Why not use Captchas against the bots? It would be a bit more tedious for the users but it means no more bots, right?

7 years ago

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What about NO!? A bit more... tedious. 3 times for a captcha because they rarely register the first time, and even bots can bypass them, they will just continue but the normal users/people can go through the annoyances and grieve of it.


7 years ago*

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Why is there so much hate against Captchas in there? Litterally the only thing you have to do is click on a button that says: ''I am not a robot.'' and done.

7 years ago

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You don't have to just click a button, you have to select a couple of pictures, usually they don't register the first time, sometimes pictures keep disappearing so you have to switch to audio with people sometimes yelling their numbers.
Sometimes it skips the picture part, then you just click okay, but not how it supposed to work.
And it does simply not stop bots in any way.

7 years ago*

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And it does simply not stop bots in any way.

Citations please

7 years ago

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Google? I dunno i just heard stories.

Anyhow "Now there’s still some controversy surrounding the effectiveness of CAPTCHA. As most consumers know, bots have been the main problem when it comes to scalpers getting their hands on tickets for events, concerts and plays. Some of the sites where these tickets are purchased from do have CAPTCHA, but some crafty individuals out there have figured out how to get around the system. Supreme could find the same issue happening to its site."


7 years ago

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Ever heard of google? I dunno i just heard stories.

So you hear stories and form the opinion that captchas "does simply not stop bots in any way"? Ok then :)

7 years ago*

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Most people do every day, by a thing called watching the news (which is also alot more onesided/propaganda even then most know)...

I gave you a link. probably plenty more, but can't be bothered. Believe it or don't.
You are wrong again with assumptions that i form an opinion on that, my opinion is also based on the annoyance and grieve it brings to normal users just for those few assholes that are using bots.

7 years ago

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I'm most times banned because I have to do to many captchas because suck sites require them.

7 years ago

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It's true for a first. second, ..., eleventh click. But after that you'll have to choose "cars", "road signs" and other stuff on pictures (I'm talking about reCaptcha).

It's really-really annoing, trust me. Imagine that you have to make around 9+ clicks to enter GA (1 - open GA page, 1 - click on "Enter GA", 1 click on "I'm not a robot", others - on picture and submiting each step)

7 years ago

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If you do this more than like 5 times from the same ip, you get these annoying tasks you have to do.

7 years ago

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Cause capcha are boring and impossible to do on phones.
I fed up to do capcha 3 times for a little thing.
Indigala tried it. It was a mistake and a reback being done fast.

Lot of users are quitting Sg since point reform.
If you want a no-mans-website I suggest to do capchas and video advertisements ;)

7 years ago

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Lot of users are quitting Sg since point reform.

Awesome, better odds for the rest of us :P

7 years ago

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You are starting to get annoying again.

7 years ago

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You are starting to get annoying again.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Did you ever consider that this might be a problem on your end rather than mine?

7 years ago*

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No never thought that, i remember our discussions from the past, being a smartass always wanting the last word.
Thought you changed but apparently not.
Like back then, leave me alone please.

7 years ago*

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No never thought that, i remember our discussions from the past, being a smartass always wanting the last word.
Thought you changed but apparently not, also back to your large majority of invite only giveaways.
Like back then, leave me alone please.

This is so hilarious that I feel I need to save it for younger generations :)

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7 years ago

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"being a smartass always wanting the last word."

And then look at what you did just now (not to mention your other comments i am reading below). Point taken.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Lot of users are quitting Sg since point reform.

If people are quitting over such a trivial thing, I don't think it'll be much of a loss. A smaller amount of toxic people is never a bad thing.

I don't think we'll be running out of users any time soon.

7 years ago

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of course they are quitting, how dares CG to give them less chances to win free stuff than before?

it's unconstitutional, a violation of the leech-rights amendment! *RAGE*

*goes to indiegala to leech 3 cent games*

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7 years ago

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After seeing the rage comments in the autojoin script Steam group, I have little faith left in humanity.

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7 years ago

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Whoa Francis went ham on that Catan game! Haven't seen that one!

7 years ago

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Some that I know are good gifters. You can't generalize that all users that quitting are "bad"...

7 years ago

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If they're willing to leave the site over being able to enter fewer giveaway per day, they can't have been that "good" either. Most likely some of those people who saw their own giveaways as "investment" and expected a good return on them.

7 years ago

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Maybe if you're logged into google/chrome and have all the default app/privacy settings.

If you limit cookies and have other privacy plugins, captcha HATES you and will make you run through 3-6 (yes, SIX) of those stupid fucking "click all the squares with street signs" things.

So I vote not just no, but HELL no.

7 years ago

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Sounds like a plausible explanation. Thank you

7 years ago

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Big no 🙅
This is suggestions week on steamgifts?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't know, feels like the logical step to me. They are developed to solve this very problem after all. I can understand why people with 70k+ entries would be worried though :P

Edit: I have to wonder why there seems to be such a different user experience with captchas. While I'm almost never bothered by them some seem to think it's one of the worst things that could happen to this site.

7 years ago*

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Only 20% of people here with level 6+ read description, and only 10% of people actually open giveaway page and read comments. I tested this many times with extra copy in public giveaway
About captchas - all this cars, rivers and shop pictures sucks

7 years ago

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I only have a slight problem with storefronts on occasion and to be honest I rarely even have to choose any pictures at all

7 years ago

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So if we will get captchas, minimum giveaway time 24 hours and giveaways for patrons-only with gold points... - u like this steamgifts? I don't. Gameminer ver. 2.0

7 years ago

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I never liked the new point system either (i can accept some changes, but this was too drastic) with Captcha's i am definitely out of here too.

Will be loads of chances yeah for those few left to stay.

7 years ago

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No, OMG.

7 years ago

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Imho whoever originally came up with captchas should die a horrible death, on fire, while falling from a cliff, onto a row of jagged rocks and into a water full of angry sharks.
I can't for the life of me understand why people keep suggesting them, I must have some form of disability because I can never and I mean NEVER get them right.

7 years ago

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the only thing worse than captchas are password requirements that include capital letters, numbers, and symbols - as if a computer can't parse through those in an instant

7 years ago

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OMG, especially when you're trying to sign up with the password you use LITERALLY everywhere else, but nope, gotta add a capital letter or symbol. Then next time you're on the site you forgot that minor detail and you're pulling your hair out going "I ONLY HAVE 1 PASSWORD IT CAN'T BE WRONG @#!$$%#^*&%! "

7 years ago

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oh, and when you need a new password, you aren't allowed to use the TEN previous ones!

Note: the guy who came up with those password requirements later apologized

7 years ago

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At least now we know why we suffer. I'll need a few moments to process that apology though, hahaha.

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7 years ago

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To be fair, you should never use the same password in two places. (I know, we all end up doing it anyway, especially on a site where you don't think you will ever visit again.)

But if you need to have the same password everywhere, pick a long one with capital letters, numbers and special characters. :P

7 years ago

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True that.
In the defense of the example, I have the tendency to rank the sites or services/software I use based on frequency and/or reliability and the information I use for each rank is the same, but ofc different among ranks.
The method hasn't failed me so far and it helps maintain my sanity. >-<

7 years ago

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But if you need to have the same password everywhere, pick a long one with capital letters, numbers and special characters. :P

This is true but that should be the users decision not the sites.

7 years ago

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Introducing captchas would probably be too logical though. Some would rather change anything else about SG, than to chose the primary solution against bots. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Considering how few giveaways we can enter now, with the new point system, it wouldn't even be that tedious!

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7 years ago

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Whenever there's talk about captchas, 99% of time we end up with ReCatpcha. I'm not doing free work for Big Brother Google (yes, when you "solve" their ReCaptchas, you work for the benefit of their spooky image recognition algorithms).
I wouldn't mind privacy-respecting captchas otherwise, if used parsimoniously (e.g. one every X entries, like others suggested)

7 years ago*

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It's off topic but in what way is an image recognition algorithm spooky?

7 years ago

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Sending cars to take pictures of all the streets (and front-yards) in the world to apply said algorithm on it, applying said algorithm on every single picture their crawler finds on the Internet... 👀
(indeed the algo isn't really spooky by itself: the way Google uses it is)

7 years ago

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Ok, I don't know anything about how they are using it. But your examples does not sound very spooky to me either :)

7 years ago

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It's been discussed recently when the latest changes were announced. Some people are hell-bent against it for some reason. Probably the ones using those scripts in the first place.

It could be added to 1 in 10 entries or something like that to keep the annoyance to a minimum for regular users while leaving autojoiners with very few entries. Especially with the Invisible reCAPTCHA which will not even appear at all unless there is suspicious activity, and even then it's just a box to tick. (Unless there is even more suspicious activity, but then it's just a couple of pictures to click. Much simpler than the olden days with warped text.)

7 years ago

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That's bullshit "the ones using scripts" i don't have to suffer captcha's for those that do use bots (again not proven some bots can't circumvent it) not just for this site, it's on alot sites together too that makes this so damn annoying.
On top as others said, they rarely register the first time.

7 years ago*

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"the ones using scripts" i don't have to suffer captcha's

Freudian slip? :P

7 years ago

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I quoted him, after came a sentence saying i don't have to suffer "because i am not one of them".

If you want to read that the wrong way and make assumptions, go ahead.

7 years ago

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again not proven some bots can't circumvent it

A sophisticated bot can certainly be designed to circumvent it, but the regular greasemonkey scripts that most people use can't. I wouldn't mind filling the occasional captcha if it means that 90% of the autojoiners entries are gone.

they rarely register the first time

With reCAPTCHA, in the many years they've been around, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen them fail. The ones with pictures are especially super easy to complete in a couple of seconds. (It doesn't take a rocket scientist to identify road signs)

7 years ago

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You don't mind i respect that, but like with the points system, the other side are choosing/agreeing with things, the other don't like.
CG never included a poll about that, someone did after he implemented it, a majority don't like it. Just saying.

Then i must be dense, because it usually takes 2 or 3 tries. I even get pictures disappearing sometimes.

7 years ago

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Some people are hell-bent against it for some reason.

I'm special and it takes a few tries before I can beat the "Click on the Street Signs" game ;-;.

7 years ago

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Took a few tries but I managed to come to terms with clicking every sign and not just street signs :P

Edit: This is me saying that I had some slight trouble not following the instructions even as it evidently didn't work. In case I was a bit ambiguous.

7 years ago*

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Wow.... now my latest answer to Lugum sounds bad. "(It doesn't take a rocket scientist to identify road signs)"

I guess I just can't understand where the difficulty lies.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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"skip" 👀

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Finally one that I would get right every time.

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7 years ago

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Some people are hell-bent against it for some reason. Probably the ones using those scripts in the first place.

That sounds a lot like "If you don't agree with me, it's because you're a rule-breaker." Probably not the best way to win people over to your perspective about captchas.

IMHO it's most probably because some people don't feel they should be "punished" along with the bots for problems only the bot-users cause. If CG does have a way to distinguish bots from humans (as he's stated), then captchas should become a non-issue anyway.

7 years ago

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I guess I just don't understand the hate against them. Sure, the old style captchas where you had unintelligible text that you had to type back were a real pain in the ass, but modern captchas are a lot less aggravating.

Unfortunately, abusers are always the reason why legitimate users have to suffer through some extended security measures.

7 years ago

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I can tell you why I dislike them - because I often get the ones that say "choose the cars" and there are no cars, or the ones that keep cycling through storefronts until you've seen every storefront in the western world (and then it still denies you). I also have a degenerative eye disease and already use a separate monitor for browsing the forums, and captchas are an added annoyance to me on some of the worse days (obviously that's a personal thing, but it still affects my perspective).

They've become easier to use, no doubt, but they can still be a pain in the ass. I'd much prefer the bots be banned rather than see the rest of us punching our screens over failed captchas.

7 years ago

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Wouldn't it be easier for you to simply click the headphone icon and do the audio one instead?

I too would rather see the bots banned but I'm not kidding myself. The scripts will adapt to become harder to detect and the problem will continue.

7 years ago

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Wouldn't it be easier for you to simply click the headphone icon and do the audio one instead?

Drummer since I was 5, but yes, they are sometimes easier. Their quality is often as questionable as the visual captchas.

After speaking with CG a bit about it, I'm going to remain hopeful that bots will be dealt with. He told me he's still collecting data (and that's all - seems he wants to keep things close to the vest, and that's a good thing). I'm sure if that doesn't pan out, something like captchas could become the next measure. I certainly won't like it, but if all other means have been exhausted, I guess I'd deal with it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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+1 I too tend to get the single checkbox very rarely compared to others it seems...

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7 years ago

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Unless there is even more suspicious activity, but then it's just a couple of pictures to click.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to get to this point? Because let me tell you it is piss easy and incredibly annoying. And no I don't use auto join scripts and I am out of here if I ever have to click on a billion storefronts every time I want to join a giveaway.

7 years ago

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That's surprisingly lenient. I'd certainly, at least stop joining giveaways, if I had to click only hundreds of storefronts :P

7 years ago

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I never had to click more than 4-5 myself. I don't know what kind of captcha he's using. ;)

7 years ago

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She and I might be exaggerating a tiny tiny tiny bit, but I had 2 or 3 before where I had to click on +15 of them. Lets just say I was mildly infuriated after I was done with it.

7 years ago

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It has been popping up often. I would love to have it, even if as an option at giveaway creation.

7 years ago

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I would love to have it, even if as an option at giveaway creation.

This makes a lot of sense. It might possibly even satisfy everyone sad-faced about suggestions to increase giveaway durations since the main argument against is that giveaway creators should have more choice

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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"An option at GA creation" protected by the same captchas ^^

7 years ago

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That's an idea I can get behind.

7 years ago

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That would most probably stretch the nerves and patience of a lot of SG users to an unbearable extent. ;-)

7 years ago

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And yet, those same people will probably be willing to do a large laundry list of tasks for a shitty game key on a Gleam.io giveaway.

7 years ago

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Most probably so but that's the proverbial nature of the beast.

7 years ago

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depends on the captcha used
basic recaptcha or funcaptcha would be fine with me

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7 years ago

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Never seen the second one before. Seems like it would be solvable even for me. People seem to like puzzles so I'm sure it would be appreciated here :P

7 years ago

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This kind of captcha every ~5 gibs would be nice... :3

7 years ago

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Even at a random time interval it would most likely help a lot

7 years ago

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google offers an invisible captcha now.
you don't even have to do anything:


7 years ago

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i would rather BAN autojoiners, no need to annoy everyone because of a bunch of cheaters.

7 years ago

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+1 & <3

7 years ago

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I would also like to see that. But going through some comments, I am guessing that wont happen. There was a discussion thread on one of the Autoscript steam group. Some people were giving ideas how to set the script so they wont be caught. That's for me is the genuine proof. But the comments here in SG, I see people saying it can't be counted as a proof. Now the user involved in the autojoin-script steam discussion are openly calming they were only using for "night mode". Why the hell are they using the auto-join script when there are scripts like SGv2 Dark and Steamgifties Black/Blue already targeted for that, why the hell are they suggesting about the tweaks in discussion board only if they wanted the dark theme? Why take a risk?
I agree that some user might be genuinely using the theme only, everyone makes a mistake. But those suggesting tweaks like random entry at 4-5 seconds, cooldowns for a certain time... why can't it be counted as a proof?
I hope cg has collected data about the enter patterns, points status of users. I hope he will look at data before the new changes and act based on that data. If the actions will be based on after the new changes then those rule-breakers would go free.

7 years ago

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yes, that's just an excuse to be lazy.

i use autojoining because my eyes hurt
because i'm too busy
because the user interface isn't friendly ;_;

they are just shameless leeches.

there are other ways to catch autojoiners without relying in data like time between entries (which can be randomized). but i won't say anything in case cg is also doing it. xD

7 years ago

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Cg was not able to identify a user with 140k+ entries in 2 years as script user... im not sure SG will start to ban them, didn't see a single suspended script user till now... :(

7 years ago

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Yep give creators an option. It's a click of a button. Yes it's not great but I'd rather there was something else to work against bots. I don't see it as a punishment like some people but I feel like it's a higher chance as less bots will get in

7 years ago

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I don't see it as a punishment like some people but I feel like it's a higher chance as less bots will get in

I'm honestly a bit surprised that we're not seeing more of this perspective, despite knowing about the general tendency for people to be vocal about things they don't like as opposed to things they like or just ok with. I suspect a bit of projection bias on my part

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks, didnt realize that

7 years ago

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No worries at all. This suggestion, if it even was intended as one, works perfectly well as a discussion thread :)

7 years ago

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You can always change the category of a discussion...

7 years ago

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No, again.

7 years ago

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Again, as someone who use phones to go on Steamgifts a lot, no. Even the basic one gets really annoying after a while, if it's optional for giveaway creators I may tolerate it but will never use it myself.

7 years ago

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Bots became so proficient at solving captchas they had a higher rate of success than humans. So nope, very bad idea

7 years ago

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Please no, never. Captchas are the most horrible thing ever conceived.

7 years ago

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Captchas? Why not paying 1¢ per entered GA. Best autojoiner disabler ever.

PS: I'm joking. (Just to make sure)

7 years ago

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Captchas are a good idea. Anyone passionate enough in a certain game would have no problem spending a few extra seconds. It would filter out not just the bots but the people who really want the game from those who don't, this is just my opinion of course.

7 years ago

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I think it's a good idea. I'll quote my previous comment from here

I know a lot of people would not want a captcha for every giveaway, myself included, but what if the site added 1 captcha per hour? You would only have to complete a captcha if you have not completed one in the last hour and then you can enter whatever you want for the next hour. I think that would work great, at least for stopping the bots while people are sleeping. Most people that use bots would probably be too lazy to come here during the day every hour and complete a captcha as well.

I would even be happy with having to do one every 30 minutes. Most people probably go to the main page and enter everything they want to enter in less than 30 minutes. I don't see why other people that spend much more time here, like myself, would have a problem with doing one every 30 minutes. It may not be needed though, 1 hour might be good enough.

The only thing I would like would be the ability to complete a captcha in advance if I want to restart the 1 hour or 30 minute timer. This is because I have on countless occasions found a giveaway that was ending in less than 20 or 15 seconds and I am just able to enter before it ends. It would not be cool if I saw a giveaway that was ending very soon and then I got a popup telling me to complete a captcha before i can enter the giveaway and I missed it. Maybe you could give us the option to manually do a captcha early so when you know the captcha timer is ending soon, I could click a button, like syncing your Steam account, to manually do a captcha early and restart the timer so it doesn't happen unexpectedly.

It should only pop up when you want to enter a giveaway, not just to use the site like if you were reading the discussion boards. Maybe you can even add a little timer on the top of the page with a countdown letting you know how long until you have to complete another and have an optional button to manually do a captcha now to reset the timer.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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I wouldn't mind the captchas that just require you to tick a box saying I am not a robot as I have never had a problem with those....but no blurry or disguised letters/numbers as I have a hard time with vision anyway and tend to fail those pretty often.

However, having said that, I do understand the frustration of others in regards to the annoyance of these captchas due to issues they have with them.

If there are captchas added, it should be on login, with a minimum of one-week cookies, so that you are only annoyed by them weekly unless you clear your browser cookies more often than that. Never add the captchas to each and every giveaway...please...pretty please...

7 years ago

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  • Bugs and suggestions is the category you want.
7 years ago

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