, you felt disappointed because you assumed (wrongly) that you had been ignored and Staff had arbitrarily closed your ticket, possibly without even reading it.

Well, I thought that the ticket was closed for the sake of closing it.

It would seem that you have a very low opinion of us, and you therefore expect the worst from us and treat us accordingly. That is disappointing, but not unusual. To be fair, there are other users who regularly insult, abuse, and lie about us---even on our public forum---and I have not noticed that level of animosity from you. Still, in light of what I have just written, can you honestly claim that you have been respectful and polite as is becoming in a public forum? How we deal with other people is a choice each one of us makes. I do not claim to be above making mistakes or failing to meet the high standards set for Support, but I do feel the weight of my responsibility to do the right thing.

6 years ago*

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Well, it seems that we are putting tone to the other words that is not the tone intended to be passed on.
One of the reasons why I don't like to communicate with people that I'm not familiar over text only, a lot is left out to the interpretation of the reader, and that not always goes well.

Since neither of us had any ill intentions in our actions and words, what about we move on? Since it seems like we misunderstood each other.

Let's enjoy the weekend and Easter/Passover if you celebrate it. Deal?

6 years ago

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That sounds like an excellent idea.

6 years ago

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